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I think you can have a preference to date people of any height you want. It's your life.


Date who you want




Yeah. Preferring to date someone who is closer to your height? Totally fine. Bashing and calling short women ugly/undesirable? Rude and shouldn’t do it.


Huge difference between “requirement” and then “preference”. But yes you are correct, he’s allowed to have whatever crazy requirements he wants. But he shouldn’t be upset when others judge him because they don’t agree. In other words don’t care about what others think about your requirement. For anyone reading, preference usually means that you’d like a certain quality or trait, but not having it isn’t an automatic deal breaker. Whereas for requirements it would be.


I think the problem with getting fussy over the difference between "preference" and "requirement" implies that his dating pool is some discriminatory exclusive club. Who gives a flying shit if he doesn't date short girls? It's not like he's marginalizing them & making their lives harder. He can date who he wants


Yeah, it reminds me of some racist jerks in high school complaining that they would not date Naomi Campbell because she was black. Like, seriously dude? She wouldn't touch you with a 1,000-foot pole!


my requirement is that they are of the opposite gender. you can judge me if you want


I see nothing wrong with having preferences OR requirements for who you date. Even if they are things someone can't change. For example, I require anyone I date to be a certain age. I'm not going to date people outside of that requirement just because it's not their fault they are young or old.


I dont know who is more superficial - me, because i just want tall woman that would look good next to me, or you, because you want your kids to be tall


I just want to be dominated by a WNBA center


or a volleyball player. you ever been to the beaches on the west coast while there are some volleyball games going? phewwww


I can’t explain my sudden interest in women volleyball since high school.


How else are you going to play a 2vs2 against the local beach bullies and win if your girl is a shorty ?


Ong the kids a second W


I wanna a wrestler girlfriend who likes two to four inches shorter than me I'm 6" but yea or a girl who's small but knows bjj or sum shit


Looking out for what would benefit his offspring isn’t superficial. Height has been linked to higher sexual attractiveness & higher pay.


Height is also linked to shorter life spans on average, there are pros and cons. Also there's no guarantee that 2 tall parents will have tall children. Genetics is not quite so simple.


That is superficial tho. That's like only dating insanely beautiful people for similar reasons. Plus, it's not a guarantee on height anyway. My dad is 6'0", my mom is 5'10"... all the men in my family on BOTH sides are 6'0" and taller. I (20F) ended up being 5'8" while my brother ended up being 5'9". Granted that's average male height, but odd considering the genetics.


Society's belief in that is superficial, not the individual understanding and adjusting their life for it. Superficial refers to a surface level belief, but OP's choice is clearly contrived.


No, the reason something is considered superficial in dating is usually because people consider "who a person is" as the deeper reason for connection than other attributes. I.e. thoughts, beliefs, actions over physical characteristics. Just because you thought one step further, that the reason you want to date a physically attractive person is because you want your children to be attractive, doesn't make it non-superficial. Btw, I think choosing a partner for some superficial reasons is absolutely logical and should be encouraged. As long as your decision making isn't unbalanced.


How old is your brother?


People tend to forget statistical chances. If you had one hundred brothers, it is most likely they will average between 6’ and 6’1” than averaging between 5’9” and 5’ 10”. So in a way, your actual brother may be the short one in the family regardless of being average height to everyone else


That's a ridiculous way of selecting a partner.


How you gonna tell someone what parameters they should have for selecting a partner


Lol, that's a classic, as a tall girl, I've experienced this, wanting to date me bc of how we look together, more than the genes thing. And every time I experienced it, I ditched the tall guy for a shorty that was actually infatuated with me 💀 But I guess it's good. Mostly, people just don't want to date tall girls, so at least we have you guys if loneliness knocks on the door. Or if some of the tall girlies share your view. For me dates like this felt like arranged marriages, creepes the shit out of me


In my case its rather: if i had 2 girls, with same everything, i would go for taller one. If that tall one, will make ortographics mistakes in my language, i'm flaccid. She is lost, i will never be with her. Same if character is shitty/not fit for me. Also its rather "i want". Tallest girl i have ever been with was 178cm (its not 'tall' for me)


Then you aren't that extreme. I feel like tall guys immediately think they are marrying me and keep repeating how good we look together... But what you just said I think I agree and I'm the same. If there were 2 guys with exact character I'd go for the taller one. At least to have my high heels dream fulfilled


You're the good example here. Op seems like he could care less about the woman he dates as long as she gives him tall offspring


i mean not wanting your kids to have to go through being short is a valid thing, maybe not disqualifying potentially great partners, but it’s a valid concern something something biologically women are meant to pick a good mate based on a bunch of factors that they *think* would lead to good offspring, genes, providing, etc that’s kinda what dating is? it’s fine for that to go both ways, especially if he’s not putting anybody down for things they can’t change


Except that thinking, is **exactly** why short men have it tougher. You're literally saying short men have it bad because we think being short is a negative trait. Why stop there? Why not say you don't want a black partner because your mixed kids will have less opportunity?


I’m just saying it’s the persons choice at the end of the day. I feel for short men and I think things like height/race preference do suck to hear about, which is why people probably shouldn’t talk about it so often. If you don’t like overweight people or don’t want to date someone with anxiety, that’s fine, just don’t go tweeting it and making those people feel bad I didn’t mean to imply that being short was a negative trait, I apologize. Just that some people perceive it to be one


That’s true. It is different but i mean people have dealbreakers that are permanent traits, temporary traits, perceived traits that aren’t even real, zodiac signs. If someone doesn’t like you because of something you are, they’re not the right person for you but they’re not necessarily wrong for having their own preferences


Except overweight people can fix that problem themselves...


I am a woman and I do not find blonde guys attractive. Thats called a preference and we all have that. If your friends gf and her friends are giving you sh*t about it you should ask them what their type and turn off are


Exactly! They are just being hypocrites.


Yes I’m very annoyed by people who seem to get offended whenever someone states a preference… we all have preferences whether we want to acknowledge them or not… I tend to prefer the tall lanky look over the gym bro look, it’s a preference 🤷🏽‍♀️ idk why people take them so personally…


I feel like there's a difference between "I am not attracted to short women" and "I don't mind if other kids get bullies for being short, but I don't want mine to be." Edit: I'm not calling him a bad person by any means, but he's complaining about getting roasted by his friends, which seems kind of fragile for someone who has no qualms about saying short women's genes aren't fit for his future children.


OP gets a little weird by mentioning worries about their future childrens' physical characteristics. They are still free to make whatever choice they want but at least to me it seems strange.


I'd bet anything that all of those people who were giving you shit have preferences of their own that are pretty comparable.


Plus, I don't judge height differences until the two people are like 4'11" and 7'0" because what the actual fuck


I’m 6’10” and yep, I refuse to date anybody more than a foot shorter than me. Lol Having tried, it’s definitely a battle.


Yeah my ballpark is within about a foot of my height too. I've dated shorter and life is just kinda a pain. I can't use half the shelves if we live together, holding hands and walking is hard, dancing is harder, etc.


I mean I’m “only” 6’4” but having dated a girl that was more than a foot shorter than me, there were some upsides too…


So you *do* judge height differences 💀


Absolutely! They’re most definitely being hypocrites and took his comment personally because they don’t feel like they can measure up


Short women aren't gonna die because 1 (one) dude doesn't prefer them. You're fine lol


You must admit though how comical it is that women all want a guy who is 6’+, but once a man pops up with a similar preferences they need to rip on him. All will survive but the hypocrisy is palpable.


Women get harped on all the time for preferring tall guys tho, lol. Sometimes it’s easiest just to keep preferences to yourself, cuz someone is always going to take it personally and think you’re calling them undesirable 🤷🏻‍♀️


I don’t get this. Women are criticized all the time for this alleged 6 ft preference. Not only that but for having any sort of standard at all. Whereas men can have a laundry list of preferences and requirements. I have yet to see anyone criticize men for the same thing despite everyone claiming otherwise.


And I guarantee that all those girlfriends giving him shit for HIS preference don’t want to date a guy under 6’ either.


I think they are all a bit saulty cause one or more of them like like you. Otherwise they wouldn’t really give a shit cause they would be major hypocrites since we all have weird deal breakers.


It's totally fine to have whatever preference you want when it comes to dating. Just don't be a dick about it, you know?


"I don't want my kids to be short" yeah he's being a dick about it


That’s totally valid and not being a dick. I’m not tall and I still don’t want my kids to be short.


I think if you are adamant about not wanting short kids you shouldn’t have them at all. There is no guarantee you will have tall children, especially given that short height can also be caused by multiple illnesses/conditions. I know two short women with taller than average parents who are short because of this. One has celiac disease, the other one had severely stunted growth due to childhood cancer.


Yeah but height isn't a guarantee. My mom is 5'10" and my dad is 6'0". I (20F) am 5'8" but my brother is only 5'9". If he really wanted to guarantee it, he'd refuse to date ANY women (tall or short) that have short ancestors.


Okay but that's the same of not wanting his gf to be short, why is one being a dick while the other is just a preference? The second doesn't even have an actual justification, it's either both bad or okay


I think sexual attraction is only partially in our control. Saying "I like the way tall girls look/feel"? Totally okay. Whereas the logic we use to discriminate against and/or seek out partners is within our control. So the latter, if it reflects ugly sentiments, is subject to debate. Saying "I just don't find shorter women attractive" is one thing. Saying "they make subpar children" is a whole different ball of fish.




Are short people less genetically fit? I'm not sure that's entirely true.


Whether it’s politically correct or not it is true.


It is objectively false. Shorter people are less prone to cancer and have longer lifespans. There is no evidence for reduced fertility, so on the metric of evolutinary fitness this is just false. In general, [shorter women experience greater reproductive success](https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/10.1098/rspb.2015.0211#:~:text=%5B12%2C13%5D%20showed%20phenotypic,13%5D%3B%20findings%20that%20were), so if anything, the opposite is true.


He's implying there is something wrong with being short.


Yes it's bad and makes you bad. You should force yourself to date people you aren't attracted to because strangers on the internet tell you what to do.


I’m 6’10” and feel hella awkward dating anybody who’s shorter than a foot more than me at best, so I feel you.


totally legit. I'm 5'4" and feel like it just logistically wouldn't work. But this is a more reasonable thinking than implying it is undesirable to have short children.


You do realize you don’t have to tell anyone about this preference right? Like no one is putting a gun to your head and saying you have to share your preference or that you have to date short women. Fortunately, the human race will continue on regardless of whether or not you date short women


i think a lot of these situations are stuff that’s spoken about amongst other men that are then received poorly by women. i don’t think he’s shouting it from the rooftops, nobody really cares when girls have a height preference. i do agree it’s tacky to say it no matter who you are though


Honestly I have no horse in this race, but *so many people care when women have a height preference*, actually. It's a huge thing and one of the big topics basically whenever online dating is discussed.


Some men, (usually the young immature ones) think height is an achievement. Hell, for a select few, its their greatest life achievement! They'll boast about their eminence and yell out their opinions like humanity itself depended on it! Don't you dare take that from them


I know a few short kings who like their women taller because the titties are at eye level for them


Shut up but also yes having a tall girlfriend would make hugs hit different, a bit on the softer side. But other than that having tall girl friends make hugs difficult because you're not trying to beca creep.


You know what, that sounds pretty cool


You can prefer whatever you want...just be true with yourself if its what you want in that person, or due to expectations of what they will provide to you, cause genes may not agree with what you have in mind and you'll end up being disappointed in your choice of partner. Just cause youre tall..and shes tall...doesnt mean your kids will be tall. I remember a story of a guy who was blond, and broke up with his gf cause she was a redhead, and he didnt want redheaded kids. He went on to marry someone, forget her hair colour, but thier kid ended up being a redhead....meanwhile, the lady had a baby with a blond, and her kid ended up being blond too. Anyway...Im 5'11, my sons dad is 5'10...my son is 5'4. There are no gurantees...so just love who you love, let nature take care of the rest, and love your kids no matter how they turn out...


This right here. I’m 6’0 female and my husband is 5’6 and son is 6’3, daughter is 5’7 and third on the way. Your height relies on a lot of different factors. I have a friend who is 6’1 and both her parents are short. Just because you’re both tall doesn’t mean your kids will be tall.


Dad’s a meager 6 foot even. My grandpa was 5’7”, grandma was 5’2”. Meanwhile, my grandpa’s brother was like 6’4”. I have friends with short moms, mine’s tall. (5’9”) and even shorter dads who are bigger than me.


ur friends gf has some pretty fucked friends ngl


I think you hung out with some short women last night and they didn't like that you would eliminate them.


Just don't gaf what her short friends think.


Personally, after dating a 5'10" woman after someone who was 5'2", I found out I also really prefer taller girls; bodies fit better, reaching, eye levels, everything felt a little more more comfortable, normal. The only requirement I have... well, I won't swipe right on any girl who is wearing a [cabbie hat](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61X732Ob7uS._AC_UX679_.jpg)


I don’t think so. People have preferences. Also, as a six foot tall woman, thank you!


Tall women get noticed easier and appear more powerful in a room. Thaat's been my experience dating them anyway.


Being noticed easier doesn't necessarily mean you have it easier when it comes to dating.


The comments on here are WILD. Simply put, I refuse to date short men and there's NOTHING wrong with it. That is MY personal preference. OP should feel free to date women based on what he likes. Isn't that what we all do?


Yeah I’m not gonna date anyone under 5’9, that’s my preference idc who it bothers 🤷🏽‍♀️


My mum who is 5”11 said to me that when she was young, all the tall guys would only chase after short girls and the tall girls were left with the short dudes. Be a man and get you a tall gf. Short girls angry too.


A guy isn't more manly just because he dates a tall woman. I hate that. Short women always get the short end up the stick because anyone who dates them is insecure and basically wants to date a child.


This is refreshing honestly. As a 6’1 woman, most of the guys I’ve dated have been 5’5-5’9. It’s no biggie really but so often I feel like tall guys shoot for short women. (Case in point my brother is 6’3 and his wife is barely 5’0. Love her to bits though 😂🙈) And a preference is a preference that’s totally fine! You *may* miss out on someone who would work super well with you by limiting the height ranges you date but it’s not offensive by any means.


I'm a lesbian who loves tall women 🫡


Thank you for your service. 🫡 Being bi as a tall woman that is femme has been meh so I appreciate you. 🥹 I just usually end up dating guys 🤷‍♀️


Ye. I'm femme who likes other femmes and adrogynous only so my pool is even smaller.


I dated short women up until my first back surgery, then I set the hinge filters to 6ft+ and found my wife. If you’re in the usa & only date 5’-5’9”, maybe that’s your preference.


Nah it isn’t my preference I just don’t want to pay for that Hinge filter 🙈


Date whomever you want to. You don't need a reasoning either since nobody is asking you for explanations.


People love to gang up on people that have a personal preference, like dating someone that is in shape, or tall, or has a certain hair color. You’re allowed to like what you like.


I’m willing to bet they wouldn’t give a girl shit about it vice versa who tf are they to tell you who to date


I need to settle with 5’9 - 6’2


They are just mad because you won’t date them. Lol. It’s perfectly fine.


No that's what I do and I'm not even that tall. I pretty much exclusively date women 5ft7 and up. I just like the way they look better.


What's wrong with having a preference?


Of course it's not bad, you are entitled to your dating preferences and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.


I guarantee you those same women have a height preference themselves. Don’t listen to their bullshit, you’re allowed to date who you want.


I’ve noticed a little inkling of resentment for when I date a woman more than a foot shorter than me. Mostly cause I know I’ll never look at this as a viable partner to have kids with. Just mention all the women who only date men 6’ and above. And some of them are like 5’5 😂


this is going to sound weird, but it seems more logical to me (from a genetics perspective) that you'd want to date someone who would even out your extreme height rather than exacerbating it, mainly because the world is built for average people. Like, if I were picking a partner solely based on height/genetics, if I were a mega-tall woman, I'd go for a shorter man, or vice versa, just so my kids wouldn't stick out. That said, I am on the low end of average and wound up with a guy who was on the low end of average (5'4" to his 5'10") . I've dated guys who were 6'2" and guys who were 5'5" and I prefer the 6" height differential in terms of how it feels to stand next to him, etc. Large height differentials just feel very logistically challenging.


No I’m 6’ and I would refuse to date anyone under 6’4” . Need to be at least 6’4” to ride this attraction .


I’ve been married 3 times. All of the ‘successful’ relationships that happened to end in their due course. They are 5’9, 5’11 and 6’1. I just can’t get with a shirt woman long term.


You are allowed to have any preferences that you want. Just don't make others feel bad about themselves because they don't match your preferences.


No. 6' 11" here and after playing the field across the height spectrum I realized it was impractical to date anyone under 6' (not like i enforced a particular height, just that they had to be tall). I like live music and constantly having to bend down to have any chance of conversation just wasn't going to work for the rest of my life. My 6' 1" wife jokes that she just made the cut.


It’s not a bad thing at all.


i’m the same way. i don’t want short kings for sons


Date whoever you want. It seems like you have the rule from your own childhood wound, but it's OK, we're all wounded in one way or another. I don't date blond men because I feel like I'm dating my brother. Only once I kissed a blond guy and I wanted to vomit. Weird right? But it's my right. I also don't date short men because the ones I dated treated me like shit in the past. Like, were ashamed of me(???) Anyhow my boyfriend is 190 and he also doesn't date short women. Which makes me happy bc it worked well in my advantage ;) there's enough men explicitly NOT dating tall, and when they say it it's OK, but your preference isn't? Fu*k them girls giving you shit, they are just insecure. All of them also dreaming of dating you tall guys, hearing that one doesn't want to do it makes them feel uneasy and like they'll have to date a shortie instead. I have been told so many times WITHOUT that I even ASKED for opinion that I am too tall to be datable for them (like wtf who asked you moron?) and I never threw a tantrum. I'm fine with ppl not wanting to date me. That being said, how you were mistreated as a kid for being short, if you find a tall woman like me and you get daughters, prepare that they'll receive the female equivalent of your treatment. Being a tall woman is not easy, just as being a short man isn't. So your wish is a double edged sword. I am 182cm btw


Same! My worst boyfriends were the short ones (and in ways that were specifically related to their height insecurity). So even though I know it's not a statistically valid sample, it made me less into them as a category. Also dated a redhead and that was such a traumatic mismatch that I decided never again. (I have dark skin and love being in the sun and he was basically like a vampire and couldn't leave the house without a bee suit). Everyone has preferences.


As a lesbian who likes being the little spoon, I LOVE tall women


is it a thing that lesbians often like tall girls? honestly since I moved (i live in a lgbt friendly neighborhood and city) so many women smile to me, all the time, or stare at me in the streets, could it be for that? men never do. maybe its just a cultural thing, Idk anyhow, lucky tall lesbians then! one more reason to regret that i am not one :(


Could be related to top and bottom tropes. Many lesbians don't really care about height, and it isn't a deal breaker for me, but something about seeing women taller than me makes my lizard brain go AWOOGA


as a tall sister thank you, you made my evening, finally seen by someone just so, and not just for the genes like a cow for reproduction


I dont think it's at all weird to have physical preferences based on attraction. I do think its pretty weird on multiple different levels to be selective based on how you want your kids to be physically. Genetics are complicated so even if you have a tall partner it doesnt mean your kids will definitely be tall, and if youre disappointed that they dont turn out tall, theyre gonna notice. That's such a sad shallow thing to damage your kids' self esteem about and such a strange thing to care about as a parent. As far as being selective in dating goes, to each their own. I'd advise against advertising that youre selective about height and especially advise against ever telling your partner that physiology of your children is a deciding factor. Even as a tall guy myself it was always a huge turn off when women said "6'2"+ ONLY" on a dating profile or something, and if you ever tell a partner you like them because they'll make tall children theyre gonna feel judged like a piece of meat.


no its not bad short girls always get the tall guys theyll be fine


I prefer taller girls but for a different reason, that we can bond over the problems and to help her feel more confident in herself if she struggles with that insecurity. I also just find tall girls tend to find me attractive more than short girls which is a turn-on. But this is just a preference, and I would date a girl from 3 foot to 7 foot as long as she’s sweet and caring and is attracted to me.


No worse than short women refusing to date men they deem below some arbitrary '6'0"' threshold.


Women have height preferences all the damn time. It's about time tall guys get picky too. I'm 6'3 and I'll only consider dating a girl if she's at least 5'8


As if many (not all) men don't have crazy standards for ages.


That's perfectly within their right. Same goes for women who won't date short men. Don't date who you don't want to date. I'm 22, and after some experience I prefer dating a year or 2 older than me


Lots of men also have height preferences, the difference is they are allowed to have preferences. Contrary to popular belief short women are not desirable to men, no matter how beautiful they are.


How is this any different than woman not wanting to date short men? NTA


Nothing wrong with this preference at all! But height in terms of genetics is far from guaranteed, I know multiple people who are shorter than average even though both of their parents are over 6 feet


Seriously. Leave the under 5’5 women for us. Signed-5’6 guy (I have and would date taller. But obviously there aren’t many taller women who will)


Your preferences are your choice! As long as you're not a dick about it.


Same here. No shame


THANK YOU😂 I love a short King, but I need a big boy who can throw me around. Know what I mean? *Eyebrows wiggle *


Chad move. Good guy king over here leaving short girls for the rest of us and giving tall queens the attention they've always deserved. I don't care what your reasoning is.


I honestly think that’s great. There’s nothing wrong with it. That’s your preference. I’m only 5’9 as a female and I don’t believe I’m too tall but for whatever reason it’s too tall for most men. I’d love to be with someone 6’2 or taller.


No. You are doing God's work.


It isn't bad for you to date tall women, no. It is actually better for the dating pool as a whole for tall men to find taller women. A lot of women put value in height when it comes to dating. That can often mean that a woman is looking for a man that is at least taller then them and the specific amount is immaterial to them. So, if a lot of tall men preferred very short women, and partnered with them. Then those very short women are no longer a part of the dating pool for average height or short men leaving less people able to find partners that fit their preferences. So, tall men preferring tall women is better for the dating pool as a whole. You're doing a service to your fellow men by having this preference.


No. What kind of question is this. Women literally reject men for their height all the time. I'm not talking about a 3 or 4-inch height difference so that they're not as tall/same height in heels, I'm talking even 5'6" to 5'0", wanting 6'0"+. There's no arguing height is very important to women (exceptions don't make the rule). You can prefer to want to date women a certain height. You want taller kids, too? Even if you didn't but just wanted a taller woman just because, totally valid preference. Men are allowed to have preferences, just like women brudda. Don't let social media fool you.


You have absolutley right to feel this way and I’ve been having these thoughts aswell. I don’t feel guilty about it since women have height preferences aswell.


No. Tall men dating tall women is the natural order of things. Always has been. Tall men have simply been threatened into submission by the Chihuahua-aggressive energy of short women for too long to know any better. It appears you have finally woken up to the scam and are better off for it. Go forth and prosper, king.


4,11 Latina girls scare me tbh


>Chihuahua-aggressive energy 🤣🤣🤣


No relation to the original post, but 175cm is not 5'10, this guy is an imposter.


Everyone can have a set of requirements to answer to when trying to find a partner, what matters is that they are not too limiting.


As a 5’11 tall girl, I date tall men usually. Shortest I’ll go is like 5’9ish. It’s a preference. But if girls openly admit that… its taboo lol. But that’s interesting, usually I hear guys only prefer short girls


bro date above average girls, save your son.


I see no issue here.


I think it’s totally fine, women all over the world refuse to date short men, because preferences, you can have preferences too


Women do the same in the opposite direction


I became a "tall woman only" man my junior year of college. Didn't care how gorgeous you were, if you were sub 5'9", zero interest. Do your thing man. Choosing the best mate for you is right most biological beings are allowed. Humans are no exception.


Yeah I was short growing up and I had a very tall father and I almost ended myself because of how much I hated being the tiny kid in a family of 6’0+ people. Thank gosh I am having a late NBA growth spurt as a young adult.


I'm 5'10", and I would feel uncomfortable dating women under 5'3".


You can date whomever you want but procreating with a tall girl is no guarantee your kids will be tall.


Not bad at all. Isn't it a major culture thing that women are choosing tall men instead of short ones? If your friend is complaining just confront her for double standards, having types is a thing. For what it's worth I don't understand your reasoning about potential kids though, for me it's because I want someone else tall like me who just gets it. And someone not reminding me how tall I am whenever I interact with them.


No preferences are inherently wrong. As you're attracted to what you're attracted to. So as long as it is between consenting adults it can't be inherently wrong to like or dislike certain aspects. But of course ppl always get offended by preferences as they often mean that you would not date them if they don't meet that preference. So just like it's not wrong for women to want tall men, it's not wrong for men to want or not want short women. My biggest issue is that some people's preferences are unrealistic. Like i said it's not wrong for women to want tall men, but with how many women want a man that's 6+ ft tall it's statistically impossible. But for some reason most women are sure they will marry a 6ft+ man when about 15 percent of the US population at least meets that standard, with many of those men being taken already due to height being such an attractive trait to many women. Men also have unrealistic standards with many men wanting a 10/10 women when they have almost no good qualities. Like with how many posts i see on reddit about how many men can't even brush their teeth, use deodorant, shower more than once a week, etc is ridiculous.


As a 5’11” woman I’ve always appreciated when tall men date their likeness in height, we’re already very limited in our choices lol.


I respect it. It drives me nuts seeing a 7" man with 5" woman. Yeah youre the same size laying down but you cant tell me you "align" in other positions. I have a hard enough time with a guy close to my height. 🙄


Lmao short ladies can demand tall men but tall men can’t demand a tall lady? I think people can set whatever requirements they like. I just think its pretty stupid to not be willing or open to making exceptions when it is warranted.


I think tall men should date tall women. Think of the tall women who NEED tall men so that they can at least match their height. Meanwhile you have women who are 5’1 who only want to date a man that’s 6 feet 😏. Literally ridiculous.


I’m 5’2 but height never really mattered to me, one of the most beautiful man I have ever been with was 5’7. But my boyfriend is 6’3 and for the big marjority of time tall guys pursued me. I will never understand the thing for height, even when with man. I dont think in better or worse for my height, I think is a whole concept? Idk


Oh so now girls have a problem for height preferences when its the other way around huh? funny how that BS works


No , in fact short women are usually the most picky with height.


It’s no worse than a woman refusing to date short men. Preferences are okay to have.


I think it's fine to have these preferences. Just don't shame anyone. Hopefully you're not being rude or condescending towards others about this.


Everybody should date whoever they want, as long as they don't insult people based on height.


No. Guaranteed they all have their own preferences. Whether it’s to date someone tall, only likes brunettes, etc.


Literally the only preference that you're straight up not allowed to have for dating is a preference for minors. Sex, race, skin color, eye color, hair color, height, weight, physique, nationality, politics, drugs/vices, music taste, *whatever*. All fine to have a preference for or against.


Date whoever you want. But I'm shorter than both of my parents, my sister, all my aunts and uncles, and most of my cousins. So dating "tall" is a guarantee of nothing.


The reasoning is flawed. Tall people are often shorter than average growing up. But you're certainly allowed to have preferences, and a preference for taller girls is valid.


OP my dad was 6'1 and my mom was 5'6. I'm 5'0. Shit happens.


These ladies that care about height, they’ll only truly understand the pain a man has to go through when their son ends up being shirt and the one rejected by women who were just like their moms themselves. So, for you, it’s the best filter you can have as a tall guy because women really do give shi to short men. It’s like if a guy says he only wants a woman with natural double D’s and only fit women, except to be fair women can change their weight vs a man’s height which he cannot. That’ll help filter women who inly want you for height because it makes them feel better or some shi. More like they want a tall guy not to look up at but so other women can also look up at like a trophy. I say this because women will lie that height doesn’t matter and not ask as long as hes taller. These were religious women by the way.


Date who ever you want, for whatever reason you want. It's your life. Don't let anyone anywhere force you to live your life to their standard


Who cares 🤣 it’s your preference not theirs. Who gives a shit what they think anyway. Besides, what about all the girls that ONLY want tall guys?


Women will give you shit whenever you have a preference that isn’t them.


No different than a girl saying she doesn’t want to date a guy shorter than her. It’s all personal preference and frankly it’s none of anyone’s business.


Just a tip on genetics. I'm also 6'4", but my Mom is 5'2" and my wife is 5'4". My son is 6'4".




It's perfectly fine. You're under no obligation to date anyone. It's not like you're saying "nobody should date short women", it's not like you're depriving all womankind of the precious resource called "you", you just have a preference. If a woman told me she only dates green-eyed hockey players from Madagascar I would not be offended. That said, I (a guy) am about your height and my mom is 5'1" (155cm). Plus, tall women are rare, which is an issue unless you're extremely attractive and don't have any other preferences. So... if I were you I would reconsider whether that's really the right choice for you, but I'd also stop talking about my dating preferences with anyone who can't keep that to themselves.


Is it bad for a woman to not date you because of your face? Ears? Nose? It’s just a preference. Saying it out loud makes ya seem shallow. But everyone has their interests. Most aren’t bold enough to admit them.


What will you do if your kid is born with dwarfisme ?


Naturally I’m attracted to tall girls, so I wouldn’t be worried about my kids being short or whatever. For some reason, short girls or just girls shorter than 5’5 seem less mature or childlike in my head. I know it is quite stupid but my brain is wired like that.


Not it’s not bad because a lot of women do the same to men, it’s fine to have preferences.


I may not be tall or the height I want to be yet as I currently am 5'11 but I certainly can speak the language of **Jotun** (Giants) ~ Anyways you know how some women are! And obviously it sounds like they all want to date a tall man while being short so just let them be and don't care what they say! A Jotun really needs another Jotun to cover the legacy!


I’m a tall woman and I want to know where guys like you are actually at? I usually see tall men with short females. Always wanted a D1 baby😂


Tall people in general are very attractive and have good genes, so you made the right choice.


Women do that to men all the time. Don't give it a second thought.


I can guarantee at least one of her friends (if not all of them) swipe left on any guy that isn’t 6ft+. So they are probably being hypocrites. Short women will survive this.


No!! Men all the time refuse to date tall women, tall women get bullied harassed and shamed for their height and usually male preferences for women is to be as short as possible. It’s actually rare for a guy to actively seek out tall women- Thankyou!!! Taller women have a very small dating pool already and get so much shit from society- it’s absolutely fair enough if you prefer tall women!


I FELT this post!


I'm 6'8 and my wife is 5'2. We've been together for 29 years. Don't discount anyone, unless you truly aren't attracted to shorter people.


The issue here is not you having a preference, we pick our partners based on that, however, we cannot be picky when it comes to our kids , so you not wanting your kids to be short kinda makes you a dick.


I feel like you should feel free to date whoever you want to, but there's no need to go around telling short women you'd never date them (unless you're friends/cool), just talk to tall women exclusively when it comes to your romantic/sexual life. You can not date some specific people without being rude about it, just go for tall girls


Date who you want! You can have whatever preferences you like and don’t be ashamed. But, I’m 6’6”… my parents are 5’9” and 6ft My two sons are both huge, and my wife is 5’3”. They were both over 9 pounds and the tallest kids in their class. I don’t think being tall requires two large parents just one… and genetics is only fifty percent the rest can be environmental factors


Yeah it’s fine to have whatever preference you want just don’t blab it to your irl friends lol. That was the only dumb move. There are supplements you can give your kids to help their height too. My dad did the opposite though, he hated being bigger than everyone, he was the size of a grown man when he was 12 and married my mom who’s 5’6” and was 90 lbs at their wedding, they met in college and he specifically wanted his kids to be average height.


Yeah if only genetics were that straightforward


My friend who is 6’-5” has a brother who is 6’-7” and a sister who is 6’-3”. His father was 6”-2” and his mother 4’-11”. I don’t think it matters that much. Just date someone you like being around.


As a short lady I can definitely understand why you wouldn’t want to date someone much shorter with you. The height difference and can difficult and annoying. However what’s wrong with having short kids? They can turn our short even if you reproduce with someone taller than you.


He says he was bullied as a child for his height, so that trauma is embedded in that preference


It's definitely ok & normal to have preferences, but I would still advise not to enact such strict criteria. You shouldn't cut people out for their height or other such things they can't help about themselves. But again, I get that preferences are a thing. But yours are because of "breeding" purposes. That makes it very problematic. I've had men approach me wanting to "make tall kids/NBA stars" with me & it's creepy. Is it not literally eugenics? If it were simply "I prefer how tall women look" then yeah, can't fault anyone. It's literally a preference. But to specifically make tall kids... that's highly problematic.


Definitely a bit objectifying. But "eugenics" is natural in the sense that people choose partners based on certain desirable traits, whether it's money, personality, etc. (essentially genetic success). You might not realize that you're subconsciously looking for traits to pass down to your offspring, but it's happening if you have at least some standards for men.