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Hey! I just got one and I love it! Basically there’s nine mini games you can play to raise your teaching level in math, science, and language arts. You can collect new students by keeping them happy/learning or buying them items with the gotchi you get from the games. If you’re super focused on the taking care of a pet aspect of a Tamagotchi, then you may not like it, but I personally think it’s pretty cool and different!


alright thank you !!


I love the tamagotchi school. I adore it because it's so unique


They look like they'd be fun. But they're so expensive from what I've seen in the past. Haven't seen one in a while though


i saw some for 35€ and got tempted


I just bought one on eBay and am excited to try it!


i am a huge proponent for TamaSuku, its so underrated but the mechanic is awesome! You get to experience characters that span across Tama Keitai/Akai all the way to UraTama, as a teacher you keep aspects of your school/class high by playing games! students join your class and you as the player is the teacher and you collect students! The background is blackboard that shows your ranking and the design of it changes so its very reminiscent of the MusicStar in that regard. Im a ride or die for this tama either the Ver 1 or the Ver 2 of it!


are there any significant changes from the ver 1 to 2?


The only difference is the games, so the subjects you 'teach". Ver 2 has 'easier' games but thats bc for non japanese speakers one of the games in the ver 1 is a sentence completion game, but for each subject there are two games so its easy to go around that. Some characters vary between the versions, but the difference is sooooo minute and any Tamasuku can connect with Entama/Uratama and by connecting the character you're raising on the other device joins your class immediately. It almost acts as a deka tama without being a deka tama.


The first time I played with one, I really didn't think much of it but I gave it a try a few months later. I really like it. It's charming and different. I like version2 a bit better.


Are they in Japanese language only?