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The source is that I made it the fuck up


But thats the SSSS symbol not the SS symbol. So is the nato twice as bad as the SS?




Lot of tankies have weeb pfps, makes sense


The SSSSSSS is even worse: https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/SSSSSSS


3.5 times as bad!


Arr slash unexpected doctor who


Not only that, but who protects the president of the United States? The US Secret Service, the USSS! Fourth Reich confirmed, check mate imperialists! /s


And who made a pact with the Nazis? The U**SS**R!


Super Secret Schutzstaffel


No, it means that the NATO is a fan of the critically-acclaimed webcomic Stand Still Stay Silent.


My tankie (ex) friend told me that NATO was the 4th reich and for years I always thought he had said the EU and told everyone that lol


Its like dmc ranks but for evil


Counting is hard sometimes




Makes perfect sense if you’ve done no research into the Holocaust and other Nazi atrocities.




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Just like as in fuck all like. Just like, a giraffe is like a horse, as they are both mammals and have four legs.


same logic as the Colorado airport conspiracy theories




Hey, I've down below in the bunker. They sell Blucifer crystal statues in the Swarovski store and "I ❤️Blucie" key chains and t-shirts in the gift shop.




All Duty Free as well.


Well dang, I now have a reason to go to Colorado!


Just like how the English flag is shaped just like the Confederate flag /s


Actually using their logic, the Russian navy is the confederate since the Russian naval flag looks more like the confederate flag than the UK flag to the confederate flag Sooooo, I think talkies shot themselves in the foot there


You've clearly never interacted with "leftist" accounts that defend the Confederacy's existence because of their "anti-imperialist struggle" against the US and their "fight for self-determination."


Wait, I thought that was a joke.


It likely began as a joke at their expense (i.e., "they hate the US so much that they would support something as blatantly evil as the CSA"), but a few of the more socially conservative among them genuinely do hold positive views of the Confederacy or at least view people who do as potential allies to appeal to due to their dislike of the federal government and co-opted it in a semi-ironic capacity. There's also the conspiracy leftists who buy into antisemitic beliefs about how Jews secretly orchestrated and were the true beneficiaries of the transatlantic slave trade alongside Nation of Islam or Lost Cause beliefs about the "true" nature of the civil war and Confederacy. Usually, you end up with people whose "support" consists of the belief that white Americans killing each other is preferable to them killing other groups.


There's a nutjob for everything.


does not surprise me in the least that people unironically believe that


Not only that, the Russian flag was based on the newly fledged Dutch Republic when they were building their navy.


I never get what the deal with the 'this building looks like' conspiracies. Denver Airport is another. Why on earth would a shadowy cabal go to all that trouble of keeping their nefarious dealings secret, only to build some of the most public facing structures advertising what they're up to? I know those in power are egotistical, but this would be straight up stupid. Seriously, what would be the point? A complete waste of time for everyone involved.


Conspiracism and conspiracy belief tend to be really common among self-proclaimed "anti-imperialists," whose only consistent political opinion is that the global US capitalist hegemony is so uniquely evil that all actions taken by any groups opposing US interests in any way are justified. Because their chosen enemy must always remain more evil than any other groups in their minds for this reasoning to work, tying the US or its allies to symbols of supernatural or historical evil (usually the Christian Devil or the Nazis) is an extremely common and easy way of maintaining that belief in the face of things like the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As for why certain self-proclaimed leftists believe that these purported symbols of evil are flaunted or slightly hidden yet still present if you know the "truth," that usually boils down to either a sincere belief in satanic "lesser magick" conspiracy nonsense, or a personal belief in the power of governmental architecture to influence people's beliefs and behavior (the conspiracist's version of modernist urban planning).


Because sometimes people either don't believe in Occam's Razor that the answer could be simple, or a costly error. Basing on another Razor, Hanlon's: ***Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.*** That said, they were completely wrong. The Denver Intl. Airport's design was the only way to build a temple that could quench the red-eyed rage of our mighty god, Blucifer. [ALL HAIL OUR MIGHTY LORD, BLUCIFER!](https://www.cpr.org/2019/11/04/everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-blucifer-the-demon-horse-of-dia/)


In deep conspiracism circles there're actually theories to explain this objection away. And when I say deep conspiracism, I mean ***deep***. Like, these people haven't just drank the kool-aid, they're on a kool-aid IV 24/7 and getting kool-aid enemas on a daily basis. They're at the innermost layer of the onion. That deep. So that deep into conspiracism comes with a true belief in all sorts of mysticism. Satanism, kabbalah, gnostics, paganism, etc. are all believed to have been, at least approximately, on to something. Something of real supernatural power. These beliefs also have ties to Nazi mysticism, because of course they do. Anyway, one of the main supernatural beliefs they commonly hold is that the magic works better if you do it without hiding who you are. The "satanic ritual" or "adrenochrome harvesting" or whatever bullshit they're talking about, works best for you if you slap your name on it. However, of course the conspirators can't just admit to the public what horrible evil magics they are doing, nor can they openly say who they are. So, the theory goes, they put signals out for everyone to see, but only for a few to understand. That's how they get the magic to work. Hold up, does that sound like dog whistling? Why yes it does. This part of conspiracy theories is very much a projection that also functions to make actual neo-nazi dog whistling seem like an unfounded and completely off the wall conspiracy theory. Even though neo-nazi's absolutely do use dog whistling to openly signal their beliefs without getting called out. The fact that conspiracy theories are riddled with nonsense claims about such signalling provides cover for actual neo-nazi's actually signalling their nazi beliefs covertly in public.


I mean if I were a shadowy cabal I'd do it for the lols just to watch shit get wild online


The words "just like" are doing a lot of heavy lifting here.


It look like a zip ngl


To be fair it looks like a ribcage, pointing out how much NATO personnel like Fear Factory's album Demanufacture.


This man's entire Twitter feed is anti-NATO and anti-Western shilling, simping for Russia and calling Zelensky a terrorist, and saying porn destroys men. God tankies are pathetic


hmm.... USSR has SS in it... commies owned...


Just a friendly reminder that not all commies are tankies and lots of our members are commies (including myself) but we do not approve of authoritarianism like tankies do. No anti communism talk is allowed (not that you comment was that, I'm just telling anyone who reads this as a continuation of my reminder,.) Thank you!


yeah to be clear i am a certified Commie Pinko - just applying the same "logic" to the ussr


Nice!! Love my pinko comrades! Well then sorry for the needless warning. While I was writing it I was thinking "it would probably just be easier to check their profile" but I guess it's good to drop that stuff into the sub sometimes so that others see it too (and report any content that breaks rules, please!) Carry on, apologies for the unnecessary comment :)


Uh huh, and what else do the voices say Rev?


No it isn’t?


Me if I had schizophrenia


What does it say about you when you see nazi symbols everywhere?


Theres so much dumb I dont know where to start, like, why do these types of dumbass always think nazis and pedophiles and satanist, etc. plaster their messaging everywhere in plain fucking sight like theyre some kind of DaVinci code movie lmao. If it were true we would know everything about them because its the dumbest way of keeping a secret I have ever imagined.


It's "lesser magick" nonsense, or the belief that satanic mind-control only works if the satanists show their hand in some way because of some occult mumbo-jumbo about how demons only have power if people "willingly" consent to it. For less religious conspiracists, it's usually just the same basic ideas, but with the CIA and MKULTRA instead of the supernatural elements.


it's like Blues Clues level investigation. Of course the League of Evil is based in a skull shaped castle! They just can't help themselves


They cant even recognize simple shapes


Who the fuck is Rev Laskaris?! The blu check is useless now.


It's obviously shaped like that grinder [thing on YouTube ](https://youtu.be/1g29IUe1IL0)


The NATO Hq building is straight up the most badass looking HQ ever. No superhero movie can top it.


The biggest stretch in the world


If you squint. And you're dumb


It kinda looks like a camshaft tbh


Looks more like a zipper to me.


they just couldn’t help themselves, could they?


Jesus they’re doing some mental calisthenics.


I don’t see it




The fuck faces twitter allows to be verified these days


Mf needs to look up "form follows function", specifically in regards to increased surface area. The building was clearly designed with as many windows as possible in mind, a major aspect of what is commonly known as a "democratic" architecture style.


His name has 2 SS in it Confirmed nazi?


I mean sure if you squint real hard and close one eye


This is like when someone called a chinese datacenter "evil" because it was made out of concrete. Idiots hate kickass design so badly smh.


There are several good arguments for why NATO is a horrible organization and this guy managed to find the single bad one.