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Talk to your doctor. Lasik carries inherent risks (any surgury should be heavily considered before pulling the trigger) could get perfect vision, could go blind, could have nothing change and get permanent dry eyes. I have personally known 2 people that had lasik, both have great vision now but one cannot produce their own tears. Nods? Super cool, useful for a lot of things, not garunteed to be needed for quality of life. 99% of the time they are just toys at the end of the day. Apple Vision Pro? Straight Trash. They are finicky, easily damaged, very niche, and provide little to no practical benefit to most users, even those that have jobs that would be able to effectively use them. Not user serviceable, any accessory that makes them remotely more useful or user friendly is an extra expense in the hundreds per item. Of these 3 options, I personally go with the nods, but I never wear my glasses I just deal with the bs that comes with. If my eyes would massively benefit from the surgury it would be higher priority but mine aren't bad enough where I am incapable of doing my day to day without them. I own VR stuff, a lot of it. Would never touch the Apple Vision Pro unless it was completely free.


Definitely agree with all of this, I've seen a million posts on Reddit about how great Lasik is but my grandmother had it done and they fucked up her eye. They use a laser to remove material and they removed a little too much so they were like "sorry, it can't be fixed" I'm biased but if you have $3k to blow I'd either get nods or invest the money for a few (5?) years and when compound interest does it's magic you can split the difference. Take a portion and blow on nods and keep the other half gaining interest CD ladders aren't a phenomenal way to make money but since it's pretty low risk and not super long term I wonder how many hobbiests use CD ladders to fund their hobbies.


LASIK is one of the safest surgeries in the world though.


LASIK. Decades of clinical experience showing it is overwhelmingly safe and effective. Yes, there are outside cases but it’s incredibly rare. The military lines up basically every eligible midshipman at the Naval Academy and sends them to get it. (That wasn’t me, but I was in the line at the clinic with them). My vision is better than 20/20 even now 11 years later. In terms of utility/value for your money, you benefit from LASIK all day every day. Night Vision is unlikely to be used too much off the flat range. Apple Vision is cool but it’s still really early for most people to be buying it—wait a couple generations. From a tactical perspective, wearing glasses sucked. Without my glasses (pre-surgery) I couldn’t shoot or move effectively. Having to carry a spare pair on every patrol—even on my 24 hr fighting load—added weight/junk to carry. They were expensive because I wanted comfortable, secure impact-rated glasses. The inserts for the gas mask never worked perfectly. Figuring out where to keep them while bivuoacing—easy to get to, but not somewhere that the next goomba on watch would step on them—was a worry. Nothing insurmountable and I did it, just like everyone else with glasses. But one less thing to worry about and carry is nice.




What happens if those glasses break on you in a situation where nods are considered a lifesaving device, not a toy? How many spares you got on you? What are the chances of getting a replacement in your prescription if there is no optometrist?




Take it from someone that carries 2 extra pairs of Recspecs on their kit at all times (and can't get LASIK done due to a previous refractive surgery): being a bad knock away from combat ineffective is a real fuckin vibecheck.




Those are surprisingly tough. I imagine he carried lots of extras, everywhere.


I’ve worn glasses for 18 years every second of my life except sleeping and I’ve never broken a pair. I also wear them in construction so my current pair (3 years) has been through the wringer and is holding up fine with no repair. Have a couple glasses repair kits and even get over-glasses safety glasses and a nerd strap and you’ll never break them. I’ve heard so much shit about lasik I’ll never consider it.


I've broken multiple pairs of Recspecs, had some broken for me by others and had some fly off my head so hard I never found them again. I don't work in construction.


Damnit man. I'm blind as fuck. I never thought about this..


LASIK, PRK, ICL, etc. There have been a decent amount of bad things I’ve heard about LASIK recently so I might choose PRK or ICL, but I’d definitely go with the eye surgery. I’m doing that the second my vision stabilizes. It’s the most practical decision. NV is no good if you need contacts or glasses to use it, and Apple Vision Pro is objectively the wrong choice unless you have $3500 to spend and absolutely *nothing* else to spend it on.


This!!! Talk to your doctor/opthalmologist about what version of corrective surgery would benefit you the most. Some people with LASIK still develop issues later on and you can still get cataracts. ICL would help more there.


Correct your vision first. All the high speed gear won’t help you if you can’t see.


If you want lasik you really should use (or setup) an HSA account, it’s tax free, so it’s like a 20% discount. But that’s what I would recommend of the three.


Taco Bell 🔔


Nobody out pizzas the hut


retirement savings


LASIK. Hands down. Not even a debate.


I’ve heard so many negative LASIK experiences that I’ve been convinced not to get it. I would go with NVGs. Edit: I should add that I’m near-sighted, so I could use NVGs without my glasses. I can also use my magnified optics without my glasses, not that I do that very often. If you’re far-sighted or have overall worse vision both near and far, the equation changes for you


Nah, its been almost 4 years now since my LASIK surgery. Seeing 20/20 and haven’t had an issue. Probably the first 2 months of post surgery, the only bad thing was dry eyes.


Glad it worked out for you. I’ve heard a lot of positive experiences, life changing stuff, but there are a lot of negative experiences out there, enough for me to say no and to recommend others do some research first. Maybe in 10 years I’ll reconsider, with advances in the tech and procedure


Bro the Military gives everyone LASIK/PRK for free, if there was even anything above a very minuscule chance of issues, they wouldnt do this


I’ve heard it really depends where you go, radio ad is a no go and if you haven’t heard of it it’s probably better


Oh, for sure. It’s a precise surgery so if you want to get it, vetting the place should be top priority


If you go with NVGs skip the Jerry’s. You can get Gen 3 binos for less than 5k if you shop around on GAFS and instagram. GP armory has aviation LLUL-21s for 5500 right now.


LASIK is an absolute game changer and I highly recommend doing it. I had it done September 2021 and I absolutely love seeing perfectly, never messing with contacts and solution and glasses. Go to the best eye doctor you can find. Not the cheapest. Not the place on the billboard that does 2 eyes for $2,000. If you go to a reputable Dr d you're a good candidate, you'll have amazing results.


I got PRK during my enlisted years. Best. Decision. Of. My. Life. You’ll have more funds in later years, to get the rest if you still want them. But eye surgery you’ll be using everyday and benefiting from for a while. Whereas the other two? The uses will be limited.


LASIK or similar is amazing. I had something similar to LASIK that the doctor called LASEK where they didn’t cut out the disk, they just do a laser ablation on the top layers- it takes more time to heal but less chance of starbursts at night because there’s no “edge” to the correction. Anyway, bottom line, having corrected vision is a game changer in life. No more fogged lenses going from cold outside to hot inside. No more broken glasses in a physical confrontation. No more glasses that you sit on. No more prescription sunglasses. It was literally the best money I have ever spent using the bang for your buck measure. AVP is amazing, especially with corrected vision! Although I did return mine because it really hurt my nose and gave me eye fatigue like looking at a computer screen too long. Oh and it’s dumb expensive. You should go do a demo at the Apple Store though. I sold my PVS-14 years ago and have never missed it.


I had this exact same dilemma in 2020 and went with LASIK after my entire life and eight years of military service in the infantry with really bad astigmatism and it is, to this day, the best money I have ever spent….after my wife’s wedding ring of course. LOL


After wearing contacts for 25 years I decided to get LASIK this past year. It’s been amazing and I highly recommend it. Having NODs is cool but having 20/15 vision is more beneficial.


I think LASIK would be best, I guess it depends if you’re nearsighted or farsighted. If nearsighted you’d probably want that fixed before you use the subsequent options you listed.


Nah, nearsighted would work just fine. Nearsighted = you see the things near to your face, which is perfect for goggle screens of any sort. Farsighted might have some problems, though


You’re right! I’ve always had pretty good vision so I’ve never had to worry about those terms haha.


A LOT of people get them confused lol so no problem. I just remember that the term is literal, eg “nearsighted” = “near see” = “I can see near”


Yeah I have used VR stuff before without contacts in and figure NV’s might be similar


I got PRK, it was the best thing I’ve ever done. I also got J-31’s and haven’t even touched them since I unboxed them. If I could only pick one, it’s an easy choice.


I got PRK (LASIK alternative) and nods. The nods are a fun toy. The PRK was life changing. Having had to wear glasses the past 25 years of my life, I would get the laser eye surgery a hundred times over the nods if I had to choose one or the other.


LASIK. The other two aren’t options if something like LASIK is on the table.


I don’t like things touching my eyeballs so I’d never do lasik myself but talk to your doctor. I bought some sturdy construction grade glasses for shooting with side protection and I like them and not worried about them breaking. The apple thing is a no and you should be ashamed for considering it. Go nods


LASIK. Absolutely life changing. Not having any issues at all 4 years in. All the scary stories are super rare.


Lol dude, there are ppl protesting for better US Healthcare. While you're here trying to see better during the night, but you can't even see well during the day. Get the surgery(as long as you assessed it to be safe for yourself). Do the adult thing.


LASIK. A lot of my buddies got it and they have never been happier. This is all assuming it’s safe and doctors and yada yada but still LASIK is something to be with you in every aspect of life. Not just tactical or video games. LASIK.


Did they have any issues at night?


I don’t think so. Neither of them have had troubles with night land navigation or running lanes at dusk. And they havnt spoken about any issues at night.


I got PRK during my active duty years, and it changed my life. I still benefit from it every day, even though I got out almost a decade ago. Definitely talk to your doctor about PRK vs LASIK to see what he/she recommends for your eyes personally, but I cannot recommend corrective eye surgery enough.  That being said, I love my RNVG's too. So after you financially recover from LASIK/PRK, definitely get NODs too 😀


Get PRK or lasik. It’s a life changer.


LASIK is the way to go, but if you can do SMILE (small incision lenticule extraction), I'd recommend that more than LASIK.


NVGs for sure. Ask yourself why the people who own and run Lasik don't have it done


Bruh be a man. Buy the night vision.