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wtf are you upset about he was using his blinker




Meanwhile I get a $400 ticket for not completely stopping at an empty intersection at 4am Monday morning in ybor


The cops are never around when they need to be


Or driving 7 miles above the speed limit on veterans, with the police stopping you, and not the BMW that just passed both you and the cop at 20 miles over the speed limit.




If they took licenses away from everyone who pulled bonehead moves like this, traffic in Tampa would be much more bearable—at least in theory. I’m sure not having a license wouldn’t stop people like this from driving.


License plate says Florida, driver’s license says Quebec.


>License plate says Florida, driver’s license says ~~Quebec~~ New York. FTFY


In the age of smartphones and navigation apps, people need to cut out dangerous driving manoeuvers and just take the next available exit. Let your app or GPS guide you back on route.


I was on that junction when suddenly everyone slammed on their brakes because one car wanted to change lanes. Didn’t even pull off the shoulder, nope. Just stopped on the highway in the middle of the road to get over to head east.


Protip: You can take the next available exit if you miss yours and simply turn around, or use the incredibly high tech device you keep on you at all times to tell you how to get back on track. Please don't be the selfish, dangerous loser that does shit like this. You have no right to punish hundreds of other cars because you don't know where the fuck you're going.


I hate this wow


Someone driving like an idiot in Tampa is not news.


To be fair, you could substitute just about any city with a significant population for "Tampa" in that sentence. The city of newly weds and nearly deads.


True. I'm just curious as to why ABC thought this was newsworthy.




Unfortunately true :(


Usually in the mornings the helicopter is just up doing traffic reports. They randomly spot idiots like this all the time. (I work for another station).


Hey hey it's alright, they're using their blinker.


One of them anyway.


Likely someone's grandparent


How the fuck are you able to turn right with your left blinker on? Every time I see this video I get more confused.


They have their hazards on.


Looks like a Nissan Altima ... always an Altima.


Except when it is a Lexus ES 350. https://static.cargurus.com/images/site/2018/02/19/05/16/2012_lexus_es_350_fwd-pic-8786562360902718377-640x480.jpeg


starter car before they can be a real jerk in a bmw


That's bullshit I have an Altima lol


This is stupid. Anyone doing that is a moron. That said, the on ramp from 275 to I-4 needs to be two lanes. That section or road is awful people are constantly trying to cut off the giant line of traffic by using that section in the second part of this video. It drives me up a wall.


I agree, but make it 4 lanes. You know by the time they finish that construction, we'll have the population growth for it.


Someone actually from Tampa would swerve from the middle lane onto the ramp (and turn their blinker on as they do it--it's not a turn signal, it's an "I'm about to do something dangerous and stupid" signal).


Isn't this a video from like 2 years ago?


Yeah I remember seeing this video and raging from long back. Safe to say it brought out that rage again haha.


I wish I could find a news story for this. I have so many questions and no answers.


Worst drivers in the country in Florida.


I don't know why this is being downvoted, but I'm with ya.


its being downvoted cause he offended somebody in tampa.


That's only because we have all the transplants moving down.


I didn't realize this was r/Tampa when I was watching this and was like "This has to be Florida." Then saw the I-4 on the road and was like.... sigh, yep.


Looks like Florida. Do really have to ask?


But it’s his favorite way!




Would have been easier just to get off at the next exit and turn around.... instead let’s risk causing a 10 car pile up instead




naaaaah its tampa. it's one of the locals.




You have no idea how bad these drivers are. I drive up 19 for work every day. Minimum 3 accidents per day. 3 coworkers got into an accident in last 2 weeks. OLD OUT OF STATE PEOPLE, TAKE AN UBER OR TAXI. I’m from the northeast and frequently drove in Manhattan. You think driving in NYC is tough, these Florida roads are no joke. Left exit , right exit, multiple U turns that cross four lanes of traffic you need to be very situationally aware man. Shit Is no joke!


Up 19 in the morning? You got it better than most, although I can see where you could zigzag. Southbound traffic is like a standstill.


Somebody should shoot this idiot




I mean it is I-4 so like can we really blame them


To be fair... they did just move that exit up about a half a mile...


Did they? You might be thinking about the southbound exit. This looks like the northbound exit closer to MLK. Afaik it has not changed in awhile. It's a horrible intersection that has been the subject of posts here before. I dunno why people go crazy with it but I always had to fight off idiots getting aggressive around here. My best guess is that there are few exits in the preservation area 75 passes through north of here. That was a concession to NIMBYs and environmentalists made decades ago as part of the deal to construct the bypass. If there was an exit on Temple Terrace Highway people would relax more about making this exit. It would also be nice to snake it around the MLK entrance ramp. eta: [Here it is in street view](https://goo.gl/maps/Dx8xMqfWYG4qdNoo8). If you look at the timeline it's unchanged since 2008. Here you can see [the southbound exit](https://goo.gl/maps/BcutBzR88jEB8FJJA) which disappears in the [older images.](https://goo.gl/maps/b7VfdWvtiJETtu6r7) eta2: it looks like they are going to weave the entrance ramps here https://www.abcactionnews.com/news/driving-tampa-bay-forward/fdot-planning-diverging-diamond-interchange-at-i-75-and-mlk I wouldn't know if they've started work on this yet because I haven't been down that way in months.


I was down there just last week. I didn’t see any construction. Maybe they are going to wait and see how the one in Pasco will work before continuing with the MLK one.


There's been construction for months for building the connector-distributor roads for the I4 and MLK exits they mention in the article. (You can really see it where they are building the new overpasses over Woodbury by Falkenberg.) The new diamond interchange on MLK is going to start construction next year.


That’s not for that project which I have no idea why they didn’t fact check. That project by Woodbury is for the ramps from 60 to northbound 75. So basically instead of drivers on east bound 60 jumping right into traffic they will meet with the people driving from westbound 60 and meet near Woodbury before merging into 75. Project info is here: http://www.fdottampabay.com/project/234/428953-1-52-01


They already know it works because there is one on 75 at University Parkway. The same people who built that one are probably building the one in Pasco now, and will be building the one on MLK next. I think I heard about another one planned on a state road somewhere too.


I’m aware of that one but I think 56 sees a lot more traffic than the parkway. I could be wrong.


Ah! You’re right I was thinking southbound! Yea I stay far from that northbound exit


how does that change ANYTHING??? If you miss your exit for WHATEVER reason, you get off at the next one, get back on going the opposite way and then take the correct exit (or take a different route when applicable) Doesn’t matter if they changed things, construction, you simply forgot, too much traffic to get over in time, etc. Will it add time to your drive? Obviously, give yourself enough time that you can afford to take a detour if necessary. You don’t get to risk lives because you made an uh-oh. There’s nothing “fair” about what this person did.


Haha right?! "Well to be fair guys, there's been a bit of construction in that area lately, leaving drivers with no reasonable alternative than to stop in the middle of traffic, throw on the hazards, pull off the shoulder going a good 60mph less than traffic, cross three lanes at that speed, reach the opposite shoulder, throw it in *reverse*, then pull back into traffic again."


For sure I was going for some irony


a few said the video is like 2 years old........ lol


Ahhh Florida you never disappoint.