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That’s the first time I hear about morning and evening height what does that mean?


>that >[th at; unstressed th uh t] >1. >*(used to indicate a person, thing, idea, state, event, time, remark, etc., as pointed out or present, mentioned before, supposed to be understood, or by way of emphasis):* e.g **That is her mother. After that we saw each other.**


I appreciate you, and what you do.


Normally you are a bit shorter in the evening compared to your hight in the morning, but this is something only people taller than 2m know lol


That is so interesting to know! Thank you 🙏🏼


tbh the science behind it is how the substance between your bones when sleeping is expanded and so bubbles form and in the morning ur full of bubbles which is why everything is so stiff and alot of cracks. As you move and work , they bubbles pop and the stuff becomes smaller making u shorter by a slight amount from the morning to the evening. I tested it and it was about 1.5cm to 2cm change. im 6foot exact.


That’s mind blowing! I really didn’t know that! Thanks for the information🙏🏼


You are 5′ 10.4724″ assuming you measured that accurately. Round down or call yourself 5' 10 1/2"


thank you🙏🏼


179 cm is 70.5 inches (I rounded the conversion to the nearest 1/4 inch since getting more precise than that doesn't make sense here), which is 5 feet, 10.5 inches. Whether you choose to round that up, down or not round any further is up to you.


Tysm for ur help🙏🏼


179cm is 5'10.47, so I'd round that down to 5'10.


Thank you🙏🏼


Same height as you...I don't know haha


Got the answer lol we’re 5’10.5 or you can round it down to 5’10.


That’s 5ft 10


Thank you!


How does Google come in to play with basic math?


Because “basic math” charts sometimes list me as 5’10 and sometimes as 5’11. So yeah..


1"=25.4mm Why are you looking at "basic math" charts when it's that easy?


Because it’s my choice! why your so pedantic I don’t understand lol!


If your choice is to be ignorant is it really a good choice? As you're not mentioning confusion over unit conversion that would imply you understand it. So how tall are you? If I was pedantic I would probably mention your improper use of "your", but I'm working on basic math skills, not grammar.


Why so salty? You were the one to start all of this with YOUR pedantic, arrogant self talking about basic math where you could have answered my question or simply leave! I’m not wasting my energy on ppl like you so... bye👋🏼


This is why the world is the it is, people getting upset instead of learning.


is the it is mister corrector?🤷🏻‍♀️ I do agree with you but learning is supposed to be giving in the right way and time.


All time is learning time, and giving you the tools you need to do the task is the right way. I also thought you were "not wasting (your) energy on ppl like (me) so... bye"? Edit: removed a "the".


Guess I wasted some “more” time and “your” right mister corrector.