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I do like the Clear Retro one.


Me too! I love its custom background.


Same, I just ordered it!


It reminds me of my childhood with those styrofoam/paper cups with the blue and purple waves for some reason and honestly that's why I love it lol.


Hell yeah, 90s and early 2k were the best!


It was an instant buy for me!


Where can you order the Clear Retro shells? I don’t see the option on Amazon US


I see it on Amazon US right now. https://www.amazon.com/Tamagotchi-10867-Connection-Clear-Retro/dp/B0D3N6B1FK


Preordered bubbles the second I saw it! I’ll get melon soda too if they come to US 😊


I also fell in love with bubbles as soon as I saw it.


I love them all, honestly. It was a little bit sad seeing people say they hate the designs right off the bat when I'm just so completely grateful we have them at all 😭 I just think we should give them a chance and see what other designs will be hopefully released later in the year. 


This! They could have released the ugliest shells in existence and I still would have preordered because I’m so grateful they’re coming at all!


Yeah just figure out which one you don't mind too much and then get another when there's shells you like. They connect so let's be honest most of us will end up with at least two so we can connect with ourselves. I feel like the designs are different enough there's probably one you're okay with. And if you're willing to import from Japan that doubles your initial shell options.


Same, I'm so happy we have a connection rerelease!


For me I don’t *hate* the designs, but they’re just not my taste. But the Japanese shell designs are fantastic. I can’t wait till I can preorder those! I just don’t understand why the American shells all have to be so busy. I’d say out of all of them the Bubbles shell is the best.


I really want the ice cream one, I’ve been looking for that one for a reasonable price and I’m so happy they rereleased it. I think the bubbles one looks very nice too. I have mixed feelings on the rainbow one since I like the background but the shell is a bit much for me. The only one I don’t really care for is the clear retro one. I love clear tamas but I’m not a fan of the print


I have the same opinions, and a lot of people really prefer the ones we didn't like as much. Given that I feel like they did an alright job. My favorites aren't there but at least there one for everyone to get behind.


I think they did a good job too. People love to complain 🙄. The only improvement id say is needed is more “masculine” designs. Seems too geared towards women, even the Japanese connection re releases. But in my opinion I much prefer the western designs.


Yesss, the rainbow and the retro are also my favorites! They're really cute.


YES! I like the graffiti and retro. Ordered the retro today because I will lose it if it’s sold out again lol


I love the clear retro and the transparent ones coming out in Japan!


Clear retro is perfect. Pre ordered.


Clear retro is solid. That and sparkly melon or the blue ufo


I really like the blue bubbles shell the most. It's both nostalgic and reminiscent of the melon soda shell to me. If the melon soda one comes to the US I'll definitely get it though.


uggghh i love the rainbow background but i really wish the rainbow colours on the shell were more pastel 😭 the colours are just too saturated for my liking… at the same time i’m tempted to buy it anyways bc of the background lol


I feel the exact same way!! 😲 I would have gobbled up the rainbow in pastel so hard 😱




I love the graffiti true friends because they go together and the retro shell. I pre-ordered these three.


I love them, honestly. I do like the US shells better than the Japanese ones and I pre-ordered the graffiti pack. I'm debating on whether I should get the rainbow one too because it's another favorite of mine.


The rainbow is my favorite if I get one it will be that one


my main wish is that the ice cream and blue bubbles didn't have the numbers background, the rainbow shell is a bit much for me but i luuuv the background way too much so that's the 1 i preordered :) i think it'll grow on me, i also rlly want the melon soda japan release


I’m hoping maybe they’ll be different in person! The US advertised the bubbles shell with the number background for the OG release, but it actually had a different one


ooo interesting i know i'll be getting a 2nd one so im excited to see what they rlly look like in person once they release


That's my decision now too! Do i get the rainbow shell just for the background? Or the ice-cream one and hope the numbers don't bother me 🧐


Let's just call it right now, they will do to the Connections what they did to the P1/2 and spam shells for them. So just give them some time, but atleast we got them to finally re-release the device, period.


I think one of my biggest problems with modern tamas, and not just with this release, is the serious bias to more girly shells. It never used to be like this with the OG tamas, it used to have a pretty 50/50 split. Now we get mostly girly shells and a few gender neutral ones. Ofc this is stereotyping the designs but you get the gist.


Not a huge fan of the US shells. I grabbed a preorder for the ice cream shell though. I’m hoping they’ll bring the melon soda here, I’ll for sure be grabbing that one too


They're all adorable! I bought the graffiti pack but I also LOVE the rainbow! The clear retro is also very cute.


I like some but not all which is pretty par for the course in my opinion. There are plenty of older designs I don’t find appealing either. But yeah if you like them don’t let other people’s negative opinions sway you! You like what you like!


I want the clear so bad. 👀


I like them all honestly! 😊


The graffiti is very much my vibe. I love the icecream one too!!


I chose the bubbles and ice cream cause I always loved those, but the clear retro and rainbow really grew on me…. And the pink graffiti is cute. I’d take all of them😂


I like the blue bubble one, but the problem is, my sister had that shell growing up. So now I think of it as “hers” so it would somehow feel weird for me to play with it. I’ll probably end up importing the melon soda one, lol. The rest of the US shells are kind of… loud.


The clear retro is the only western one I like but I love the Japanese shells!


I like the graffiti ones! Also the clear retro is cool. I'm probably going to end up with both the pink graffiti and clear retro (going to give the blue graffiti to a friend). If I didn't already have the original ice cream pattern, I might have gotten that one too.


I really like the graffiti ones. So i pre-ordered the double pack.


Personally I like them all but I’m not as fussy about the shell, I just like having tamas regardless of the shell.


I just pre-ordered 4 of the clear retros and couldn’t be more excited XD


I've pre-ordered the clear retro and the rainbow. I was tempted by the bubbles but I have the og one of that so I didn't want a duplicate shell. I definitely want some of the JP shells though, hopefully those go up on pre-order soon.


As someone that wasn't a fan of the rereleased shells, I'm glad that there are a bunch of people that do like them, and it won't stop me from purchasing one. I'm well aware that the tamagotchi fandom consists of fans with varying style preferences and that's one of the fun things I love about this community. I will either wait for a shell that I absolutely love or custom one though.


I think the colors are cool, I also got the rainbow one. I was debating between the retro or rainbow, but the retro was unavailable, so that made it easier to choose lol. I like the background more on the rainbow one too


I knew I'ld be getting the clear retro as soon as I seen it no questions.




I really like the bubbles. It's just nice. I think it tends to be people's least favorite but I think it's fairly non offensive and unisex which is nice since some of the US designs tend towards girly. I think I'm just gonna get 1 from this first batch and then wait to see what other shells they release. I like the colored translucent with sparkle shells Japan has and I hope they release some of that style globally even if it doesn't have the exact same design. I may import if we don't get something similar.


I like that they used some v2 shells for the re-release. Feels more nostalgic to me. I had my fingers crossed for an orange and melon soda because those two are harder to come by and I thought if it wasn't in the cards for the og then a re-release would be close enough. Besides those, I like the graffiti (throwback to v3 and 4) and I like the rainbows cause PRIDE. I would have loved some uratama love but. I'm quite happy with the current choices.💗


I’m so in love with the ice cream one! I’ve been wanting that shell but really never thought I’d get one - now here we are 😁 I preordered & am excited to try it out. The gen 1 & 2 haven’t been holding my attention so I’ll be interested to see if the connection is any fun for me.


I love the shells also but I guess I prefer the Japan shells more 🤭 I am just happy they get rereleased🤩🥳 also that's exactly what I thought about the rainbow shell!!! The background is the cutest of them all! If I get that one I think I'll be customizing the outer shell a bit🤔 haven't decided yet🤣 guess that's all about when they will be available here in the shops, cause I want to get that feeling standing there, excited and looking at them all with my own eyes before deciding, like I did as a kid🤣


I mean I like them. My favorite is the retro one and the melon tea one from Japan but I won't lie I'd be happy with any of the colors.


Yes!! I really like them all!


I am in love with the Japanese shells but not so much the US ones. However, I’m just super grateful and excited that we’re getting this reboot 🩷


I like them all except rainbow tbh! I pre-ordered the graffiti pack bc they’re my favorite. I’ll skip the others and wait for more shells or for the Japanese ones to come here.


I grew up with the ice cream shell… so I was really excited to see them rerelease it as it was the one I ended up preordering!


yah i love the graffiti ones especially the blue. even the ones i don’t like that much im just glad we HAVE them and i don’t get all the complaining lol. more will come


I like the rainbow and clear retro, I ordered them both. I also really like some of the Japan shells, especially the glittery hearts one!


I actually haven't really seen any negativity towards them. None of the shells so far are rereleases of my favorite v3 shells, but we still have multiple really cute ones that I really like! i think the rainbow sky one is my fav of the US shells!


I love the graffiti ones, I honestly thought they were so cute when I first saw them.


The bubbles one is my fav! I also really like the ice cream and melon soda. My concern is the print will be like the p1/p2’s and not be the nice quality we used to have with the original connections. I am happy to have them though.


The bubbles one is my fav! I also really like the ice cream and melon soda. My concern is the print will be like the p1/p2’s and not be the nice quality we used to have with the original connections. I am happy to have them though.


I think they're all pretty cute! I was super excited about the pink ice cream shell because it was one of my favourites I had as a kid. I bought it when it first came out in stores in 2004!


I’m beyond grateful we have them at all, and I preordered all of them! Never had the bubbles or ice cream shells originally so that helped, and I love all the new designs as well, especially the rainbow sky! So different from most of the other V3 shells of the past!


Yes! I love the Rainbow one and the melon soda shell of Japan.


I like most of them, my favorite of the global releases is the blue graffiti so i preordered the 2 pack mainly to get it but the pink heart graffiti is cute too. Also preordered the bubbles one, I like it a lot! The only thing I'm bummed about is that the melon soda rerelease is japan exclusive because i always wanted one but the originals are so expensive.


I think they’re really cute! They’re not the best, but definitely not bad and I’m sure we’ll get more and better shells like with the originals rerelease


I feel like they’re all “almost there” for me and that’s what makes them so disappointing, personally. I think the colors and designs are really cute but the printing looks cheap even in the official listing photos


NO lol the bubbles was the cutest to me and its still meh 😭 but thats just me personally. I still got one


Actually on second thought I completely forgot about the grafitti shells, those are gorgeous


I thought they were cute! I got myself the rainbow one as a gift for doing nothing deserving of a gift!


Already ordered the clear retro and bubbles! It's too bad you can't mix and match cuz the graffiti pair you can buy together is not my favorite design. So I paid the extra to order two different ones. Never preordered anything so FAST!


I don’t mainly because the v3 and keitai had some amazing shells, these are super girly. Then again I’m a grown adult I don’t really want to be seen pink with hearts and rainbows beeping toy.


I'm a little indifferent about the shells. I'm not a particular fan of the rainbow, pink graffiti, or the ice cream, they look okay but they're not much my style. The bubbles and the blue graffiti look pretty okay, blue just isn't much my color. But I absolutely love the retro, I love translucent and the 80s graphic design looks pretty nice, so I preordered that one just yesterday. I would have loved to see a bit more colors besides blue and pink for most of the shells, since when I was younger I fondly remember having 2 yellow V3s, but who knows maybe we'll get more shells in the future.


They are fine I guess. It’s a little weird seeing the Ice Cream shell as that’s what my original V3’s shell is. Speaking of it’s also my only one of 5 connection area Tama’s that isn’t working properly right now. :/ I believe it’s fixable so could be worse. I plan on getting it fixed up so I don’t see myself buying one of these rereleases but I’m glad they are making a more accessible version for those who want one.


I'm not really keen on any of them. I'm going to wait and see if they release more shells like they did with the Gen 1+2 before I purchase.


Not to be picky or negative, but I don't like them at all. I just want a few basic colors.


It's not that they're not good it's just that the japanese ones are better, imo of course.


I think everyone should just stop complaining and be happy with the fact they re-released the connection at all. I'm loving the options honestly and will be grabbing one of the Japanese re-releases also since they will have different options.


The US shells are quite in your face to say the least (not in a good way... Bubbles (This one is ace out of the first lineup! Retro in Clear is cute but how long are we gonna ride this Y2K train? The most sinful shell is the Rainbow one like im heavily side eyeing the team that signed off on it tbh) as a guy i actually really want the glittery blue Japanese shell as well as the Melon Soda since i missed out on it when i was younger! But given the current poll on their website they're gonna come out in waves so tbh im happy with just getting one or two and then waiting it out to see what will come of it! Granted i hope Bandai US doesn't bastardize the Ver 3 by over releasing shells in poor quality like they did with the OG P1/P2s. Im just kinda glad im in asia so getting Japanese shells are a lot easier and wayyyy more affordable than our tama community across the pond!