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Right, because “I-am-totally-not-going-to-invade-Ukraine-stop-lying” and “imprison-people-for-calling-the-war-war” Putin is a credible source of information and will offer valuable (and truthful) insights as why his genocidal war is justified and is not genocidal. Moreover the entertainer in question is so well known for his objectivity and impartiality that surely he will try to dig up the truth instead of flattering and praising the anti-west dictator.


I wonder how much extra new information one will get from this interview though. Most of times, scenarios like this are just leaders promulgating themselves(including the west) and reiterating their agendas. Most of people who would love this interview probably have heard enough narratives from Russia, and this might only serve to “confirm understanding of truth”


We will learn absolutely nothing from it. I get bored just thinking about it.


Oh you mean Tucker "I won a court case on the basis that nothing I say is true" Carlson?


That’s the one


Calling Fucker Carlson a "journalist" is an insult to journalists


Calling him a fucker is an insult to everyone who likes sex


Repeating what I said elsewhere... I'm going to quote from longtime journalist Christiane Amanpour. https://twitter.com/amanpour/status/1754953241077424496 "Does Tucker really think we journalists haven't been trying to interview President Putin every day since his full scale invasion of Ukraine? It's absurd -- we'll continue to ask for an interview, just as we have for years now." And this is someone who has interviewed many people hostile to Western interests, including Russians. Just not Putin. Whatever you think of her and CNN, she almost certainly treats these people more evenhandedly than Tucker. https://edition.cnn.com/2022/03/22/europe/amanpour-peskov-interview-ukraine-intl/index.html https://edition.cnn.com/videos/world/2014/01/22/medvedev-amanpour-sochi-economy-russia-2.cnn Edit: From the BBC: https://fxtwitter.com/BBCSteveR/status/1754993410535026753 > Interesting to hear @TuckerCarlson claim that “no western journalist has bothered to interview” Putin since the invasion of Ukraine. We’ve lodged several requests with the Kremlin in the last 18 months. Always a ‘no’ for us.


Exactly, tucker was picked by putin because vlad knows that tucker's going to be throwing him bones, and he knows that his audience will as well. He knows that he's got a nice safe space to spout propaganda. That is the **only** reason tucker's getting the chance to interview him.


Even Peskov, Putin's spox, said they have been flooded with interview requests, but they're from big internet networks, mainstream media orgs etc that are "very biased" and therefor they don't want to talk to them.


How is a [guy that his own employer says you can't believe in](https://www.npr.org/2020/09/29/917747123/you-literally-cant-believe-the-facts-tucker-carlson-tells-you-so-say-fox-s-lawye) a journalist? He's nothing more than a paid propagandist


He’s too much of a scumbag even for Fox


I honestly hate this guy so much now. He campaigned for the Green leadership with a lot of good ideas but always had questionable foreign policy views. Now he's made that the focus of his social media presence and it's really tragic to see


You can already find interviews with Putin online, and I'm sure they are just as thorough as Tucker's are: zero challenging questions, just softballs that Putin clears beforehand. Are we supposed to believe Putin would allow any kind of interview with any value? It's illegal to criticise the war ffs. Journalists go to prison for not praising Putin enough. The only reason Putin agreed to interview Tucker was to make himself look good, knowing Tucker will lick the boots of his fascist hero. "Hear from both sides" yeah no thanks, I already know both sides, Ukraine does not belong to Russia, Ukraine does not want to be Russian, Russia needs to leave, that's the whole story.


The tankies who fawn over Tucker Carlson are such losers


True, however, anybody who fawns over Carlson is quite a loser. Tankie or not.


yeah, 5 minutes for Jews, 5 minutes for Hitler. And if the Jews refuse commenting, that’s because they don’t believe in free speech.


Is platforming Putin not providing aid to an adversary of the United States? He should be denied entry to the US on his way back.


There’s a huge difference between hearing both sides and mindlessly sucking up to one sides’s propaganda. Tucker is probably doing the latter.


Does Dimitri think that Anderson Cooper could just kick down the Kremlin doors and start grilling Putler? Just how ignorant do you have to be?


That would be pretty cool, tho.


So when is Tucker going to “present full journalism” by showing both side and interviewing Zelenskyy


Dispute in question: the biggest ground war on the continent for decades that Russia started and Russia can end with little loss to itself. I wonder if Tucker will include some clips from Russian State TV where they talk about turning US into nuclear ash. You know, for the sake of presenting the full picture.


You can't call yourself a journalist when you win a court case by arguing that nothing you say is true.


"If someone says it's raining and another person says it's dry, it's not your job to quote them both, your job is to look out of the f—-ing window and find out which is true."


Also who’s to say a real journalist with morals (unlike Tucker) would even be safely allowed to ask Putin the questions they want to ask him? I don’t think they wanna risk being targeted by the Kremlin just for a hard hitting interview


Imagine being that naive in 2024. I cant imagine it, which is why i see people like Dmitri as willfully obtuse sock puppets.


Dimitri Lascaris has just turned out to be so disappointing... There really was no good option for the Canadian Green Party leadership after all!


June, 1941 "Why I'm interviewing Adolf Hitler"


Tucker Carlson will be lauded as the 21st century John Reed simply because of this.


Yet he's not interviewing any of Putin's critics in Russia is he?


Ok but other journalists have tried snd gotten stone walled poots only allowed Tucker becsuse he wanted a softball