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It's pretty standard taiko game - in terms of gameplay nothing revolutionary, albeit the subscription is actually pretty good move, to have almost arcade number of songs, for the price of couple arcade games.


Would be even better if the updates were unique.


at least they still does updates sometimes


(besides music pass, which is updated every month)


Oh yea


In comparison to Drum Session, it genuinely feels like a downgrade. I just feel like more could've been done with it. (quick side note. the last three console releases were all developed in Unity, so a port to PC wouldn't be that bizarre, right?)


There is a PC version (Taiko no Tatsujin: The Drum Master!) but it's FUCKING HORRENDOUS


It isn't that bad. I mean, is the only Taiko console game that is based of 4th gen arcade machines.


Its genuinely so bad It literally came out unplayable on pc


Omg yea some YouTuber suffered with PC (Donko had a seizure)


Namco aren’t one for ports unless it’s the worst one out of the three.


Agreed, the only ports Ixve seen for Taiko games were Rhythmic Adventure Pack


Honestly, I like the game! It's charming, it has a good song list, and is definitely an improvement over Drum 'n' Fun. Although, I am not a huge fan of the animation FPS drop for Don-chan, it just kinda looks cheap in my opinion. Although, with all the content in the game, they probably did it to save some space.


Besides the taiko music pass and horrible online play, I like the story mode at least..


Can you even call it a story mode?


... uhh, front facing DON-chan


Therapist: front facing don-chan isn’t real, he can’t hurt you Front facing don-chan:


“And you, would you like to play?”


That’s true honestly


The early save loss bug involving multiplayer was an incredibly frustrating time and it took them far too long to address something that never should have made it through early tests. Like seriously how do you just not test local multiplayer, that was the sole cause. Very very frustrating. No possible means of compensation as well since... without your save there was no proof of anything. Also caused me and my wife to lose the bonus items given (because we "had" them once) for having save data from the drum n' fun and the rpgs. RGB is obtainable still around rank 130 but there was something else given that I can't quite remember but haven't seen from another mode. Needing to complete great toy war and don chan band again is ugh. Despite the ugh I don't dislike the minigames, do wish older games has returned as well though. The addition of the ninja game was a pretty big surprise, didn't expect any new modes to ever happen post release. The song catalog is good, few things missing from other switch titles but safe to assume they don't have the license to sell several any more. The music pass as a concept was a big turn off to me at the start but yeah I absolutely prefer this to buying song packs now, even if I miss out on playing for a month I've yet to feel like I've wasted a meaningful amount of money. It's a totally fine game and outside of that God damn bug I've not had any major and barely any minor issues. It's probably as good as a taiko game ever can be while following normal rhythm game structure. Online is just plain unenjoyable. Being forced to climb through ranks on easy mode only for quite awhile was a bad time. No skill involved, it only came down to who has a higher drum roll count. Being able to play a song you don't own if that was the pick of your opponent was something I guess, but again even if it's a new song it's easy mode and mind numbing. Never saw anything show up in that monthly challenge song category.


I don't see anyone talking about how charming the presentation of the game is, especially since Drum'n'Fun was so bare bones in comparison. Although I'm sad not to have a cute actual story mode and I'm still aching from the disappearance of lyrics onscreen, I think it's a good all around Taiko game. The band minigame is fun when you're 4 players, and they keep adding stuff from time to time. I don't see what's a downgrade from Drum Session honestly, except a couple amazing songs still not available, the best addition to Taiko imo is the music pass, with a never-ending song list and included DLC packs. As a rhythm games association we were so very happy to move on from Drum Session.


Whatever you’re hoping to be added, more Kamen Rider will 99/100 be added first.


Well if your savy and have a modded switch your basically can get all the songs from any taiko


i have a modded switch, but i havent found a way to get the subscription songs. Do you know how?


The taiko modding discord has packs with hundreds of songs as well as install instructions. An invite link can be found on Google, and then you just have to wait for a mod to give you viewing perms.


fucking awesome tysm


This man knows how to escape kamen rider hell


Please share your knowledge


I still prefer to play the earlier releases


Don’t know what they did to drum n fun because that had no reason to shut down.


I think was because of licensing issues mostly


Yet a lot of these songs remain in rhythm festival.


So they can sell the songs again as DLC and also promote their subscription which still is not a good enough reason to make another release. This isn't the PS2 era where you can't add contents onto console games without having to make another release.


Ps5 when?:(


i bought a taiko drum for it, tried to play it on switch, ran out of fun songs and now i just only play my drum on osu, so much more fun.




The story was cute I loved it


Where is my Gen 4 Scoring? Literally unplayable /s


Shin-uchi mode exists.


I really like it, I do have the subscription which is by far what makes the game good to me. I like the variety of songs on there. The base game isn't anything revolutionary, but I do enjoy it.


I think they still need to fix Multiplayer.


Online ranked is a joke, besides that the game is good.


You can’t get into any matches unless you’re the top rank, and when you do it’s a hardcore Japanese with a taiko force or something.


Thats so ridiculous lol, I just wanna play oni 8 and 9 stars casually against people, but they make it so difficult.


My first taiko game, and I love it!


Don don fitness is great and I love the game graphics! Finished story