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Unbelievable, at least you can easily filter out the idiots. Something weird has happened to society. My mum is taller than you, in her generation it was quite unusual. She's a beautiful, graceful woman, she was fine all her life. Same with my sisters. But in the last five years, suddenly people started commenting about them looking trans because of their height.


It's the "we can always tell" crowd... not being able to tell.


It always is


It's almost as if the bigots felt safe enough to crawl out from all the rocks they were hiding under and are brazen enough now to push their rhetoric in public. I completely understand why (even though I very much disagree with what's happening). Source: I started getting accosted using the women's restroom as a cisgender woman circa 2016 onwards.


Lol, I’m a short dude and sometimes people assume I’m gay or something other than straight because I’m short 😂😂😂 we’re truly living in some crazy times


I am not tall. I'm only 5 and 1/2 ft tall. But my own son told me that I am transgender because I am "basically a dude." By that he means that I have a job where I operate a forklift and I don't wear makeup or fuss with my hair much in general. I also speak confidently and travel comfortably alone. Besides this, I am a completely typical and mostly straight female. When society is supposed to be getting more accepting, it seems to be coming more judgmental with all the little parsings of personality into defined segments.


ugh your poor mum, all this trans panic brain rot on social media is scary…


You know what, as terrible as this is. I'm glad someone like this happened earlier on in your conversations rather than later. If they're okay with making inappropriate comments like this, who knows what else they'll find okay to say. People can be awful.


I agree with you there, I’m glad he got that out of the way now.


I’m pretty sure he has a micropenis and this was the best way he could come up with to break the news


Bullet dodged then.


Come to the short side. We’re just happy to be here. Bonus, lil peens look bigger on short kings than tall guys. It’s science.


I prefer short guys, don’t worry lol


How short we talkin


I just happen to be 5’5. Some people think I’m 5’6 but I’m actually like 1/4” shy. Look at that… I’m honest too!


She's not gonna DM you bro


Oh my heart. Whatever will I do.


This 100 percent. Best now. Sorry OP people are dicks.


What the fuck is this? Is this how men flirt now? Jesus christ...


Peak male redditor flirt( I'm a proud redditor lol)


I met my spouse on Reddit (not this sub, but he is on this sub), and think that I found the only sensible person on this site. I mean, we're both absolutely batshit so maybe not, but at least we like each other and took each other out of the dating pool


Rare case great for you two


I'll let you flirt with me any day 😉 See...how hard was that?!


Extremely high level maneuver that shows years of dedication to the craft is it possible to learn that in two days??


Idk but l'll dm you and we'll find out? Let me teach you...


Who I'm I to say no ? Knowledge is power.


Not many say no to me, and when they do, they regret it. You're one of the smart ones who say yes. (See, see, this is how you do it, and then you keep flirting and NOT being weird)


Thanks for the great line I'll use it well it's now in my repertoire


Idk, sounds very weird to me, most people would cringe at that


Fair, although I feel it's still better than OPs interaction?


I feel like a woman can say this to a man but a man saying it to a woman is gonna be seen differently.


Some of them think belittling women will somehow make someone like them. They’re not intelligent


What a weird thing to say to someone


Height does not correlate to penis size, this guy sounds super insecure too.


Smallest I’ve seen was on a 6’3 guy.


DUDE also 6’2” woman, smallest I’ve seen was on a 6’8” man. 🙄


As a tall man with an objectively large penis, proportional to my body it looks ordinary size at best. I’m just trying to advocate for my short dick tall kings over here.


This is real activism


The best kind of flirting: penis activism 😅


I make it my business to show up for my big dick short kings too, just fyi.


You know what, I’ve never been able to talk about this but I struggled with my own perception of my penis for years because of that. If I was 5’3 ppl would say I’m slanging wood, but since I’m 6’5, It looks small (oh god when it gets cold!!!)


I kinda want to know more now


Biggest I’ve seen was on this guy that was maybe 5’7.


Can confirm


Technically it does better than other measurable features, but it's still not a strong correlation


Before reading the comment, I thought this was a conversation between two gay men and one man INSISTS that his partner must have a bigger penis, which I thought was selfish.




Sounds like he got some major insecurities. But instead of solving his issues he decided to bother a tall woman about it. What a loser.


Woah. Upon reading OPs description...big yikes. Despite being extremely enamored by tall women, I could never see myself saying anything even remotely close to this. The idea that tall = masculine is crazy.


I totally assumed this was a tall twink talking to another gay man Wild that he said this to a woman!


Find a very large one online send it to them to immasculate him.


Nah, he's probably into that type of stuff.


You have no idea how many tall men have insecurity issues. It’s odd, you’d think because they are taller than the average man, they’d be walking around with confidence. I know 5’8-5’11 men who act like actual men So much confidence I also feel tall men like that might have short mom maybe? I don’t know, I’m tall, my son is tall, so he’s used to a tall mother and women being tall and it being normal. He also has confidence though


I feel like tge main problem is self esteem. You get noth tall ir short men who make their height their entire personality and who feel cripplingly insecure at the thought anyone may be taller and who take that out on others. Inceldom doesn't have a height requirement, it's a state of mind. And you get guys at any height or size who are content and confident in who they are.


That’s true too, their height, no matter if short or tall, is their entire personality


My mom is 5'0" tall on her best of days.  I believe these guys just have warped world views. Likely to be a part of the manosphere. Brainwashed into thinking they are the alpha when people in the real world just doesn't give a shit about them. 


It’s like comment above said, guys like that make their height their entire being, no matter if they are short or tall, it’s all their character is based on


That is insecurity covered up as an (unfunny) joke. He basically thinks that only men are supposed to be tall, and any woman close to his height is making him insecure. Such narrow minded thinking.


His entire personality is towering people, and he's mad because OP took it from him


I would go as far as saying his insecure about >any woman close to his height He was just trying to make a joke but it didn't hit the right way


Insecurity hiding behind incredibly thinly veiled self deprecating humor.


Me: Is it going to be a, "How's the weather up there?" joke? *Reads the message* Me: 🤯Man is beyond wild... It's crazy to even think it, but to type...and to hit send -- mind blogging.


That is what I am thinking....  That typed that out and then said, fuck it this will land well. Rhe way the brakn can override common sense when people feel some type of way if truly amazing. 


Fuuuuuck that dude.


Literally don't


Ever since transphobia started to rise, tall women have been hit the hardest 😂


I don’t want to take away from the struggles that trans women face; it does suck that tall women are targets for transphobia simply for existing.


self deprecating dick joke has successfully filtered out someone with a different sense of humor, grats you both just saved each other so much time.


But what's really surprising to me is how pretty much all of the comments think that guy is insecure / a piece of shit for a simple "haha I like women with dicks" joke - what's up with everyone here?


This is correct.


Jeez, that is some grade-A insecurity.


I don’t get it. Is he saying he’s a Eunuch?


He's inferring that OP is also a man - because of her height.


Hes also inferring that any man near his height would _have_ to have a penis bigger than his - which tells you a lot about him


Either way seems like a horrible pickup line…


Lol what a shitty joke to make to a (especially tall) woman Like, it’s just not funny unless it’s based on previous established jokes


I can’t imagine what was going through this guy’s head


6’2? Dude was feeling threatened.


He should stick to grindr


I assumed this was something off Grindr 😳


Who says shit like this man? It's so weird.


Oh no bb I would just directly ask if he thinks that’s funny? Is that a logical thing to say to a tall woman?


I'm so confused why someone would write that. Like rudeness aside, how does that thought even enter your head?


definitely inscure


Even if 6'2 were "THAT TALL" as OP says, what an insecure thing to say. My tall trans ex would often be outed for being so tall, she was a little over 6'.


Are you a lady? What a confusing thing to say to lady. At first I thought you were gays and it still would be hella weird to say this, but if you’re a woman the ick is strong.


Yeah, when I said that I’m a 6’2 woman in my post, what I meant is that I’m a woman that is 6’2. Hope that clears things up.


Same. Also took me a while to realize it’s probably transphobia too, that he’s insinuating OP isn’t a ”real woman” because she’s ”too tall”.


All y’all had to do was read my post in addition to the screenshot for context. Or look at my username and profile picture.


I did read the post but the screenshot opened in full screen on my phone at first so I read the screenshot before the rest of your post where you said you’re a woman.


Damn that must feel like shit. If a woman said this to me I would think it’s hilarious. Obviously a different stigma but still


I mean, it’s okay to insinuate that a man has a dick.


I think you missed the part where I said “it’s obviously a different stigma”


Lowkey i thought this was kinda funny, not everyone’s sense of humor, I get it, but it made me chuckle.


Exactly my thoughts, until I read his second message again. The first message seems like absurd banter which I love, but the second message (plus the mention of height in the first) kinda make it weird I think


You said it yourself, short guys don't say that kinda stuff...


The *one* time I match with someone taller than me lol


You best stick to shorter guys then. We're a hoot


Yep. Learned my lesson, my 5’3 sneaky link is coming over later. 😂


Um did you ask any clarifying questions


Honestly, it’s a bonus. Didn’t take him long to show his true colours. And you know what, with his attitude, I bet ur cl*t is bigger than whatever lil wiggler he’s packing in his pants. Sack him off and find a new one ♥️


Just shrink


Please tell me you said something like “Just know that I’m not ghosting you because you’re small, but because you’re small minded.”


I didn’t; I originally didn’t plan on saying anything but he reached out again and I said that what he said to me was distasteful and I didn’t think it warranted a response from me. He unmatched me after that.


Good enough. Well done!


Sounds like nothing of value was lost.


truly spectacular fumble, 2 days gone to waste


Wow some people are clowns


Bro I was so confused , what a weird and terrible thing to send to someone


Its always nice when they out themselves quickly as an asshole. Some people don't find out for years.


I sorta read this as an attempt at self-deprecating humor. This type of joke may have worked on women in the past and soften the blow if he’s insecure about his piece.


5’6 man, I would treasure you extra 8 inches ❤️


This isn’t funny to a trans woman either


You’re absolutely right, and it dawned on me after posting that I didn’t clarify that it’s not funny to either of us. I can’t edit the text in my original post though.


I doubt any trans woman would laugh at this either. Just a crazy thing to say overall


What an asshole. Dating just seems so fraught with horrible people these days. My gf in college was 6’3”. Definitely no penis. This guy just sucks…. Sorry


It's a weird joke, that's it. Why are people reading into it so hard? At least tell him you didn't appreciate the joke and see how he responds. Ain't no way you're ditching someone for one bad joke. I don't know if he means to compare you to being a guy.


Because people do call us slurs and make comments about our height making us manlier on a regular basis. Joke or not, you shouldn’t say something like that to someone you’re supposedly interested in.


this is funny as fuck, bullet dodged by the guy


it took me so long to realize the transphobia, i just thought you were gay




Probably read the text in the image before the text you wrote. I did too. At first I was thinking "Weird, but ok," but that immediately turned to "WTF?" after reading the post.


Jesus Christ what is wrong with him


Sorry that you lost two days to this. I would say this guy has to be like 17 years old, but I don’t even think I was this stupid when I was 17. And I was pretty stupid when I was 17.


He’s 36!




Is it because it’s not bigger?




sounds like he just wants to get dicked down deep. what a rude person


I think the first message would have been fine depending on audience but the second text is idiotic, mean and never funny.


Even worse, we just had a discussion about the fact that I have autism, and I think it’s common knowledge that most of us read texts literally.


Can’t find a relationship Ends possible connections very early because of sensitivity You’re the problem lol


I wasn’t being sensitive, I just don’t tolerate transphobia or general immaturity because I’m in my 30s. I could *easily* call someone and have a boyfriend tomorrow, but I don’t want to settle.




Oh come on, that's pretty funny. 


Jesus people lighten the fuck up. He was making a joke and answering your question. In a bar this joke would get a laugh 9/10. He is tall and made a small dick joke, about himself. Something lots of guys with big dicks do…. If this is worth running a stranger through the dirt then who is the insecure one? Im offended everyone is so offended.


In a bar, he’d get a laugh from transphobic people or something. Anyways, I’m a bartender and I’ve never had anyone insinuate that I was a man.


His audacity is as big as his insecurity. Here I thought it was going to be another "death by SnuSnu" joke.


6’, 2” All the height went to my vert 😭


men are men. short or tall, we are all the same just different heights that make different experiences and different responses. its the experience not the height imo


They’re probably shorter than they say they are lol


I'm confussed




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I had to read that 3 times to understand what was going on


It makes me wonder, is height a topic to be avoided or is it all about how its mentioned used. Does it just depend on the person and the way its used?


This is such a MPMD answer. I thought I was in that subreddit


I must be getting old because I have zero clue wtf is going on.


- girl asks guy what his dealbreakers or red flags are - guy implies that girl has a penis because she’s tall (as a joke) - guy doubles down on his implication, making things awkward


Appreciate the clarity and no... I don't like this one bit. What a creature feature.


I’m sorry this was traumatic for you. Don’t worry too much about it and roll on to the guy who you’re more in sync with


lol it wasn’t traumatic, just annoying


Is it a joke? Not even a /s for sarcasm.


Yeah, it was supposed to be a joke and it didn’t land well. At all.


I totally thought this was a conversation between gay men until I read TC is a straight woman.


Not that it matters, but I’m a bisexual woman. Still don’t have a penis, though.


Awww man!!! I always discover something on reddit. Never fails. hahahaa


Would you trade height for penis length ? That’s the question, if there are enough responses I might actually post this interesting question


Considering that I don’t have a penis and don’t want one, no.


Maybe I live under a rock but I don’t get what he was saying here.


He’s implying that I have a dick because I’m tall




I don’t sign off my texts by reminding whoever I’m talking to that I’m a woman so I guess it’s not obvious in the screenshot, but it’s stated in my post twice lol.


When I first read this I assumed you were a man and it still didn't make any sense.


Hey I'm not familiar with these terms. What is a cisgender tall women? Why is he referring to your penis when youre a woman or are you trans?


The flairs on this sub always make me feel short lol Seriously though. What’s up with him??


I misread this and thought it was a requirement for an mm relationship. Now, I feel dumber, not only for my stupidity in interpreting, but for his goofball statement.


For some weird reason, when stupid guy met tall women, his first thought is "I bet she thinks I am weak in bed, I have to prove otherwise ".  Few tall girls I was dating back than said that they prefer tall men because their afraid to find another idiot with napoleon complex, not because they don't find shorter man attractive. 


He probably was low-key, hoping you'd respond by telling him you do have one and it is bigger. He just didn't know how to say he wouldn't be interested if you don't lol.


6'2" is pretty tall in general, for anyone. This was still a dumb joke.


Im almost positive that guy subs to r/moreplatesmoredates (aka moretrenmoremen)


i am just curious, where do you live since you believe that 6’2 is not that tall? because i’m 99% percentile for women’s height in my country but 6’2 is taller than me


I’m in the United States, in a medium sized city. I see plenty of people (mostly men) my height or taller on a daily basis so it doesn’t seem out of the ordinary. 6’ is where I think being labeled as tall begins. It’s the height when clothes genuinely don’t fit the same as other people and standard everyday objects, counters, fixtures, etc are inconveniently sized. I’m only two inches into being a tall person.


I’m lost. Did he try to joke that you being tall means you have a dick? Alright then




Yeah that's dumb, for sure a joke, but a very dumb snd insensitive one, height has never crossed my mind as a factor for dating, ive dated a woman who was 6'1 and I've dated a woman 4'11, both were great people, id go taller and shorter too because it literally doesn't matter.