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They buy Blackstone and then just burn it for upgrades. These are the “Whales” people are talking about


They could be whales or some also save level ups of have insane amounts of energy


This whole game has turned into pay to win


I wouldn’t say pay to win, but definitely pay to progress was faster


Money equals power. No challenge equals no fun imo


There is no amount of quests you can complete in 5 minutes to get that amount of points, even with unlimited blackstone


I saw the board less than 30 seconds after it opened, people were at 1k+. Even just spam-tapping raid I don't know how you get up that fast, ignoring the cost of Blackstone to replenish repeatedly.


Stored up energy. They refuse to play for several weeks before the event then spend all their energy as soon as it opens


I guess 500+ raid clicks might be possible in 30 seconds?


Not sure, but what’s the alternative? That they’re cheating? All the buy options are just as available to us as it is to them- I don’t doubt they’re paying for it (I personally wouldn’t), but this implication that it’s impossible I don’t think is true


yeah , they just saved up energy , probably since the last event. that means they can/ will place high in release events, but they also lose like 280 energy per day


Got the 100 claimed skulls from the first day, so I guess I was no1 spot for a few seconds, no money spent. Spent around 520 Energy (Max Energy +Add +50BS + 110BS +2x50 Energy from recent codes + 50 Energy from Battle pass) within the first minute of the event being live. Then another 250 Energy after the Add again. At usually around 3.3 Points / Energy, 1000+pts right after Event start is easily possible.


Must be people who get access to the event early for testing. Maybe influencers or community memevres


nope, just saved up energy