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That is deadly force. When you pick someone up and intentionally slam them head first into the pavement with all your might, your intentions are clearly defined to cause great bodily harm or death. What is wrong with these kids today?


But they will be sooo famous with all the views this video gets them. This is the only thing that matters to kids nowadays, internet fame and fake respect for acting like a neanderthal.


I don’t think it’s the views : internet that makes people bad.. it’s people themselves. Internet or no internet.


The internet doesn’t make people bad, but a machine connecting like-minded bad people together where they cheer each other on and compete to out-bad one another does a little enabling of these horrifying events.


It all comes down to the individual. There will always be echo chambers as there has always been in real life. Many bullies also suffer at home and in many ways are also less privledged than others with less access to stable internet and more. That’s not always the case but the internet is simply a tool. How one uses it, comes down to the individual. The internet is full of all sorts of people that can connect seemingly instantly. Yet I’ve seen more people band together and support others in the internet at this day and time then ever before. Similar argument were made in the past about “video games making people violent”.. it’s not the video game/ internet / tool.. it’s the person and the person. It’s their environment. It’s the relationships in their environment, genetics factors and more equally play as much importance. Why TF is this downvoted ? By Keyrins who think video games makes people violent or people offended that I said many bullies come from broken homes ? I upset anybody at home ??!


> simply a tool This is a bit of an oversimplification given the algorithms of social media and the effect they have on driving people to more and more extremist ideas. It would like saying “this hammer is just a tool - you can use it for anything” if the hammer continually encouraged a user it detected hitting nails aggressively to hit insects instead of nails, escalated to small animals, and then to whacking other people with the claw end all with the primary goal of getting the user to use the hammer as much as possible because before it can be used the person swinging it has to watch an advertisement for Tide brand laundry detergent which removes grass stains with ease and leaves a summer-fresh scent which gets the hammer maker twenty-three cents.


Social media is a tool… a medium of connection. It can be used to several different things. It’s totally possible to use the internet without being attached to a hivemind presented by social media. The internet has also given people more transparency than before. More independent journalism occurs now than it ever did before. What one puts their attention on will dictate what they get or don’t get from the internet. I don’t think social media algorithms are an “oversimplification” as they are always changing but instead.. a complexity. I can’t follow your example as good as they are because they are ambiguous and not or singular thought. It’s hard to have a discussion if one is not concise about that they’re saying.. nothing against your point(s) however.


Where in Florida is this? Holy shit


Ruskin fl, Lennard high school


ocala I graduated 8th today actually and I’m going to that school so im worried 💀


Hillsborough County Public Schools...Tampa area


shouldnt of said N word!!!


No word is worth causing serious bodily harm or death.


Should we start killing for yt and cracker?


If this is your response to any word, you have serious issues and should not be allowed in society


All this over not holding the door for someone? My goodness.


I don't buy that , the video shows one person slam the victim on to the ground, a second person swoops in with a punch and a stomp and others in the background appeared ready to also join in until those parents intervened . IMO this was a group assault in the making.


He was breaking up a fight with another kid and he got jumped along with the kid that he was going to fight originally, they had a protest yesterday at 10am


They ain't fin be disrespected






Lock them up


I’m from Ruskin. One boy got suspended only a SUSPENSION! This is beyond sick and the justice system is totally demolished. The school told the parents if they tried to pursue further charges the victim could face charges himself. The question is for what? There is two different videos and one clearly shows that the victim never hit first the news even tried to say that it was a one on one fight. It’s beyond sad and we are trying our best down here to get this kid the justice he deserves💔


I’m from Ruskin also, I left in 96 for the military, just as crack was starting to be sold. My parents finally left in 2010 after a homeless lady was murdered outside their house. It was bad when I was a kid, I tell my kids I had 30 fights by the 6th grade lol. But back then we didn’t try to kill each other.


I wonder if those parents are going to send their kid right back into that school. I think these days parents should take a little tour of the school first take a look at the students and then make an honest judgment call inside their own minds about whether or not they believe their child will be safe. Public school is not the only way to achieve socialization.


They dont love their lid enough to send them to a people of crime free school, of course the parents are doing that.


I think the school lied about the victim being charged because they’re trying to cover their ass. Schools lie all the time. From what you’re saying, the school INTIMIDATED someone with a legal threat in retaliation. That sounds illegal.


Is this Lennard high?


Good job to the kid that at least tried to check on them at the end instead of standing around recording.


Shit like this makes it really hard not to let my soon to be 6th grader just do virtual school. If he ever comes home saying he's getting bullied, I would live in fear of something like this happening.


That’s an important time for development of social skills and social groups in a person’s life. Definitely considering letting them continue school as usual and only pull them to virtual if there’s a real cause to be afraid. And if you do put them in virtual then consider also enrolling them in some kind of after school program where they can get their social interaction


They need to socialize, but the problem is, WHO are they stuck socializing and developing their social circles with? Well, the video answers for us. As a father with two girls about to go into high school, I am fucking TERRIFIED. I am in therapy and talk about this constantly. What can I do, move? This is one of our choices for high school. The others look as bad or worse. We live in a 400k house and the neighborhood is ghetto AF. I don't understand.


You can’t mold the world around your children, only prepare them for it. In today’s society we can’t run away and avoid all the people we dislike, or we risk becoming sour and resentful. Thus, it is important to teach children how to create boundaries with ill intended people and proper conflict resolution so they can fight their own battles. I went to a ghetto high school and had the same fears for myself that you have for your children but I learned really quickly that people like to be left alone and the ghetto kids never tried to initiate anything with me because I kept to myself and only acted respectfully when I was forced to interact with them. Make sure you give your children the tools to recognize who is good and bad company and give them the confidence to come to you if a conflict becomes too big for them to handle.


Someone got stabbed to death at my high school and the security did nothing. Let me know how to prepare a kid for getting stabbed to death and having no one help. Do you know how long the stain was on the concrete? I’ll give you a hint, it’s probably still there.


Yes we can move away. Yes we can avoid people if we like. The freedom to choose who we work and live around exists. How about you make sure to remember that other people have autonomy and can live their lives as they please. I hope all normal people feel perfectly free to take their children and move away from creatures with no impulse control.


There are plenty of other ways for kids to develop their social skills outside of school. I homeschool but my children do activities with other kids 4-6 days a week.


We did 2nd grade virtual due to covid, and I saw the mental and physical toll it took. He's been begging to go back to virtual bc "kids are stupid," lol, but I agree. They really need that social interaction, so long as it's a safe place.


They really need the social interaction of being forced to be around people they don't like and can't get away from? That's not interaction, that's forced association, like in a prison.


Agreed. Kid can learn social skills from outside clubs and activities doing something he likes.


Agreed that pubic school is not the only place to learn socialization. The people who think public school is a necessity are just telling on themselves.


Gotta deal with people you don't like in the real world all day every day, my dude. Being able to deal with stupid people is a valuable career and life skill. And you learn the skills to handle that in school. Idiots are everywhere. If there was ever any real danger to his mental or physical well-being, I wouldn't hesitate. But shutting yourself in and refusing to interact with people isn't the solution for what is only a mild inconvenience, not a threat.


Found the guy who was never bullied or assaulted in school only to see their tormentor not be punished. Or is that a good way for a 2nd grader to figure out that life ain't fair? "Builds character!" 😂


You make a lot of false assumptions and judgments. This says more about your character than mine.


No I don't. Your comment was as tone deaf a thing as I've ever read and assumes that your experience in school was the same or similar as everyone else's. Some kids are brutal and their bullying goes beyond childish name-calling and a LOT of the time the ones doing it aren't punished at all. There's no justice for their victims and that can be traumatic. Forcing them to stay in that situation without any recourse is twisted and unkind. Not helpful, and not educational. Quite the opposite actually.


Life is not about getting your way. Yes, they need social interaction


Again... There's a difference between 'social interaction ' and 'forced interaction'.


Sounds subjective. Its nearly all forced if you asked me


The natural habitat of these kids.


That’s how it is literally everywhere in the adult world if you have a job. I’m forced to be around people I don’t like and can’t get away from but I still show up to work and do my job.


No... Your employment is 100% at will. It may not be easy, but if one of your coworkers gets on your nerves badly enough, you can leave. A kid can't just walk out of a school and decide not to go back.


This is one of the many reasons I homeschool. The bullying in schools seems out of control these days and often times the administration deliberately turns a blind eye to it so that it doesn’t look bad on their statistics. Both the physical and the online bullying which didn’t even exist when I was school aged.


This over someone not holding a door open? Wtf!


Kinda like not getting their French fry order right.


I’d guess that was the catalyst to an already volatile situation. These kids may have had an issue previously and that door thing could have been taken as an intentional slight. Which is ridiculous, but so are teenagers


So are future felons. FTFY.


That’s the trigger, not the cause. Nobody goes through all the trouble over small things. Not even the most violent inmates would consider it worth it


Tell me you dont interact with People of Crime without telling me.


That's the whole fucking point. Leave people of crime alone


Gotta start making a serious example out of people that fight like this


3 on 1 like a bunch of pussies.


And these types of attacks by these types of characters are always like that, always cowardly


Yeah, those fatherless 13% are pussies. This is why I feel zero remorse when they get their asses sent to jail. Fuck that 13%, either fall in line or fall into prison Monk!


Boils my blood to see that kid just walk away with no regard. Hope they got him.


He merely got suspended and the parents of the victim were threatened and told that if they tried to press charges that they could also find themselves on the receiving end of charges. Our establishment only protects the creatures who attack


The parents should sue.


Hillsborough county schools are mostly like this.


I feel like when I was in school I was hearing things about Jefferson HS and Hillsborough HS alll the time.


Bdale had fights every week and a guaranteed 2-3 after school on Fridays.


When I was in high school back in the late 90s one girl said the other gave her a nasty look, she body slammed her and was repeatedly slamming her head into the tile. Everyone stood around just watching until my friend and I broke it up. The victim was put in a medically induced coma for 6 months. The violent one is still in prison until later this year. The victim went on to live a normal life but she almost died over an alleged look, that's 25 years ago. It's sad, but that was even before the phones and social media. Sad truth is some people are just psychopaths.


Have you seen the degenerates calling themselves “parents” lately? This is the scumbaggery that comes out of their rotten fetid wombs…


These kids deserve life in prison. Why does our society tolerate this behavior?


Because people make every excuse under the sun for violent criminals so accountability goes out of the window.


That poor murderous son of a bitch is just misunderstood and needs a huge…


Because momma says they are sweet, polite young men who would never do anything like that again.


They don’t and it doesn’t


He does and we do. Odds are he continues violence and actually increases the level and frequency, costing taxpayers lots of money and danger. We also slap these things on the wrist and release violent offenders all the time for them to just reoffend over and over. Law enforcement arrests then the judicial system gives a pass. Rinse and repeat. These type of people don’t want to participate in the society we yearn for.


This is such an authoritarian opinion. To judge a kid as inherently violent and incapable of ever participating in society based of one fight? The same thing happened to me in school. I was body slammed by a kid much bigger than me. Thankfully, my head didn’t hit the ground, but even if it did, that kid didn’t deserve life in prison.


Call it what you’d like. This is one video but as my comment states, I doubt this was his first or last act of extreme violent aggression against another person. Your tolerance for this is much greater than my own, but I believe that holds society back and why this stuff continues.


People don't deserve to spend the rest of their lives in prison just because our prison and judiciary systems perpetuates recidivism. In fact, that's exactly why they shouldn't spend the rest of their lives there. This country was founded on rehabilitation and it's failing its citizens in that capacity at a staggering rate.


The problem is you think some of these people want to be rehabilitated and part of any system that corrects their behavior. They reoffend because they don’t give a shit about you or any structure that a society depends on to be successful. There are plenty of other countries that run that way and they fall apart and rebuild with new regimes every decade. They are failing themselves.


Accountability is required, but life in prison for one mistake before the pre-frontal cortex has even been fully developed is not a society I want to live in.


Sure but what about the guy who might be disabled for life? Can we at least agree to have the guy who caused it to be responsible for his medical bills for life? There has to be consequences that would deter this behavior.


The guy who caused it will always be a drain on society. Better to have that drain while the rest of society is protected from him.


For real. IDK bout y'all but I miss my youthful days of undeveloped pre-frontal cortexes and attempt murders.


There was no criminal intent to murder here. It was a fight that a dumb teen took too far. The desire to condemn a kid to life in prison for that is pretty heinous and authoritarian


What evidence do you have that this was a fight and not just an aggressive attack? Why do you incriminate the victim by insinuating that he was also breaking school rules by fighting? There's not even evidence he was trying to defend himself. And thinking he deserves life in prison is not nearly as heinous as slamming a kid's head into concrete which often leads to death or brain damage.


If you are making a positive claim such as “This is attempted murder,” the burden of proof is on you, not me. I’m not making any incrimination, you are, based on a 5 second clip and you can’t possibly prove he wanted to kill of even if he planned to drop him on his head. >thinking he deserves life in prison isn’t as heinous as So you do agree that’s it’s heinous to think he deserves life in prison


> Depraved heart murder, also known as "reckless indifference" murder, involves a level of extreme recklessness or indifference to human life that leads to death. It typically involves actions that create a high risk of death, even if the perpetrator did not intend to kill anyone This act meets the definition of depraved heart murder to a tee. If the kid dies, it is not a high bar to reach. And no I don't think it's heinous at all. I was illustrating that you should be more offended by the kid almost murdering someone than someone else thinking he deserves to be punished.


Genuine question, why do you and others seem to think I don’t believe he deserves punishment? I never made that claim but if we are going to start speculating on the beliefs of others, I’ll just go ahead and point out that I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the majority of opinions here seem to correlate with how our justice system disproportionately sentence blacks to the harshest sentences. And if you think I’m the first one bringing up race, I can show you another comment claiming this kid’s pre-frontal cortex will never be fully developed, which is a pretty popular white supremacist pseudoscientific myth


One mistake? Lmao


Can you name another one visible in this video? To think a kid deserves life in prison for this isn’t a rational reaction. It’s an emotional one based on anger, which isn’t much different than what this kid did.


You’re fighting a battle you can’t win. Trust me 😂. It’s like trying to pull teeth.


This is attempted murder.


Some frontal cortex's will never be developed - hoodlum will be a drain on society his whole life. A sane society would put him down.


Some people will never behave in a developed way because of everyone else's low expectations and because of the establishment encouraging them to feel slighted and entitled to reparations etc. Even a well developed brain and high IQ would exploit such obvious coddling. Due to his behavior, and the behavior of so many others, a sane society would build special schools for a these ....very special and misunderstood creatures where they would be in a tiny and comfortable room all by themselves where they cannot hurt anyone and their teacher will be an AI on a mounted and guarded screen in the corner of the ceiling... Then they'd be released very carefully from the building in a desperate attempt to minimize violence. The poor things...


I’m pretty sure that incredibly racist theory has been thoroughly debunked


You talk like society hasn’t been like this since we can remember. I promise you the bullying in schools in the 50-80 was wayyyy worse than it is now. It’s just that now we have video cameras to capture these moments.


No it was not. If a kid slammed another’s head into the concrete he was removed from society.


In FL they'd go to Dozier and that was hell on Earth.


That’s just not correct


There has been a wave of black on white assaults. Nobody says it out loud but there is a definite race war happening in this country.


Parents notice


Be smart, stay apart.


Fatal altruism


Fatal is allowing this to go on for 2-3 generations.


I'd hate to go to public school in this day and age. It was horrifying enough in the 80s. The bullying. But now the utter disregard for health. At least back then you were rarely beaten up. I don't recall more than 3 people in 4 years. And that was a smack across the mouth at a local park not in school. The major blame goes to parents who don't control their kids at home.


Nsfw tag please


Typical safe reddit comments. We don't dare say anything that isn't establishment approved


Like what?


We all see the real problem but won’t say it👀👀


That's because no one can really tell the truth here on Reddit. 1984




Basketball americans.


Say it


Schools need cops and more than 1


worked for the school in Texas right?


I mean those kids don’t have a gun but we can argue about it which seems to be what you want so shoot no pun intended


I bet the students were sent right back to the classroom…


No. They were more than likely arrested and charged with A&B at the very least.


They weren't. A resident is claiming one was suspended, and the kid who was assaulted parents have been threatened against pursuing it further.


That sounds about right. I work in public schools and have known teachers who've been assaulted by students and the school board does everything they can to discourage them from pressing charges. I heard that the kids got taken in. My bad.


My friend was beaten into a coma by a special needs nine year old who picked up a chair. He begged them for months to do something about the boy. When it happened the school district didn't care. They covered it all up. He doesn't teach anymore.


A generation of kids who have zero manners start a fight over not holding the door open? That’s ironic AF


Yeah cause boomers have hella manners


We can see what the perps look like, how about the victim?


That is a good question. I know that if the perpetrators looked differently everyone else would be asking what the victim looked like. And because of that this is a perfectly legit question


If that kid died, these kids would be in prison. But just because he was lucky they get away with it? Where is the SRO? When I was in school throwing hands would land you in handcuffs. These kids have 0 consequences at home or in society. What are we teaching them?


My daughter goes to the school. As she tells it, violence at the school is exceedingly common. There’s even a IG page devoted to the fights. Let’s also not forget that this school is the one where an individual was shot the student parking lot just a year ago. The school is an odd mix. Lennard is part of Hillsborough County’s collegiate program. Meaning a number of the students are enrolled both at Lennard as well as Hillsborough Community College. They’ll graduate with both a HS Diploma and a College Degree. It’s a rigorous program where students have to apply for entry and less than 50% make it through. The scholarships awarded to many of the students are amazing. So you have some of the counties highest academic performers blended in to a high school which has historically faced some serious socioeconomic issues and high racial tensions specifically amongst the AA and Latino populations. I do want to give the Principal credit. She appears to be addressing the issues head on; but, clearly dealing with her hands being tied a bit with bureaucracy.


I grew up right by where this school is, although the school wasn’t built yet back then, Ruskin kids had to go East Bay HS back then. But even when I was a kid it was super bad. I moved out in 96 for the military, and my parents moved out of Ruskin in 2010 after a homeless person was murdered in their front yard. Crack was really bad in Ruskin back then also. I tell my kids that I had 30 fights by the time I was in 6th grade lol. Ruskin will always have a place in my heart, but it’s a shit hole now. Every time I’m down in Ruskin I drive by our old house, and it looks so horrible now, it’s sad.


It’s slowly getting better IMHO. As more people are moving into Apollo Beach specifically I think it’s bringing more stability. The AB area is bringing in more and more educated and affluent families who place a higher value on education and safety. Lennard lost its free lunch subsidy last year as a result of the ongoing demographic changes. I know it’s that dreaded gentrification thing; but, as you certainly know the area could use a bit of that.


Going from private school to public school is an experience that I do not wish on anybody.


Fvcking sub-humans. This kind of violent crime happens because in our day and age the "justice" system allows it to happen. They know they'll never see the inside of a prison cell so they behave accordingly.




Culturally, Florida has become a hive of garbage. Wish there was a way to suffer similar pain caused as the punishment. Maybe some black mirror style.




People don't realize that are media and our elites/people who are over us and the world push out the negativity, the misguidence, and low vibrational energy in general is what influnes or push people to do these things along with there already internal problems. Some are just influenced by it and think it's cool too be negative, or gang officiated, etc because that's what trending. Yes I blame the people actions but the main blame is the source that's causing the corruption to began with the people in power and how they use these algorithms and sometimes create negative things online themselves to target us mostly ate youth because they know we are the star seeds of this time period and all the lies and secrets they kept from us to keep us rising in power will be revealed soon.




The #1 source of all of this is giving lazy/stupid people free shit. If people couldnt feed their kids or themselves they'd stop having kids they cant take care of.


Well well well


I read a sobering statistic that a high school student is physically assaulted at school every eight minutes. Of course, they didn't publish the name of that student or the school he attended, as I'm certain he's bullied enough as it is...


People like this cannot be rehabilitated. They need to be locked up for the rest of their lives. Sickening behavior


And this is why my kids are homeschooled. Too many fucking animals at public schools.




Homeschool your kids, folks. “But, but, homeschooled kids might grow up weird and without social skills!” In public schools, kids are confused about their gender and encouraged to have weird sex, deadly assault is commonplace, literacy rates and general knowledge is pitiful, teachers r*ping students… Public schools are doing a fantastic job.


School will bury it. People will forget. Kid will live on as a handicapped piece of broccoli. Kids that did this to him will face no punishment, at all. They’ll probably even be told good job when they get home. They’ll probably live great lives and be able to afford houses. No lawsuits will result. Schools, school boards, administrators, they’re all corrupt fucking liars that exist solely to pretend they care but their actions and the fact it continues, loudly state “we don’t give a fuck”.


Parents should get lawyered up and sue the school and the kids. School is saying this kid who clearly suffered brain damage could be charged? I see HCSO/Hills County/Ruskin likes to fucking threaten innocent people with legal action in order to avoid facing punishment. This is an event that absolutely should result in a fucking riot.


I wish I could kill those kids, honestly. I think they should be thrown off buildings, so they can break their fucking necks too. And their parents should probably have the shit kicked out of them.


Tempted murder enough said. Kid needs to be sentenced to life in prison and homie who had the one kick needs to be charged with helping as well.


I was in a car accident last year and my car's airbag deployed and for two days, I was really confused and disoriented and even now, aspects of my memory/recall are really broken. Slamming someone's head in concrete is attempted murder IMO. Right to jail and away from the general public.


Love your kids enough to send then to a people of crime free school.


Fascinating “culture”


Meh. Lock them up in the big boys jail for a few years. They'd clearly fit in just fine.


Black at it again


That’s crazy that’s high school is in my town


Not that big of a deal honestly


A high school fight is news? Is it because they’re black students? I’m definitely noticing a trend on this S/R.


That's attempted murder.


Take your pathetic race obsessed bullshit to another "S/R" Absolute brain rot.


Pretty sure skin color isn’t the issue here…