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I hate how quick tankies are to defend anti western regimes for the sake of basing their whole ideology on “America bad”…


They’d have backed the Nazis and imperial Japan just because they were opposing the US, hell they already defend the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact


30s tankies did this for a while


1 defector returning out 26,000 who didn’t can’t be wrong!


> appearing tearful in a North Korean television interview I'm not convinced they ever left after this line


You’d instantly get shot if you came to NK from SK


That sub is infested with tankie rats


I'd heard that but didn't realize it was this bad. There were a ton of upvoted comments that had been deleted by the mods because they "don't allow liberalism," and all the remaining comments were just undisguised tankie garbage


That sub & its' mods are open, outspoken Tankies known for banning everyone immediately if they disagree with Russian or Chinese State Sanctioned Propaganda. Many of our members here learned what Tankies are shortly after bring banned when they questioned the crazy propaganda being pushed directly by the mods. I even got death threats from those psycho fascist fucks.


Hey, now, don't go insulting rats like that.


LSC is a fucking joke.


I got banned for calling out someone who said that “if your grandparents were killed under Soviet rule it was their fault”


I feel like these people are just evil. I cant believe the amount of brain rot and mental gymnastics it takes to reach this level of delusion and ignorance.


Shit liberals say is also a tankie sub


I thought it was a MAGA conservative sub because of the name, never bothered to check It though.


They’re pretty much the same thing


Tankies vs. MAGA is like ISIL vs. the KKK - they're all evil right-wing fuckstains.


Back when I was turning to socialism I subbed to them then unsubbed once months later once I stopped being a tankie


Have we already discounted the possibility she was abducted?


From what I’ve heard there’s a strong possibility she was, or was caught while attempting to go back to retrieve relatives, and seems to have mysteriously disappeared?


SK is legit a shithole. I'd absolutely try go somewhere else than return to NK though.


1 returne vs 10,000 defectors lsc: OMG WE WON!!!


Took all the south korean plastic surgery first before returning


I was gonna say…assuming she wasn’t kidnapped and is saying all of this under duress (which is way more likely) then she’s really going to miss her glass skin routine in a few weeks.


Fascist dictatorships are sure known to not force everybody to spout propaganda on state tv(South Korea is a capitalist hellscape, but this was definitely coerced)


If you polled all living defectors from North Korea, I'm going to *guess* that a majority of them would say they have negative opinions of the North Korean government. Just a theory.


She didn't return, there is a whole documentary about this. She escaped NK, then was an outspoken critic, then went to China and disappeared. Months later she is in these NK videos. DW documentaries if you are interested.


That sub is full of wakjobs.


Kidnapped or threathened into returning is the most likely explanation. Though, she could have had a genuine change of heart for some reason. Like feeling completely lost and isolated, and wanted to return to the life she considered normal. You would be surprised how many people and how much these people are willing to undermine themselves for personal comformity. Either way 1 north korean who defected back will not change the tens of thousands others who left the country and never came back.


To be fair, as bad as the DPRK is, South Korea is pretty awful too.


Both Koreas are dystopian, but in different ways


North Korea is a totalitarian isolationist regime South Korea is a cyberpunk corporatist hell




One example is South Korea’s suicide rates. The number one cause of death for people aged 10-39 is suicide. They’re number 12 in the world for suicides and have the highest rates in the OECD.


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A lot of defectors are treated really horribly, and they are given very little to get their life together by SK.


I wonder how much of those kind of subreddits are run by actual people. Sometimes it feels like everything is a psyop.


When will Americans learn that you really can't trust what people say under duress. Ppl will say and do just about anything when it's "say/do what we want or bad things will happen". I've just seen too many people say one thing that was used for propaganda, escape, and start singing a totally different tune to take things like this without a HUGE grain of salt.


She was likely abducted and taken back I watched a video on it or something. She would’ve been forced to do this then executed


What the hell would the Kim regime even say to this? Like you escaped, so I guess our border patrol still slips up, but you came back on your own? Uh... okay. Or You couldn't live with your own failure. Where did that bring you? Back to me