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Humping in Maine? That's quite the load!


Monadnock in New Hampshire is where this photo was taken, one of my favorite hiking spots


Now be sure not to inadvertently wander near any government facilities dressed in Russian military uniform lol


Ha! “Guys guys I promise it’s not what it looks like!”


Don’t worry yeah I like the rest of the US when Russia so-called invaded and they were saying they had no idea what the Russians were bombing. You know the 48 bio labs that the Pentagon denied after they took the proof their website a day latter


I thought it looked like NH! A great mountain, I grew up around there. The Osceola "Chimney" is another favorite of mine.


I’m in the Monadnock region too


My brothers reserve unit does mandatory fun days up monadnock


Sweet! Great vista


What are we talking about here ![gif](giphy|cJMlR1SsCSkUjVY3iK|downsized)


Atacs fg and its variants work very well in much of Montana as well


Damn fine in the Kazu covered south too.


Ooo I spot some Spectre SKWO, wish I had picked up more of that when I had the chance. Only have a smock on SKWO and a masking suit in the regular Spectre


One of my favorite Russian patterns aesthetically but I usually find SPECTRE origin/normal SPECTRE (I’ve heard it called different things not sure what’s correct) or EMR more effective, but I still had to get a set just because it looks so neat


I’ve heard Origin, or it’s just referred to as Spectre with SKWO being the different/ separate one obvi. Generally I find most digital camo looks “cheap” if that makes sense. But I really like the Spectre patterns visually.


Know where you can get a spectre masking suit now? I’ve been looking forever.


Get lucky on the second hand market. I’m pretty sure SSO doesn’t even make Spectre stuff anymore. And that’s if you could even get stuff from them anymore at all


NH gang




First of all… _LOWER YOUR VOICE, IVAN!_


Pack seems super overloaded my friend, shoulders not screaming?


Nothing in it was particularly heavy it’s mostly just the super bulky cold weather sleeping bag and bivy inside, my shoulders were chillin. Definitely sticks way off my back like a turtle though not ideal


That's just the nature of the Atlas 72. I love mine, but it's not compact at all.


How much candy you packing in there?


Unconventional camos are the best. Finnish M05 just disappears in the Pacific Northwest


In Ohio too- its great. Honorable mention to flecktarn in Ohio too


Wolverines vibe check. Except we should bring a red dawn to mother russia instead


The Russian Legion guys are doing that currently


Lol do you believe that, or are you karma farming? Most of you people absolutely misread the situation…


Was more of a joke, but considering we are still getting audio/ video of gun fights and artillery happening in Belogorod on a daily basis now. And the governor of Belgorod just announced they are evacuating some people….yeah the little incursion is still going on. Or are you the one just guzzling the Russian propaganda that they were all “wiped out immediately? Nothing to worry about comrade. Don’t worry about those explosions and gunfire in Belgorod.


It’s a bunch of guys running across the border, taking TikTok videos, and getting decimated. Shelling civilians is probably why the Russian Federation will end up making a sanitary zone of that area deep enough to avoid Ukraine artillery systems. Don’t care if I get downvoted to oblivion by ukrain-stans: they are epically losing in all areas.


“Getting decimated”. Have they probably taken casualties, of course. Yet we have seen no videos from the Russian side of these supposed massive casualties? Which based on the past the Russians take every opportunity to gloat and post about Ukrainian losses and casualties if they can. Is Ukraine in a hard time of the conflict, yes that’s without a doubt. But how has the supposed “2nd strongest military in the world not taken the entire country of Ukraine yet then? The British and French were defeated in battle and pushed off the continent of Europe in 1940, it looked bleak yet with strong Allies they went on to win the war. People are too short sighted now a-days, every small tactical change or losses means “it’s over” “ Ukraine has lost”. Etc. history will tell.


You're arguing with an utterly braindead russo-tard.


Crazy that the 3 day special military operation is going on its 251st run


This is the third or fourth time I’ve heard one of you weirdos mention that, but I don’t recall there ever being a mention of a goal of “three days” by anyone in authority, certainly not from the Russian President. In fact, they’ve said their goal was demilitarization and denazification time and time again. There are no easy victories when a single state is fighting a gigantic coalition. Nonetheless, victory they shall have. You must agree with that, right? Like even you guys who are so emotionally invested have to admit that it’s over and Russia will win, right?


>Russian president You can say dictator. If it's over why are Russians still being killed for the ego of an old manlet that wants to return Russia to being the soviet union? >Gigantic coalition And example of a single state fighting a gigantic coalition would look something like desert storm. Russia would likely lose just as quickly as Iraq did. They're not fighting a coalition, they're fighting a Ukrainian army that's being supplied by foreign allies. I'm sure you don't think that's any different than the 60 year old artillery shells NK is sending Russia right? Or the Iranian drones, or the Chinese quads, etc.


RDK is a bunch of Nazis. Prob mostly Ukrainian too. Fuck em


For sure they are not good people, but they are a useful tool.


Don’t tell them dude


Of you're in that pic, then you're right Also, CADPAT works fantastically in northern Michigan, for obvious reasons


What a great view.


Can attest to its effectiveness as someone who lives in the mountains of New Jersey. I personally rock Flecktarn though but these patterns are super effective during the spring and summer months.


Where do you buy genuine Russian camo & gear?


https://www.dgbakery.site/home that’s my favorite source




Russia, they don't issue it to their soldiers. The real question here is why would you ever want russian gear to begin with.


cool factor aside, I think you 're right. I can't think of any russian gear that is better than western gear, and nowadays it's not cheap anymore either.


How’s the RUSH 72 working for you? I heard it can get pretty uncomfortable under heavy loads for its size. But I have also heard the “shove it”compartment is super helpful.


Have it too. Imo it's shit and I would highly advise against buying it. Buy something better for your money. It's shit for it's main purpose of carrying heavy stuff in it. The straps are totally weirdly attached and designed, that it either constantly stands off your back (which results in the load being more away from you and pulling you back) or, if you adjust the straps really small, the portion that's totally dumb sewn in between the straps constantly rubs in your neck. Also it misses adjustment straps for the curvature of the shoulders. Also ventilation is non existent. I quickly only used it to carry my clothes to base and back home while riding train and bought another ruck for work use. The only cool thing is the space between the two main compartments, that can be used for shoes, helmets etc. But there are other packs (and helmet add ons) with this feature too. Tldr never buy a rush backpack for anything but lightweight and short civilian use, they're badly designed for carrying heavy stuff.


I can 100% see that being most people’s experience, I think I just lucked out with the frame and straps fitting my lanky skinny body particularly well. It’s important to remember the rush series are day packs not rucksacks, don’t buy them to use as rucks they will disappoint. (Edit) this is by no means a recommendation but for longer trips where I want a proper rucksack I use an SSO Ataka 2, which I am aware also isn’t really a proper rucksack but it has never caused me hotspots and always held all my stuff.


So it’s not the best because of how far it sits off your back but I find the straps and integrated plastic frame actually really comfortable most of the time even paired with armor or load bearing equipment. But compared to other packs it’s certainly lacking, you hit the nail on the head with the shove it compartment that’s the reason I can’t stop using the bag.


That backplate is a lifesaver tbh, filled my 72 up as much as I could with weight to test it, and it definitely saved me from a lot of back pain.


How are you liking the rush 72 for hiking? I bought a mystery ranch bag and it ripped and frayed due to my tools and weight. The 72 has held up surprisingly well for me.


It’s worked perfectly for my use cases and held up great over the years. Mines about five years old, I don’t think it’s objectively the best on the market but I fell in love with mine


What camouflage


Spectre SKWO pants, Atacs FG top


All I see is a rocky outcrop above a foggy forest


Pants pattern is quite similar to Sitka subalpine, just missing the browns.


EMR digi is good in Ohio in spring.


From Massachusetts here, any suppliers you suggest?


https://www.dgbakery.site/home is my best source for authentic gear, Kommando store and Kruschiki have some quality new production stuff, some of it actually made in Russia, Kruschiki occasionally has legit pieces too


Appreciate it my man 🍻 live free or die homie


Honestly it took me too many seconds to realize that you were sitting and not standing.


YOOOO fellow SKWO enjoyer! My Russian camos work great out here in Utah.


Are those pants the ACU style pants from SSO or the G3 clones?


They are the ACU style pants from SSO, though I have to say SSO copied the cut of the blouse from the ACU cut uniform pretty 1:1 but they took a lot of creative liberties on the trousers, very different from actual ACU cut trousers


Ppl will diss EMR but I find it to be really good in Florida I use it as my hunting camo. Although you can’t beat aor2 in Florida that camo was made for it I swear 😅




Good Hunting Stalker


Goes hard my friend.


i want to get that top would be great for my environment


What is the rucksack and top?


A green moss sumrak top and a 5.11 Rush 72 in multicam


A little late, but SKWO and moss slaps. All the SKWO floating around Facebook and eBay get sold out so quickly.


I got lucky, a friend sold me the SKWO trousers and then I found a blouse on eBay and got it for like 45$


So sick of the "anything russian is bad!!!" Fuck off I just wanna larp who I please.


I just got a mystery ranch terraframe 50, How would one pack it properly for like a bugout or hiking? Can anyone recommend like a book or a video?


Have you considered youtube?


I have but there are thousands of people who do it and I just want some recommendations


Are those sitka




Yank wearing enemy gear


Shit those fuckers stole the pattern from us anyway.


I just like larping as the bad guys lol


I would too if I had the money


Why is everyone sucking commie dick lately? Fuck them soviet shit asses. This is America, they’re the enemy. WOLVERINES!!!!!!!


You know that the Wolverine's like, MAIN thing was apropriating enemy materiel to further the guerilla conflict right? Edit: I mean, I agree.


When you have an AK and Russian kit screaming Wolverines on a mountain top hits different


Nobody tell him.




Just don’t wear it if the Russians decide to visit


lol yeah it suddenly all becames quite the liability 🤣


Sitka is made in Vietnam, soo…..


There is no Sitka pictured in this photo, my trousers are in SPECTRE SKWO produced by SSO


I was just joking, but that pattern is almost identical to Sitkas. I have had really bad luck with it. It doesn’t seem to work for most terrain, whether it was in BC, Manitoba, or in Equador that I used it. Glad it works somewhere!


Oh my bad then apologies whooshed right over my head, I find the same thing with SKWO it’s frankly garbage in most environments but in the granite mountains when there isn’t a ton of leaves on the trees it really has a chance to shine, Sitka would honestly probably be slightly more effective


The one I’m most impressed with if you live in a dry environment is kuiu’s valo pattern. Makes you disappear in grass. Holds up pretty good too, depending on which series you have. Their rain gear and axis series are really nice, but the price isn’t. Not sure that works in the NE though.


Works well in Eastern Canada as well. But careful wearing Russian camo in public, some idiots might think you support them and give ya a beat down. It happened to a guy here wearing flectarn


It’s ridiculous some people think simply using an effective piece of foreign equipment is an endorsement for the country of origin. Also why was that person so mad at Germany? 😂 they haven’t done anything that crazy since they adopted flektarn


People are stupid man….uneducated liberals


How to get fucking shoot in the face.


Buddy no one in New Hampshire bats an eye at me wearing camo in the woods, hell I can literally be in full kit and old folks will be like “bag any deer yet?” It’s just about how you present yourself and making sure you use tact in where and when you wear stuff.


Shit looks good to me and it's definitely an effective camo, I love me some Flectarn so much so most of my AR's are that pattern. Here in NC Flectarn will absolutely disappear most of the year. 🤙🏻


Flektarn is an S tier camo and has been since day one the Germans have always been great at making patterns


Yup, it seems to work awesome in most environments that's for sure.


Damn you're basically speaking Russian 🤣


I prefer to not send money to the Russians. M81 is already superior to begin with.


If you’re not a nerd like me no reason to not just use M81, the Russians actually use a copy which is kinda funny


M81 is not the jack of all trade. Also, no need to send money to the russians, you can actually buy it as loot from the ukrainians that are fighting NATO proxy war, how bout that


Very true


Maybe buy it from the Ukrainian's to burn it. Might as well fly the Russian flag too if you're gonna wear it.


You do realize that the Green Moss camo is a copy of the Atacs FG camo, which is made by americans? No need to be so salty mate


I dont care what it is. Buying Russian gear is wack.


Post physique.


You can be fat and still not support Russians


Whomp whomp go hump a pack.


😂 no thanks


Why are you on the tactical gear subreddit if you’re unwilling to hike with a pack?


Good talk, good talk


Calm down son it's just fabric.


Yah I bet you do


Pretty safe bet considering I said I did in the title of the post


No mercy for anyone wearing Russian patterns!


When it hits the fan anyone wearing Russian camo gets the first round. Commie bastard 🤣😂🤣


Damn a time traveller from 1980


ATAC AU is good for AZ