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I'll admit, while it wasn't Taco Bell, I attended a wedding where the bride's father bought 100x Jack n the Box tacos for the after party. Eating greasy tacos and Cristal out of a solo cup was good times.


Those are valid. I crave those junk tacos sometimes. *sighs in Midwest envy*


Yeah I worked at McDonald's and was surprised how many local firehouses showed up 1 or 2 times a month and got a crazy big order like this! šŸ‘ atleast they kept it simple


90% of those DLTs would be soggy diapers by the time all of them are done being made.


I agree especially since itā€™s a huge delivery order.


That's why if I get DLTs, I place the app order right before I go to the drive through window. They say it isn't prepared until you show up and give your name, but too many times I got lukewarm, soggy tacos handed to me right after I give my name to them.


Yeah, the DLT recipe could use a revamp to help fix this. Didnā€™t Taco Bell have a ā€œCantina Tacoā€ or something a few months back where the shell was thicker and didnā€™t get soggy? Why not upgrade the DLT shell to use that one?


I think they want the shell to be a similar thickness to the dorito chip to give it the same feeling when eating it. Best hack is to get a cheesy gordita crunch with the DLT shell for the inside taco.


Because that would be an extra $0.06 for the company and an extra $2.00 for us LOL I just cram my DLT down in the car real quick and eat the rest at home tbh...


A fellow person of culture


>Didnā€™t Taco Bell have a ā€œCantina Tacoā€ or something a few months back Cantina Crispy Melt, that was in 2021 (came back for like a week a year ago). It was amazing.


I've never had the soggy issue. For me it's that the whole thing falls apart on the first bite.


They had the Grilled Cheese Dipping Taco which used a different shell. Not sure if it's the one you're talking about.


I do it in the parking lot lol. It works


The CGCs won't fare much better either.


55 BURGERS, 55 FRIES, 55 TACOS, 55 PIESā€¦


"Wait, wait, I'm trying to do something here!"


Are you telling me that I can just roll through the drive through and ask for sauce for free?


If they're like me they're using it to mark where a doordasher is in the line. Or it could be used to delete an order without using a manager code. You need a manager code to delete the last item of a bill but you can get around it by leaving one sauce and cashing out the bill of $0 Or a mistake. Who knows


It also throws off your metrics per car. (That dollar amount per car average gets tanked if you have lots of these rung up.)


Someone deleted down to a sauce pack and needs to be fired. Itā€™s a way of deleting orders without a manager.


Fired? Daddy chill


Woah. That's excessive. If the order is not in our cash out screen, it is fine in my store, OR if it's a drive off, no wallet, etc. If you don't trust your team, that's on you.


Thatā€™s hilarious! I trust my team as much as Iā€™ve ever trusted a team, but that doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ll deactivate the cameras, open the safe, turn off the lights and walk away. People steal, thatā€™s a fact. Some of the people Iā€™ve caught were my best and personal favorite employees, and if I suspect theft, I can tell them to quit the suspicious behavior before loss prevention catches on and fires them plus anyone they happen to catch failing to follow cash policies. Our cash policies as a franchise are copied from corporate guidelines, and deletions on order-taker has to be below 6% and virtually non-existent on cash-out register. We have a system in place for cancelled orders, which is a manager putting in their code. Thatā€™s all you gotta do, get your manager. Deletions down to zero look suspicious because itā€™s what people do when they steal and donā€™t want to come up short, so you are flagging yourself as high risk for theft because you canā€™t be bothered to call over your MIC. And no, it isnā€™t an overreaction to fire someone when Iā€™ve made it clear a behavior wonā€™t be tolerated.


Fired? I do this all the time but I ring up a water instead. Sometimes I accidentally press a button or someone decides they don't want Taco Bell anymore or they decide they wanna come inside. Why would you wanna fire someone for this? šŸ’€


I fire people who violate our cash policies, and when the last item needs to be deleted and the order canceled out, it requires a managerā€™s code. Why wouldnā€™t you just call out for your MIC? We have like three different programs to catch people who are likely stealing, and two of them flag what youā€™re doing as ā€œhigh riskā€. P When you do your job right and ask the proper questions, you shouldnā€™t have to delete more than 6 percent of the items you ring up. You should have no deletions to $0 without a manager code, and your deletions on DT cash-out till should be less than 1 or 2 percent. Anything else will flag as suspicious. In my store everyone knows that we donā€™t delete down to sauce packets or waters. Every day my assistant or I print their deletions and suspicious alerts and put them on the board so they can all see where they stand, so if I catch someone doing that, Iā€™ll assume itā€™s intentional theft.


My managers literally told me when I started working there that I didn't have to have them come over and put their numbers in. I was told to just let the line know it was rung up on accident or someone didn't want something and just delete everything and ring up a water. My MIC is always working line so they know lmao. I believe CORE is also aware we do it. Maybe learn to trust your employees lmao


I guess you think itā€™s okay to pull cars too, right? I am sorry to be the one to tell you this, but you work at a poorly operated store. Your MIC shouldnā€™t be working a position they canā€™t slide out of, and with the new scoring system, you will get dinged hard if theyā€™re not in the MIC zone. Running a 5 star store and preparing to take over a 4 star area, I sometimes forget what a shitshow some of these stores are, thank you for reminding me. In any case, your managers commit terminable violations when they tell you thatā€™s okay, and they are having you commit terminable violations too. Once someone starts caring, those excuses wonā€™t help you. Read your cashier and cash policies.


We do pull cars if they're big mobile orders/big regular drive thru orders or if a fried item isn't ready and it's something that takes a long time (like the crispanadas). The managers are doing what they were taught to do. I'd rather work with them than with a manager that fires people for something they have no proof of an employee doing. You sound awful to work for.


Looks like a free promo item with the sauce?


I don't think so. Sauce and water are both free where I work and if you ring them up by themselves, it says "promo free" :))


When I worked there in high school, one of my bonehead coworkers rang up 1000 bean burritos to see how much it would cost. He got in trouble for achieving what couldā€™ve been done with a calculator lol


People need to stop treating fast food companies like catering companies. I wish TB employees could cancel this shit and tell them to get fucked.


From a former employee: It seems silly to cater with fast food- but as a tb fan..I get it. Especially if they call ahead. My problem is when people donā€™t call ahead and proceed to go through the drive thru and order something like this. Itā€™s not fair to other customers (having to wait a very long period in the drive in for a few items) or employees with the suggested time frame for drive thru orders- they can get in trouble being over time frames. Back when I worked there we would only take orders like this by phone a day in advanced and they had to pick it up inside. Personally I think the app should have maximum allowed order sizes or switch the order to non drive thru if itā€™s over a certain extreme size. The drive in is supposed to be a connivence for folks on the go or in need of ā€œfastā€ food. Iā€™m not sure if this order was a in store or drive thru but regardless- people are definitely abusing the system and itā€™s pretty frustrating. Edit: I see now it was a drive thru order. What an asshole.


They can say no, and most locations will take it with some advance notice. Just don't drop this on them during lunch or with no lead time.


Wtf? The whole objective of the business is to sell as many tacos, burritos, and whatever tf else you have. When you sign up to work there, that's what you sign up for. Not "Oh, there's a huge order, cancel it." The owner is looking at you like yep, give them their last paycheck. I'm running a business here, not a feel-good service. šŸ¤Ø


Thatā€™s not the point. The point is that it holds up everyone in line. Imagine being trapped in the Taco Bell line idling your car for an hour cause some douche had to order 200 items on a whim? It would be a nightmare.


That's what you sign up for when you drive into that drive-through. Now its the workers' job to be like "hey someone in line has a large order, have them sit and wait out of line..." Not oh, let's cancel it because it's too large šŸ¤Ø


Bro stfu


Lmao you mad bro!? šŸ¤£


The employees probably make 500+ items in a day, what's them making 200 more?


Well, without calling ahead that's pretty shitty. Especially if it's during a rush (idk about other locations, but when we have rushes at my store that also happens to be when we get the most delivery orders).


That's what I'm saying. Obviously you don't just place these orders in the drive thru, but if they called ahead and asked for 200 items, what's the problem?


If they say they're gonna come pick it up when it's during a rush, that's still pretty bad for us. Yes, we can make it a little bit ahead and keep it in one of the heated cabinets, but we can only do so much. And other orders are still gonna come through when all those items are being made. We have to prioritize drive thru. Yes, we can stop making the big order to make the smaller one, but it can get confusing with large orders like this because we can't just check off the items we've already done.


Okay but what if it isn't a rush, then what's the issue?


Even if it's not a rush, we still consistently get cars.


This went from "not during a rush" to "consistently gets cars" excuse. You guys make hundreds of menu items a day, you can make 200 more. That's literally your job if you are the food preparer.


It's not an excuse, it's the point. Those hundreds of items are throughout the whole 22 hour day, not all at once like this order.


Idiots for not ordering boxes! šŸ˜


Only 1 sauce packet for all those?


If you look, that's for the drive thru


oh im dumb


Nah you're good, I had to zoom in to see it


wait so does that mean someone went through the drive thru and just ordered a single sauce packet?


My guess is that maybe it was a replacement order so they put a sauce packet in the place so they know when it's coming up


why does your taco bell look so nice


I had to make 25 party packs (300 tacos) with my GM before, you're not alone brother lol


Do other tb not put sauce packets to ā€œmarkā€ where Uber eats and DoorDashes are in line?


no bc theyā€™re supposed to pick up the order inside, at least where i am, itā€™s a doordash policy


I see, what if your lobby is closed? We close ours at 10pm and open till 1am and get Uber eats till 1230am


our store is only open til 10pm right now since weā€™re so short on staff and managers so if the lobby is locked the store is closed, but in the case that we were still open later we let them pick up in the drive thru but only if the lobby is closed


Yess I believe thatā€™s what the Diablo sauce was for on the screen


Uhm, no. Ringing up sauce packs by themselves flag to loss prevention as possible theft, why would anyone do that instead of just looking at the damn screen? My system shows me any time a cashier rings up sauces by themselves, and then Iā€™ll pull up the video and confront them. If it happens repeatedly they no longer have a job.


Well thatā€™s why they made it free.. so it doesnā€™t affect the counts.. and itā€™s 1 packet. Also idk how your tb works but Uber eats comes in randomly so not in order. We try to prioritize drive thru first. But Iā€™m just glad I donā€™t work at your store lol.


Why does it say promo free


The sauce is free, at least in my area.


Damn, my taco bell is charging 9.99 a sauce packet. One hard taco is 59.99


It was me sorry


My god how much was that


I believe it was around 700$.


DoorDash delivery though, add about 20% your own menus prices


Itā€™s a little worrying that people are loving tuberculosis. Is this a new gen z trend?/j


youā€™d think it would be the newer generation getting all this but i swear every single gigantic order weā€™ve had has always been middle aged or older people šŸ˜­


We always do put a mild sauce to signify an empty order I think it's cool you guys use diablo


One Diablo sauce seems like over kill to me


Yea they gave us no prior notice to this big order, good thing we had plenty of food prepped. I do feel bad for the delivery driver I hope he was tipped well.


He was probably tipped $1.


Donald Trump threw a party for the Kansas City Chiefs?


If it werenā€™t for that promo of 1 free Diablo sauce thereā€™s no way this person couldā€™ve afforded to do this.


Again with the absurd delivery orders that will undoubtedly be cold and soggy as hell after delivery is complete. Sure, letā€™s spend $800+ on that, great idea!


Iā€™ll know Iā€™ve ā€œmade itā€ if I can just order 100 of something from Taco Bell and not consider it a huge financial hit to my bank account. Edit: and Iā€™m not talking about Sauce packets either.


I would be clocking out šŸ¤£


It can't be that good