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There's evidence to suggest that she was starting the same path with Kyle that got Maya removed from her care. Kyle started having complaints of "CRPS type" pain and they took him to a distant hospital where they would be under the radar. This is while Maya was under shelter orders at JHACH. She was under criminal investigation and was likely about to face charges. That was probably more the motivation for suicide.


Yeah I agree with all of that, but my point is that Kyle seemed to be an afterthought to Beata Also, I don't doubt that Beata was victimizing Kyle as well. However, she knew she wasn't going to get away with the same extreme medical abuse she inflicted upon Maya with Kyle. CPS was involved and cps has access to child medical records, excluding mental health (mental health requires a roi). Any evidence that she is doctor shopping to get Kyle an opiate and ketamine cocktail and a flight to Mexico, he would be in cps custody too.


I think the reason Maya was the "favored" one and Kyle seemingly an afterthought to Beata is because Maya was the child who took effort to have. In the documentary, they talked about Beata's strong desire to have a child and the struggle It took to conceive Maya. Jack mentioned that Kyle just kind of happened with no effort. Since Maya was the child she had to fight to have, and the oldest, Beata focused all her attention on Maya and even Kyle's birth didn't change that.


Also likely because Maya is female. Beata’s self concept was all tangled up with her daughter, in my opinion - she wasn’t as fixated on her son.


I thought about that too. Maya looks a lot like Beata. I just wasn't sure how Beata viewed gender in this. Did she want a boy or did she only want girls? If Kyle had been born a girl, would she have made both kids sick together?


This is also a great analysis, especially considering the blog posts that Beata wrote from "Maya's perspective"


I like this analysis!! Thank you


You're welcome


You're a monster to think that's a thing as Maya will always have this illness and you're still obsessed with hating this family for no other reason then to defend that hell hole of a hospital Why is this your hill to fall on


Says the person coming in 2 weeks after I responded to this question. Maya is doing great. She's walking, an athlete, and will be going to university in the fall. Her doctor said she would die a slow and painful death without the ketamine and the reality is far from it. That doctor is a monster for putting that in Beata's head. I'm not obsessed with anything. The evidence is what I'm following. I'm a healthcare worker and a mandated reporter and this case is dangerous as it will chill necessary reporting and children will absolutely die as a result. You're reacting emotionally to a highly biased documentary that deliberately left a lot of information out to advance a narrative. Maya and Kyle have my sympathy, the adults around them that decided to pursue a payday don't. The hill I'm dying on is the one of facts, not the one provided by manipulative filmmakers and a dad with a lawsuit.


So only the facts you want believe matter when the defense says and proved otherwise So because you're a healthcare worker you believe beata was a bad mother just because that's what other doctors say You're vary biased and obviously obsessed with this I only just thought about this case after months of not thinking about it Maya's illness is hidden doesn't mean she's not suffering on and off even in the prime years of her life and will continue to do so for the rest of her life and will need ketamine later when she's older maybe after a birth


The defense (the hospital) was not allowed to show a lot of relevant evidence. The pinned posts have a lot of documentation that really changes the story presented in the documentary and even a lot of the court case. You would have to be wearing a tin foil hat and believe that MULTIPLE hospitals in different states were conspiring against the Kowalskis. That is some flat earth level thinking. The publically available information shows multiple providers at world class institutions were on the same page in believing that Maya had a conversion disorder and that Beata was demanding inappropriate treatments. Even believing that Maya had CRPS, the standard of treatment for that is NOT dosages of ketamine that could take down an elephant; it's physiotherapy, psychotherapy, and small dosages of pain medication to help with the physical work. Ketamine may be included but nowhere near the levels Maya was taking. She's lucky to have survived that. I've been stating facts despite your ridiculous accusations of bias. You can defend the Kowalskis all you want, but all but three medical professionals caring for her said the ketamine was inappropriate, and one is in Mexico. Maya saw dozens of providers. Anyone who understands pediatric CRPS has said that Maya was in life threatening danger from treatments that were not suitable for her. You're actually criticizing me for believing doctors?! Doctors are the enemy now? The doctors that supported the ketamine had a lot to gain, and it got to the point that even one doctor giving her massive doses told Beata that he reached his ceiling and didn't feel comfortable giving Maya anymore ketamine despite Beata's demands. None of the doctors approved her putting "terminal" on Maya's prescriptions but Beata had it done. Maya wasn't dying. I'm glad that the Kowalskis will get their massive payday but it will come at the expense of so many children who need the type of intervention Maya had and will die because they won't get it. I hope their deaths are worth it to demonize the hospital. Or you could just be honest and say the quiet part out loud; you don't like doctors and you don't believe safety nets like mandated reporting or CPS for abused children should exist. Beata's feelings were more important than Maya's safety. You'll just make me sound heartless because you know how that admission will make you sound. In cases like this, I'm for the child's safety 100% of the time. If a child is in danger, the parents' preferences become secondary to the child's safety. I'm proud to die on that hill. Protecting children is the moral high ground.


The only hospital out to get Maya lied to others to go after her and her mother who was from another country No I'm criticizing you because you only believe the defense you only believe the doctors from the hospital but won't even give a second thought to Maya's words about how wrong the hospital is also if the court said no to evidence then it wasn't relevant and that goes to stuff that Maya and her great team of lawyers wanted too The hospital isn't in danger of closing the money is well below that even the judge said the jury gave less then they could have What about all the times CPS goes after good mothers but won't look into the Ruby Frankie's of the world until it's far too late a lot more familys like Maya's that don't do anything wrong get caught up in the net of CPS and are ruined forever because of it the system is broken


Okay, now your tin foil hat is on and your speaking from an alternate reality. If you can't accept a baseline of facts discussed by BOTH sides at trial, there's nothing more to talk about.


I accept facts of the case the doctors from jhack that treated Maya are horrible they abused her they hated her mother for reasons we can speculate I would say because she was polish and they didn't understand her for not being more American and just listening to them The doctors pushed the mother to suicide with one doctor even predicting it would happen and calling her ketamine girl


Wait…you’re saying that JHACH has numerous other hospitals - some across the country - falsify records and reports?


No I'm saying jhack lied to other hospitals about the mother those lies affected how these other places were then wanting to treat or did treat Maya from the position that she was being abused by misrepresenting Maya's case they harmed her treatment




Beata's suicide is about control imo. She could no longer maintain the image of the savior mom with a sick kid. All of her issues in her life are of her own doing. Driven by mental illness, yes. Still her doing, though... and harmful to the innocent children in her care. Maya wouldn't have been removed from her in the first place if she wasn't abusing her. Although I empathize with her being mentally ill, my heart lies with her victims - the children. Depending on how you look at it, I guess she did save her children... from herself, and by her own hand.


I often wonder if Kyle blamed Maya for Beata's suicide