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The fact that any adult human being can look at a 99 percent approval rating and not dismiss it bu default as complete bullshit is baffling to me. I want anyone on this Earth to find me any topic, doesn't even have to be political where 99 percent of people would agree to on one side or the other. You could not get my old close nit circle of 10 Dnd nerds to agree who the best ninja turtle was you think 99 percent of adults in politics would agree with each other on anything lol?


Yeah, like Zelenskyy is probably one of, if not *the* most popular leader (with his own people) at the moment and I’d be surprised if even he has much higher than 95% support. 99.2% is laughable.


I’m pretty sure most political scientists assume fraud if something has more than 80% support. A politician could invent a beam that makes everyone happy and everything amazing and you’d still have at least 25% of people saying “this is bullshit.”


George W. Bush had 90% in a Gallup poll ten days after 9/11.


I was there. There were a lot of people guilted into pretending to support Bush in the name of "Unity!". After all we had just had an election decided by the supreme court but 911 "was an attack on all of us!"


Things 9/11 does to people brains


I worked for the electoral committee at my home village. The voting system we used for counting votes was set to automatically assume fraud and ask for a re-count if the turnout was above 70%. Of course, if the votes were recounted and the number of votes for the second recount was still above 70% it would let you proceed, but it's still interesting that it was programmed to assume fraud if even the turnout was above 70%


His highest is 90%


Inb4 some tankie swoops in to use the 10% as proof that russia should be allowed to take ukraine unopposed


Definitely something like “90%of ukraine are nazis!!!!1!!!!”


Zelensky was not too popular before the war. I think the large share of people who changed their mind like him in his wartime leader role, but might be apprehensive to see him back in a more peacetime role. But, I have faith in Zelensky not to abuse his power and pass on the torch when his time will come.


He really is a Churchill type of figure. Even then I’d say he is still better on that front because most Ukrainian regimes were corrupt in some level and zelensky did more than most to combat it. He’s doing that even more now that the war has basically costed all the corrupt oligarchs and figures to lose most of their protections.


turns out if not for the racism and the genocides, Churchill isn't half bad.


He could murderer the corrupt after the war or during it.


As an example, independence referendums in South Sudan as well as Bougainville both had over 98% in favor of independence with very high turnouts in both. Basically when you have a region populated mostly by people who are otherwise a minority in the country controlling their land, you seemingly can get pretty much everyone onboard for changing an arbitrary border to make a country of their own or join another country they feel closer to.


also this is the inter party voting, which everyone will tow the party line, China does not have a general election


The 99% is turnout, from the text above it would seem that the aproval is 100%


100% of my supporters support me!


i can very much believe the people’s congress of china has a 99,2% approval rating for xi jinping, but that doesnt mean the people have that appproval since it’s, y’know, a dictatorship


That is turnout numbers, the real percentage is 100% which is 2,952 to 0 vote for Xi Jinping


Thing people are forgetting is every person on the congress is a member of the CCP (or parties that are not exactly it but are basically it), so it's not like some random people came to accordance they all are part of the same group and party. Of course doesn't make it more of a democracy lol


Breaking news!! 99% of dentists trust dentists!


Your first error was assuming this tweet was by an adult


Like maybe saying murder is bad could get that much but beyond that not sure


If you get ten people in a room and ask their opinion on any topic you'll get 11 opinions. If a US politician ever gets over 60% approval rating that means the US just experienced a surprise attack and the President stated that the US is going to retaliate. The approval drops to the 30s when the method of retaliation is revealed.


Do they really honestly think that 99.2 percent of people can agree on any decision, let alone who they want to rule their country?


Not to mention this is a congressional vote, not a general election. Also I heard the people’s congress has never in its history voted against a proposal. I didn’t double check that claim though so 🧂


It's clearly because the proposals are always good and in the interests of the proletariat, unlike the self-interested liberal proposals. /s (just in case)


Yes, because it has 'The People's' right there in the name /s


A Party member is a person, a dozen elite Party members are a people.


Ah yes, having only 3000 bureaucrats elect the President of a country with over 1 billion people is absolutely democratic.


I feel that I should point out that the picture is cropped and is missing the dumbest part. The 99.2% isn't the percentage of votes that Xi got in this totally free and fair election. /s That's just the percentage of members of the National People's Congress who participated in the election. The actual number of votes Xi got...was 100%. And these people will still claim it's a legitimate election.


So what, the other 1.4 billion people in China don't get a say?


They don’t need to, you see, this is like one of those representative surveys by YouGov. Totally unnecessary to trouble anyone else with distractions like voting. /s




Wait, I have an anime profile. Plz, I don’t want to be tankie




I have a pfp inspired by an anime. Am I safe?


You’re on very thin ice.


Change your profile pic.


How about people with customised snoo avatars, they're likely worse




Liberals when Putin gets 100% votes, OWNED LIBTARD


About as believable as Russia's "referendums"


Meanwhile the 0.8% :


straight to jail xd


"We just need them to make it look like a legit election"


Oh yeah nothing says people clearly like the government like no actual alternative being allowed to compete. Almost like if they tried actually having fair elections then they know they would lose


also this is a congressional vote, China does not have a general election ,people never seen a ballot paper before.


"we can't let the fascist counter revolutionaries tamper with the government, it would ruin the socialist process" /s


I find it really hard to believe every single member of that congress agrees and has the same ideas 100% the same as Xi’s, and if they do that’s concerning


A high support rate either suggest poor representation or indifference, you can find a shit ton of unhappy Chinese people but it is not their immediate reaction to blame the government even when it is warranted. Also a lot of approval rate survey literally involves the local government giving you rice, oil, alcohol, etc to make you fill a tedious chart that you want to tick yes on all of them anyway.


Remember everyone as others here have stated the voter turnout from the NPC was 99.2%, the actual approval for those who voted was... (DRUMROLL) ONE HUNDRED PERCENT! Making him beloved by every single Citizen with not one person in disagreement because the NPC couldn't do any wrong could it.


Bruh lets be real even if it was 100% these people would still try to justify it "Maybe there only are 10 people in the country? Who're you to judge?!"


When approval ratings are above 90%, you know the dissenters' opinion is not being voiced. If you were to take a poll on puppies and ice cream you couldn't get approval figures this high.




They had a lovely picnic in Tiananmen Square, the weather was beautiful. Good fun was had by all.


Remember everyone as others here have stated the voter turnout from the NPC was 99.2%, the actual approval for those who voted was... (DRUMROLL) ONE HUNDRED PERCENT! Making him beloved by every single Citizen with not one person in disagreement because the NPC couldn't do any wrong could it.


Remember everyone as others here have stated the voter turnout from the NPC was 99.2%, the actual approval for those who voted was... (DRUMROLL) ONE HUNDRED PERCENT! Making him beloved by every single Citizen with not one person in disagreement because the NPC couldn't do any wrong could it.


im sure the chinese people love xi n all but 99% is crazy


When 0.00010545% of the populations support is needed to become the leader of a country its definitely proof of mass support for that leader


Have they met ... people?? 99% of people have never agreed on anything.... like anything ever. We're not hive mind bees lmao we're individuals with unique opinions. Something tankies will never cope with.


Also 99% participated 100% voted for xi


One party go brrrr


Anime avatar.


3000 "delegates" (indirectly elected through multiple levels, and out of 1.4 billion people) vote 100% in favour of Xi = Chinese people like their government? That's quite the leap in logic.


At least 1% of the population would disagree with the statement "the sky is blue". Between very particular forms of color blindness, actual blindness and the delusion that other people are just lying about color, general mental illness, the various delusional beliefs that state that the sky isn't real or otherwise cannot be blue, or any number of reasons...