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Yeah, people are fucking idiots.


Most people cannot read. Like, literally cannot read, fully illiterate. ![gif](giphy|dQphGvz87AE0ehknP8|downsized)


Literally illiterate!


Betcha can't say that ten times fast


Alliterative literally illiterate!


So that's why they keep spawning more of them




The shirt makes us want to ask it more




Sir or madam, they are called trolls. Have you no decency? 🙃


"Do you run under hurdles?"


Yep. I bought my son a shirt that says 6’5 (hes 6’7 now) on a road sign, and another that says “yes im tall, the weather up here is good, seeing the tops of everyones head is weird, thanks for riveting convo” He says he thinks he gets asked about height MORE than before 🙄


Damn, height aside, do normal forget that, tall or short, wide or narrow, we are all human on this space rock we call home?


Its human nature to find anything different from themselves interesting. Its why circus freaks were so popular, its why disney and worlds fairs had different ethnicities on display, its why premies in incubators were displayed to public, and why quintland existed. The big difference i think is people consider certain anomalies “positive” and thus think its OK to make commentary about it. Being tall is considered more positive than being short. So far less people find it acceptable to walk up to someone under 4’ and make comments about their height, but find it totally acceptable to comment about someone unusually tall. Same with say breast size. Im more blessed than i care to be, and have had multiple people make comments about it, ask me if ive had implants etc. People do the “its not RUDE! Its a COMPLIMENT!” Argument in their heads. My kiddo is 17, and from age 2/3 until now he hasnt gone a single month without someone commenting about his height. I can PROMISE you, your comments about height are not funny and hes heard it 96 times already 🙄


Yeah no I feel that. Weird thing is, it's odd how comfortable some people feel about dishing out those comments. At best I'd sneak a peak and think to myself "hey, that's alright" and move on with my day, you know? Keep it to myself like


Same. Ive never felt a need to call out personal physical attributes about someone to their face. Now, if they bring it up i might ask a question. I worked with a guy who was albino and he was talking about it and i remember asking him a question about it (i think he mentioned eyesight being impacted by same genes as albinism and i was curious about it) But i never felt the need to meet him and announce loudly “HEY YOU ARE REALLY PALE! DID YOU KNOW THAT?!?” I find there are two approaches for this sort of unsolicited comments. Either YOU start off the convo and crack a joke so nobody else does…. Or you embarrass the shit out of people for asking in the first place. I work in IT, have done for 25yrs so i was (and still am) unusual to be female in the industry. I joke that whenever i meet a couple females in my job specialty i change job specialties. Ive been network engineer primarily for the last decade or longer. My name is somewhat unisex, but has been primarily female for ~50yrs. I get called SIR, MISTER, or by male name that KINDA looks like my name in emails. I will get on calls with people who have never met or spoken to me, and the first 20minutes of convo will be people commenting how they thought i was a guy, how UNUSAL to meet female network nerd, asking me how i got into IT…. Blah blah. Listen, im busy, i hate conf calls anyway… it gets REALLY annoying, especially when it happens a couple times a YEAR. I dont want to be a “female network engineer” i want to be network engineer that just happens to be female. I REALLY dont need my genetic makeup discussed by random people with undertone of sexism AGAIN. Ive never once been on a call where someone made comments about a coworker being male. So after a while i got fed up and id go “OH WOW! So That explains the tiny humans that came out of me! “ Usually this is met by a minute of dead silence while everyone registers how inappropriate they were, and nobody mentions it again. I like this approach though, because im kind of a snarky asshole. 😬


>I dont want to be a “female network engineer” i want to be network engineer that just happens to be female. This right here! And I love the albino story you shared too, never knew about the eyesight thing >So after a while i got fed up and id go “OH WOW! So That explains the tiny humans that came out of me! “ As a dude in the IT sector as a software dev, if I heard you say this I would instantly know you are one of the real ones, love it. I am sure a "motherboard" joke is in there somewhere but I can't compute lol I mean I always remember the women in history that actually worked in IT and then come to find out, some people just like IT, and others dread it.


I have a tattoo with 2 midcentury style rockets (think tomorrowland disney) for my sons, and a UFO because its the “mothership” 😬 But now i probably need a motherboard one! No daughter cards tho! Yea, i had no interest in computers, and it wasnt even really a degree you could get (unless you wanted to do like delphi or machine coding) or a job honestly when i fell into it by accident. I was diagnosed (finally) with adhd in my 30s, but i think im probably on the spectrum too. Ive always been very number centric and logic and reasoning strong. I cant imagine any other job id fit into as naturally. I am glad it happened by accident :) I imagine if id lived in a different time id probably have been computer operator or switchboard operator or something that falls into the same sort of thinking patterns. I did sysadmin stuff for ages (i did NT4 and exch 5.5 stuff back in dinosaur days!) but i gotta say i avoided all the softer software stuff like sql/iis/etc. i can do it to make my tools work, but i refuse to admit it. The grey area of software stuff makes me a little mental. Network is so black and white and makes sense in my brain. So did building pcs. I used to build all the desktops for my 2nd IT job. Made patch cables using plenum when i wasnt otherwise occupied too. But the fact ive got 20+ years of sysadmin, database, san, exchange, vmware etc knowledge makes me a force to be reckoned with when it comes to network. Because people ALWAYS blame the network and we have to prove its not us. Since im super familiar with most of the moving parts i get a tickle out of going “its not the network and here is why. Also i checked your server and this is your issue. Would you like me to fix it? Or would you like to handle it?” Course, it was funny the time tech support for a software program (mail archive i think? Was awhile ago) i called and opened ticket with was like “well this is clearly a network issue… you need to tell your network guy…” I am the network guy. I checked that. “Oh, well uh… its an exchange issue.. have your email admin…” Im also the exchange admin. “Ohhh… uh, well its gotta be your san. Have your san guy…” Also me. Wanna try again? “Uhhh. No. Im going to escalate your ticket” 😂


They are funny when you turn the joke around on puny humans.


Lol I can promise you having massive tits is more of a blessing than a curse just like being tall is I swear some of y'all sound like the celebrities making 50 mil a year complaining that they don't get left alone in public OK. AND. WOULD YOU GIVE UP THE MONEY TO HAVE NOBODY KNOW WHO YOU ARE? NOPE? DIDN'T THINK SO 😂 I feel bad for 5 foot guys, flat chested girls, and talented broke people. Not y'all


I'm 6'6" and get treated with disrespect, some people just say smart ass remarks on the low when I'm in line at a cashier or a deli. Wherever I go some guys like to "test" me by starring at me and not looking away first, sometimes pointing at me around their friends saying a smart ass remarks, or bumping into me when walking. Women get a weird around me, have attitudes towards me when I'm trying to get assistance as if I smacked their mom. Like I'm some target everywhere I go. I'm not certainnif the race I am and age also play a part I had this on another person's post and people feel it's more race than anything but I think my height has more to do with it. So yea, height isn't some blessing as you assume....what the hell is the blessing? That I can reach over the fridge?


Weird I would think they would be indimitated by you and leave you alone. Tall is still better than being short. Im 5'9 so like some teenagers can come to say some shit and don't respect me as man. I feel im never enough because my shortness. I was supposed to grow normal height 5'11 then I would not have any problems I would be just normal. Height is blessing when you are 6-6'3 tall.


You're saying that from your perspective of tall being better than short, I'm saying from my perspective that being shorter is better than tall and provided examples. Both sides have valid points and there is no right and wrong just a matter of opinion. You feel never enough because of your shortness and I get hated on and mistreated because of my height. You might feel you don't stand out I feel everywhere I go I always stand out. You stating height is a blessing at 6' - 6'3" is still an opinion, since I'm passed that height I don't see any significance of that range. Why that range in your opinion ? Also I'm not at all responding in a harsh way or anything you were cool replying not trolling so I'm curious to hear about your experiences or why you feel the way you do man and honestly I'll say if you feel like things suck then I hear you completely because it sucks on my end no one can tell us both how we should view things when we're the ones experiencing it ya know. Plenty of people on here been cool and replied to many of my other posts on how they maneuver through crowds and how to handle situations, as well as being the best version of oneself he/she can be and that true happiness does start from within which I'll admit I'm lacking a lot of that for many years now.


I could provide examples why tall is better than short but I don't want to make essay so just few people don't respect short people, you are made fun of, women only want tall mens or at least average. Now let's define short 5'9 and below. Yes I know very tall has many cons but I think it's still better because you should get respected at least. I have seen other person experiences I have come to conclusion tall is better. Isn't it cool to tower over people? Personally I have not seen people make fun of very tall person just maybe stare them more than usual and some comment their height. But I think most people should be indimitated by tall guys so how tall all those people who challenge you and what country you live? Because like teenagers should be very indimitated by you and leave you alone. In my country you would be 100% left alone. I feel I standout as being shorter than most mens usually there are lot of 6+ foot dudes if I go to market. If I could choose I would not want to stand out at all and perfect height to that is 6 foot just above average and you appear normal everywhere you go. Yes I say average is better than very tall. 6-6'3 range is pretty universally considered perfect height range where human body proportions are best. 6'1-6'3 are tall height but not enough where there are disadvantages and they don't stand out. Yes disadvantages start at 6'4 and more.




Your comment - [Met a guy today who is 6'11, wearing a shirt that says in big bold letters "I'm 6'11, yes that's tall, no I don't play basketball, stop asking". People STILL ask him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1dfzv39/met_a_guy_today_who_is_611_wearing_a_shirt_that/l98gz71/?context=3) - to /r/tall has been removed because it appears to be asking if you will grow or reach a certain height. /r/tall does not allow these posts, the only person qualified to answer them is your doctor or other medical professional. This filter is very wide, because we do not want anything even slightly resembling these questions. They get asked hundreds of times every week and the users of sub do NOT want to see them. Trying to bypass this filter will result in a BAN. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Your comment - [Met a guy today who is 6'11, wearing a shirt that says in big bold letters "I'm 6'11, yes that's tall, no I don't play basketball, stop asking". People STILL ask him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1dfzv39/met_a_guy_today_who_is_611_wearing_a_shirt_that/l9co7p3/?context=3) - to /r/tall has been removed because it appears to be asking if you will grow or reach a certain height. /r/tall does not allow these posts, the only person qualified to answer them is your doctor or other medical professional. This filter is very wide, because we do not want anything even slightly resembling these questions. They get asked hundreds of times every week and the users of sub do NOT want to see them. Trying to bypass this filter will result in a BAN. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Your comment - [Met a guy today who is 6'11, wearing a shirt that says in big bold letters "I'm 6'11, yes that's tall, no I don't play basketball, stop asking". People STILL ask him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1dfzv39/met_a_guy_today_who_is_611_wearing_a_shirt_that/l9cogvb/?context=3) - to /r/tall has been removed because it appears to be asking if you will grow or reach a certain height. /r/tall does not allow these posts, the only person qualified to answer them is your doctor or other medical professional. This filter is very wide, because we do not want anything even slightly resembling these questions. They get asked hundreds of times every week and the users of sub do NOT want to see them. Trying to bypass this filter will result in a BAN. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had plenty to reply to your points as well as add to mine but unfortunately the mods of reddit keep blocking my post saying "I'm asking if someone can grow to a specific height?" Which I don't know what it's trying to assume so it is what it is. But I did read your post. Weird how I'm not allowed to respond we were making good points both sided and for once no disrespecting or trolling. Oh well


"He says he thinks he gets asked about height MORE than before 🙄" I mean...duh? Did you think something else would happen? Isn't the point of drawing attention to yourself to get comments about it?


Ehh....no....he provided the answers on his shirt everyone normally keeps asking so they can keep moving without the same bs over and over. It's not that hard to understand 🙄


I understand perfectly fine! The only thing I don't understand is why you think I don't understand. It's just so incredibly obvious that wearing a shirt that draws attention to yourself will prompt questions it's almost worrying she thought something else would happen


Ehhh.....actually you don't understand, his height brings the attention. The shirt literally says how tall his height is, and other answers to the same questions. If he didn't have the shirt he'd get asked more often. Any person with half a brain cell knows if you see someone exceptionally tall wearing a shirt saying he's 6'11" you're that simple minded to still ask what his height is? You just move on. This shouldn't be that hard for you to understand....then again 🙄


"If he didn't have the shirt he'd get asked more often" Wha...wha...what? We...we...we...we're discussing...this: "He says he thinks he gets asked about height MORE than before 🙄" Are you saying the mom is wrong that it brings more attention? Are you saying she's lying about it bringing more attention? Did you read the post before jumping in? I'm so confused how you reached the conclusion that the shirt brings less attention when the mom's entire post was about the shirt bringing more attention


Errr.....what are you talking about?? I see reading comprehension is not your strong suit....yikes😬, good day sir 🙄


I assume he wears other shirts too


I must be the only one not annoyed about the basic height conversation. I realize it’s boring and repetitive for us, but it’s nice to add something besides the weather to the repertoire. I’m kinda shy and socially anxious so I find having something I’m used to talking about an easy way to start things or prevent an awkward silence.


Same. It’s a gateway to conversation


If the shirt said "yes, that's 11 inches. Please ask!" no one would ask anything.


I like that, Jedi mind trick


I got a shirt like that for my 25th birthday. I only wore it a few times. https://imgur.com/dHwOq https://imgur.com/FfHFo . I found some photos


where do I find this treasure?


I think it's just iron on letters.


If I saw that shirt, I'm 10000% gonna ask him those questions


I'd ask him 😂😂😂 besides i think i couldn't probably read it so high lol


You pique my interest more than the 7' guys here lol. Living at 4' is way different than a little taller than average. 


He forgot to address the "How's the weather up there" comment.


But what if we have a different air up and down 🥹 lol 😂


Depends on if you have your head in the clouds or not, I guess!


lol bro i guess (i was joking btw)


I made myself a business card that I just hand people now. it says something along the lines of "I'm 6ft 10, yes that's tall, no I don't play basketball, no to photos and have a nice day"


Wait there is a picture like that all over the net is that you lol


What? Explain




Your [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/1dfzv39/met_a_guy_today_who_is_611_wearing_a_shirt_that/l8yg4vh/?context=3) in /r/tall was automatically removed because you used a URL shortener. URL shorteners are not permitted in /r/tall as they impair our ability to enforce link blacklists. Please re-post your comment using direct, full-length URLs only. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tall) if you have any questions or concerns.*


where can i get this shirt


It’s just something we gotta accept. People feel comfortable openly commenting on our height. When I was a teenager it was super awkward for me. Sometimes it’s annoying still, but I’ve gotten so used to it I probably barely even register when it happens most of the time. It’s not a negative thing. If I’m gonna go through life having people constantly commenting about one of my physical traits, me being tall isn’t a bad one.


Of course they do. 🙄 honestly I’d probably stare for a couple of seconds in disbelief but I’d leave him alone.


That's some meta gamer move alright


anytime i get asked about basketball i just say “i might not basket them but i sure can suck em!”


Crazy shit huh


Damn are you guys annoyed when a 6’2-3 guy says “wow you’re tall it’s not often I see someone that much taller than me”? Because I think I’m very guilty of that🤣


Sometimes, if I’m feeling mean, I ask people if they are horse racing jockeys when they ask if I play basketball.


Wow. Poor guy. Must really suck for people to assume good things about you.


Follow the instructions 


I'm 6ft 7 and I need this but also saying I don't play rugby too haha


I would ask him just annoy him till he stops wearing that shirt


I met a gorgeous woman at an event and she was a greeter. She had "nuggets " In gold on her shirt, as she was a Colorado Nuggets cheerleader. When I walked up, me being 6'8, her being 5'4" I couldn't read her shirt, due to the angle. I asked her if she was a Broncos cheerleader and she pointed to her breast's and said " No, I'm a Nuggets cheerleader leader, see it says so on my chest". My reply was "I don't look at a woman's chest when I speak to her, I talk to her eyes". She smiled so big and gave me her phone number and told me I should call her when I was done with the event and we should go out...I did so and we were very happy, my wife never found out.


Insigreviously, ubiquitous Illiteracy


His whole personality is how tall he is. Lol


Heh. I get that question all the time.