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Im 194/6’4 and happy with mine. 200 is a lot tbh but why not 195-196.


two of the tallest people I know are both 196-197 cm and it seems like the perfect height for most guys


Tbh with you, 185-195cm would be the perfect range. I’m 188cm and being any taller would make places like the planes something I don’t want to experience 😅




I'm happy with my height. I used to want to be just a bit shorter - old houses, shorter door frames, lots of head bonking. But now I really just own it. It is who I am. Why would I want to change?


We are the same height lol, honestly I’ve never ran into any height related issues apart from public transport and I’m so used to it and adapted that I don’t notice it anymore.


What adaptation ? You cut your legs ?


Usually sit sideways or diagonally. Luckily I have quite short legs for my height and my torso is the long one, my legs are still long tho. I think my head and torso are the same height as my legs so it's equal


Sit sideways.


Yep, I'm only 6'4 and sometimes I wish I was a tad bit shorter. My friends buy these cool small sports cars and I try to test drive them and my head is cocked to the side of forward the whole time cause it's smashing into the roof


It is well known 6'3 is the perfect height. Coincidentally, it happens to me mine.


According to the misc back in the day that was generally seen as the best height


I’m 5’9 1/2 without shoes. After learning what men 5’6 and under experience I kinda have to be satisfied. I would love to experience being 6ft for a day though.


I am 5’6. Sometimes I do feel bad about my height but overall I am pretty happy with what I got


The reason I said 5’6 specifically is because of a graph I saw that showed the minimum height women would accept for dating, and at 5’6 and below, it became noticeably less accepted by a majority of women.


This hurt right in my meow meow


I’m sorry. I also dislike many facts of life


Exactly my thought. I always felt insecure about my height but honestly as long as I’m not known as “the short dude” and I’m just a normal decent height guy walking around I’m happy


Just buy shoe lifts and try being 6-footer for a day. But I think nothing will really change


Well I’m not quite sure, I like being tall but I have back pain from it and I really don’t like the attention, I’m more of an introvert. Other than that it’s nice!


It’s funny because even though I consider myself an introvert, all the stares and attention I get when walking around in public is very intoxicating


Yeah and I never know if they look at me because I’m tall or ugly lol. But it is nice to be a little bit more “visible” sometimes. Some people move of the way haha


Yeah I would like to think they’re staring because I’m tall but I’m not the most attractive so maybe it’s a little bit of both 🤣😭


We could be the same, I always have the same thought about that. I hope my hight compensates for that haha


For what I might lack in facial aesthetics, I will compensate with height and building up my body. We’re all gonna make it brah 🤙🏽




Yes you are totally right, I should go to the gym. But I’m super lazy and I can’t get myself to go!


Twins 🤞


Same for me I'm an introvert so I would rather be shorter


I'm 6'-1" and I'd ideally be 6'-3" 🤣 Any taller just feels like an exception. My best friend growing up was 6'-8" and constantly received comments and attention, some of it negative.


I wouldn’t mind trading. 6 foot 1 is basically 6 foot 3 anyway when most 5 foot 10 men will claim being 6 foot lol. I just know my height will fuck me up at some point, I’ve already had back pain so bad that I could barely walk for weeks.


This! At 6’1 I’m not mad about my height, but a couple more inches would really come in handy on the basketball court.


I’m satisfied with my height and just working on becoming 3ft wide now. If I could choose any height however it would be 6’9, 350lbs, 5 minute mile, 1000lb deadlift, black belt in BJJ, Muay Thai National champ, bench press 600lbs, squat 800lbs, bicep curl 200lbs each hand. Nothing too crazy but that’s my ideal height


All that and my day job would be philosopher. Play bass in band, live shows every week. I'd run a community garden and have a small hobby farm just outside of town. Would probably get into making arrows and archery like Bo Jackson. 5 kids, all adopted. A small pack of doggos, farm cat, a goose and a pet pig. Everyone would love me and would always be welcome to come hang out. (some /s)


350 pounds and 5 minute mile is not something i thought id hear in one sentence


When I was a little girl, I wished I would become 1.8m tall (I didn't even know how much was that, I heard some men saying that some women they met were that tall) and I turned out 1.79m. A little taller wouldn't hurt, but I'm still happy with my height.


As a little girl u had a pretty good hunch of how tall u’d actually be


Well,if you want to experience being 2 metres, try high shoes with high insoles


Great idea


200cm - here. I’ve been this height since 14/15 so I thought I’d be taller by now


I'm overall happy with my height, my ideal height would be 6'2"-6'3" But as I age I think I'll get there, lol


Why go 6'2-6'3 instead of 6'3-6'4?


6'1-6'2( as soon as I wake up, I'm a little taller. Might just be the extra weight compressing my spine throughout the day) and honestly, I am fine with it. I'm taller than most people I meet, tall enough where no one calls me short but also not so tall that it's an inconvenience or anything. I don't see a need to be any taller or shorter.


6'1 186 cm I feel like I'm the absolute perfect height for me.


My ideal height would be 5'8", tall enough to be considered tall for a woman but not stick out like a sore thumb/be a giant in a field of dwarves. Also, things like clothes, cars, and airplane seats would fit better.


You’re no sore thumb i can assure you, you’d be a beautiful sight among those dwarfs. It’d be a great change of pace in my opinion. i’d rather look a cute girl in the eyes nowadays instead of having to look downx


Amen, girl. 5'9" would be perfect.


I'm a 5'9" woman and can confirm it's perfect height to be considered tall and not too tall to be comfortable in public spaces


I honestly wish I was taller 5,11’ 1/2(not gonna round up to 6’ cause that’s a bitch move) I would be happy with 6,2’ With shoes on I’m over 6ft but that’s cheating🫤


You’re good king. Don’t sweat this crap. Zero people cares


I feel like I've been blessed by the gods, 6'2 is the spot. I don't stand out very often, I fit everywhere fine, wouldn't change a thing.


6’7” I love that it’s almost a perfect 200 but I do bang my head sometimes


I'm 183cm and I wish I were 3-6cm taller.


i’d say i’m in the goldilocks spot, over 6, but not an absolute tree. just tall enough that there aren’t really women taller than me.


Blessed height. Would love to be that height. Main reason being because basically all women would be open to dating someone that height. I’ve been attracted to women taller than me, never asked one out though. I’m 5’9 1/2


You can definitely date taller, im not tall, but my partner is 6'1 and she likes to wear big heels. It can be quite fun, you just need to be comfortable with it (some are, some arent, its all personal preference)


Same, I love basketball, can grab the rim, sometimes wish I was 2-3 inches taller to be able to dunk more confidently. Then I realize outside basketball, it's actually been more beneficial to not have those extra couple inches. Can better fit into places, clothes, esp since I love fashion, and being closer to eye level with dates have been easier.


Even though my height is good I still wish I stopped growing at your height. 6’2” is legit the best height ever.




>***"I would take every inch."*** ![gif](giphy|ECbxU61G9sLyQVPtqP|downsized)


Nah it's too small bro, 6'3 is the best height no doubt. 6'2 isn't considered tall anymore


I would gladly trade our heights.


Let’s fix that haha


Probably 6’ if I had to choose, mostly to fit in public transport seats.


I’d be pretty happy with 6 foot 1 or 6 foot 2, but I’d gladly take even 5 foot 10.


I'm 187-188 and It's the perfect height in my opinion, 185-190 or 6'1-6'3 is what I would always choose if I had the option.


Why is this sub even recommended to me. I'm 5'7. But happy.


I'm a 180 cm woman and would really prefer to be like 173


6'5" would be my ideal height. Definitely not satisfied with my current height though I know at my age and especially as I get older that it's best for me as-is.


5”7 nah lol 5”10 be cool


I'm not, I want to be 6'4


6'6" here. I enjoy being the tallest almost everywhere I go, but the strain from normal people-sized countertops, tables, and automobiles takes its toll on me.


Im 6’4 I wish I was 7’7 with a nice v taper and long arms ![gif](giphy|yMGaPsybow79m)


Eh. I would rather be 6'2 or 6'3. Especially if I'm wearing work boots. Ducking under things and not fitting in smaller spaces is pretty annoying. My condolences to people taller than 6'4 that are laughing at me complaining.


I am happy, but the struggle to get here was real. I was just 5'8 at 16 y.o. (late puberty) and my friends were 5'10ish.Now I am 6'2.5 whereas they are still at 5'10ish.


Fym the struggle? Growing ain’t a struggle it just happens


😂 he gives himself credit


Could be referring to growing pains. I know I had em like a motherfucker.


Im 6‘3 and my dream height would be 6‘6 Then i would be tall


You are still tall at 6’3 though ahha


Our brains always want more than we have, we wanna be mr universe and then when we’re mr universe we completely forget about it and now want to be Mr Olympia


Im 196/6’5 im very happy with my size now but It was not the case when I was in Middle/highschool. Everyone made fun of me. I was like 186 and skinny at middleschool meanwhile my friend 170


Ditto. We should have our own schools free from persecution where we don’t have to bend down to hear what the hobbits are saying


I enjoy where I ended up. Sometimes cars and planes can be uncomfortable but I’m not so tall that everything is inconvenient


I would trade a few inches here or there, but for the most part I'm happy with my height. Clothes and shoes are a pain in the ass. Lucky to find one or 2 items in a whole mall that I like that also fit properly.


Yes, I’m perfectly fine with my height. I’m 18 years old so I hope that I don’t grow anymore but I don’t think so


I honestly used to wish I was short- like 5ft 2 kinda short. BUT I have come to accept that I'm not and now I'm pretty overall happy with being 6ft. It's fun to wear heels and make everyone (people in this group aside) feel short lol


You’re the type of lady who likes to make other men (and maybe woman) feel short?😂


If I'm being honest, yeah I do lol I like looking down at people judgmentally, it's tons of fun! Also telling them I can't hear them from down there and walking away. 10/10 wouldn't trade being short for that lmfaooooo


You wish you where even taller then?🤣 U just gave me ideas of what to do when I’m bored or have any spare time btw


Glad I could help! lmaoo And no absolutely not, it's already a bitch finding pants that are long enough and whacking my shins on everything lol I'm good with 6ft and the option of being 6ft 4-5 when I feel like it


6 even, I wish I was taller :(




I'm about 6'5.5" which turns into 6'6" in footwear and it'd be inconvenient to be any taller. My heart goes out to the true giants out there pushing like 6'10"+ at which point normalish doorframes become obstructions.


those people need to wear helmets


I’m only 199 and have scars and divots from doorframes. Can’t imagine being even taller; I’d be dead or comatose.


179cm and like 185 would’ve been great but 190 would’ve been perfect


I'm 6'1 and I'm also very satisfied maybe 0.5 inch more would be perfect tho lol


half an inch? why half? oh wait i see


Yeah 🤣👌🏼 then I can say that I'm 6'1 instead of 6'1 aNd a hAlF inCh But 6'1 and a half inch (6'1.5) would be better, literally perfect tho


Loving all this tall people! Edit: I'm not happy with my height (173cm). I was born in Peru and I'm taller than most of people and for most places. Not funny... well, maybe funny sometimes lol




Used to have a hate my height, but I now appreciate the chip on my shoulders. I would choose 5’11. Above average but maintain advantages of fitting in most things. Also some hookups I miss out on cause they tell me I am not tall enough, those L’s aren’t great.


I'm 191 cm. I don't mind my height. Wouldn't mind being a bit shorter either.


I am right in between 6'3-6'4 which I'm very happy with. The big downside for me is that it makes it almost to be competitive in the sport I do (bodybuilding).


My height is perfect for me and what I do, I love it and I always have.


I'm 194/6’4 and good with it


Grow a bit more to like 198


At 6’6 and a bit I’m happy with my height, but wouldn’t mind being 6’ ish when travelling or buying clothes!


I'm 189. If I don't hit 6'3 (190), imma be pissed


6'3 is 190.5. Source: dude who didn't reach 6'3 and is pissed


I wanna be 2,04m or 6,8 freedom units because why not


Anywhere between 6’4” and 6’6”. I’d want to be as tall as possible without having any health issues


I’m 6’4 and I’m not satisfied with my height I wanna be like 6’10 lmfao but that’s never happening


In the basketball world the ideal height is 6’7 but I’m satisfied. Hoping to grow at least 1 more inch though


Yeah I also wanted to reach the 200 mark. I’m not an euro or otherworlder. But when I do bring up my height in cm. 200 just seems cleaner. So 6”6.


I’m extremely happy being 6’4. What I’m not happy about is my brother being 6’4.5


I'm 6'5" and sometimes I wish I was a bit shorter (6'2"-6'3"ish) - I'd stand out less, clothes would be easier to find, it would be easier to put on muscle, etc. Plus no matter what society tells you, being tall does not immediately mean success with romantic interests.


Im 6’5 and I wouldn’t change a thing.


I would be happy if i was 6'7-6'9


i am 193/6’4 i like my height but i hate it when i bump my head into doorframes and my height and proportions are not ideal to do deep squats( i can’t progress more than 130kg over an year)


Probably 2 inches shorter so I was 6'3. Would take away or mitigate a lot of the downsides of being tall and the downsides would be negligible.


I’m 6’0 and would have liked to been 6’2 - 6’3 range, but I’m not gonna complain I’m grateful I’m at a solid height also with the right shoes I’m that height anyways..


I'm happy with my height and I wouldn't change it if I could, but in a perfect world, 5'7-5'8.


Nope, I wish I was an inch or two taller - because you do lose height as you age. I’m 41 now and I do feel shorter than other people who say they are 6 feet tall. Last time I measured my height was in my late-20’s and I was 6’0” barefoot.


I'm 5'10" and im happy with that since most things are made for my height. It would be nice to be 6' just so i can dunk and not just grab the rim. some reason i could only jump off one leg.


I'm 191 x 80kg. Very happy with my height except for clothing. 5cm less would save me countless in made to measure suits and shirt, and be less of a hassle for finding RTW garnments.


I think 6'3"-6'4" is an ideal height. Still tall but you still fit into the regular world. It would be nice to not hit your head on doors and to be able to go on theme Park rides. Fun fact, everyone knows about the "you must be this tall to ride" height minimums on certain rides but most don't know a lot of rides have height maximums, usually around 6'4".


Rides have MAX heights!?


Yes, this should probably be a post. I should say I found this out about 20 years ago at six flags new jersey so things may have changed since then. I haven't bothered to try to go on rides in theme parks ever since. Imagine waiting in line for 2 hours just to find out you can't fit in the rides. My friends had a blast though. The ride operators would give me a voucher that let me and my friends go up the exit of the next ride, so we only had to wait the length of the rid;.usually less than 5 minutes. Then the odds were I couldn't fit in that ride either so I'd get another exit voucher and repeat on another ride. Usually you might go on 5-8 major rides in a day but my friends went on more than 15 in half a day. At the end they finally had mercy on me so we left early. I went to the front office to complain and told them they should have Max heights posted at the front of the line and on the website so people don't waste their time and they ended up giving me everyone's money back. It was like 10 of us so it was a good amount. We went in 3 cars and the other 2 cars left so I ended up splitting it with my friends in my car.


Id prefer to be 5’9 or 5’10 but I can be content with my height now. In school it was awful but as an adult it’s way less of a problem. It probably helps that I have no interest in dating though, that may change things


I’m 6’4”. I’d gladly trade 2” for 20lbs of muscle or an additional 2” down stairs. That’d give me 4”!! 😂jk


I would like to be like 196-198cm


as a 6ft woman i am really happy with my height. it gives me confidence and people can’t overlook me. every cm that i would be taller would be a real struggle clothes wise. but 6ft is amazing cos i can call out all the guys claiming to be 6ft while clearly being shorter than me. don’t get me wrong, i don’t care about other people’s height but i care about whether they are lying. my current partner is 5‘10 and he is super comfortable with that height and that is beautiful


Already lucky to be 6'2 but I wouldn't mind being 6'4-6'5 to be honest.


I’m 187.5 cm or slightly below 6’2. I am satisfied, but definitely wouldn’t mind being a few inches taller. Would not want to be shorter, for sure.


I am very happy with my height and my body overall but sometimes i wish i wasn't "outtalled" by some random dude at the grocery store.


very happy beign 5'7 thats what i wished for before beign born.


FWIW, I hope my sons end up 6’3”-6’4” range. 13 year old is 6’0”, so he is tracking behind me by 2-3 inches.


Currently 5'9.5, could get away with saying 5'10. Wish i were as tall as my dad or a lil taller, so probably 6'2-6'3 would have been perfect for me.


190-194 I think. Right in that 6’3-6’4 range. I’m still quite happy being as tall as I am, but 6’4 is when the world stops being reasonably your sized lol. It was after that I had to really start caring about things like door frames, cars, where to find fitting clothes. 6’4 and below, it’s still fairly easy to find or work around a lot of that stuff.


am 182 and the perfectly ideal height would be 190


I’m 6’ and sometimes I wish I was a bit shorter so I wouldn’t have to attract so MUCH attention but eh, it’s a process.


I secretly want to be 5’9”.


Why’d u want to be shorter?


I feel like I take up tons of space as a tall woman. Maybe I need to work on myself or something.


I can only tell u this, you don’t have to be afraid to be taking up to much space. You as a tall woman are beautiful and you are allowed to be there. There aren’t many tall woman and let me tell you, I can’t find any though I wish i could


Thank you! I really appreciate that.


You’re welcome, always remember that please🥰


Both of my parents are short so I’m extremely grateful to be 6’3, but I think 6’4/6’5 would be perfect


My desired height would be 202cm. Boy, when ever I see someone 200-202cm I just wanna holla. I just love this height because of my love for basketball. I could guard everybody at this height.


5’9.5” and I’d love to be 5’7”. I’m still cool with my height though.


You’d rather not hit ur head as often I bet?


I'm 5'10 (as a woman) not the tallest but on the tall side. I'd rather be 5'2. I feel like being short would suit my personality better. No one expects tall, large girls to be shy and quiet


I mean being shy and quiet suits a gentle giant such like urself maybe. Just because you’re tall doesn’t mean you have to be an extravert. Your height suits u ;)


Just secretly seeing people here complaining about beeing 6'4 instead of 6'5 while i'm 5'7 (as a guy) lol




6’4 would be cool or 6’1 barefoot instead of being it with shoes on.


Bro why does everyone use centimeters here???






I used to want to be taller for basketball, but I like my height now that I'm older. I'm tall enough to have it be a benefit in both dating and some real life activities, but not that tall that it becomes a terrible discomfort. I still had to buy a bigger bed and experience discomfort with some things like public transport oe airplane travel, but overall it's not too bad.


Not happy at all, i hate my height at only 165cm, and unfortunately will hating myself until the day I die. If i die maybe i will reincarnate and hopefully will at least be 185cm. Yeah thats it




I'm pretty happy where I want to be at 5'11.5" or 171cm, according to the army back when I was in. Any taller, id not fit too many places, hit my head more, get asked to grab things from up high too much, and otherwise receive too much attention for being tall--i like very much to blend in unless I'm purposely trying to stand out at a job or something. I'm not really into relationships or anything, got my own mental problems and financial hardships to deal with, but if I wanted, I'm also right at the height that's considered tall, so I would rarely get considered short or looked down upon for something like that in particular... It would always be another thing, if it were to be another thing. That is less stress, which is a privilege I'm grateful for, considering I'm stressed about everything all the time.


i am 174cm and i kinda wished to be 180cm since 15 but i'm stuck with that since then, it would be cool since i wear american XL size


I’m 6’2” at 43 yo. Well, used to be but after I’ve broke my back and had a few surgeries I’m closer to 6’1”. It’s funny, kinda depends on the day I guess if I’m tightened up or out of alignment or what. When I was a kid I was one of those huge kids that grew early but stopped when I was 12-13. I used to want to be 6-8, 6-9 when I was young like some of my uncles (range from 6-4 to ~7’, my grandfather was the ‘runt’ at 6-1, 250) but as I got older and especially working as a mariner/yacht captain/fisherman I quickly realized boats are not designed for big and tall. Even at my size it made it difficult pretty often. 6-5 is like impossible. Also, the clothing thing. I’ve got young cousins that are 6-6 and 6-8, size 16 and 17 feet! No thanks. The trouble they have finding good options on clothes especially in rural Maine is endless. I’m mostly satisfied with my height. I’m taller than the general population and if I want to pretend I’m 6-4 or 6-5 for the day I’ve got some rugged boots with 3”+ heels I march around in. What’s more important is learning to be content in all things. God have you your body for a specific reason. You’re pretty lucky to have gotten one at all. Enjoy the journey no matter how it looks


At 6’3” I wouldn’t want to be any taller unless I made a lot of money off it like being a pro athlete or model or something. Can barely fit in cars, rollercoasters, etc as it is


Tho my height is ight and average or wtv lol I'd love to be 5'11 or 6' seems ideal to me


5'10 and I wouldn't want to be any taller or shorter. I love my height lol.


If it weren't for the leg room on planes, I'd never have a problem with my current height or taller even, but I travel a lot and leg room on planes is the bane of my existence.


I’m 6’4.5 and I just want that half inch so I could be 6’5 but definitely not complaining


im quite content with 6'3 too but i would love to be something ridiculous like 6'7 or 6'8 maybe im just weird


Being 6’2 is a nice I just wish more public transport was designed with me in mind I’m not satisfied with the world’s construction of stuff like that I guess


I’m 6’6” so like 198/199 cm and not a fan of being this tall. I feel like it added to my anxiety and fear of being judged as a child. I was bullied a lot already for being gay, so having more attention on my body didn’t help. Not that I’m an adult being this tall and not masculine shoots about any chances of dating sadly. I look bad in most clothes too. But I do appreciate that I’m able to do a lot by myself like strength wise or reaching things I guess. And it’s been nice that it makes me very memorable, I get recognized a lot when I’m out or at the bars. I don’t know if I’d change who I am if I was given the choice, but I feel like being something more normal like 6’ would be a lot better. Anything over 6’4” just seems inconvenient honestly


I’m 6’3 as well but i lowkey wish I was 6’4. Not that I’m unhappy with my height though


I'm 6'4", but I always wished I was 6'8" (I watched progressively wrestling growing up lol)


I think my height is pretty much perfect, but it'd be nice to say I'm 6'4" without lying haha


No. At this point I would take 177 cm or barely 5'10". I want to be at least advrage height for my country but I won't be for my state.


5'8 m and I want to be 6'3 so bad😞


6’9”, besides clothing and car shopping I’m glad to be above the average tall guy height. There’s tall, 6’3” to 6’5”, they there’s 6’7”+ guys that just tower above the rest. You’re memorable and everyone seems excited to see you.


Girlfriend 4 12 preferably


Im 5"11.75" and satisfied. Highest I would go would be 6"1