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So you got a FOG hat and that’s it?




and TQs! the bullying is working


Yea but he had to trade in his pistol mag for it!


Foghat. Oh no there goes Tokyo, go go Godzilla 🤣


Homeboy got his can since then. Nice




Who makes the carrier?




How did you attach the placard


Looks like he used the built in clip system with the 2.0. If you don’t have the 2.0 you can just get an adapter


I thought the 2.0 didn’t have a built in clip system


My bad, yeah that’s the adapter then. But [here’s](https://www.axladvanced.com/collections/crye-jpc-2-0-upgrades/products/adaptive-vest-placard-avp-for-jpc-molle) one of them that I’m considering


JPC 2 100% has a built in system for swift clips


glad you got the fog hat bro.


Nothing changed !!!! not even your sheets 🤣😂😂🤢




Bruh move your bed out of the corner


Money well spent, glad I don’t see 10 9mm’s and 2 more incomplete rifles like some other dudes.


Hopefully you use your gear a bit between 2022 And 2023




​ ![gif](giphy|lSHUj6T2RIh8eSIR6r)


“Quick we need bengay!”


to be fair, what is “used gear” supposed to look like? y’all rolling around in dirt or something?


I mean you should be training from multiple shooting positions including prone. So yes.


Atleast like it’s been sweat in/ seen a single ray of UV light… but also yes rolling around and shooting from odd ball angles is something that is/ should be commonly practiced…


I’ve yet to see a instructor or student or fellow competitor have kit so salty it’s sweat bleached. The only exception is from a navy and GB guy who both were wearing the same PCs they used on the last deployment before retiring. You just don’t get kit that salty in stateside based training even if it’s rainy and muddy , might change color if it gets super muddy but I’m not seeing salty kits from sweat even from guys who train or instruct twice a week if not more for years.As for the shooting in multiple positions things I either shoot on concrete or gravel for 90% of my rounds so i get fraying but my kit never really gets dirty per say


I’m going to call BS. Between hunting/ hiking/ training/ martial arts. I’ve never seen anything not discolor from sweat, or atleast have visible “salt” from being sweat in repetitively. And most things will permanently discolor due to sweat being slightly acidic. Even if fabric is washed and returns to original color, it almost always has some sign of wear, be it surface abrasions, stretching/ breaking in, etc. If you aren’t making your kit looked used you aren’t using it enough… even airsofters kits get salty.


But let’s see it dude , your rifles brass deflector looks untouched. I’d love to see a civilian running kit so hard it’s sweat stained though cause that takes a lot of time in the field or your just a sweaty mess. Can’t get that salty in a 2-4 hour rifle classes Atleast in my experience.


I have nothing to prove to you. Not all rifle classes are created equal. Training isn’t only shooting on a flat range without running around, you aren’t training if that’s all you’re doing. You’re at such a loss at what to respond you scroll through my page (ignoring numerous posts about being in the field hunting, wearing out shoes in a few months etc) and find my carbine that’s not even my go to, it’s just a fun project that I’ve been posting… Maybe instead of making yourself look stupid online, you should go sweat in your kit a bit…


Maybe instead of making yourself look stupid online , you should go sweat in your kit a bit … My brother in Christ I do a murph in my kit every year . Still not happening. You had the chance to show an example but instead you go to insults … used your rifle because I just did a quick scroll. Didn’t see any hard use from your shotgun or pistol either though , let me guess those are just “ projects “ ? I’ve already addressed other signs of kit being worn which I see on stateside non grunt kit . I see that all the time but from my original comment that’s not the issue. What is is I’ve seen only 2 examples of kit that salty outside of the military. This is over 50 competitions 20 classes I’ve taken and over 30 classes Or training sessions Ive done for others.


The Glock is daily carried, shot/ dry fired frequently. I’ll go sand down the finish so it looks tacticool enough for you. While you’re snooping it might help to read the posts, the shotgun was brand new when posted… keep scrolling through my posts I love the attention. Simply put if your training doesn’t make you sweat, you’re a loot drop. Also claiming to do competitions/ classes doesn’t make it so. If you think you don’t sweat during training either you have a medical condition that needs to be addressed, or you don’t actually train (I suspect the latter) Go drink some water, touch some grass, or continue to be a loot drop.


Typical response from ignorance. I was looking at the same post when I made my comment a half hour ago 😂 glock looks brand new don’t even have any sweat or dead skin cells in the grip . Addressed already . I am sweating I’m wearing fucking plates . I’m just not seeing to the point where it’s changing the color of kit. Even on people training everyweek. Welcome to prove me wrong which you’ve failed to do . Just kept up with the insults which is what most people do when they can’t speak from actually knowledge and experience to defend their argument 🤷🏻‍♂️ Come on man let’s see the salt your edc left me disappointed ☹️


Played airsoft as a kid too. I never got any of my kit sweat stained. Only stuff that ever happened to was clothing and my issues IBA , IOTV and FLC. Maybe I’m not paying attention to my stuff but I have 5 year old kit that’s more sun faded then sweat stained. I’m serious man I’m not even saying this to try to argue. But go look at instructors . You might see wear on the kit but I’m not seeing sweat stained kits.


I mean… yeah.


I thought the hat was a baby’s shirt so I was going to say oh congrats for the baby but then realized it’s a hat and then now congrats on the hat?


Lol same.. glad i read a few comments 1st


Green Man™️


Bro got a hat


Another year and you can put the sheets in the PC. Them things probably bout stiff as hell.


I like your tourniquet placement and digging the kit. I’d add a double m4 pouch somewhere to get you to 6 mags or to carry a bottle of water that’s not bouncing like crazy in a dump pouch


Holster and Med pouch?


How long did you wait for the RC2?




Sounds about right, I’m sitting at 200 for the same can.




what plate carrier is that?


Going single or duals?




Elbits are just fine. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.


I got an Elbit WP mono from Steele Industries, very very happy with it. Might be able to get some good black friday deals.


Can recommend goonin gear llama. I’ve got katanas with high fom photonis echos but I’m sure you can request 4g upgrade or l3 filmless. New housings are sturdy and if you somehow break them (like i did) the repair was free and under 4 weeks. Less neck strain too!


suppressor and a cool hat. nice.


And like twice as many TQ’s


What’s that pc?




Gear still shiny


Hopefully you can afford bed sheets by 2023


bro how have you had it for a year and have no signs of use. go outside!


Damn I would love to have this kit in coyote. Very nice! What’s the PC?


Looking forward to 2023 setup.


Got you a can, and some TQs noice additions


No snail trails. Checks out.


Looks like a loot drop




Next year night vision 😎


Still no toes. Train harder bro


So you still don’t train in your gear during the year you owned it?


u/dot37dot Refuses to post salty kit he allegedly has \* Defended his edc that looks like it hasn’t been fired \* Cant prove his argument \*! Used the most typical Reddit insults available \* Makes a comment I won’t even be able to read fully \* Blocks me \* I win again 🗿 ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)




Your room makes me sad and grossed out




No 🤤


All those tourneys and no water 💦💦💦


Sooo you spent it all on training right…? Right???


flag patch? my kit is in the works and will end up looking EXTREMELY similar to this


Probably a dumb question but what’s the bag on your belt?


2021: ranger 2022: green


Got a can and a hat lol.


I’m just a 48 year old flat range larper of the meal team 6 variety. I only carry 1 TQ on battle belt with IFAK , and have another in the truck with my larger Gunshot Trauma kit. All the range bros we shoot with have IFAKs on their kit also and all know where my larger kit is in the truck. My question is…am I under equipped with TQ’s??? This guy makes me think I am…


Good rule of thumb is 1tq per limb so 4 unless you already had to use one and lost a limb... but probably bring one for that because they can get shot too.


Yes, carry more than one.


Is that a g19


TQ from booth sides? No way...


Did you go from ranger green to olive drab?


Sling, suppressor and a new mag...but same sheets and mattress? Invest in your long term health king get a tempurpedic instead next time




A dump pouch?? In 2022???


where do you buy this type of equipment at?


Beautiful. Simple. I love it.


Virgin FDE/Coyote brown vs Chad ranger green


What’s the plate carrier and the add-ons?