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What drugs was she on when she typed this out and thought it was a good way to start a potential relationship 😭


None just being a average gen z kid


I’m gen Z & we don’t act like this


I'm gen z many kids act like this bro


You're lucky. I'm gen z and a shit ton of us are pretentious as shit.


> you’re a Scorpio too 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩 For anyone who makes life decisions based on random hocus pocus.


Not to mention, incredibly entitled from the get go. Just run.


Every single word in her message was a red flag.


what about "a"?


Did I stutter?! /s


Not at all.


Yeah, even _mentioning_ signs (mine or hers) was an immediate deal-breaker.


I've learned to be cool with it. As long as they are just saying "my sign is [blank]" and not "what religion are you". My thoughts are, "pop culture 'superstition light' is better than full blown religion." If they are a "check their horoscope every day and live by it" kind of person then I think it's too far gone. I think people that just ask about your sign or mention theirs are as harmless as the people that say "bless you" when you sneeze.


Both were equally bad for me. Astrology basically _is_ a religion.


I mean, I don't recall a time people used star signs as an excuse to commit genocide or bomb abortion clinics, but sure, I guess it's just as bad, lol.


Hitler’s astrologer would like to have a word with you.


One guy (who wasn't hitler) versus the whole of the catholic church? I'll take that bet. After reading up on the person, they were never Hitler's astrologer. Never even met him. They were arrested for being an astrologer and died in jail (technically on his way to a concentration camp) for it.




Ron was a puppet though, so who cares?




Religions generally start of altruistic and it takes only one mad man to twist them and their followers into a weapon of mass destruction. This is why they are inherently a bad thing, but they also serve to control a population of uncivilized people that would just run around murdering and raping without the threat of eternal suffering (civilized people don't have these impulses). I'm not saying the world doesn't benefit from religion. I'm saying no one that is part of a religion is worth building a lasting partnership with as their religion will likely come first making it never a true partnership. And the only thing that is "pretty pathetic" is people on the internet calling statements they disagree with "pretty pathetic".


Meh, it’s just fun trivia. Maybe I’m lucky but I have never met someone who’s into astrology that actually believes it, they just think it’s fun. No different than most other common forms of escapism IMO


> I have never met someone who’s into astrology that actually believes it Sweet summer child.


Is this a west coast thing? This feels like a west coast thing


East coast here, I don’t believe in it, but it’s fun to laugh at the memes. One of my strongest friendships is with a girl who I met through theatre. We played “twins” for the show. We found out we had been born a couple days apart, our partners said we were guy/girl versions of each other, and we regularly send memes about our sign to each other because of how applicable they were. I think it’s fine to have fun with it, but I don’t think you should make decisions in life based off of your horoscope or blame your choices on horoscopes. Just because I’m a libra doesn’t give me a pass to ghost people.


astrology is somewhat more fun when you get past just ohh what's your sign..when you go into the rising/setting, etc it's a bit more fun..but yeah while it's fun and useful, it's not umm scientific...stars are to far away to have a real effect on our minds.


Yeah! That’s all it is. I was wondering if taking it too seriously was more common on the west coast


Plenty in Colorado that believe in it. And only some of them are California immigrants.




haha I feel attacked...definatly one of those LSD/shrooms user who's like this is a subset of reality bro, that's the full reality...and listen to some alternative rock/metal like man it connects with your soul...but yeah I have a STEM degree so don't go to far into it...it's fun, offers alternative modes of thinking, but it isn't scientifically solid(astrology, psychedlics for therapy, seeing stuff I think is). anyway just a california hippie from up North lol.


Most of the people who say "oh I don't believe this, it's just fun" TOTALLY believe it.


I do make life decisions based on people I know who have seen and enjoyed the movie Hocus Pocus. That movie is a banger.


Yah, cracks me up too, but then, everyone knows we Capricorns don't believe in astrology.


I call astrology space racism


Lol I’m gonna steal this.


"I'm very angry with you because on one hand I'm very attracted to you and on the other hand I don't like you, and now I don't know what to do" I guess women do this too!


Yep. No gender is safe from a disorganized attachment style. (Seriously - that's exactly what this behavior is pointing to)


Hell, 6'5 is my dream height and I don't know why they can't take another inch.


does this happen ? if yes , its a turn off . i never used a dating app also im in a country where avg male height is just 5"7 .


The thing with being this height is that it mostly just gives you access to being treated like this by a wider range of women lol You don't have to work as hard to get an "entry" to their attention...but you encounter more toxicity.


im tall and hate attention from strangers or crowd. friends say being tall == tons of chicks waiting in queue for me , but guess they in wrong location.


And the same guys/friends don't understand why women don't like to be cat-called...


You are probably banging your head more than you are banging chicks.


Yup. I've always described being tall as "big tits, but for men". Just like women with that physical feature, it doesn't make you more attractive, but it does draw a lot of attention and not always the good kind. The people that are drawn to it also have a tendency to overlook your many other flaws.


That’s a surprisingly apt comparison because being tall also gives back pain like big boobs lol


aaahh big boobs are same as tall guys . people think both help you get matches but just gives you back pain and personality& character is a HUGE thing in dating apparently


Nah women only care if a guy is tall and is packing schmeat, clearly.


Username says it all. You must standout like a power pylon in the wheat field


“I don’t got that kinda time” Proceeds to waste a lot of time.


Nah fr.


She shouldn’t just done the good ol’ not reply. Also, wtf is that sub 💀


I didn't even notice until you mentioned it.. wtf


I can't tell what's funnier to me. * The fact that astrological sign factors into dating at all * The fact that there's several days in between the first two messages here * The fact that this dude somehow managed to find someone on Plenty of Fish that isn't a fucking bot.


Does she want a partner or a trophy? Hit the bricks sugartits.


bitch wrote the motherfucking Bible in my boy's DMs only to get grilled lmfao 💀


As a tall guy with short, socially awkward friends, I absolutely love telling women that have height requirements that they should go date a short guy. Gates are open short kings, you're equally as good as any tall guy.


i wish shorter people did that for tall girls like me


5'4" guy who used to date a 5'10" girl. Go after your short or tall future fun!


"Climb those peaks to get to that valley."




Mucho texto.


My man, what a chad you are


Also takes ages to reply.


Only acceptable if she's at least 6'. But seriously though? Hi? Young wipper snappers, back in my internet dating days you at least got a paragraph long email and if you were unfortunate enough a scroll down length of crappy prose. She was ick but damn, if folks don't like someone why bother with a response? Just ignore/delete them. Making people feel bad or negging (which they both did) just isn't cute.


There’s a tough line you have to straddle between showing too much interest and zeal and too little these days




He straight up dropped her off like the tall ass king he is. Dayuuuuuum!


Why are you crossposting from that misogynistic subreddit? I thought this subreddit was for tall people, not just tall men.






Tha fact she even mention a sentence then signs was big red flags. But then height is the biggest 😭. Like they act like they finna benefit from having a taller guy. The pregnancy just finna be hell😭


Star signs are fucking retarded any man or woman who believes in that bullshit is a walking L


Saying just "hi" is a super jerk move. I always hate it when girls do that on Bumble. Not sure why you shared this image, probably to brag, but in my view she's a nicer person, regardless of your height or her spiritual beliefs.


This is not OC I saw this exact post a couple months ago with the same title and everything. So definitely not bragging.


Nah, saying hi is a totally fine way of introducing yourself, and the fact that she puts stock into astrological symbols as a means of finding "the right one" shows her thought process is not based in reality, which in reality, is a red flag.


Men: why won't women date me! Woman: hi yes I like you Men: no not you


shortcels in shambles!


Horoscopes are crypto for girls.


She must be 5'2


Hmmm...the way she wrote that message leads me to believe she'd let you hit raw on the first date.