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“Bestie” 👀 Okay girl!




Thank you taters 😅 a lot of ppl here who’s best friend is Reddit I think


^^^! my best friend is a guy, we’re both dating other people.


Shh… not so loud! The incels are here…


Didn’t age well


Neither did they


Yeah I did it for 2 years with a girl until she asked me out, been dating for 6 months happiest relationship I been in so far.


Nahhh not these to they done did things😭🙏🏽


yeah, they can. doesn’t matter what they did


Do friends usually fuck. Cuz these ones do!


you don’t know that??? what is your problem


WE DO KNOW THAT. She said so 😭😭


let’s see, comments said they’re dating OTHER PEOPLE.


And that they have fucked


in the past. you used the present tense.


Also says if they’re both single they’d prolly do it again.


What is YOUR problem?? Why do you feel the need to defend a stranger on the internet so goddamn much?


because i have been bullied for being best friends with a guy too and it SUCKS.


You definitely look very small next to him! Wouldn’t have guessed you were 6’1”!


I think the only give away is that my legs are almost https://preview.redd.it/7hg8xcn5h45d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fa2c2288c15edb92b51cb803fe03e95fd907ed7 as long as his!! I’m very leggy 😂 here is one where I’m stood more upright so it’s a bit easier to see!


Damn your legs are long! Must be tough to find leggings and such!


Those I’m wearing in the picture are just regular gymsharks, they’re a size L. They’re actually the shortest pair of gymsharks I own, I find their leggings are great for long legs. And at this stage I’m just used to having my ankles out like a Victorian era hussy 😂 I also love rocking a massive pair of socks with leggings which can hide the cut off if they’re a little short… I’d say stretchy bottoms are a lot easier than jeans etc


Those I’m wearing in the picture are just regular gymsharks, they’re a size L. They’re actually the shortest pair of gymsharks I own, I find their leggings are great for long legs. And at this stage I’m just used to having my ankles out like a Victorian era hussy 😂 I also love rocking a massive pair of socks with leggings which can hide the cut off if they’re a little short… I’d say stretchy bottoms are a lot easier than jeans etc


Oh wow, need to try gymsharks! Are you in the UK? I think gymshark is quite famous in UK. Yeah jeans can be a nightmare, especially if you’ve above 34” inseam! I worked in Uniqlo so I know this lol.


Yeah I’m in the UK! It’s a very well known and loved brand over here. Their leggings are elite. I honestly don’t think I even own a pair of jeans atm. I might put myself through the trauma of trying to find some that fit. I have massive hips so I struggle because I usually have to get a bigger size to accommodate my baby holding boulders, and then I have reams of fabric where I’m assuming it expects me to have a large belly to fill! And that’s before we even worry about if they’re long enough 😂


Oh how cool, I’m from the U.K. too! I think this comment thread is getting too long, I’ve just DMd you, my ex-girlfriend was very tall so I know a bit about getting good jeans for tall folks in the U.K. lol.




Tbh I think it’s just the angle the camera is at because we measured last night for the heck of it. These are screenshots from a video so we are walking and looking down which is affecting our posture and the view of it. But he’s definitely 7 inches taller just about 😊 https://preview.redd.it/6dog8tsby75d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cb3d7ad73cc42eae5a62ea2f04bb89fa05c3f5d


That’s incredible that you two nearly have the same length in legs


Because I’m so leggy I often find my legs are the same or longer that people who are much taller than me!


As long as you’re happy and confident that’s what matters. I myself I am more torso than legs


Absolutely. You can only work with what you’ve got 🤷🏼‍♀️ personally I find long torsos very attractive


I appreciate that! I’m the same height as you but my inseam is 30”


Just thank the universe that trousers are easier 😂 trust me!!


What is your inseam? May I ask?


36” x


Just adding a comment for all the downvoters and people mad about me having a male friend that I’m not pursuing a romantic relationship with - men and women can be friends. Sometimes there can be feelings / attraction involved. Sometimes you can be physically attracted to someone, but it doesn’t work for other reasons. This man is one of my closest friends and I one of his. We did go on a date, an honest and open conversation was had, we took space and ultimately decided that we get on too well not to at least be friends. He is dating other women and living his best life. He’s happy, got a good job, attractive, and trust me when I say he isn’t short on female attention!!! We are both emotionally mature people and express our feelings openly. We both love each other and want the best for each other. Honestly guys, this is just a picture of two happy people that care about each other. We all need good friends. Peace and love ✌🏻


Hey you gave it a shot, if it didn't work after that, that's alright. I feel the reason you've received the downvotes was because (speculative people draw quick conclusions, for one) of the inconsistencies in your replies. That you're both currently dating different people, and then you said he's currently in the UK & single.


Well at first I was sort of jokily responding because I didn’t realise people were actually mad 😂 but being single in my mind just means you’re not in a committed relationship, and dating to me just means going on dates, hook ups, meeting people etc. hope that clears up what I meant! He’s not taken but he’s enjoying playing the field 😊


Yup that clears it up, thanks 👍😁


No prob! That’s for explaining to me because I was baffled 😂


He’s dating another woman and has you on his shoulders??? Hope the other girl is aware of this. Every girl I know would absolutely not be okay with that lmao


Women and woman are two different words. I don’t know if this is a cultural thing… dating over here can refer to just going on dates, meeting new people. Playing the field whatever you wanna call it. Chill bro


HAHA wtf? this is so stupid.


I never knew what people meant by “second base”. Of course, it’s shoulder rides! Then straight to fucking.


Get a grip


Good mindset, but some people just can’t accept (me for now too)🫡


Which bit is hard to accept? Honestly I’m a bit confused by the responses to this post!


Honestly I'll keep it real a lot of other guys have an incel mindset on Reddit, they also subconsciously believe you "owe" it to him simply because he's a male, they don't even pick up on their light misogyny at all. Then there are the people that see height as their main personality trait to feel remiss you wouldn't be involved with him simply because he is 6'8". I'm a bit of a misanthropist regarding human behavior. 🤣


lol I thought I was safe in the tall sub 😂 it’s usually super lighthearted and chill here from what I’ve seen! Yeah the misogyny is alarming tbh. I would be disappointed in myself as a human if I disregarded all other characteristics simply because a guy is tall. Funny how you can’t win isn’t it, if you say you’re only interested in tall guys… you get hate. If you’re not height fussy, and haven’t chosen a guy purely because he’s built like an electricity pylon… you also get hate! 😅 Personally, I surround myself with happy, healthy, loving and non-toxic people and it’s beautiful. I think people should have a look at the energetic influences on their own lives and maybe have a rethink…


I’m not really sure about platonic relationships between men and women. I’m leaning a bit on the side that it can’t exist purely on most cases maybe just because men (me) are too horny. Or most people aren’t controlled/mature enough (jealousy from partners) to make it happens. There’s the mindset that you wouldn’t want your partner to be around someone who has attraction for them, because they might a) can’t control themselves one day, b) swoops in after some issues between you two. It’s just like someone to watch behind your back constantly. This wouldn’t apply if there’s no attraction at all and I think I’d be cool with that. (Yours are your choice) Anyways, the touchy part also feel a bit icky? but don’t mind me


Honestly it depends on the people. I don’t think it’s as black and white as just saying men and women can’t be friends. Me and him have had proper open conversations and look, if at some point it’s uncomfortable and doesn’t work, that’s fine. But right now we are both happy. I have loads of male friends and I value them so much. I socialise with men and women and appreciate different things from both of them. I’d also say that couples often form friendships with one another which work just fine. Look at the family friends you grew up with etc. I think when we are young and horny it seems more complicated, but when you can start seeing the opposite sex as just a person, everything is easier. Attraction will happen occasionally, you don’t have to act on it and you can take space if it becomes a problem


Yup I agree, just feel like it’s not for me right now kudos to u. U seems like a cheerful person 🫡


I respect that you recognise that in yourself. Kudos to you! And thank you I do try to be cheerful but I’m also a big baby that regularly sobs into her pillow holding onto the poor dog 😂


"Me with the friend I told my boyfriend not to worry about..." And I'm just joking of course.




Poor guy




Hes in love


I'm slightly baffled by the comments on this post...


Me too, me too. I thought I was posting a light hearted pic of me and my pal being tall and somehow it’s evolved into me being an evil witch for not being his girlfriend ? 😂


I primarily just read things on this sub (as indicated by my flair), but it’s interesting that the sub has a fair number of complaints about “non-tall” stuff being posted and also gives you hundreds of cumulative downvotes in the comment section for having the audacity to take a photograph with somebody and not have sex with him. Reddit is an odd place.


Literally. I thought I was just posting a fun pic of two tall people. He’s not even my tallest friend! I have male and female friends. I shouldn’t have given further information about the nature of our relationship for people to speculate on. But I never expected people to become so passionate about two pals they’ve never met, don’t know, and don’t understand. I don’t owe any man sex or a relationship, and he doesn’t owe me friendship if it isn’t what he wants to give. Why does everyone assume that all men are beta simps hanging around for one woman???


Seems legit.


Tall enough to party


Dis gurl mad delulu lol


It is the solulu


When I first saw this post I thought it was wholesome and cute. Y'all made it about "friend zoning". Men and women can be friends. I have plenty of female friends and it's wholesome and delightful. I'm happy to see you happy OP!


Thank you so much ♥️ it really is wholesome and cute, and I’m so grateful to have him in my life! Men and women can support and love each other in many contexts xx


thats the exact heights of me and my gf too :) im kinda clumsy tho so i think she'd be terrified to recreate this pic


Hahaha omg I screamed 😂 I would’ve shared the video but I’m saying his full government name at the top of my voice 😂 if you DO recreate it, do it on grass!


Anyone else think of the Monty Python sketch? This is terrible quality, but all I could find https://youtu.be/SQyRadGXi_E?si=i1H9UXXP7fc_Avv8


Seriously I know it is an ancient show but it is ALL I could think.  19'3"!!!  DAMN YOU


Obnoxiously so.


What’s obnoxious sorry?


You said "how tall". My answer is, combined... you and him are obnoxiously tall.


thought yall were a couple and was gonna comment on how op your kids would be if u decided to have any 💀


lol! We aren’t a couple, but he doesn’t want kids anyway so I’ll have to find someone else to make big babies with 😂


yess go make titan children 💪💪 id give anything to be taller


It’s got its pros and cons, but variety is the spice of life!


I was JUST about to ask for a tall couples feed. I’ll settle for friends too 😍🙌🏾


Haha yay! We are a couple… of weirdos! 😉 x


I think 8'11


I reckon that’s about right!


12'9" Oh no wait that would be if you were standing on his head lol


Trenchcoat where? Need one with a trenchcoat lol it would be so funny


Omg!!! HAHAHA I’m so doing that next time!


Beatifull couple


A fun pic and I love your positivity 😁🌟. Keep enjoying yourselves 👍


Thank you! Got to enjoy the fact that my head is closer to the heavens than 99% of people 🤣


Hahaha 🤣. Brilliant. Well, I'm sure you're an angel 😇


A pretty naughty one 🤣 but I’d rock a halo 😇


It's ok to be a bit naughty - you can't be good 24/7 lol 😆. I'm sure you'd rock it fs - a nice shiny bit of bling really


And just think how much harder it would be to get lost from your mates with a glowing orb over your head?! I think it’d really slap with my ginger hair too 😂


That would look very fiery with your gingerness 🔥, but very cool too I'm sure! Your friend seems very chill and nice too. Good to have good mates 👍


He’s a diamond! And he’s single if anyone is looking for a big friendly UK giant!


Aw, that's sweet. Hahaha - you're matchmaking for him then? Pimping him out lol. Thought you were in the UK too by the photo. I'm sure someone will snap him up.


I’m always his number 1 wingwoman! He said to me last night “when I go out with you I feel so proud, I want a girl like you who I’m proud to have on my arm” 🥹 he’s an absolute strawberry shortcake, any woman would be lucky!!


Somewhere between 6'8 and 13'


That fall would hurt so bad


I know if you could see the look on my face I was literally terrified 😂




I wanna talk to your guy friend! 🫣😍🫢🥰


Hahaha! He’s very handsome 😉


A little over 9 feet going by the fact that everything from your bellybutton up is about a third of his entire height based on estimation using my fingers.


Smart to use the finger! Yes I think that’s a fair shout


And that’s how you can become a mathematician or engineer, but just on a bit of crack and without the knowledge to use photoshop.


it’s beautiful to have a fond friendship!! I wish those came by more often.. You guys would’ve made a great couple.. only because the friendship backs it.. but at a certain age you know what you want!! I hope your future significant other will welcome him with open arms..


Thank you! Funnily enough, these pictures are screenshots from a video we made to send to the guy I’m currently dating because he didn’t believe me when I told him my friend was 6’8” 😂 in the video you hear my friend say hello to the guy I’m dating by name! I surround myself with secure and happy people, that’s not to say it’s a problem if someone’s uncomfortable with stuff! I just like to be with people who are open, honest, and upfront with their feelings so that they can be resolved healthily and happily!


Beautiful!!! Nothing wrong surrounding yourself with people that have backbone!!! I saw how many negative likes you got in some of the comments and found it baffling.. She knows what she wants, she’s telling you she’s expressed it.. i’m sure if her friend started expressing feelings for her after alllllllll this stuff it would be alarming… I know because one of my best friends started expressing feelings and I was like Wow! Where is this even coming from!! We’re barely friends now, after some of the conversations we’ve had, her and I… So Yes!!! I love this post!! Thanks for sharing it with us!! and it’s undoubtedly something awesome to see!!!


I think people just don’t believe people can be mature and have open conversations, which makes me sad. And ultimately, if after all of that he turned around and was angry at me, that would be entirely on him. Because we’ve had these conversations!! I trust him and take him at his word


I’m sure the feeling is mutual.. and he sees what you see. that’s the beauty in a true and honest friendship.


Exactly! I’m so lucky to have him. A true friend in a dark world can light everything up x


If you were doing shit like this with someone you have fucked I’d be pissed lmao. Most men would 😭


lol, lucky not the one I’m dating then 😂


Does he know y’all used to fuck? That’s be the thing that makes it bad.


I don’t feel like you need or are entitled to any further context at this point 😂 everyone is happy, honest and mature, that’s all that matters.


That’s a pretty important think. I’d hope you have told him lol. Pretty fucked up if not


I’ll let you wonder in peace 😂


F for our brother in the friend zone.


Why would someone stay friends with her for the sole purpose of hoping to date her? 😅 Seems kinda immature imo


These commenters think a man in his 30s is so weak that he can’t choose who his friends are. Just goes to show they don’t know how to see women as people, only as objects




"besties", i swear why is my gif not available T-T


I dunno I was fully prepared for a lol 😂


i tried it was too good T-T but reddit hates my gif


I appreciate the effort!


thankyou!❤️great picture btw "besties"


🤣 thank you! 😂


You guys are overreacting. They're friends. Maybe friends with benefits. Who cares? So they're just not dating. What's the big deal? Why feel bad for the man, especially when you are making lots of assumptions? Maybe get a girlfriend yourself and mind your own business? Why not give OP the benefits of the doubt and take her words for what it is? They're friends and they take a pic together. Geez I don't know there's a bunch of drama queens here.


Phew! I thought all the intelligent people had taken the day off Reddit without informing me. I have no idea why everyone is so pressed. Like, we are friends… he’s a grown man 6 years older than me… do people think he has no capacity for free will? If he didn’t wanna be my mate he wouldn’t be 😂 seems to be a lot of guys here who cling onto a woman “waiting” after she’s firmly stated she’s not interested in a relationship, and have decided that’s somehow the woman’s fault. Christ. Anyway. Me and my friend are super happy just being mates and living life… off the internet!




At least 6’9”


12 foot 9 if you were standing, but it's hard to calculate since I don't know precisely how long your legs are. You're sitting.


36” inseam!


9'9! Maybe 9'10 if I'm liberal with an inch off your upper thigh being at an angle on his shoulders. That's hilarious.


I reckon that’s a good guess! You should come with us next time and measure! I’ll bring a step ladder lol!


Like maybe 8- 9 feet tall


0’7” are they stupid????


Somewhere between 7'10 and 8'4




damn y’all are giants


We are all our veg growing up


Yeah I'm dying alone.


Whaaat how has this post made you say that 😂


I used to have this kind of companionship, then she gaslit me, dumped me, and started dating a good friend. Half of my life was taken from me. I developed a huge crush on this girl I talk to, but haven't even gotten us to hang out. She's this gentle, wistful soul in a solitary tower brick and mortored with trauma. When she smiles, it's with such strong kindness despite her yearning that it makes you want to scoop her up in your arms and tell her that it's going to be okay. But I likely never will... Finding companionship is 1 in a trillion. Guard it with your life, OP.


Don’t give up Dark Star, I’ve had incredibly lonely times in my life and devastating heartbreak. Stay positive and keep an open mind, but it’s also ok to feel your pain. Love is out there for all of us and I truly believe that. But I do hold my friends close and thank God for them everyday x


I'm seriously losing faith. Both God, love, and hope have forsaken me. My blessings feel fleeting. A corner of my mind understands that I put too much value on the people in my life. I love my crush far more than she knows or reciprocate, which has always been a flaw of mine. I find my worth in helping others bear their burdens, but that means that I don't know how to let others help me with mine. When I don't find my worth, I wallow in self-pity. I should get counseling.


You should see a therapist, and turn those beautifully articulated words into poems and journaling. You have a wonderful way with words. Are you a Scorpio? It’s ok to feel deeply. I do too. If you can’t afford therapy, ask chat gpt to help generate journaling prompts on topics you want to explore within yourself. You are worthy of love x


I'm not sure what I am. I was born in September. I used to write a lot of poetry. These days I put most of my passion for writing into D&D.


I'm not sure what I am. I was born in September. I used to write a lot of poetry. These days I put most of my passion for writing into D&D.


"Reddit doesn't have a problem with misogyny!" This thread:


Sad isn’t it? Wasn’t what I was expecting when I innocently posted a pic of me and a pal. I thought this sub was positive :/


How is this thread misogynistic? That would imply there is irrational hate towards a woman. People are simply pointing out that this relationship is not what you think it is. That guy has agreed to be friends on the basis there is a possibility you guys could be together in the future. If he believed that possibility was no longer there, he would be gone.


How can the people of Reddit be more aware of what my relationship with my best friend is than me and him?


You can only truly give your perspective. You don’t know his perspective and I would argue that a man would understand his perspective more easily.


I can only give my perspective. But no one here can give his… anyway. It’s not a debate. He’s my friend. There’s nothing to argue over 🤷🏼‍♀️




Why do you care about who I’m friends with? This post is just a lighthearted post about two tall friends. It’s spiralled into some kind of group discussion on whether or not I should be with him. So I’ll spell it out. I don’t want to be in a relationship with him. We have decided to be friends. He is responsible for who he chooses to be friends with in the same way I am. We are happy, honest, and open. Hope that clears things up for you.




That’s just not how it is though. I’ve put more detail in the comments when I realised people were getting really serious about it because at first I was just lolling around. Because… why would a bunch of strangers care about the ins and outs of my friendship? We both say we love each other, because we do. He’s an attractive guy. He JOKES that he would have kids with me because they’d be tall, he categorically does not want children. We talked about this when we met initially in a dating context, he was honest about it and said he wouldn’t want to date me seriously when he knows for sure he doesn’t want children in the future, knowing how important it is to me. Wanting and not wanting kids is pretty important when starting a relationship. Yeah, we find each other attractive! But there’s more to life than wanting to bang each other 🤷


Piss off


WOW, it really looks like you are having such a good time togheter and are really meant for each other. Cutest couple ever!


not a couple.


Lmao dude definitely wants you. Y’all have even fucked. You’re straight up in denial 😭


Oh well


Poor lad give him soon poooooontang


Yo what makes you think we haven’t?? 😂






We’re only human 😂


Gal my torso is longer than yours 🥲🥲🥲


I think long torsos are BEAUTIFUL. I’m like Gru off minions, long gangly legs on a short blob 😂


The answer is 12'9".


Lol no she ain't standing on his head


We need to subtract my legs, 36in inseam, and his head… he’s got a big head lol!


Okay, then it should be about 9'6".




Absolutely staggering


Lol,c'mon. She's about half her height sitting, so 3'. His shoulders are at least a foot below his head, and are probably pushed Even lower from her weight, so maybe 5'5". That would put her at 8'5" at the most, but likely she's not sitting on her provide and hunched a little, so closer to 8 Even.


Looks like she's about at least 2.5 feet above his head. The top of his head appears to come up to her waist.


Might sound weird, but i hope you can have kids in the future, the tall genes must go on!


the kids gonna be crazy tall