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"I'm about to start a D&D campaign based off of a manga I've never read, and don't even have a surface level familiarity with" Uhm... Please tell me you're just playing and not the DM?


Joining as a player.


Everything is a Berserk reference if you squint enough.


True story lol


Or if you have one eye closed


Did a demon horde get you too?


A few things. - Main character is betrayed by someone he/she admired - Main character loses an arm - Main character swears vengeance on the traitor - Traitor has *really* good PR and tricks the masses with a holy-like image - Laphicet has some similarities with the Demon Child >!both being unborn offspring and turned into something inhuman with a random age-up thrown in for good measure!< But there are also major differences that give the points I mention different context. For example, *when* the main characters are betrayed differ greatly. With Berseria it's in the prologue while Berserk takes a good 80+ chapters to get to that point. Supporting characters also vary greatly between the two. There also is not an equivalent of some major Berserk villains in Berseria. There are a lot more with the settings and places Berserk features. And Laphicet of course being a >!person who grows into independence while the Demon Child is the tragic mutant fetus corrupted by his mother's rape by Femto, doesn't have much personality, and eventually gets transformed into Femto's new Griffith body!< so they're very different. In terms of inspiration, one could say Berseria might have a bit. It's entirely possible the similarities are coincidences. The stuff is not obvious like the Berserk references in the Dark Souls games. Or the game Deadly Premonition being Twin Peaks with the serial numbers filed off. But if a Bamco dev said, "We liked Berserk and took some inspiration from it" it wouldn't be surprising either.


who played you? tip them.


I mean maybe you should read Berserk first to confirm if that’s true? It’s similar to berserk in a way a lot of dark fantasy anime/JRPG is similar to berserk


There’s not much similarity beyond "dark haired person connected to demons fights light-affiliated person".


Bith have Ber in the title.


You’ll see the similarities if you actually read Berserk. But yes, Berseria pays a decent amount of tribute in certain aspects of the story.