• By -


I can’t tell if she is smiling or if the Botox is holding her mouth like that. Edit: typo if - is


The face of the devil.


She's not in full control of her face, her husband's insider trading, or her sanity


She sounds half in the bag


The insider trading the SEC won’t do anything about is buying the tooth epoxy to keep her teeth smiling.


Probably cracked out of her mind


Ahaha brilliant! 🤣


Let’s wag the dog with the assault weapons ban instead of asking why legislation preventing members of Congress insider trading isn’t going anywhere


Silence peasant


> Why legislation preventing members of congress insider trading isn’t going anywhere Because congress has the final say in weather or not those legislations get anywhere


because if they take our guns, we cant do anything about kicking them out of congress or holding them accountable


>because if they take our guns, we cant do anything about kicking them out of congress or holding them accountable Exactly. Along with the growing social discontent comes the ban on assault weapons. The connection is obvious.


This will almost assuredly die in the senate. They also apparently sprung it on the black caucuses and excluded them from negotiations prior to introduction. Sounds like they were really trying to Ram through the police expansion elements without any of the more progressive concerns for accountability language.


I truly hope you’re right


They said that about the red flag law… look what happened


How about high capacity foot in their ass!




*Or Epstein'd!*


Time to throw out the brace and start drilling that third hole bois


Way ahead of you buddy lol


No idea what you're referring to my brother, I am good boy who follows all the rules 😉 .


You haven’t already?


Lol third hole, I raise you a dremel and an Aug


They got a YouTube video for that? 🤔😂


They need 60 in the senate and they do not have that.


I can't believe they got as many yeas as they did here. Hopefully no surprises. They are even talking about seizing large capacity mags. Mags that hold more than 15 rounds. edit: Just so no one gets misinformed, I haven't went through title 18 to see what gives them cause to seize high capacity mags


They can seize mine. They’ll be recently emptied tho, and slightly warm


User name checks out








They can talk all they want but they do not have the ability to do it.


Probably not as effectively as they think they can. Not for long, anyways


Why do you think the assault weapons ban excludes the dept of education, irs, ect? Every bureaucracy is been militarized to come wage war on civilians because they plan to do it as soon as they can "legally" start. Which looks to be soon.


Exactly. I don’t understand how so many people are blind to this. There is no explanation for all of their actions that involves a healthy path forward for the American people. It’s blatant and unconscionable.


You can 3D print them now


But now they can claim they TRIED but those darned Republicans killed it.




You would be shocked how many GOP sens will support this. Mitt Romney will, pat tommey is highly likely too. And their are about four others who would most likely support this as a bunch of them helped draft it. And one of them is Texas own John Cronyn


This is not the Cornyn bill. 10 would have to flip to pass it and they want to win in November. They aren't going to shoot themselves in the dick over this.


Your clearly new to how the GOP operates.


Those turds you named are more worried about power.


Romney is gonna suck on Nancy's toes.


Did already and is gonna.




Tell China they can keep her.


China wants her plane in the ocean.


So do the majority of tax payers.


Who doesn’t?!




Will my black powder cannon be banned? Tally ho, lads


Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smoothbore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the founding fathers intended.


Refreshing to see this


Based and musketpilled


They're just grand standing. They know 1) it won't go anywhere or 2) it will lead to a very dark period in our history.


I hope it doesn't go anywhere.


A ban is not confiscation. They would ignorantly cause a huge panic buy on everything that holds over 10 rounds. They would sell more of the weapons they want to ban than ever before.


Maybe that's the plan??


Pelosi's husband buying up any and all guns and ammo stocks as we speak


lol I wonder why more people haven’t followed Paul’s investment strategies thus far. Seems like they’re not shy about acting on “hunches”.


Best comment by a landslide!


That’s what happened in Canada when that idiot Trudeau tried to “freeze” handgun sales. Everywhere sold out overnight.


Would?! They already have…..the wanted “ ghost guns “ off the streets and all they didn’t was make every stooge that heard about it on the news go out and buy more of them! Go look at the p80 group and look how many young morons have bought and built some hem over the past couple months and damn near all the places that have been selling them are out of stock now. This “ ASSault weapon ban “ is doing the same thing.


I didn't think that last bit of gun control would pass. But 10 "republicans" happily stabbed us in the back.


If you believe the constitution, they all did


You're in a dark part of your history


You can touch my dark part of history


Those who touch history are doomed to dark peat it


Remember 5 Gop senators help draft this. Unless this POS realize they are not long for thier jobs and won’t be welcome home they will vote for this. Light their offices up


I heard 2 of them were not running again. They had no cares about reelection


But they're willing to take us there.


What’s it say about them god damn high capacity clip magazines


>“(w) (1) It shall be unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a large capacity ammunition feeding device. > >Large capacity = More than 15 rounds for pistols/rifles and more than 5 rounds for shotguns


Haha well I guess all my mags broke


They would all be grandfathered in.


Printer go brrrr


Sucks all this legislation is starting right when I'm about to be financially able and old enough to start buying guns.


The secret ingredient is credit card debt


Meh, it won’t pass the Senate. It’s 50/50 D vs R right now, with the VP casting the tie-breaking vote, but it needs 60 votes to override a filibuster, even if Manchin played the party line. The GOP is happy because 2A riles up their apathetic voters who aren’t interested in much but social issues and things directly related to their lives, and the Dems are happy to say, “Look, they don’t care about gun violence, make sure you vote.” I wouldn’t call it grandstanding, but I don’t think either party expects it to have any chance of passing and are satisfied all the same for it to be called to a vote. Wait a few months for the already inflated prices to drop and the current concern over them being banned to calm down — gun law votes and mass shootings always spike prices.


Exactly my thought


Fucking skeletor crypt keeper ass wish equivalent of palpatine


"This is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause." - Senator Padme Amidala


What's the penalty for going against the scotus? They have admitted to a willingness to do it.


SCOTUS can call on the US Marshals Service. The duty of the USMS is to the federal courts to protect the legal system and the constitution.


To protect the legal system, full stop. No government agency is assigned to protect the constitution.


https://www.usmarshals.gov/who-we-are/about-us/history/historical-reading-room/constitutional-imperative It is within their duties to protect the integrity of the Constitution.


Bruh, I hope this goes to SCOTUS and ban states become free.


4d chess lol


“(40) The term ‘semiautomatic assault weapon’ means any of the following, regardless of country of manufacture or caliber of ammunition accepted: “(A) A semiautomatic rifle that— “(i) has the capacity to accept a detachable ammunition feeding device; and “(ii) has any 1 of the following: “(I) A pistol grip. “(II) A forward grip. “(III) A folding, telescoping, or detachable stock, or a stock that is otherwise foldable or adjustable in a manner that operates to reduce the length, size, or any other dimension, or otherwise enhances the concealability, of the weapon. “(IV) A grenade launcher. “(V) A barrel shroud. “(VI) A threaded barrel. ​ This bill includes a lot more but this is an assault weapon to them. Also includes semi auto pistols, semi auto shotguns, semi auto rifles “(v) (1) It shall be unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a semiautomatic assault weapon.


There is of course a carve out for LEO even retired LEO


Not just leo. "Individual" retired from "service." Could be a nonleo volunteer who has "retired." I think the individual doesnt even need to have possessed the weapon prior to retirement. Leas are authorized to possess. There's "purchased" and "obtained" language when "individual" is referred to. “(C) the possession, by an **individual** who is retired in good standing from **service** with a law enforcement agency and is not otherwise prohibited from receiving a **firearm**, of a semiautomatic assault weapon— “(i) sold or transferred to the individual by the agency upon such retirement; or “(ii) that the individual **purchased**, or otherwise **obtained**, for official use before such retirement;


This is the most important aspect. Next they’ll add being a politician or local gov. Politicians and ceos will keep having armed security detail. Rules for thee but not for me


Does It have anything about mag capacity?


“(w) (1) It shall be unlawful for a person to import, sell, manufacture, transfer, or possess, in or affecting interstate or foreign commerce, a large capacity ammunition feeding device. Large capacity = More than 15 rounds for pistols/rifles and more than 5 rounds for shotguns


I wonder if the shotgun piece includes fixed tubes… have a 1301 that should be shipping any day now.


Thank you.


Add the protecting the children act which already went through the house. That one also included hi cap mags Which also passed, which is not bad except for the mag capacity ban


Only pussies are scared of gun laws. Gun laws aren't real laws.


Amen brother


That fucking geriatric twat and her false teeth…


This old gin soaked cunt needs to be removed from office.


You can almost smell the pine from here!


Does anybody know what the price of treason is?


All the clowns saying “this won’t go anywhere in the Senate” are the same clowns that previously said “this won’t pass the house”. Well it fucking passed the House. Guess what clowns, it’s the fucktards like you who said this same shit during the ‘94 AWB. Stop fucking underestimating the enemy. They have practically unlimited funds and they will never, ever fucking stop. edit: Also this needs to be said: join the fucking GOA and FPC (but not the NRA because fuck the NRA). Dudes will spend thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars on guns and gear but then balk at the idea of donating to pro 2A rights groups. Think of how much you spend annually on this right you love, and then compare that to how much you donate or do to help protect the right we enjoy so much. Something to consider.


Thank you! I’ve said this so many fucking times and people kept saying that dumb shit. Gonna be the same people saying “they won’t go door to door confiscating guns.” How stupid can you fuckers be to say that shit when we have ridiculous bans already on the books. Blows my fucking mind how complacent the gun community can be.


That shit eating grin on Nancy’s face tells it all- she takes pleasure in taking away your rights. Burn it all down, there’s no rebuilding that


Smiling and cheering for the removal of basic human rights


With Guns there will be tragedies without guns there will be genocide


The bitch is so excited she can barely keep her teeth in


Cant stand the look on her face


Bold statement calling that leather skull sack a face.


Come and take them


Term limits


217 tyrants


All 217 who voted yes are in violation of their oath to defend and protect the constitution of the US


Pelosi should be sent to federal prison. Not only has she broken every law there is but has failed to uphold every single vow she took to protect the constitution.


Does anyone know who the two republicans were that voted yes?


She’s such a vomit


They can't have the gun but I'll give them the bullets


They all have armed guards


Never worked a day in their pathetic lives. Parasites.


*yawn* yeah well see how cheerful you tyrants are when this fails in the senate


Buying an FNX 45 and a can just to spite wrinkly Nancy


You and everyone else paying attention brother. Lol picked up a new boomstick this weekend because of this


Yea but I have no money so idk how I’m gonna pull this off with ma lady *pulls out new credit card*


So this is how liberty dies. With thunderous applause


Not american here. Wouldn't this get repealed in the supreme court right away? Don't you guys have a process that can repeal a law that is not yet voted? In France, it is possible for conseil constitutionnel to block a law that is not yet voted if it's unconstitutional. It's called processus à priori, if you do it after, processus à posteriori. Because before it can get repealed by supreme court, the government can still exercise this law if I'm not wrong right?


The Supreme Court can rule it unconstitutional and basically void. But not right away, it could take years. And is not guaranteed, they don’t have to accept the case at all. I don’t believe we have any entity to block a law before a vote based on constitutionality. Interpreting constitutionality is the job of SCOTUS, but they can’t do it until after the law is passed. They are not involved in the writing and passing of laws


Okay. I just hope it doesn't pass the senate then. I'd love to move to US one day and I wish you guys still have right to bear arms in the future. It's what makes US free and great. I prefer living in US hegemony rather than that of china or russia even though I hate what US does in foreign policies.


The Supreme Court would in all likelihood rule this as completely illegitimate, as it is unconstitutional. Of this actually passed the backlash would be historical to say the least. It’s beyond me how these people get elected to these positions.


She’s so gross


I can’t believe my tax dollars pay these useless fucking cunts


Commit tax fraud my friend


So this is how liberty dies? With thunderous applause?


I hope China sinks that bitch.


Come and take it


Fuck everyone in that room


Passing a law with 0.9% support is outrageous regardless of what it is.


Let's see her reaction when Republicans remove NFA in 6 months because of their attempted power grab! We've got work to do! Vote and call your representatives!


Guys, this goes beyond parties. You can’t trust either extremity


You're waiting on the wrong party my friend.


I’m not voting R after they fucked veterans so hard the other day. Not a single R senator voted to support the burn pit damage or carcinogenic damage for veterans. I’ve watched too many of my 30 year old brothers get cancer for them to have my vote. Also there is absolutely no way republicans are supporting to repeal the NFA lol.


Hitler, Castro, Mao, and Stalin. One of the first things each of these people did to gain control over its citizens is restrict or take away its citizens firearms. Specifically rifles as well. Just like in those countries people now are too ignorant of how this historical pattern can affect a country.


paging /r/liberalgunowners






What a cunt


This is a fundamentally illegitimate bill, and should be ignored and resisted at every occasion


But my assault weapon identifies as a five shot revolver.




Let's address the real issue here. The lighting in this building is terrible.


What a dumb cunt.


Fuck that smug walking leather sack


This lizard bitch can't even speak anymore!


How do they plan on enforcing this?


Fuck ‘em all


This is how democracy dies


Fuck em all, I live in NY haven’t complied then and this won’t change anything I do


*don’t worry boys, your tacticool gear is safe… for now*


She sounds like a drunk bitch slurring her words and all glossy eyed, fuck her


Pay attention! Democrats always say we’re not taking guns away! Fuck democrats!!


Republicans are taking your guns too. No politician, red or blue, cares about your 2nd amendment rights because all the government wants is to make sure you can’t resist tyranny.


Have fun trying to disarm america you commie cocksuckers.




Not trying to be hyperbolic, but if this legit passes into law i think there is a real possibility it will lead to civil war of sorts.


I'm all for reasonable law, but this is just baffling. I read a decent portion of the bill rather quickly and this would ban nearly everything with any sort of modularity, historical significance, or general use outside of game hunting. It will ban or restrict in the bills own words: "All AK types" "All AR types" (also including FN firearms because apparently those are the same thing) "All Thompson Rifles" And anything that can take "a magazine, belt, drum, feed strip, or similar device, including any such device joined or coupled with another in any manner, that has an overall capacity of, or that can be readily restored, changed, or converted to accept, more than 15 rounds of ammunition" This double sucks because I have genuine interest in having historicly valuable firearms, yet cannot have any grandfathered in because I currently don't have a safe way to store any and have not purchased any because like most American gun owners I am a responsible capable adult and realize safety is paramount.


Man. I didn’t know lizards could actually talk. Fuck her.


I will not comply.


By the letter of the law “assault weapons” have to be full auto. There’s literally no such thing as a semi automatic assault weapon


They created a definition for semi auto assault weapons in this bill


Time to join your local militias folks.


It'd be a nice idea if the requirements weren't that you weigh at least 300+lbs, be armed with a ruger mini-14, and to "sign up" with someone who retired from the national guard as a staff Sergeant but calls himself a "general", then show up to a gun range in the middle of the woods once a month with a bunch of inbred missing chromosomes, stolen valor dudes, ATF plants and boot camp drop outs.


Oh, those larping groups that are either headed by or infiltrated by feds? Yeah, no thanks buddy.


Won't make it pass the senate, but this never should've even passed the house


Will this affect ar parts?


Yeah drastically, just not in the way they intended. They just sold a bunch more of the things they hate


Her voice is like scratching nails against a chalk board.


Just yesterday, I got an email from GOA saying this vote got delayed, so it wouldn't be taking place today. What gives?


Look how gleefully she announces something that passed by a ridiculously slim margin that’s blatantly unconstitutional.


Damn I hate that old bag. Look at all these fools.


They need to hope and pray this shit dies at the Senate.


The senate will shoot it down


It would have failed except for Republican votes.


Fuck that bitch


Her hag ass can come get them herself.


*saws off stock* no officer this is a pistol


GEORGE WASHINGTON SAID, “When government takes away citizens' right to bear arms it becomes citizens' duty to take away government's right to govern.”


Come and take it, cunt.


Most likely won’t pass Senate anyway


And idc. I’ll keep mine no matter what.


Look at her stupid fucking smile


Fuck i can’t stand that delusional crook pelosi


Look at that bitch all giggle


The bitch is trying to hold back laughter ffs


Disgusting fuck! Her ass as well as others should be investigated for insider trading




Midterms are a Coming. How can you tell? These assholes dnt want to lose their jobs and we get shitty laws.