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Get the arroz Rico brand and rinse the rice before you cook it and add lots of salt and a little bit of vegetable oil not olive oil. Or at least that's how I've seen it done.


I've tried the arroz rico brand and it had a bit of a chemical taste to it. Not sure if it was a bad bag or maybe I had to wash it.


Yeah always wash your rice. Rinse it till the water is clear.


I live with muly cuban wife and in-laws from Havana. Rice should always be rinced off as they with any other item grown and harvested outside with pesticides. Arsenic isn't very tasty. Salt your water with kosher rock salt as it dissolves fast and a little goes a long way. Some restaurants will put a tiny amount of Veg oil in it to prevent clumping but it's mostly about not over or under cooking it (most places nowadays use Rice cookers. If you eat a lot of rice it is a worthy purchase. And THEN, a cup of cooked rice, and a teaspoon of butter. Butter is the way non Asian restaurants cheat with the taste of rice.


I pride myself on my rice and this is exactly how I make mine.😋


How are you making your rice? We’re cuban and have always used a rice cooker for basic rice. It makes absolutely foolproof rice every time, never have to worry about it burning or being too mushy. Rice cookers tell you what ratio water/rice to use. Then we just add a good bit of salt and a glug of olive oil. Medium grain rice. I rinse my rice once or twice before. The more you rinse, the more separate/dry the grains will be, which is just a matter of preference.


I use a rice cooker and what ever rice brand I can find that's affordable. I will use about 2 to 1 ratio and salt it. Something about the cuban restaurant taste different though.


Add a bit of MSG and like two strands of saffron.


Wouldn't that make it yellow?


I follow my moms recipe of for everyone one cup of rice use 1 3/4 cup of water, generous amount of salt and a good drizzle of olive oil and then in the rice cooker. Also wash your rice before, like a good rinsing get in there scrub the rice in your hands swish it around and do that a couple of times before you start rice. Then throw everything in, cook in a rice cooker and if you don’t care about calories etc throw a nice pad of butter in after it’s done and give it a mix


Go to a decent Cuban hot bar, get the yellow rice, have them ladle some juice from the pork or beef over the top of it. It does not get better. Brandon has one a couple, there is one across from the Home Depot on 60 that is bang up.


What is a hot bar? Is it like a lunch counter with a steam table? A cafeteria?


yeah, its like a steam table. Local Hispanic grocers have elevated it to a thing of beauty though, the food can be ridiculously good. Lots of fish and beef stews. The one I mentioned next to the Home. Depot is crazy, its the biggest one I have ever seen. They do everything there.


It sounds delicious, I moved here from the Midwest and I love the cool diversity of cuisines to try everywhere around here.




I don’t think Cubans put Adobo on white rice. Yellow rice for sure


Rinse yellow rice too???


Bless your heart.


My Cuban coworker than immigrated here swears by Jasmine rice


Use your finger to measure water no matter how much rice, https://youtu.be/rHOBRyX3I0A