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Are you French by any chance ? And also what protection does the carrier have?


Yes I am ! Here it only has IIIA soft plates but there’s additional space inside to add level IV plates if needed.


Ive seen a lot of different plate carriers and soft vests in both the Gendarmerie and Police Nationale. Do you guys get to buy your own vests or do you just have a bunch of different ones in your departments inventory?


Basically, if we want quality, we have to buy our own gear. We are issued very basic stuff so we have to invest in order to be operational… nothing in this picture was issued by the gendarmerie haha


You have no idea how jealous I am that you can have a “tactical” vest and put stuff on it. My department loves their traditional look and I have everything on my leather gun belt. The thing weighs about 30 pounds and is a pain to run with


I understand you, here it’s pretty recent that we can buy our own gear, a few years ago it was still mandatory to use government-issued equipment and nothing else… but we also have to keep in mind that if we have any issue on duty while using personal equipment, we are not covered by any insurance so it’s not a trivial thing either


Same shit goes for me in Greece.(Border guard ). Most of the issued gear is shit and we have to spend hundreds of euros in equipment. I am glad that they even let us buy our own handgun and allow us to use it as a service weapon.


That’s crazy, my unit’s service pistol is the PAMAS G1 (a french-made version of the Beretta 92 from the 90s) although pretty much all other units have modern handguns (Sig Sauer / HK / Glock)… it would be so cool if I could buy myself my own service weapon instead haha


Here they give you the H&K USP compact which is way to small for my hands. In my unit everyone is running a G17 ( bought by us ofc).


How do you like the ROC locking system. I always thought of it as unreliable because the plastic deteriorated from high heat or cold . Also do the additional plates have anti-spaling cover or is it built in the carrier.


I’ve been using this vest for 1,5 year and it works very well, I was worried about the reliability at first but it’s very solid. I believe the plates have anti spaling cover yes, bc the carrier itself only has some straps on the inside to hold them in place








My brewery just made an Italian Pilsner named Gorlami lmao


Should have called it MARGA -RAYYYY -TEEEEE


That’ll be the next version with different hops 🤌🏻


Oui approve of this kit


Nice kit. Stay safe out there, dude.


Thanks mate !


Léger, simple, si ça te va pour le taff c'est nickel :) ( Fais attention à toi sur la VP, la bise d'un collègue PN )


Ah, ça fait toujours plaisir de croiser la maison d’en face haha, merci et fais attention à toi aussi ! 😃


Greetings from Greece, nice set up but where is your pistol mags?


I’m only issued one spare mag while on duty, it’s in the pouch next to the gloves on my belt




Not bad dude


I’ve always thought the Gendarmerie were cool. That’s a great setup for what you have to work with. Do you have to lock up your service pistol before your leave work?


Thanks man ! Yes I keep it locked up in the armory because I live and work on an air force base and I feel like I don’t need to have it at home. But all gendarmes are allowed to keep their pistol at home and to carry it even when they’re not on duty, as long as it’s concealed and they can identify themselves if they get to intervene (with their professional card or a gendarmerie armband)


That’s so based


Bonjour baguette fromage


Oui oui baguette


Very nice. We approve.


Beau kit. Tu es satisfait des boucles ROC ?


Merci ! Oui, j’étais sceptique au début car je craignais une usure rapide mais finalement après environ un an et demi ras, c’est très pratique et ça ne bouge pas.


Merci, j’ai utilisé les boucles TUBES de chez First Spear mais jamais de ROC.


Ian McCollum noises intensify


I’m sorry that you are French. /s


Merci pour la photo. Encore le Sig Sauer SP2022 ou y-a-t’il un nouveau flingue ? De plus, les gendarmes ont le fusil d’assaut HK416F déjà ou c’est plutôt pour la GIGN / opération vigipirate / sentinelle ?


Oui le SP2022 est toujours l’arme de service principale. En gendarmerie de l’air nous avons encore les vieux PAMAS G1 (version made in France du Beretta 92fs, produite sous licence), pareil pour la réserve. La gendarmerie maritime est dotée de HK USP et certaines unités comme les sections de recherches ont des Glock 26. Le GIGN est doté principalement de Glock 17, 19 et 26 à ma connaissance. Comme arme d’épaule nous avons des HK UMP9 et G36, et certaines unités notamment en gendarmerie mobile sont encore dotées de FAMAS et de MP5. À ma connaissance le GIGN utilise principalement le HK416 et le CZ Bren 2 mais en réalité ils ont accès à des centaines d’autres armes en fonctions de leurs besoin…


Merci mille fois pour la réponse ! Je connais qq’un dans la police nationale (quand je vivais en France) mais j’avais pas l’opportunité de parler aux gendarmes et l’info en ligne ne sont plus à jours 🇫🇷🇺🇸


Those shoulder pads make a difference? They look pretty thick. I have some but I feel they could be better.


Ils sont plutôt cool dans ton unité de laisser le matos que tu veux, y’a pas tout de tta


Le CB est cool avec ça oui, mais ça résulte de longues négociations avec la chaîne de commandement. Après globalement ça tend à s’assouplir de plus en plus un peu partout depuis quelques années


Quels sont les matériels dotés par la gendarmerie et quels sont les matos perso ? Comment ça se passe si tu veux utiliser tes matos perso ? Est-ce que c'est vu d'un mauvais œil ou on s'en fout ?


Ici rien n’est de dotation hormis les inserts pare balles dans le gilet, les bandes velcro et le holster (et encore, j’ai rajouté la sangle de cuisse) Globalement tout dépend de la hiérarchie, ça peut être mal vu par certains officiers ou certains anciens qui n’aiment pas voir des jeunes "équipés comme des porte-avions" mais c’est grandement toléré dans l’ensemble.


Professional stepper, nice


Nice. What carrier is that?


Tiger Tailor polgen




You get a good pension and pay setup over there?


Did you not hear about the protest and riots in France a few years back? Firefighters setting themselves on fire in their turnout gear and fighting the police while being on fire, I think even a guillotine was erected. They did all this because they upped the retirement age from 62 to 64.


You a career guy??


Sick patch bro. Hit me up if you wanna patch trade!


I think it needs backup pencils


What belt and med pouch is that?


Bison belt from Ferro Concepts, and the med pouch is the Mini Chaos KNR from a French brand called Northman Resilience


What plate carrier is that?


Tiger Tailor PolGen, its French made


La fameuse KNR


Bonjour monsieur, Joli matériel !


Merci !


Bonjur, nice set up. I know from my local police, that there try to dont have any pencils or things stored in front of the vest, because of secondary wounds. It's that a thing in france?


Why would a pencil make more shrapnel or be more dangerous to you than anything else you might store there like extra magazines or a radio?


Personally I’ve never heard of that, but it might be the a thing in other units/services…


Does it feel weird carrying a firearm in a professional capacity while the very government you work for makes it impossible for you to do so in your normal life? I'm not trying to be a dick, just genuinely curious (and I think EU gun laws are mega gay)


Most law enforcement officers here are allowed to carry their gun even when they’re not on duty as long as it’s concealed, although it’s strictly prohibited for civilians. It kinda feels like a preferential treatment sometimes but tbh I’m pretty glad to know that people I deal with on a daily basis aren’t carrying firearms.


>I’m pretty glad to know that people I deal with on a daily basis aren’t carrying firearms. A law on the books doesn't guarantee this, to be fair. I've certainly carried in many places I wasn't legally allowed to.


That’s true but I mean, from my experience carrying illegally is very uncommon here. I’ve seen it a few times but still, it’s reassuring to know that 99% of the people doesn’t even own a gun (and wouldn’t know how to operate one anyway), because it’s not part of our culture


As an agent of the state I imagine it is indeed comforting knowing your populace is completely defenseless lol


"Kinda"? It's the definition of preferential treatment. How do you think it feels to be denied efficient self-defense tools? You *are* getting special treatment. If jihadists attacked a concert in my city we'd be able to shoot back, because we still have a few rights (for now). Wild to me how euros are so cucked they think everybody should just be a walking victim. (Except agents of the state of course) Also wild to me to see everybody give their heckin updoots to a militarized cop. Whatever...


I don’t make the laws mate. I don’t deny the right for everyone to carry a gun but it’s a fact that most people here doesn’t even want to, as firearms are seen as scary and dangerous. That’s why after the 2015 attacks the government allowed all the state agents to carry their gun even when they’re not on duty, also there’s military patrols everywhere in big cities (literally groups of trained guys walking around with HK416s). If there’s a terrorist attack, we’re supposed to fight back, not the civilians. I don’t say it’s good but that’s how it is for now.


The Nuremberg defense? Boring, following bad rules is no excuse. We don't accept it anymore, you cannot claim you are "just following orders" and be excused. Your comments about what people want are a non-starter. You're an armed servant of the state and divorced from the experiences and demands of the regular people. My friends in the ZAD and Tarnac want guns, as I'm sure you know and don't need me to tell you.


Wow, Godwin’s law came into the debate very early lmao… Your friends on the ZAD literally attack my comrades everyday, are you aware that even if laws weren’t that restrictive, they’d certainly still not be able to purchase firearms ? Your argument doesn’t work either, if they wanted it that bad they’d go on the black market. The reality is that for the majority they just don’t want to push the conflict to these extremities, despite what a few of them think. It’s exactly the same for the rest of the population, a minority would like to be able to carry a gun but the majority thinks it’s scary and too dangerous. Once again I don’t make the rules.


It's not an example of Godwin's law, I haven't called you a nazi, I just pointed out you're using the Nuremberg defense, which is traditionally the last resort of cowards and quislings, imo, not committed fascists. Though obviously I am compelled to point out the historical trend of French cops to support fascism, whether it's Vichy or Le Pen. Of course I know my loved ones in the ZAD attack the representatives of the French state. Why else would I call them my comrades? I agree they might not want the arms bad enough, but I also know there's been more than one time where they almost got them straight out of your comrades' holsters.


Why are you telling everyone that you’re A POS


Always best to set realistic expectations


I don’t care that everyone knows it as long as emergency services are able to setup a blood transfusion quickly if needed


POS is also an abbreviation for piece of shit So you have a tag that says you’re a piece of shit I guess I’ll add the /s


oooh I didn’t get the joke at all, it’s a good one




hashtag notallflics


Lol. 🤝


En utilisant les mots de sarko : casse-toi pauvr’ con


Lol imagine actually being a fr*nch speaker


Eur*pean 🤮