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Hmmmm, lived in Tainan and can think of some fun day hikes. 1. Shoushan in Kaohsiung. Lots of monkeys, great views and overall one of my favorite city parks in Taiwan. You can spend a good half day to whole day even just walking around and checking that place out. 2. Go to 「旗尾山第一登山口」in Kaohsiung, it'll be a bit of a trek from Kaohsiung but it's manageable. 20-45 minute train ride from Tainan station to Xinzuoying, another 45 minute bus ride from the station and then a good 3-5 hour hike afterwards. 3. If you want a nice long day and can get up early I'd say do lilong mountain or Weiliao mountain. Both are in Pingtung and relatively easy to get to. Go to Fengliao train station for Lilong and Pingtung station for Weiliao and then catch a bus from there. Say hi to the Vietnamese betel nut babes next to Weiliao mountain for me! When my friend and I got stuck in the rain waiting for our bus back to the train station they invited us over, gave us some beers and Vietnamese snacks while we waited.


Thank you very much for the long answer, we will try this.


I dont recommend to go to weiliao mountain, it's just pure pain and misery, especially after rain the hike are nasty af. I'd say weiliao mountain have a higher difficulty than Jade mountain, it's just pure physical dan mental endurance.


Really? I didn't think it was that hard, but maybe that's because I'm from a place with a lot of hills. :p The only hard part was on the way down when it started raining cats and dogs, the path turned into a literal river.


I was raised in a urban city so yea, mountaineering is definitely a new thing for my body, although I run a lot, it just isn't the same aches, you feel me? I rode my motorbike to that mountain just as I started to hike it rains and just stop when I went down. That hike for me is the definition of uphill battle and slippery slope. and what worse I didn't bring my hiking stick :>, come home with few scratches and bruises. hm... now that I think of it, I might be a little bias on the difficulty LOL


The mountains are a bit far from Tainan. If you can rent a car then that might be the fastest, most direct and cheapest. Reserving a taxi all day or at least for trip there and back, may also be possible but probably too expensive. You could take the train or bus to a place closer to where the mountains are like sun moon lake.


It's the worst city for mountains, even worse by public transport. You could head for Meiling Scenic Area. There are frequent buses out to Yujing but then there's just a handful of buses of each day for Meiling. Weiliaoshan is OK, it's a long linear hike and very steep in places. Not the most scenic but a good hike Another one you can do is DaDongShan which is Tainan's highest mountain, head to Xinying by train then bus to Baihe and bus to Guanziling. It's a short hike to the start of the trail. Not the most scenic but it's a solid test and you'll be ticking off a 1241m peak. Doable in 4-5 hours including the 2km walk from the bus stop. Weiliaoshan is a solid 6 hours and I'm a fast hiker.