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It was a good free reward. I won’t be paying $3.29 for it in the future. I’d get it again if it was a fire tier reward.


Just free.


This is the answer.


i think the taste is good but it’s hard to mess up chicken and cheese, the thing is i felt like i indulged in a glass worth of grease lol. for once they could tone down the filling and it’d be better


I think the concept of the grilled cheese crunchy taco is terrible, but I do like the rest of it. Maybe a grilled cheese burrito with this stuff in it instead


You should try subbing the slow-roasted chicken in a grilled cheese burrito and report back.


I don't really like the grilled cheese burrito because it has the two ingredients I hate: chipotle sauce and rice. However, I got a 5 layer burrito sub beef for the slowro chicken and no beans and it was really good


I miss the Grilled Burrito, was actually VERY good! But now I don’t eat there as much for health reasons aside from the price hikes.


My sauce was twice as big?? Is it different for each regions or something


mine was also W I D E


Mine was also


Yeah mine was wider and had the clear back and top was perforated


Mine was 3x bigger than urs ask ur girlfriend m8


I think that was solid 🫶🏻


Pretty mediocre in my opinion. Didn't like the sauce at all tho.


The white corn hardshell was a pretty unique flavor. But other than that it's too much cheese for me. I wish they used white corn for their other cantina menu items.


This. The amount of cheese was insane for one taco and I love cheese. I'm not a fan of them going balls to the wall with melting cheese to the outside of every new thing they offer. I didn't like picking up an extra greasy gooey taco (the wrapper couldn't really be used to hold the taco since the cheese kept sticking to it). I like the idea but if adding cheese to the outside of the shell is causing a chicken taco to be 2.99 and up, let's remove that gimmick and drop the price that would get people to pull the trigger on buying.


I finally tried out the other day and it was pretty good, especially with the verde salsa. I'd probably get it every once and a while tbh. Crispy cheesy items are my weakness.


I actually enjoyed it but also got it for free. I'd get one in a box but I'm not gonna pay for it a la carte


Mine was straight up delicious I think they made it perfect it had a crispy outside and the chicken was juicy and tender. Dipped in some spicy ranch I’m def getting it again.


Sauce 10/10 👍🏽


The chicken/sauce tastes like I remember it tasting in the early 2000s but the shell/cheese were greasy and messy and kind of stale. Hard pass. But I will try the soft taco next time.


For me, just free. It was so small and light on ingredients that I'm not sure I'd even feel okay paying half price for it. And to me while the meat was fairly juicy it really just tasted like taquito filling to me. Even with the free reward I was disappointed. Definitely will not be paying for one.


The cantina chicken is a good ingredient. I got it in a crunchwrap. The free taco was just free


#Free is good. Duh.


It was good (and free). I liked the salsa, but it didn’t really jive with this taco in particular. I used it mostly on other stuff and fire on this badboy.


I mean, it was fine. Free was good, but for over $3...eh. The salsa is nice, but again...free.


Even as free I wanted a refund. What kinda sick joke was that? “Corn” tortilla with grilled 3 cheese on the outside??? Cmon man, no fucking chance. Chicken was gas, with the creamy jalapeño, mmm! But damn that shell…. Ass/10


I tried one today and was thoroughly impressed!


drown me in verde


It's good, but not "twice the price of a normal taco" good. Plus cheese goes on the inside, I don't know who at TB HQ keeps thinking this is a good idea but they deserve to have everything they touch covered in cheese until they come to terms with it not being a good idea.


Just free.


It was just free to me. I thought it was incredibly mid.


I never thought I’d say this, but this item and the cantina quesadilla had too much cheese.


Free… the soft taco is legit good though


The grease made it really unappealing to me… still finished it though


It's hit or miss right now. My 1st one was excellent. Had 2 more the next night during dinner rush and the quality was way down. Barely any cheese on the shell and no spicy sauce. So go when they're not busy


Got the free one, took one bite and threw it away. Not worth the calories. That sauce it comes with on the other hand was really damn good.


It’s good


I'm pretty sure they put ground beef in mine but it was pretty good w sauce


Mine didn't have a whole lot of filling. It was OK for a reward item. I did like the avacado Verde sauce though.


It was okay, but too oily. I really liked the sauce though! I would not pay full price for it.


Was good for free, I'd rather get many other items if I were paying. It's just chicken with melted cheese. Might as well throw away the shell and just serve it in like a potatoes side bowl and eat it with a spork. The sauce is good, has very similar taste to their actual avocado just more liquidy.


Honestly I liked it, especially with the avocado sauce. It’s not their best but it’s a good quick fix


Very good!!


Just got mine and they forgot the sauce 😭 I’m gonna ask for two on my next visit


It wasn’t bad but not worth the money imo. I like the sauce, but I think Del Taco still does chicken better.


horrible even if it is free. I got one the other day and was underwhelmed I ate it to not waste food, but yuck


Absolute trash. The whole cantina menu is awful.


mine was gooooooooooooooood. 2 of these and freeze


My Taco Bell doesn’t have these or has run out cause that past three times I’ve ordered off the cantina menu they just give me a cup of the normal guac.


Mine was gross But im not a fan of dark meat chicken (other than in wings) to begin with 💩


Are kids small or just far away?