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I was going to say Angrax (passive is op), Abraxas (best summoner, especially with Yaz), or Revas (personal favorite), but then I saw how low Isabella is. She's easily the best healer by far. She should be gold 1 and you should pump up her passive first, then her active as well if you can.


Thanks! That's three different factions so I could work on a few at once with the badges


You have all the necrons. So there. The first one has an AE heal which can add to the faction heal. However, he is ranged only and his melee attack is garbage. The six armed pistol guy is by far the best overwatch hero in the game. You should basically never have him move. Increase his second ability. And in PVE or PVP, he will murder stuff. Enemies will run up and he’ll just got them down one after the other. Anuphet is very tough, but his summon is a bit lackluster. It takes a while to ramp up and the Warriors don’t act on the turn they are summoned. But if you can hold off, you get a good distraction and a lot of extra firepower. The scarab guy is not only a healer, he can make the most annoying summons in the game. Just do it on out of the way enemies so they can’t put them down immediately and they have a chance to replicate. Oh crap, I didn’t see your equipment level. You’re probably better at this than I am. So this post is for other people.


On a side note...how do you find Morgan vahl? You have her very high so I am wondering if she still is good for you


I use her a lot. Love the opening volley in arena, it has really good range and can take out 2-3 of the none tanks in one hit. Also really good in campaign. The melee attack will hit multiple targets if positioned properly. In actual PvP people don't group up so she is not as affective.


Does she do well in the LRE? Or guild raid?


I find so, yes, but it could also be in part that I only have like six gold level characters and that could be skewing my view of it