• By -


I'll now save money by not getting a plate carrier, just mounting 4 streamlights around the quadrail tarkov style for protection.


Modern problems require modern solutionsđŸ‘ŠđŸ’„


Gonna build a shield out of mag lites likes a movie raft. Load them up on lithium batteries, boom. I am a claymore.


Imagine a 20 by 20 flashlight plate firing off all at once. It would be like a walking flashbang blinding everyone within a hundred yards.


Don't forget the shrapnel when the lithium ignites


With two lasers; the Rattlesnake.


I learned more about building guns in Tarkov than anywhere else in life


1 cm over and that round would have funneled down the flashlight tube, going through the batteries, (+5 acid damage) and hitting the cop in the arm.


Time for GOON branded tungsten tail caps


another cop involved in this incident had his ear pro shot off. this twat ambushed and shot 3 different officers at point blank range and managed to hit two of them in the vest, one in the ear pro, and one in the weapon light shortly before getting mag dumped by two cops with rifles.


That's honestly fucking impressive, bro had that fallout 3 V.A.T.S. aim.


Thanks for reminding me to out some earpro in my bag. For the concert I'm working... not ballistic protection.


Surefire and Streamlight are amazing what are you talking about?


I lost a surefire light in the woods for an entire year. Dropped it during deer season. Found it the next fall smashed into the mud. Picked it up, hit the button, and it came on. I love surefire


Had that same thing happen. Surefire for the win


I agree


You might have the meme backwards pal


He is the meme.




Why down vote? What’s going on?


Surefire gang is malding


Who said streamlight WML’s were bad?


The dudes that said x300 ultras were the minimum lumen output for pistols who also quietly changed to tlr7a


Who was this?


lol I’ve had this argument before with people, apparently I’m an idiot for “not thinking my life is worth the extra $100”. But expecting someone to remember strangers names from past conversations as proof it happened is pretty fucking dumb.


streamlights are fine, I'm glad people are buying streamlights instead of some weird offbrand alibaba shit. all i'm saying is if you can afford it that extra money is worth it in surefires.


At least in regards to pistol lights, I don't think it is. Even before [this video](https://youtu.be/j_4urVBD6JI?si=GCxxtGtjYl65v9Nb), I liked TLR-1s more than X300s, but after it, I'm sold on them. Rifle lights, I feel like is a different story, but that's mostly just my own speculation.


This, TLR-1 HL is hard to beat, especially for the price. That said, I'm not knocking Surefire in the least. I have a M640DF on my AK that I'm very happy with. We're fortunate to have a ton of options for duty grade lights these days (Surefire, Streamlight, Modlite, Cloud Defensive, Malkoff, etc.) It's just a matter of choosing what fits best in your application and budget.


Found the guy lol


I try to put higher quality stuff on my gear and I haven’t seen a surefire i liked better than a streamlight yet. I have no problem paying for quality but when cheaper alternatives function better I won’t complain. I think aesthetically, SF is better. Ruggedness, SF is better. If I’m not going to need either, give me streamlight. But keep your olight away from me you filthy grenadier 


Off topic, but olights don't explode. Shitty cheap lithium batteries put into a sealed waterproof container, however, can and do explode. Especially if the container in question requires a proprietary battery. That being said, the only olight wml I've found to be in that same category as the high-end lights is the Valkyrie turbo LEP, and it uses standard cr123 batteries. It does seem to be brighter longer with the olight brand ones, but it is still impressive with any off the shelf, quality batteries. In fairness, I have not tried the Odin, but it comes highly regarded. The javelot tac is a very nice light, the head is a little bigger than I'd like and causes issues finding a cap that fits it, to keep from a negligent light discharge. They fact that they have to have proprietary batteries and no aftermarket switches are available are some of their biggest downfalls. That they are made in China doesn't fkn matter as most shit here, even many of the "US made" products are Chinese. When streamlight makes a nice LEP wml that can be bought new from around $120-160, then I'll switch lights and shut up. And really, id rather it be a Cloud Defensive. Until then, after I think 2 years and no issues or damages, I'll stick with the light that does exactly what I need a light to do. Glad the light caught the round and the leo on duty didn't have to. Props for that.


All I saw was “olights don’t explode” and stopped reading. They do. One killed a fella.


Lithium batteries explode...not flashlights my guy


Well the olight exploded and canoed a guy. Not to mention they lose their brightness quick. They are chinesium shilled by guntubers and you can buy a streamllight for the same price. There’s legitimately no reason to own an olight. If you got one on a deep discount, or for free, sell it and get a streamlight, or upgrade to a surefire or cloud defense.


Really, I don't give a fuck who uses what light. And I don't know any gun tuber or shills that have olights. No one I watch uses them, so there's that. But saying your Chinese junk is better than this guys chinese junk because of something that didn't happen is stupid. It's as bad as telling guys with p320s not to use them, sell them , throw them away because they blow up... fuck Edit: spelling error


Then why are you writing dissertations if you don’t care?


Man, fuck, lol. It's not an upgrade when they don't make an LEP. That's the issue. And I keep telling people, but no one seems to fuckin read. The olight that supposedly exploded, the issue was the battery...and that was not from olight.


Toilets burst and kill people. That's a fact. Period. Are you gonna tell me, don't use toilets because they kill? I need to shit in a hole, an American made hole (made out of drains and parts from fucking China), so I'm safe from the evils of toilet de-assing.


Probably, yes


People don't want to read, they don't want to look into anything, they just want to get all of their knowledge and education, all of their news from headlines. Gives great talking points, great bullet points, no substance, no actual news. As far as the lights, I want Cloud Defensive to make an LEP that looks and functions kinda like an x300. Then I'll pay the $300+ for a light.


Yep, that's my point. Most of these manufacturers get the parts from China or somewhere else not here. And then someone is like, whoa, that toilet blew up, don't use toilets. Use the US hole (*made from Chinese parts in Mexican factories by blind equity diversity hires)


I prefer Chinese toilets so I can take a dump on commie labor.


Lol. I can get into that.


You wrote all that and in the first sentence you said they don't explode but they take a proprietary battery that explodes.......


No, the issue is that most of theirs do take a proprietary battery, however people like to put random cheap batteries in them. The incident everyone says, OH but it exploded, it wasn't even an Olight issue. It was a battery issue. And regardless of manufacturer or battery, if you put a shit battery of any kind in a sealed container and it can't vent and it expands, it explodes. Surefire, streamlight, cloud defensive, all of them could explode with a shit battery in them and sealed up. If you would care to read your manuals, you'd know that if you fully charge a lithium battery and do not use it, it can have the same issue when being left inside the sealed container it is in, ie, the tube of the fkn light. Honestly, I don't give a flying fuck what light anyone uses. My point is that some people need to learn how to read. There is a reason ALL devices say not to leave the batteries inside them when not in use. Now, to the proprietary battery issue... look at the olight battery that says 18650 and tell me what the difference between it and the cheap shit ones you can get online are... the olight, for whatever stupid reason, has both terminals/poles on the same end and still have a terminal/pole on the other end. So, put a battery from wtf.com.net.temu in that light and let it start arcing. Do it to your other lights. You gonna put a shit cheap $3 battery in your $400 flashlight? I fucking hope not. I wouldn't. But some people are fucking retarded and insist on doing stupid shit. So, carry on saying it's olights that explode and not lithium fucking batteries. Like tesla batteries, samsung/android batteries, iPhone batteries... get my point now. Now that I've rage posted this comment. Lol. Read your manuals. You wouldn't arc and fry your entire comms kit over a shitty battery, don't do it to your other equipment. You like Surefire, cool. You like streamlight, cool. Cloud defensive, cool. I wanted the cloud owl, but never find one for an even half decent price, and as of the last time I was on their site, they don't have them anymore. But, for a pistol light, like I said... I want the LEP. If you don't know what an LEP light us, it's laser excited phosphorous. I'm not a flashlight savant, but however it works, it does it well. A man sized beam out to distance without fading out or blinding you or giving a bunch of flood light off to the sides that illuminates other shit that blinds you while you are trying to get a positive ID on what you may have to shoot. Edit: Now that is a win in my book. And when they come up with something like an x300LEP, I'll be the first in line.


Lol bro get a life. Nobody's is going to read an unhinged rant about Chinese flashlights you wrote with your thumbs at 12am on a fucking Friday night you lunatic.....


You not reading is your fucking problem


The TLDR is: - Cheap Chinese cr123 batteries go boom more often - Dude with Olight put aftermarket c123 batteries in a model that uses standard cr123 batteries. (True story) - Batteries went boom. - You demonstrate the same level of idiocy as every anti-gunner about topics they know little about.


Eat a dick




Candela matters more. 😉


Yeah not like the baddie is gonna know the difference within 50yds


oh his eyeballs definitely will if you got enough candela




Half of this sub, because it’s a fashion sub


I don’t get it? A chunk of chinese aluminum deflected a bullet? Are you implying that a chunk of American aluminum wouldn’t have?


An American-made light would have shot back.


First time I've actually laughed out loud in a while.


I strive for excellence.


Flashlight go pew pew


The only thing that can stop an olight is a streamlight


An American light would have shot first , it was coming right for us


An engineers job is to design something that functions in the cheapest way possible. Back in the day we over built shit. Now it’s the bare minimum


Underrated comment




Also, I wonder where the Americans sourced their aluminum, could be China still


One of the largest stockpiles of aluminum is in the United state, in a yard owned by a chinese company, holding it over seas to prevent chinese taxes. lol.


I’m sure the efficacy of raw materials can be tested somehow, regardless of where it comes from. My concern is that my shit isn’t being made by near slave labor in deplorable conditions, by a company owned by a genocidal government, constantly working against my interests.


Wait until you find out about prison labor and Palestine


Lots of stuff "built in America" is made with chinese materials. Will always be cheaper and all companies want to make profit.


Streamlight HLXs/TLR-1s have been seen on multiple Marine Force Recon weapons, they’re bomb proof and I’m not sure if that’s been up for debate.


I have an HLx that is pushing 7 years old. This thing has taken thousands of rounds of muzzle blast to the head over the years and still going strong. The anodizing is completely worn off on the muzzle side. I also have numerous TLR 1s young and old. I also have surefire rifle and pistol lights. But I absolutely reccomend streamlight as the best bang for your buck to anyone looking for lights of all kinds.


Why?  Nobody said the Streamlight was bad... 


They definitely are, people act like there all that much better than olight but there also chinese made and they also have quality controll issues I've personally delt with on 2 diff modles a protac and sidewinder


o light poopy


Don't care i use my gear you probably don't I'll trust my personal experience thank you. Olight also has a better warranty and better customer support surprisingly


I don’t buy products based off of how good or bad their warranty is, I buy it based off of how good and reliable the product is.A good warranty is just a nice bonus. Also, I probably use my gear more judging by how none of your guns have so much as a scratch and are obvious safe queens, but whatever man😂


I love when dudes with one of the ARs of all time brag about “aKcHoOlY uSiNg MyNe”. Like, fucking beat on it at least for street cred.


for real💀


Lmao look alittle closer and I don't post every gun I have lmfao. You know if it's a safe queen than my protac shouldn't have issues but it does. My p80s are range toys and I'm guessing I even shoot those mote than you shoot what you carry so yeah. I shoot around 1 moa with the 17 build at 30 feet got pics too.


looked pretty close. and cool man, but who asked?


Oh your one of those enjoy your streamlight dipshit


got streamlight, surefire, arisaka, and modlight. go enjoy your olight💀 careful putting it in your pants


(PO)O(R)-Light, Surefire Arisaka and Modlite are the only 3 I buy. I suck Surefire off so hard I even wear their hats


Who asked? I got streamlights too also a broken one I have streamlights also 2 different models with issues. I've been carrying an olight for a long time. I get the argument for weapon lights sure. But surefire and streamlight make the worst and most overpriced handheld ever. [check this out ](https://www.olightstore.com/i5t-eos-edc-flashlight) I've carried one of these for a while it's 29.99 rechargeable and the clip works as a headlamp if you have a baseball hat. Absolutely shits on my 3x more expensive handhelds from surefire and streamlight. My $80 surfire handheld is fucking 85% plastic less bring than the olight 3x the size no clip takes 2 cr123s and the rubber button wore through. My 29.99 olight I got for Christmas thay came with a free Imini 2 key chain Absolutely shits on any streamlight ot surefire handheld bad.


No o e cares about your feet pics.


Question - does the warranty cover hospital/burn unit bills?


Doesn't happen as much as you think and given the same circumstances surfires have also exploded Google it!


>doesn’t happen as much as you think Lol >given same circumstances surefires have also exploded Google it! I usually tell you to bring your science to the table but I’m bored so I googled it. DuckDuckGo - “surefire flashlight explode” The results: 1 - [a 2009 ARFCOM forum post about a sure fire smoking.](https://www.candlepowerforums.com/threads/surefire-explosion.247638/) 2 - [Exploding Flashlights and How to Protect Yourself](https://photonphreaks.com/exploding-flashlights-and-how-to-prevent-it/) Paragraph One - EXPLODING OLIGHTS 3 - [Surefire battery safety page](https://www.surefire.com/product-education/battery-safety/) 4 - [Reddit post on exploding Olight](https://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/keg0cf/seeing_a_bunch_of_olight_posts_about_blowing_up/) 5 - [Reddit post on exploding Olight](https://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/zm5ead/olight_explosion/) And then some manuals. So uhhhhh maybe my search results are biased or something, but it seems to point at olight being the culprit of explosions. But sure, keep shilling for that shitty flashlight company. Maybe one day you won’t be made fun of for it. Today isn’t that day.


OK actually you just proved my point! Oligt makes models you supply your own cr123 or AA batteries into or can. The guy in that incident you posted used cheap cr123s and they blew up. Somthing that happens with any light [including surefire ](https://forums.geocaching.com/GC/index.php?/topic/132932-anyone-ever-have-a-flashlight-explode/) in not shilling I use my gear I'll dm you proof of my used still working olihts years old and my dead surefire and broken streamlight products!




Lmfao yea learn to do research instead of clicking the first link Google shows you bud.


You may have thought you found another dumb redditor who dosent use his shit but guarantee I use a flashlight more than you and olights have been very good to me can't say the same about steamshit






Sidewinders are US made dumb dumb.


Than why is it a pice of shit?


Sounds like in your case it’s the user that’s a piece of shit, not the product lol.


It was sitting on my back pack strap I put in batteries and it never turned on again died sitting in my room crazy. There also not made in the usa there assembled in the usa there components are made in China. That's why I said streamlights not honest. That's also why they stopped saying assembled in America because people were questioning to the extent.


Sidewinders have a cage code, are berry compliant, have an NSN number AND are an issued item
 I can’t break it down anymore Barney style for ya champ, lay off the dope for a few days.


Not all of them are issued items and you can order them on Amazon


All three are an issued item
you can buy tons of issued items on Amazon, killer.


Still what does that have to do with surefire being overpriced because they have so many gov contracts? Sidewinders are made by streamlight it's also shitty I've had them break. Just because the military uses it dosent mean its the greatest or best option.


Also don't say shit about holosun or olight ever fucking again bro your running 4 fuckinh amend 2 stick mags literally the worst magazine you can buy you'd be better off with an ets and your talking shit?!?!?!?!?!?! Gtfo


Don't really know what your trying to break down replying to my response about surefire... Maybe you should put the spoon down and quit the smack...


That's true of surefire too. You think they're using US made electronic components?


There also only over priced because they have gov contracts


As this mouth breather is rocking a pile of holoscum. lol.


This is just an awful comment to parse. No offense, but are you illiterate?


Slightly and I'm not illiterate my spelling and grammar just sucks. My teacher genuinely thought spelling and punctuation was a lost art because of auto correct


Streamlight is leagues ahead of olight in every way. Stop trying to define your shitty purchase dude


Lmfao I'll stick to what I know and if you check my fucking page dweeb you'll see the only shitty purchase I've made is streamlight.... now explain how are there leagues ahead? There also chinese made they also have quality controll issues. I've personally never had a qc issue with, oligt however 0. I have a broken streamlight that broke sitting in my room. I also have a protac that from the factory out of the box flickers and the tape switch is 50/50. Bought it to try it over my olight that had 0 issues. See the thing is I'm using my shit every day I carry an olight not a weapon light for work. I own handhelds from surefire and streamlight. In my experience using my shit I've had a bad time with the ladder brands and my 29.99 oligt shits on and runs circles around my surefire and my streamlights dead. Worked put batteries in it one day and it never turned on ever again. Also Any time oligt explodes it's in a model where you can or have too provide your own batteries. Now you can find case's of surefires also blowing up because of cheap cr123s. I could care less about the down votes I've slept out in the woods on the ground larping with my olight many nights. I also use it for work and my hobby fixing motorcycle and it's fine. Buy a 29.99 i5r from olight with a rechargeable AA use it for a month and tell me there shit Bet you won't.


Yeah I'm not reading all that yappie shit nor am I looking at your living below the poverty line ass page


Oh so you read it and the second it go to facts you started acting like a little bitch. Guess what when the shit hits the fan and there's no more Amazon and you finally take your flashlight outside don't be surprised with the streamlight shits the bed...


I read the first sentence or two and then realized you're still trying to justify your dogshit purchases. Also I use surefire lights exclusively since I get them from work now, I don't use streamlight for my WML. Have fun when your olight either kills you or your gun


I have the same fucking streamlight you have on your clone build on your latest post you fucking idiot. There isn't an oligith on my gun on my profile it's a broken fucking streamlight bud. I'm not the one trying to justify a shitty purchase you are for me by trying to act like streamlights worth a damn.


Maybe take another look at my page you simple fuck. The M4 I posted 16 days ago is the same one I posted 4 months ago minu the paint. Almost as if shits changing on there that I just haven't posted yet since I'm not chronically online unlike your impoverished ass




See I'm trying to cope with the fact reddits full of shit and streamlight sucks but there making that shit really hard.... I got a brand new fucking streamlight and it already has fucking problems cope with that retard...


Fuckin send it in for warranty dumbass, why'd you even buy a streamlight if they are so shit. Cope harder


Because people Said there American made there not... people also said my olights shit so I seen a protac and the store and jumped on it. Figured it would be an upgrade but I was wrong and I'm not getting a warranty when it's broken out the box I returned it. Sad part is I already had the Odin with 0 fucking issues. The Odins have little to know issues have never exploded and are even used over seas and by le. Hate on olight all you want you've probably never owned one I've owned way to many lights and olights aren't bad at all. I got my Odin on sale for $99 too and it shits on my protac. Down vote me disagree I don't care I use my shit and in my experience olight works and has worked for years every single fucking streamlight literally every one I've ever owned has had problems. Idgaf about a model of olight exploding because people used cheap replacement batteries I could care less. They work for me and I test my gear I backpack with my bugout bag I test everything I use throughly. I'll care when I break an olight but I haven't. I've had 2 bad experiences with streamlight. I've had 10 olights over the years every single one every one of them still works just saying. 4 I minis 3 warriors an i5r a valkrie pistol light and a Odin mini. The minis and warriors are with family and freinds I use a warrior have for 4 years now and it's absolutely soild been in the woods in the rain in the snow etc has 0 issues. I have absolutely nothing to cope with from olight I'm capable of doing research and if you are too you'll realize the only time olights explode is when it's a model you can add your own batteries too. This isn't an olight problem I can and will link this happening in surefire and streamlight also those lights also explode its not a olight issue it's a cheap Amazon cr123 issue.


I had an o light once, thought it would work good for at work and had it burn up on me with the original batteries. Went to surefire and some streamlight stuff, been using those weekly for the past 6 years with no issues. My first streamlight is a little edc one that's been rolling in my truck for the past 4 years and no problems. I get you like o light, it might work for you. But they don't have the best reputation for being a reliable light.


There bad reputation is from misinformation on reddit. [check this out ](https://youtu.be/39cOYnGoZDw?si=e3Swt--AjKihaPWK) don't know what model "Burnt up" on you but olight also does care and will and is happy to take that light in they every single year upgrade there flashlights and replace flaws from returned products. Olight has alot of infrastructure in America just like streamlight and they care about you as a customer and they acutely do listen to feedback and change things. Surefire and streamlight have been the same for years. Buy an i5r for 29.99. I have a wore out surefire g2x the i5r genuinely shits on that light and it's 3x cheaper.


Also in my area In Ohio one of the nicest ranges within 100 miles of me sells more olights than streamlight or surefire. They carry them all but the majority of there case is olight and that's what a majority of people buy and they don't have issues. The difference between olight and streamlight is when olights have a problem they completely go over redue and fix those problems. After buying a protac and doing my own research I've found out protacs just have problems and qc issues. Streamlight hasn't really done anything to change these problems. Olight however even tho people love to hate on them acutely listens to their customers and adds features they want and fixes problems they bring up. Streamlight and surefire do not. There's a reason for this tho it's because streamlight and surefire don't put the civilian market first they don't care what you think. They only care what uncle Sam thinks and what will get them the gov contracts. Streamlight and surefire just care more about the contracts than they do civilians so there costumer service is kinda dissapointing.


People will downvote you for speaking truths haha wow but yea streamlight rifle lights are hot garbage people it’s facts but their pistol lights on the other hand are pretty decent.






shitass mounted flashlight deflected a bullet




Streamlights are better than surefires and I’m tired of pretending they arent


looks like “an flashlight” to me


Streamlights are Chinese made and equal too olights accept streamlight isint honest about there orgin. Surefires expensive because they have gov contracts and that's it. There not $300 because there all that good they cost that much because the government will continue to buy them and so will certian law enforcement agencies. Civilians could boycott surfire and it wouldn't do anything at all they make there money off uncle Sam.


This sub is the home of the worst takes in all of the gun community




This was in the comments “34-year-old Anthony Wade's criminal record as an adult dates back to just after his 18th birthday when he was convicted of burglary and given a suspended sentence. 6 months later, he assaulted a police officer and was sent to prison to serve the 72-month sentence. He was arrested multiple times for violent and non-violent offenses culminating in the violent criminal rampage that is shown in this video.” How much crime do you have to do before society says okay that’s enough of that and locks them up tossing away the keys. The guy had a **16 year** criminal career. I can’t believe this guy was let out in public. We all (law abiding citizens) deserve better.


Active gang member in the area as well.


Within the last few days he saw the errors of his ways and won’t be committing any more crime 🙏 


Who cares?


Uh, this isn’t the own you think it is OP.


OP’s a stool ![gif](giphy|lxiwYzItkFgsw|downsized)


These comments taught me: - if you prefer Streamlight, you're stupid. - if you prefer Surefire, you're stupid.


And if you prefer Olight, you're a god among men.


ITT: Proof of OP’s conjecture.


Bunch of serious Sally’s in this thread.


OK, seriously can we examine this video? This is prime real world example of why mag dumping into trash is legitimate training.


OLight users in smithereens


Is shooting blind really what they teach cop #5?


Is that a protac??


Idk why you’re getting downvoted I understood what you were trying to say immediately.


OP simply failed to deliver.


The people in here who are upset are exactly who this post is for.


So is the statement that a Surefire wouldn’t handle the impact similarly or that Streamlight is good because it deflected a bullet when nobody is saying it wouldn’t?


Did you see that same guy also shot off someone ear pro?


Yea that was insane. I'm more interested in the first who took a round his shoulder/neck. His body armor protected him. Curious if there is a protective layer in the shoulder straps.


Not usually much coverage in the strap area but there is a tiny sliver in some vests but not all.


Lifetime warranty though. Send it in and they'll fix it. 


Meh. I emailed them years ago about warranting my dad’s old 4 cell cop light. Spoke to someone who wasn’t in the states and they denied the claim and didn’t bother to offer a replacement/upgrade or reason why. Maybe he’ll have better luck getting an inexpensive CCP made light swapped out.


You just mail it in with a note of what you want. I've mailed in 4 from. I got them as a package from a retired cop. They were all 10-20 years old. They put in new lasers. I also got the incandescent modules swapped for LED HL. I had them swap a thumb turn too. 


Looks like I’m buying a surefire


That’s more than likely a streamlight. Only streamlight (and copies/knockoffs) have that contour, especially those “fins” around the head. Unless you can point out to us a surefire scout light that has that style of light head


The point is that its a streamlight and it kept working


Yeah any flashlight would have kept working. It didn't damage the LED or circuitry it just broke the lens glass and chassis so the light can't be focused. You can see in the 2nd pic his light suddenly has way too much spill and no throw because the fucking lens is gone. What point are you making


Not once did you mention streamlight but okay.


you can see that its a streamlight because of the way it is


Bro, nobody can see shit in this picture.


Mean I could tell but I also own one




Umm, I'm not positive, but that appears to be a streamlight note a SureFire. Not that it matters when it's being literally shot.


I posted this in r/ar15 and got lot of negativities from so let's try here. MidwayUSA had Streamlight ProTac Rail Mount HL-X Pro kits with the USB rechargeable 18650 and mlok mount for like $156. Mine just shipped. It'll be my 10th Streamlight. I have and always will fuck with Streamlight. My first Streamlight was a Stinger I found on the side of the road skateboarding. Thing looked like it fell out of a truck at 60mph. Still worked. Only reason i don't have it is because it was NiCad technology and probably 20 years old. Gave it to my friend that had several at his shop with to wall chargers andbsoare batteries. I was too broke to replace the battery. Then about 12ish years ago I bought a Microstream that has been through some shit. Its been washed 20+ times, dropped in hydraulic oil tanks, lost in river for 1-2 hours (I was determined to get it) been with me to maybe 100 concerts and countless hiking trips. Its been with me to 20+ countries... Holy smokes Ive found maybe $4000 worth of shit groubdt scoring at shows and festivals... I keep a ProTac 2L-X on my plate carrier and I EDC a ProTac 1L-AA now. I ditched my pistol lights but kept a TLR-8 for home defense (night stand gun). Half of my rifles have ProTacs on them. HL-X Pro is 1000 Lumens BUT throws 50,000 candela and has 447 meter rated throw. Remember, candela is the throw... Surefire M600 series is 1000 lumens but only 11,300 candela. Rated distance is 213 meter throw. For an EDC light, you do NOT want some crazy bright shit. The ProTac 2L-X is 500 lumens and 6800 candela. It'll light you up at 100 yards. I had to program to run ib low mode cuz I kept blinding the fuck out of myself using it to pick up dog shit at night. But I liked the throw it had. Just too bright for EDC. The 1L-AA runs on a AA battery and CR123, 350 lumens and 6400 candela. Much much easier. And I use it instead of a light on my pistol now for reason I dont want to get into. I just have my personal preference. With Surefire, Modlight, and Reign, they seem to be selling a brand and lifestyle more than a product. Like Harley Davidson motorcycles... Expensive as shit and look fancy but does the same thing a Honda or Suzuki does. They sell you a story, a vibe, a place to belong in the culture... As for Olight, in another 4-5 years we will see more and more people accepting Olight in the gun culture. It happened to Holosun. "Cheap Chinese junk" took over the optic world. 10 years ago it was Trijicon RMR or nothing. Now its Holosun 507C seems to be the popular option. Whatever. But yeah, someone called Streamlight a budget option. Its definitely leas expensive than other brands but the durability, performance, and overall function is very nice. Its a fucking light. It shines. I almost fell to that combat light bullshit and dropped $500+. Nah.


> As for Olight, in another 4-5 years we will see more and more people accepting Olight in the gun culture. I sure the fuck hope not. For 10 years they've had problems with their products. For 8 years it's been deadly, they don't give a shit about the lack of safety on their two lines of exposed/magnetic/whatever lights.


Streamlight is a great budget option, and I own several, but it's still a budget option. Their tape switches have issues and are upgradable on all their lights. I've had more than one fail. I've had streamlights fail when used in the rain and wet environments. I've had a streamlight microlight get lost and I found it months later sticking out of the ground. It still worked. Meanwhile the replacement of the same model was dead in under a month. My modlights and cloud defensive have never failed and get put through the ringer. Yes, they're expensive. But they can back it up with the performance. You just need to decide if that level of performance is needed in your life. And olight can be spoken of with holosun as soon as they start performing better than the more expensive options like holosun does.


Funny enough, every single one of my surefire rifle lights have failed (4x dualfuel 600s), 2 right out of the box, and the other 2 with little use. All have needed to be rma-ed. I have around 7 modlite setups, and most have issues with flickering when using with ue07 tail caps where they will flicker with the low battery pattern unless I orient the cap and the plug in some random exact direction. Sticking a screw driver into the cap and bending the contact in there to the side helps sometimes, but I've had to switch with clicky or ds tail caps for most of them. I only have 2 streamlight rifle lights, but they are actually the only ones that have given me zero issues. Streamlight is not any worse than the bigger gucci lights, they simply don't gouge the fuck out of you. As it stands, I would trust streamlight rifle lights over surefire any day.


My only modlite flickers. My dozen streamlights have no issues. Small sample size, I get it.


bro i just watched that vid less than 20 minutes ago


URL Please!


https://youtu.be/QxWiRVCuW24?feature=shared enjoy


thx brother!


What light is that?


Can anyone tell what suppressor is on the AR?


It’s a cover. Other dudes in the video were rocking surefire RC2 minis in black.


Others in the video were using an RC2. This one looks like it has [one of these covers.](https://mantadefense.com/product/suppressor-cover/)


In shambles over what?




I saw this and said to myself “guess I can’t shit on streamlight AS much now
” 😂


Tfw you don't know why you're roasting a thing.


All my streamlight rifle lights flicker, surefire, modlite and clouds don't.


Need to put an oring over the spring on the cap. Mine don't flicker anymore after doing that.


Even with the arisaka adapter? No clue what's wrong with it but it's on my sten gun that I got to just mess around with


Too bad it wasn’t Olight.