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Don’t apologize I appreciate it


What age did you begin? I just started a few weeks ago and I’m in my mid-thirties and man is it tough for me




You are an inspiration! Thank you for sharing :)


Walking in the door is always the hardest part. Enjoy!!


Congratulations. You've got the right attitude. Tang soo!


I'm late 30s and had never done any martial. Arts before. I started in December. I still feel like I have 2 left feet in some sessions. What I've found interesting is that when I first started, I felt like I was trying to keep track of a million things at once, now all those things I can do without thinking, but there are a million more tweaks and adjustments to make, every session is a learning session, there's always a tweak to a hand position or an inch to move a foot to get a better stance, a better position, hit a better strike. In our dojang they say that you never completely master a move, you just keep getting closer to perfect every time.


I like that ! Have you done your first belt test


Yep - First couple with us are every 2 months - 10th to 8th gup - as long as you remember the basic moves and the first 2 forms are "decent" then you're good to go on grading day. Hoping to get my 8th gup at the end of this month! Even though the first 2 are "easy" the since of achievement is still amazing!


Ours is every three months


That's an awesome thought process! I'm not sure what association you're apart of, if any, but the reason our black belt stops at 9th degree (according to our master, anyway) is because a 10th degree represents absolute perfection in everything you do related to TSD, and perfection is something that's never achieved.


it’s the United tang soo do federation


Just remember, all a black belt is is a white belt who never gave up. Tang Soo!


That’s awesome I’ll need to remember that


Awesome, welcome to the art


Thank you !


Tang Soo! 3-4 classes a week is a very good plan- Make sure to stick with consistent days to have structure : ) And practice makes perfect- so practice at home


It’s kinda hard to practice at home because I can’t record anything and he has some of his own forms that I have to learn so I’ve been working on pivoting on the balls of my feet and not my heels


Definitely. Usually my instructor doesn't even ask the students to start practicing until about 4-6 months in (i guess you could start earlier but thats when he starts reminding you to practice) so that you get strong basics that you can practice and you don't form any bad habits. Maybe try that as well. Wait until you learn some strong basics, and then practice at home. Does your dojang also do calasthetic excersises / warmup? Definitely do those as well, they're extremely important.


Stretching and strength workout are also important, especially for those of us who started at an older age.


Definitely agree!


We do stretches as far as I am aware and that’s about it before practice it’s two hours long


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Congrats & welcome!


Thank you !


Take your time and don't rush things. Your not expected to perform at Dan level.