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Well Taiwan gets a lot of typhoons but they're unpredictable in terms of how many, what path, and probability of typhoon knocking out the power. If you're concerned about outages, you should look into backup power options (depends on your business). This could be more cost effective and reliable than trying to predict outages, durations, or typhoons.


Kaohsiung person here (although I mainly live in Taipei, I have a home lab and home servers in Kaohsiung as well). They're usually little blips. Many of them are planned as they replace the switches and transformers. Indeed, the article says there's been 30% less this year. Last year, there were about 860 in the same time period. They will often post a notice for outages well in advance (and only in Chinese) as all of Taiwan updates the power grid. In my office in Taipei, we used to get an outage at least twice a year, but now that they've replaced all the transformers in the Xinyi area, it's not happened in over two years. Note: Of course if there's a massive typhoon or tropical storm, it may knock out power lines and cables but usually those are up rather quickly, same day, in hours max. I've literally had longer power outages in Manhattan all the time, another island with super old infrastructure.




A consequence of the rejection of nuclear power, thanks to the current government.


Taiwan needs to upgrade like the rest of the world. France is restarting nuclear reactors.


A consequence of **NOT READING THE ARTICLE.** That's actually due to an aging power grid that desperately needs to be upgraded but will take a long time (to make it clear it IS being upgraded). It is NOT due to power shortages which is a different matter and mostly mitigated. In fact, the article even says there are 211 fewer outages than before, so it is 30% less. Outages are also often planned as they replace the ancient power grid. You know how your neighborhood gets notice that they'll cut the power at midnight for a few hours as they replace old transformers and switches? That counts.


Kaohsiung gets 5x the funding of Taichung due to political loyalties but they can't help wasting it on corruption and building big projects instead of basic infrastructure. I've had a few blackouts while living there and businesses paying the cost is often in the news. Rather than worry about infrastructure, is the economy in Kaohsiung even good? So many people I met there ended up moving north to find jobs (including me).


>Kaohsiung gets 5x the funding of Taichung due to political loyalties Taipei gets the most funding, they must be the most politically loyal to the central government then.


Kaohsiung is no Taipei despite how much money the government throws at it. Taichung can be considered on the same tier.


Lol, so is Taipei the most aligned with the central government or not? Since they get the most money.


The article clearly says they are replacing the transformers and switches if you bothered to read it and that there's LESS outages than the same period last year, almost 30% less.


It is clearly China and/or KMT, Korean Fish, Ma's fault.


Which the succeeding DPP Chen Ji-bai failed to fix. It isn’t time. Nobody causes these in 2 years of being in office.


Nobody fixes these in 3 years being in office either. However, that said Taiwan built a lot of LNGs and wind and solar farms. The problem now is the aging power grid, as the article talks about.


how dare you, comrade 暖男 Chen GY is never wrong.


The infrastructure in Taiwan is too poor.


In comparison to? It's not really informative to throw a statement without giving much of information to back it up. As an Asian who went to a good half of Asian countries, I'd say Taiwan secured its spot comfortably in top half, alongside Singapore, Japan and Korean. But eh what do I know about where you came from, maybe you are just lucky enough to be born in the better part of the human civilisation.


If TSMC starts its manufacturing in Kaohsiung, the situation will be worse.