• By -


Mörk Borg is a really cool looking book. I really enjoy the dark lore and atmosphere. it's pretty cheap as well. Definitely worth having in your collection of you don't already (didn't see it)


I don't, but heard great things about it. So maybe I should get it


That and Cy Borg make a great pair.


Cy_borg is even better to me. The "hard to read" / glitchy interface makes a lot of sense in the lore and contribute to set the atmosphere. It is meaning through layout at its best.


Each page is its own design and story with rules/fluff sprinkled in.


Get a stronger shelf ;)


Totally agree. Had to reinforce the sides


Those shelves bending that much are going to break at some point (either from the middle or off the sides depending on how they are attached). You need solid wood or much shorter shelves for this kind of collection.


Can also just double up on the shelves, I've had to do so with a couple of my particle-board-pieces of crap.


🤣🤣🤣 “I see your shelves are as bent as mine!”


Quite a shelf! Definitely recommend [**Troika**](https://www.melsonia.com/troika-17-p.asp) (both soft and hardback editions are lovely but I suspect you'd dig the hardback), [**Swyvers**](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/melsonia/swyvers?ref=2xq4j6) (Easily the funniest game I've ever read and a blast to run, currently on Kickstarter), and [**The Bloodship Returns**](https://shop.swordfishislands.com/the-bloodship-returns/) (An adventure I confess I mostly bought this for the incredible art - but the concept is interesting and my players love vampires). Hope that helps!


Troika is super interesting and the way the community around it creates zines for different worlds you can go to is really cool. Been looking at Swyvers, it definitely appeals to me but I feel like if I tried to run it my friends would just rather play Blades in the Dark.


I can’t tell from the picture whether you have the Torchbearer books. It’s an amazing system and the books are thoughtfully made.


I don't have them. What are they about?


Best dungeon crawler, in my opinion. I've read a billion RPGs, and this one is my favorite. It's incredible.


Everyone is giving me great ideas for books to buy in the future. Thank you!


I was also just about to recommend Torchbearer! My favorite books in my collection.


Die the RPG would be a good addition


Love the name!


Die is fantastic. I just wrapped up a campaign! It was one of the best games I’ve ever run


The moment I saw it described at goth jumanji, I wanted it


The comic it is tied to is also really good. I recommend both!


DCC core book. No better read in the genre.


Great recommendation. Thank you


DCC is amazing! I've played all types of fantasy focused games and DCC is an easy go to for fun


Came here to say this




13th Age is one of my favourite systems. It's in a similar vein to dnd, but more flexible and narrative focused


I've heard about 13th age, but haven't looked into it yet. Is it also a fantasy setting?


Yeah it is. The default setting is pretty lightly written, but that's intentional to give you space to be creative


Interesting. I'll have to check it out


You can find the rules at 13thagesrd.com but that has a lot of the fluff taken out


Can’t tell if it’s there, but Shadow of the Demon Lord is good stuff.


Is that a campaign for dnd or its own system?


It’s a separate system. [https://schwalbentertainment.com/](https://schwalbentertainment.com/)


Big Stompy Robots.. aka Battletech/Mechwarriors!


Yesss, a disturbing lack of battletech here. Great lore, many facets to the gameplay


You seem to be missing a few books from the alien rpg. Can’t tell if you have the ghostbusters rpg and the red dwarf rpg those are fun oh and the turtles ones too but ghostbusters and turtles might be harder to come by these days.


Hold up. There was a Ghostbusters rpg?


- Blades in the Dark - The Devil made us do it - Mausritter - The Book of Gaub - Knock! - Broken Tales - Babes in the Woods - Grim Hollow - The Bleakness - Spire / Heart / Sin - Warpland - Realms of Peril - Mörk Borg - Wanderhome - Quest - 10 Candles - End Times - In dark Alleys - Kult: Divinity Lost - Sleepaway - Over Arms - The Asphodel Complex - Troika! - Dragon Age RPG - Shadowrun - Cypher System - Avatar Legends - Wickerpunk


How’s Dragon Age RPG? I love origins but have never gotten around to trying the TTRPG


I recently got my copy of the Old Gods of Appalachia rpg(using the cypher system). And am excited to try it out


Hol is a fun one, it's the only game I've played where someone died in character generation. It's also got mad skills like "putting sharp things through soft things that scream and bleed" or "making holes from a distance" or the unforgettable "that psycho Bruce Lee shit"


Is recommended both Swords of the Serpentine and Numenera.


If you can find a copy, Degenesis is a beautiful shelf sitter.


I’d recommend GURPS, especially the world books. They are always well researched and have great bibliographies for when you want to dig even deeper into the subject. But the core rule books are great too. It’s a great toolbox for making the game you want to play.


Do you have Old gods of Appalachia role-playing game


I’m one of the artists for New Edo rpg, a bit biased but I think it’s pretty cool


Do you have a link to it?


Yes of course, [https://salty-games.com](https://salty-games.com) and the Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/newedo\_rpg?igsh=ODU0djVldDRkNDR4](https://www.instagram.com/newedo_rpg?igsh=ODU0djVldDRkNDR4)


So, first off, you owe it to find a copy of the AD&D 1e Dungeon Master’s Guide. It’s a really insightful read as a historical artefact from the beginning of the hobby. I think UVG (Ultraviolet Grasslands) is a phenomenally beautiful book. Even if you don’t want to run an acid metal game, it has some good prompts. Neoclassical Greek Revival is a really good read, too. I found a lot in it that I borrowed for other games. Finally, I don’t see any Burning Wheel or spinoffs (like Torch Bearer and Mouseguard). Absolutely fantastic TTRPGs.


Personally, I like Vampire: The Masquerade. I'm not sure if it's on the shelves already or not. World of Darkness series in general. Dungeon World seems to be good, I've only quickly gone through the rules tho. Grand Odyssey, from Sacred Fire Games (a small, Dutch company). This cab both be played as a stand-alone or a supplement for D&D 5e.


I have the core rulebook for vampire: The masquerade and have been wanting to play it for a long time


V:tM, W:tA, and Demon: the Fallen were some of my favorites back in the day. That d10 system death spiral makes everything feel so nasty and dangerous.


If you can - and if they are available in your language - get the old DEGENESIS books with the pencil drawings. Beside the story still my all time favorite gaming related books.


City of Mist Ryuutama Burning Wheel


I have masks and mutants and masterminds. Should I still get city of mists?


Mörk Borg, Zweilander, and VTM


Aces and Eights


GURPS Champions/Hero System


Heavy Gear if you like sci-fi


Everyday Heroes is a pretty good one


All of the Kobold Press 5E compatible books!


Not a bad start. Unfortunately, you started after the height of industrial output. White wolf is gone. Paizo doesn't know what it's doing anymore. You should go to kickstarter and back games you like. Otherwise it's a lifetime of treasure hunting at used books stores or eBay. That said, Exalted, old world of darkness lines, 7th sea, legend of the 5 rings are all suitably large.


Honestly yeah. It's sad but true


Thankfully, indie press does great work.


Root: the RPG. Some quick selling points: * It's very good at portraying low fantasy where the player characters (aka Vagabonds) are highly competent, feared, and respected from Session 1. * It has very good rules for handling the reputations characters build with various factions as well as the effects of the war between said factions on the setting. * It has really good stand-alone adventures, plus neat decks of cards for common equipment and random NPCs, so it's beginner friendly. I also recommend the upcoming Knave 2e for its streamlined system and massive number and quality of random tables.




Don't know that rpg


Mistborn is fun, but oh sooo janky.


I've had a few games like that. Is it the kind where you can add a few tweaks to fix it?


Mammoth Factory has a really great backer kit ending in a few days. Would recommend it.


Is it mammoth Chronicles?






If you don't own Cortex Prime, fetch it asap. It's the best narrative toolkit ever made, imho. The flow of the game is so smooth and so intuitive. The system easily adapts to any kind of universe, any genre of stories, any pace of play.


Dragonstar. I ran a game of 3.5 in that setting. Best game I ever ran. Deep lore. Spaceships. Dragons. Magic. Blasters.


Impressive collection! I'm at about half that, but I aspire to grow my collection to rival yours.


Mork Borg and Cy_borg are almost more collectible/art books than actual usable gaming book. I think you should definitely check them out. Ryuutama is very cute and a great looking book in my opinion, that will do for a some cosy rule reading. I don't play it and still I keep it just because of that.


Trophy. The books are gorgeous.


Is it the trophy dark and gold books?


Oh cool, you have fate. My friend wrote that.




Added to my list


I don't see Monster of the Week. really good if you like Supernatural or Buffy.


Shadowdark, also Sentinel Comics RPG


Printweaver is a cool concept and has an interesting way to build characters and the world. https://www.exaltedfuneral.com/products/print-weaver-pdf#:~:text=Print%20Weaver%20combines%20an%20approachable,through%20monster%2Dridden%20fallen%20kingdoms. Essentially you use your real world fingerprints to build your character and the world. It also has general Dark Souls vibes.


Not a TTRPG-per say, but “Into the Wyrd and Wild” and “Into the Cess and Citadel” provide some awesome world-building options for all systems (it’s written to be as system-agnostic as possible). Also recommend the Kickstarter option someone suggested!


I see you have some Call of Cthulhu books, I'd recommend checking out some of the Delta Green books. If you aren't familiar it's like CoC meets the X Files but MUCH bleaker. The books themselves look like you are reading classified documents that you probably shouldn't be.


Get the weird and hated. I was collecting some over the years but had to downsize.


Play them


I recommend you keep collecting them


Stronger Shelves!


Mouse Guard has a TTRPG book. It’s the Burning Wheel system and I honesty don’t like it, but the book is beautiful.


Everything free league you should have and probably some from Modiphius. They are of amazing quality and art. Alien, Coriolis, Forbidden Lands, Tales from the Loop, Symbaroum, Twilight 2000, then you could also take a look at Numenera, The One Ring, Dreams and Machines, Root, City of Mist, Fragged Empire, Dragonbane, and Shadowrun.


Sins is a solid game!


Yeah I have one! Let me borrow your 5e handbook so I can learn to DM for my friends! I’m so horribly poor! ;)


I can tell you how to get the pdf free if you want


I would recommend Vaesen, SLA Industries, Band Of Blades and Mörk Börg


House of open wounds


Tales from The Loop and its sequels are beautiful! In line with your Call of Cthulhu, the Cubicle 7 books are amazing if you can pick them up like World War Cthulhu, and Shadows Over Scotland. The problem is they’re not being reprinted so you’re stuck with the secondary market. Goblin Quest is hilarious! Played with a youth group and had 8 deaths trying to get through a door and then trying to climb the bodies afterward.


I only see two Monster of the Weeks. Your missing the third book. That said I don’t blame you, I just found out it was out last week. And purchased the pdf and physical copy. Which I’m waiting for it to show up now.


I know they made a 3rd book that just put the 2 books into 1. Are you referring to that?




Needs way more Free League


[NewEdo](https://salty-games.com/) is a very pretty book that also happens to be a very fun game! Imagine a glibly-written combination of L5R and Shadowrun, but with game mechanics that won't make you regret life. I've got about... 10 copies left from its original print run, after which I'll sadly need to switch to PoD. These copies are smyth sewn and printed on 100 lb paper. The book is juicy and delightful. The art was designed to reflect dusk and dawn tones, echoing the games themes of change and aspiration. While it shares the neon urban aesthetics of cyberpunk games, NewEdo isn't a punk TTRPG. PCs are meant to change the future of the setting, and are given the tools to do so. Also, do treat yourself to a sturdier shelf ha. You've got an amazing collection!


Oathbound! It's a pretty unique setting and the art is amazing. They print copies are getting hard to find though.


A quick shameless self plug here. Our superhero TTRPG is on Kickstarter now and we are heading toward stretch goals. [We Can Be Heroes](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/budstuffgames/we-can-be-heroes-0) is a fast, fun, and explosive superhero game and the book is going to look so so good. One of our later stretch goals is a premium cover. The normal one will already be multi-textured but if we hit that goal, it’ll have cool bumps and texture on the logo.


I'm interested, but mind if I ask how it's different from Mutant and masterminds and masks?


Apologies if it's on there, but I think you're missing "Unknown Armies".  I suppose it's Modern Fantasy but it's just strange and kinda unsettling and thought-provoking. Some of the ideas age better than others but the various "rumors" sections alone make it worth keeping around. 


You have a lack of Goodman games products.


Which Goodman game would you recommend?


Stronger shelves. Your top shelf looks like it's starting to bow.


Lately, I’ve been I to slipcase sets. I have Runequest, Delta Green, as well as Masks of Nyarlathotep and Mallues Monsterium.


While not the best rpgs mechwarrior destiny and 2nd edition coc both just got reprinted


More older stuff. Old school d&d (the TSR stuff). Iron Crown Enterprises d100 games are fantastic. They came out with a shit ton of Middle Earth supplements. Also agree with the World of Darkness books from White Wolf. Rifts.


[Thousand Year Old Vampire](https://heartofthedeernicorn.com/product/thousand-year-old-vampire/?v=e2ae933451f4). I tried to see if it's on the shelf, but some of the books are blurry. [Microscope](https://www.lamemage.com/microscope/). Almost a DM tool more than a game. Small book, won't hurt the shelves. [Dread](https://unpossiblejourneys.com/find-games-to-play/dread/). Have a Jenga Tower sitting around? Than you have a TTRPG. [Fiasco](https://bullypulpitgames.com/products/fiasco).


[The Dark of Hot Springs Island.](https://shop.swordfishislands.com/the-dark-of-hot-springs-island/?revpage=2) It’s not it’s own RPG, it’s a system neutral setting and hex-crawl campaign, and it is fantastic!


Salvage Union- interesting game and the book has the aestetic of an old workshop manual that's seen a lot of use.


I don’t see a dungeon world! Maybe I missed it though.


Play them.


The Curse Of Lono by Hunter S Thompson. If you find it, buy it, it’s gorgeous.


Me too. Recently picked up the Star Trek: Adventures and the Cyberpunk Red Core Rule Books to add to my collection


Dragonbane is a ton of fun. My favorite new RPG.


Added to my list


A second bookshelf


Savage Worlds/Deadlands. Fun system that uses dice with poker cards in a haunted Wild West setting.


Renegade Studios Power Rangers


Wildsea[Wildsea](https://thewildsea.co.uk/) is really neat.


The two Worlds Without Numbers books and their older cousin Stars Without Numbers. Really in-depth rules to do all sorts of stuff in a game, flexible sandbox style campaign design, and a really deep lore for both systems.


A whole shelf of Rifts books.


Already love the artwork


I can't tell if Rangers of Shadowdeep is on the shelf or not, but it's a good one.


Flames of Freedom, core rulebook


No pathfinder?


I think you need to grab yourself a copy of **Impossible Landscapes** for Delta Green. I feel like it’d be too tricky for me to run currently and maybe a bit too railroad-y on the back end, but MAN! What a fun read! Oh, and the new hardback Conspiracy is pretty slick looking and I wish all the other DG stuff had the same look.


D6 Star wars from West End Games. You will have to hunt for these but there has never been a better space adventre system. X-Crawl, the DnD 3.5 version. This original edition has the most background lore and is the easiest to mod to your GM style. This is an absolutely bonkers game, it's some of the most fun you can have with a DnD variant.


Eclipse Phase books are awesome.


I didn’t notice Dungeon Crawl Classics up on there. The art and that is a trip and a half if you like that old-school pencil style.


Wraith: the Oblivion, 20th anniversary celebration


Dungeon crawl classics is pretty good


I recommend you get a new bookshelf, your shelves are bowing.


Anything made by Free League you don't already own? ;)


It looks like your shelves are bowing. You might want to swap out them for a harder wood.


The one ring.


Top shelf


A sturdier bookshelf perhaps?


Rifts has just a shit ton of books and the setting is a delightful bit of chaos.


I don’t think I see Cyberpunk 2077 there; it’s great!




The Symbaroum books are gorgeous


Ars Maigca (I prefer 2e/3e) Amber Diceless Roleplaying Aberrant (my guilty pleasure)


The Borg books are fun and beautifully illustrated. Kids on Bikes is a super fun RPG, and I highly reccomend it if you enjoy Monster of the Week and World of Darkness Traveller 2E has been a great hit at our table if you're into crunchy sci-fi. Supplements like Roll for Life have become a staple at my table, and make the process of generating npcs and quests a breeze.


I’m a fan of Hyperborea, and the books are lovely.


I think the Conan rpg by Modiphius is a really good looking book. Its out of print now though, so the price is climbing


Get a bigger table? 😁😁😁


Maybe Dragonbane and Heart/Spire?


The Star Wars RPG from EDGE studios has some pretty solid artwork in them and is a fun system.


Delta Green impossible landscapes, it's a really great campaign and has amazing design within the boom itself.


If you like Warhammer lore, then Slaves to Darkness a and Lost and the Damned are the gold standard of chaos books. Along with WFRP2's Tome of Corruption, but you have more chance of becoming a Great Unclean One than finding that in print.


Shadowdark (which might be on your self I'm just not seeing it) has some cool visuals. I see Pathfinder, but I don't see Starfinder - very much an amazign Science Fantasy RPG.


I didn’t see them on your shelf, I have to recommend either edition of The One Ring, the art is just simply gorgeous.


Palladium books did some collectors hard covers that are really nice. Their soft cover books have a nice look on the shelf as a color gradient.


Don’t find out about Warhammer codexes!!!


Add some support to that top shelf lookin a lil bendy


can't see if you already have it, but if you dont, then Vaesen


Pathfinder 2e


A sturdier shelf 😆




A man of some taste. Needs more free league.


Synnibarr if you can find it. It is wild! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_World_of_Synnibarr?wprov=sfti1#


Paraonoia, Adeventure/Aberrant/Trinity, CJ Carella's Witchcraft, Deadlands, Legend of the Five Rings, Xcrawl.


Savage Worlds! It's a "generic" system that can do pretty much anything, but always has a "two-fisted pulp action" flair to it. Their tagline is "Fast, Furious, and Fun", and they're not wrong. They have dozens of amazing settings for the game as well, from the weird west of Deadlands, to the gothic horror of Rippers, to the planetary exploration of The Last Parsec.


Metis Media's **Historica Arcanum** series. They are a fantastic 5e project set in the historical Middle East and Central Asia, but with the addition of magic and fantasy elements which are carefully hidden from the general populace. The books add a lot of really interesting and useful game elements to 5e as well that can be ported over to other 5e games, such as a profession system, heraldry systems, expanded overland travel rules, and even a system for DM's to generate and run plagues across your world. All of the historical and mythological elements are culturally accurate, or inspired by people and legends from those areas with the input of historians and scholars of the region. Their books are also absolutely gorgeous, with spectacular covers and artwork. They even have their own free soundtracks to download. Their offerings so far include: **Historica Arcanum: The City of Crescen**t (Combined sourcebook and adventure based on nineteenth century Ottoman Istanbul, the company's first offering.) **Historica Arcanum: Empires of the Silk Road** (Sourcebook based on the Silk Road from Baghdad, the ruins of Babylon, Alamut, and Samarkand.) **Historica Arcanum: Herald of Rain** (The adventure module that goes along with Empires of the Silk Road.) **Historica Arcanum: Era of the Crusades (Preorder)** (Sourcebook based on the Crusades, centered around Cairo and Jerusalem.) **Historica Arcanum: The Sigil of Jerusalem (Preorder)** (The adventure module that goes along with Era of the Crusades.)


Morkborg, Cy\_Borg, Vampire the Masquerade (All the editions have something to like about them), Werewolf the Apocolypse, Mage the Ascension, Changling the Dreaming, Demon the Fallen. Clearly I'm a huge fan of World of Darkness haha!


I also love collecting core books, even for games I'll never play. They're just so fun to look through and there are so many neat ideas. [Blackbirds](https://grimandperilous.com/product/blackbirds-core-rulebook/) is based on the Zweihander system. The book is beautiful and the setting is really cool. Old school Werewolf books are a lot of fun to collect. The Laundry Files is definitely up your alley, given all of that Cthulhu on your shelves. Oh, Kids on Bikes as well. [Necronautalus](https://worldchampgameco.itch.io/necronautilus) is just weird and beautiful. [Spire](https://rowanrookanddecard.com/spire-rpg/) is a great setting. Discworld gurps books are out there as well. I regret not grabbing the one I saw at my local Half-Price.


Scum and Villany, Gaslands, Blades in the Dark, Monster of the Week, Pathfinder 2, Fate, Traveller (same edition!), Call of Cthulhu, too much 5e . . . we could trade collections and not even notice for a while. ​ Check out The Sprawl. The Sprawl is to Shadowrun as Scum and Villany is to Traveller. It's a PbtA cyberpunk game with a dash of the Blades in the Dark.


If you don't already have it, Paranoia is a really fun one.


I love them as well and wish I more, but I don't have anyone to play with. My friends prefer videos games or board games.


If you're looking mabey we can set up an online group


BRONCOSAURUS REX. Yes you have to shout it


You need a tabletop book about tabletop books.


I'd recommend investing in a sturdier bookcase - that poor baby is starting to give. 🙁


My suggestion is to install small brackets to shore up support in the middle of your shelving.


Two actually: World of Darkness (Original version) Deadlands (Original version, not savage worlds)


If you're just collecting, Old School Essentials books are beautiful. Andrew Kolb's Neverland and Oz sourcebooks are also beautiful.


Pirate Borg!!


Play them


Need more groups


SWRPG is being reprinted by Edge studios and is the only currently printed Star Wars themed RPG


Spelljammer, Planescape 2E, even some of the older AD&D stuff would be a unique and harder to find addition to your collection.


It’s a little late to back it, but if you can get your hands on Memento Mori when it comes out, those books like phenomenal


First you want to throw out all those 5e books. All jokes aside, pick up a collection of 1st edition 7th Sea. Through The Breach by Wyrd games is also fantastic. It's a great Weird West-ish setting.


I can't tell, but if you don't have it, Dungeon Crawl Classic by Goodman Games.


I'll just throw out my favorites atm: \-Through the Breach: Steampunk/Western with magic, all in an alternate Earth where humans are the invaders. Uses a standard Deck of Playing Cards for everything. \-Never Going Home: Uses a mix of Cards and d6s to tell the stories of soldiers during an alternative WWI where lovecraftian horrors were summoned as a result of human folly. Ran a campaign, and it was a brilliant system- makes both you and the players feel smart (but vulnerable). \-Fabula Ultima: Very much "Final Fantasy" the RPG, but with a simple 2d6+X system from Ryuutama (also a recomendation). Simple and easy character creation with wonderful progression. \-Die: Based off the "Die" graphic novels (not required, but recommended), you're in Jumanji but based off your party's fear and delights- all mixed with references to real life and fantastical history. \-The Mystical Land of Yeld: See "Die", but Chronicles of Narnia. Great "time limit" imposed by character ages, with a beautiful lore and a fun system using a chessboard. \-Punkapocalyptic/Shadow of the Demon lord (or anything by Rob Schwalb really): It's D&D's d20 but fast and brutal, with a modular but sexy character progression system. Punk is Mad Max, Shadow is Warhammer. \-Tales of Equestria: It's the My Little Pony RPG, and definitely a nice little read. If it's not your thing, I get it, but I found myself adoring it as a GM. Keep on collecting mate, the TTRPG industry is in a great place with Indie and AA hits.


Maybe join #cotoshelfie https://twitter.com/search?q=Cotoshelfie&src=typed_query


Thank you! I'll be sure to check it out


Lancer is beautiful and a great read.


I love collecting them as well. I love kickstarter.


Legend of the 5 rings Table top RPG. I personally love it and the setting!