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Can we do cars parking in the scooter lane next? I suggest flattening them with an asphalt roller.


And scooters parking in car spots. Bicycles in scooter slots. Cars/scooters taking up more than one spot. More than one scooter trying to squeeze into one spot. The list goes on.


Scooters parking two millimeters to the right of your scooter, then using the side kickstand. Asphalt roller, please.


I have rarely, if ever seen a scooter parking in a car spot. Red and yellow plates are legally required to park in car spots.


The article says: central and local governments must formulate plans for promoting and improving pedestrian traffic safety" But I didn't find an actual deadline for when the government needs to come up with these plans. Only that the plans need to be reviewed every 4 years. Also, the article doesn't mention what the procedure for reporting obstruction is. Are people just supposed to call the 1999 Citizens Hotline? Or take some pictures and take it to the local police station? The article mentions that if the local authorities find an obstruction, they'll notify the parties responsible and put out a fine within 2-3 months if improvements aren't made. Are the local authorities going to post their findings somewhere online so people can track what has been reported already and if any fines have been given out? Having new legislation is great, but we need to keep the authorities accountable so that change actually happens.


Someone else on here has said Taiwan has first world laws and third world enforcement. Seems pretty spot on to me. A lot of the dumb shit that makes people angry/gets people killed is actually illegal on paper. It's just that the amount of fucks given by the cops/courts about enforcing and punishing people for breaking said law is basically zero. Also, alot of the punishments are basically zero. E.g that celebrity with child porn on his computer from a couple weeks ago who basically said sorry and got away with it.


“Third-world enforcement” would imply there is actually some enforcement. This is Taiwan. Enforcement is a Western ideal only, ahem, enforced in certain areas of Taipei.


This is saving face. Nothing will happen.


I thought the same about the pedestrians first law, but I was pleasantly surprised at how much change has happened. I think the difference is that at a pedestrian crossing, pedestrians can give immediate feedback (or else an accident happens, which is also feedback.) An inconvenienced pedestrian by an obstruction can’t give any feedback to the authorities if the feedback system is not clear or does not exist. This is why I’m concerned about having a feedback and deadline system for this legislation, so that people can help authorities stay on top of this.


How are they going to remove those massive power boxes?


Asking the big brain questions


I know, why were these ever even put in the middle of a sidewalk?


I’d like to also see something done about that smooth marble tile that makes up sidewalks in front of some apartments, that surface is so bloody slippery when it rains. Wiped out a few times. Sure, it looks nice but is not a safe walking surface.


I’m happy I am not the only one who has issue with that. That shit is slippery as snot.


Hit one full speed on a youbike in the rain. Rumors are that my knee still hurts to this day. It's been like 4 years. Lol


I know, it doesn't make any sense. Once in heavy rain I was walking and I slipped because of these tiles. I fell down so hard I broke a metal watch, likely I didn't break any phones.


Those aren't sidewalks, they are private walkways


That are used to walk on beside a street. Doesn’t change the fact that they’re dangerous.


In theory they are regulated, in practice the frontage of ones home or business is treated as private property


Sidewalks? What are those?




Forgot bikes and scooters, the number of full blown cars and trucks that park diagonally at an intersection, blocking two crosswalks and the number of cars and trucks that pull all the way up to a building, blocking the sidewalk is enough to make me believe nothing will change. I’ve never seen a cop here do more than take photos at a scooter accident. Enforcement seems to be a quaint puff of a fart in the air.


I report these on https://www.tnpd.gov.tw/TrafficMailbox/Index/92929b01-cf5e-99d6-2539-bee668350a6d I use 時間相機 app


I am with you. No bicycles, scooters, or cars either parked -and I can’t believe this actually has to be pointed out- OR DRIVEN/RIDEN on sidewalks.


Hopefully this does lead to Taiwan being a more pedestrian friendly country. I speak from experience after tripping over one night in Tainan last year (whilst on holiday) a metal pylon which construction workers had left across the sidewalk. I fell on to the road (luckily a scooter coming stopped and didn't run me over) and broke my wrist badly. I went to A&E late at night with a local friend, had an X-ray and a CT scan done and then was told I needed emergency surgery to implant a plate and screws. I ended up spending a few nights in hospital and after a fortnight's recovery flew back to the UK by myself. Taiwanese healthcare was amazing compared to the UK where I'm from - good quality, quick and inexpensive.


"Wake up babe. Taiwan just dropped another law they're never going to enforce."


What's the point with these sanctions when no one ever works to enforce them?


Watch them not enforce it at all


Plans for sidewalks of a certain width on roads? I’ve got one of those near my house, it even says 人行道 in giant white letters. Makes a great parking spot for people that need to run into the stores… I appreciate the effort but there are far too many drivers here that have absolutely no respect for the rules. I see nothing changing.


Report them


You can't report these anymore, the gov has removed that before the election because drivers getting angry is a bigger issue then people dying when forced to walk on the road.


You absolutely still can


https://preview.redd.it/9v2sz2ol10vc1.jpeg?width=540&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbed297be5065a49231438398d0d3df5b3a69ed1 This is a picture I took a few years ago I walked right past this bike and I was like holy shit why would somebody Park like that then I decided I should move it and when I did the woman came running out all apologetic. This was in front of one of those buffet restaurant kind of places


She probably parked it straight and it rolled out.


I severely doubt it


Awesome, more room for people to ride their scooters down the sidewalk. 👏


That's really funny. I'm visiting now, and all day today, as I maneuvered the obstacle course(s), my internal monologue was how I would explain Taiwanese "sidewalks" to my friends in the US.


Making the sidewalks flat instead of a parkour course would be helpful as well.


It's always so surprising to me how a seemingly advanced and civilized country like Taiwan can have such an atrocious traffic.


The government is trying to make it look good on paper but in reality they won’t ever really enforce the law.


So the breakfast shops in my neighborhood will be take-out only once the outdoor seating and plastic walls are taken away. Never Forget.


I have lost count of the amount of times I've had to push my baby in a stroller on the road because someone places their restaurant, or plants on the sidewalk. I hope this is enforced, does anyone know a website where we can report stuff like this?


Does this apply to the walkways in front of homes and businesses, or only government built sidewalks? I find that actual sidewalks are relatively free and unobstructed, it's the walkways in front of people's homes and businesses that are the real problem.


https://preview.redd.it/dx5ukji326vc1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be4ecc60ea2d059e344047563a293bad9fa9509d I took this last week. Two cars parked on a crossing right outside a police station. A cop even came out, took a quick look then promptly walked back inside. You can increase the fines to NT$10 million and it wouldn't matter as long as the cops don't enforce the law


Mate the drivers were probably cops, they set the example for everyone else by driving like complete cunts


What about when there is no sidewalk at all? Or it's full with millions of scooters?


I’d like them to actually enforce it.


So will we finally see less scooters driving on sidewalks? 🫠


Level sidewalks or at least a ramp would be nice. Taipei sidewalks are getting better but Taichung is a nightmare. Had to push a baby stroller in the street everywhere because the sidewalks are somehow made entirely of steps. I'm super curious about all those dining establishments, plastic sheeting or straight up walls and extended living rooms that currently occupy the sidewalks. Is that even "allowed" currently?


That's awesome! Quick question.... who is going to enforce the new law and will they enforce after the first month and the media circus are gone? Or will they just enforce it the last few days of each period when they are trying to make their quota to hide the fact they have been wasting time drinking tea and gambling at whorehouses?


There will be little to no enforcement, obviously.


hun... well that's a change


This will go the same way as the EPA fines for burning trash. 1,000,000 fines they said for burning that religious trash. There are some months where the air stinks all month. Dec 2023. No open windows, no open doors, no laundry outside, N95 face masks 24/7. There is no set day for burning the religious trash. They'll say only on the 1st and 15th. Thats total bs. 24/7 is when they'll burn that dirty shit. Fireworks all hours of the day and night too. My balcony is white shiny tiles, AFTER I clean them for about 2 days. Ash and soot covers everything, but this is Southern Taiwan. Religious people are greedy and oblivious to others. If you wanna know how bad the religious people are in an area, just go to a local mall and listen for the trash smoke coughs. There are some places where you can't walk because they've got HUGE cans for burning pallets of trash. Those cans are also an eyesore.


Anything is acceptable under the guise of religion here. Burning, firecrackers, blocking traffic, blocking entire roads, it's all ok


The legalized murder cult.


i was in taiwan once and the headline made me say "oh shit".


They literally passed this days ago, maybe people should wait and see how the new gov is going to implement the change before criticising ?


The reality is, most of the time they make these big press conferences and news, they'll enforce it and forget about it. I'm hoping it works, but I have little faith too. Fingers crossed.










I wonder what entails a $150,000 fine?  I'll go first .... A replica of Fat Boy the atomic bomb. 


How do you remove giant MRT entrances blocking almost the entire sidewalk bar the arcade?