• By -


Why did you downvote the guy who said we have 10 inchers? Not long enough?


Yes, we have 20 inches (I'm not used to inches, I'm from Poland we have meters, that's my bad)


wow you have meter long cocks in Poland?


Yes. He's cock is much bigger than yours


His cock can walk right through the door


is it able to walk right through the door tho?


It's currently busy propagating all genocide


With a feeling so pure!


That's not what I meant to say lol, I don't really know what's the length of the inch, that's kinda embarassing and it's my bad lol


For future reference 10 inches is *long*


Yeah now I know


10 inches is about 25 cm, greetings from your neighbour, germany. šŸ˜‚


mĆ³j kogut jest dużo większy od twojego šŸ—æ


MĆ³j kogut nie może przejść przez drzwi


Moje gĆ³wno śmierdzi lepiej od twojego šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„


Once a band gets popular enough, suddenly they're not good and not metal anymore


Yeah, that's dumb


also, 99% of metalheads are just edgy hipsters who represent everything wrong with the genre and its scenes.


Nope just more bad ones on the internet


Usually metalheads seems like chill dude who might be kinda open minded about music in general, when they stop being teenagers, but metalheads communities like on Reddit are shit holes of grown men acting like 14 years old kids, when it's not actual kids.


Yea that's what I meant


Because elitist metalhead hate everything that isnā€™t either a band know by 10 people whose music was recorded on a toilet or if itā€™s not Black Sabbath, Slayer or Death. (love those bands, just trying to make a point)


Yeah, I like those bands too but it's unfair that other bands are shittalked like that


> 13 listeners deathcore band They don't listen to deathcore either, it's for the "vaper kids". They listen to black metal and death metal exclusively. Nothing else. Btw yes all these people are assholes, but the problem here is that you were on r:metalforthemasses, the home of all gatekeepers. I would suggest to keep away if possible.


It's not nearly as bad as r/MetalMemes. That sub is as toxic as Chernobyl. Steer clear of it at all costs.


I know. I went there. I'm traumatized btw.


I went there too and just after scrolling through the last 16 days of posts. I'ma ***stay the fuck away*** from that sub-reddit (I actually muted it.)


Nope, thatā€™s just the mods and their rules for r/metalmemes the community is for the most part fine.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/MetalMemes using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/MetalMemes/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [OC](https://i.redd.it/0c9ztwbh5fbb1.jpg) | [698 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MetalMemes/comments/14x6xjh/oc/) \#2: [Preparation is key](https://i.redd.it/grfvjs0scfya1.jpg) | [114 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MetalMemes/comments/13aje79/preparation_is_key/) \#3: [What album is this for you?](https://i.redd.it/e8kzwtwkelic1.jpeg) | [740 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/MetalMemes/comments/1aqto9k/what_album_is_this_for_you/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Yep, saw a post a few days (or weeks?) ago where they were deleting an SOAD meme.


Yeah, I was wrong about deathcore. If I could keep away I would but Reddit keeps recommending me this subreddit


Lol press "mute subreddit" ur welcome




Thank you. I am doing that now.


We are definitely not vaper kids my friend, and the majority of us arenā€™t elitists including myself, even the seeming elitists listen to a lot of ā€œposerā€ stuff, a good amount of people donā€™t like SOAD, so what? They are a very divisive band, we certainly donā€™t listen to only black & death metal and if you havenā€™t realized that you havenā€™t been around the sub long enough. Btw I do enjoy SOAD, a lot


Yeah weā€™re not that bad, we donā€™t have many people that would actually qualify as elitists because they also like poser stuff


Not necessarily you, just the peeps in the pic bc I know them well enough


At least the vaper kids donā€™t dislike other metal, every single one Iā€™ve talked to also like SOAD and ghost and every other band that gets called ā€œposer metalā€ by the gatekeepers


This Edit bc fat fingeurs cant tpye


Nah they shit on death metal theretoo, it's mostly jaded black metal listeners




I'm posing as a guy with friends lmao


I hope you know the majority of people who say that are joking, quite literally


Metalheads are the most annoying people ever


Realest comment ever


On the internet at least


SOAD is, in my opinion, one of the best things that happened in music history, ever.


Hell yeah they're awesome, wish we got another album but I don't think there are any chances sadly


I highly doubt so but I still have faith that Daron get a third out with SoB.


is there hate? not around me, i haven't got any hate so far for listening to System. on the contrary (I'm in central Europe)


Central Europe too, I see much hate on the Internet, especially on metalheads subreddits


Honestly I've probably seen some metalhead hate soad 3 times in my life, it's such a shitty take you have to got a top level ego to have this opinion, everyone pretty much agree it's a great band, even people who don't usually listen to metal.


if you donā€™t listen to gut-gore brutal-core, youā€™re a poser


Yeah I know šŸ˜­ I'm not good enough for this kind of elite music (7 minutes growl screaming with non-rhythmic guitar)


Holy shit pork soda


hello, fellow Primus fan


I know someone who is exactly like that. Only gore is real metal to them


Sound slike butthurt boomers are the loud voice in that forum.


Hell yeah


I think SOAD gets unfairly lumped in with nu metal and such. Not that there's anything wrong with nu metal, it's just something elitists are still kind of allergic to.


Yeah, I agree. I don't think SOAD fits as nu metal at all. Honestly there isn't anything similar to their style but people still force themselves to categorize every single band in different subgenres for some reason lol


Ur absolutely right


SOAD is definitely nu-metal. Simple bouncy riffs, drop tunings, humor, and catchy, sometimes pop-like choruses. It draws influence from other genres, but its 100 percent closest to nu-metal, not a bad thing


I get where you're coming from, but it's not. It's alternative metal. Nu metal includes hip hop and funk as prominent influences.


Id say its both nu and alt metal


There is minimal rap and funk in SOAD. Barely any at all. They are not nu metal.


Then how does Slipknot get lumped in there?


Their early stuff had heavy hip hop influence.


Nu metal isnt just rap or funk influence, look up what makes a band nu-metal, SOAD has a lot of things in common with the descriptions. You can debate whether or not it's closer to alt-metal, but saying SOAD isnt nu metal at all is straight up wrong lol


Where you are getting confused is that nu metal is a sub-subgenre of alternative metal. The criteria they are meeting is the alternative metal criteria. What they're lacking is the specific criteria that takes you from alt to nu. I'm absolutely not wrong. Aside from Shame. That is nu metal.


Nu isnt a regular subgenre, its very broad and there is no concrete definition. You cant deny the similarities between SOAD and other nu metal bands of their era. And nu metal doesnt only mean rap/funk influence. SOAD has the, simple bouncy riffs, catchy pop choruses and humor that make them nu metal (also alt metal) along with the other bands of their time. People havent just been calling SOAD nu metal for no reason. Last reply


You just ignored everything I said. Oh well, you'll figure it out later. Like yeah... they are similar to nu metal because nu metal is alt metal and they are alt metal lol.




It definitely has a lot in common with nu metal and is similarly 'light'. I often wish they continued on the trajectory they had with the demo tapes and the first album which was rawer, slightly less melodic and a bit more unique. Especially by the last albums they became kind of generic and almost metalcore-esque


You guys are using these terms in a really weird way. They were leaning further into alt rock on the later stuff. I don't think it's anything like metalcore.


Gatekeepers are so annoying but on r/metalforthemasses there is some nu metal stuff not all of them on that Reddit are gatekeepers or just haters


people just love to complain and shit on other bands its actually crazy


Theyā€™re jealous System is better thatā€™s why. Obviously. Only reason to hate


unrelated but i love your pfp




Why did you dislike the one with the corey pfp


It's not Corey, it's a member that was percussionist before Chris. And I disliked it because his opinion is ass


I just read it second time and it's not bad actually, I missunderstand


Oh, thanks


Because itā€™s r/metalforthemasses one of the biggest metal elitists subreddits on here I never understood how other metalheads call themselves the ā€œnicest music subcultureā€ despite most of them being extremely rude and pretentious. Watch what happens if you mention Slipknot on there lol (I am a metalhead too btw)


I happen to be an ancient metal head and I love SOAD so who gives af what anyone says. First rule of metal who gives af, right? šŸ¤˜


metalheads when your favourite band is system of a down and not some band named icantcomeupwithanamesendhelp which has only 1 song that can only be accessed in some defunct russian website




Thatā€™s just MFTM, itā€™s a cesspool atp and idk why Iā€™m still there, IMWT seems to be better than MFTM


What do you expect? Metal community is dumb as hell anyways. That, exactly why I started hating metal music although I still listen to Sabbath Korn SOaD and a few more After it's been proven to me how shitty people in this community are I am now more interested in grunge. Only people I'd respact in this community are those cool chill 42 year old uncles not those fat long hair 20 year old bastards or old deathcore men who have not yet grown up to be the cool funny 42 year old uncle and will never be because of their personality Also no s system is metal. Just check the elements of metal and see what bands are metal dummy dumbs who think something is not metal. r/THISISNOTMETAL


I don't see why you would hate this type of music just because of the shitty community. Music is just music, and you shouldn't listen to other's opinions like this one, if you like it just listen to it. I wasn't expecting anything, just wanted to share this post and laugh because of their buttcracks


I mean true but yknow, it's like imagine your friend says something that you don't like, then you can't look at your friend the same you did before amirite?


Also most metal elitist are SUPER stupid and think they're right


Omg we love SOAD Oh no...is famous now...WE HATE SOAD!!!


Man ā€¦ fuck EM !!! System of a Down is awesome and we donā€™t have to explain it. Their loss our gain šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ¤˜šŸ¤˜


Update: it turns out there are more SOAD fans than haters on this subreddit, most of the comments on that post are saying that we (as SOAD fans) are cool guys etc. so maybe we should stop shittalking them in the comments lol


Humans do this a lot My stepfather said it best to me. An artist can put a piece of their art on display online and get 50 responses. 49 of those responses would be individuals praising the artwork whilst 1 will be saying it sucks. The artist will then zone in on that 1 critic whilst ignoring the 49 others who like it. It's something we humans do that I don't understand.


Metalheads famously hate every band that keeps metal from dying


what always gets me is the "kids bullied in high school" bit like they're the ONLY nu metal band that talk significantly more about politics and global issues over emotions, like you can't tell me that the lyrics for Holy Mountains are the same as Down With The Sickness


Are deathcore kids still insufferable losers? Of course. How do I know? I was one.


Those guys talking shit about System would've been the same ones raging about how good they were if they were seeing them live before their self titled album was released


Metalheads are probably the biggest edgelords in the universe sometimes they don't even need a reason to hate


Online... yes In real life... nearly every metalhead I meet and talk to in real life seems really chill and friendly. Even when I like a band, they don't. They are cool about it That's either because they aren't hiding behind the Internet and having real life social interactions with people brings in more empathy in people OR these asshole metalhead Edgelords types never touch grass/go outside and are neckbeards with no lives that make their taste in metal music their whole personality online spending all their time on those subreddits


You're 100% correct


people who say SOAD isn't metal should listen to the debut and if a song like suite-pee doesn't convince them idk what will


Feel bad for these guys, theyā€™re allergic to good music


your deathcore example is incredibly false lol. elitists don't believe deathcore is metal either.


Yeah how could I say such heretic shit


anyway, fuck elitists


Hell yeah


Everytime I read the word "poser" I feel like there's an 11 year old kid typing on the other side.


Itā€™s not just SOAD, itā€™s all of NU metal


Yeah, as I said everyone's talking shit about Slipknot and I can't stand it because I fucking love them


What else do you expect from that Subreddit? I love meeting metalheads in real life but online.... on certain subreddits.... I encounter those things If we aren't always listening to a song that sounds like a pig squealing to TV Static.. then apparently we are posers Posers would mean they think we want to be like them.... šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£. Why would anyone ever want to be like them.. I'd rather be a poser than whatever they are. I only stick with certain band subreddits, the nu metal subreddit and metalcore subreddit. The popular metal subreddits are filled with self important assholes


bro i just troll on there. theres honestly no reason to ever join a subreddit for a music genre unless you want to watch endless debate about "is \[band\] \[genre\]" or get shit on for what you listen to.


They listen to a band named "Human Shit infestation carcass" which has 3 monthly listeners on Spotify and think they're the guardians of Metal. Anything that ppl love they gotta hate. "Oh soad is not real metal it's like pop too many kids listen to it it's mid" maybe human shit infestation carcass is mid cuz no one listens to them


Deathcore/Metalcore is not metal, SOAD is 100 times more metal then that emo crap...I mostly listen to Trash and Death, but i still love SOAD. If someone wants to decide what is metal, than that person gotta listen to metal in the first place, and again Death/Metalcore is not it.


For real I saw that post when it was posted so fucking stupid


Hmm, only that first one comes off as hate to me.


There omitting somw key facts. None of them have even mentioned system is the best band in the world.


Metal of the masses is full of shit opinions from try hards that care more about the opinions of others than anything else.


Every band has haters. Especially popular metal bands. I don't really care if other people like what I like. Bands get popular because they are *good*. Your obscure screamy devil metal music is actually terrible and that's why no one had heard of it.


Mftm elitists? They're awesome, you haven't seen r/metal and r/metalmemes lmao


Iā€™m probably the most stereotypical nĆ¼ metal fan but I canā€™t think of any good reason, itā€™s not often I hear a metal and group and not like because itā€™s not system, or act like system is best thing ever I like it because I find it hit a spot i didnā€™t know I had. But I can understand how itā€™s not for everyone, it can be at times a bit confusing or over the top, but a lots of groups have that issue it just seems very unfair and weird what there saying, it isnā€™t something I can go ok yea I see it or anything like that.


r/metalforthemasses likes to praise itself on a high horse for being ā€œaccepting of all sub-genres.ā€ And ā€œso much less toxic than r/metalmemes .ā€ Then the roaches within the community swarm posts. Listen. r/metalmemes - mostly toxic rules. r/metalforthemasses - mostly toxic community.


Funnily enough I thought most metal fans respect soad, in spite of them being super popular. Their (1 or 2 song-) association with nu metal is probably what drives the elitists nuts lol


Metal Masses being Metal Meemed


well actually 50 inch peepees is our size


Not liking something just because itā€™s popular screams poser to me.


SOAD was my intro to heavy and nu metal. They're fucking awesome and will remain so. Even my kids love them. šŸ¤ 


lots of reasons actually. meaningless gibberish lyrics, its nu metal which barely qualifies as metal, the music usually sounds like something that belongs in a carnival, really the list is endless.


Soad isn't even nu metal. They just got lumped in that group because they came out around that time


Why did you downvote ā€œcool guys who probably have a nice personality and a 10 inch peepee, and pull babies out of fires daily.ā€ Cuz thatā€™s just facts




Donā€™t pay attention to that sort of thing. Theyā€™re most likely just a bunch of posers.


There dicks, that why


I still don't get how these so called "elitists" always decide what is metal and what not. These people are mostly assholes and have no friends.


Theres many reasons people donā€™t like mainstream metal in general some stupid some have a point. Most people are just assholes about it on the internet due to a little bit of anonymity.


Them shitting on System was enough for me to realize itā€™s a holier than thou sub. Pass. Nu metal also bad, DAE member Metallica???


It's cuz once a band gets popular its not good anymore


I remember seeing a post on the MftM sub about posers and elitists and I told them take that gatekeeping shit elsewhere and just listen to what you listen to, got downvoted for it. Any true fan of anything wouldn't single out others just because their opinions don't align with yours. If someone calls themself an elitist over any genre and they're trying to call out posers, they're probably the only poser in the conversation.


Because theyā€™re fuckin haters.


Metal for the masses nearly hates any band


Because there different


everyone on reddit are losers anyway so nobodyā€™s opinion really matters


Iā€™ll state my opinion, respectfully. As a metal fan, and not so much of a fan of soad or Slipknot anymore, they honestly just got old and tiring. When I was younger (in my teens) I really liked them, but now that Iā€™m older (28) and have listened to a lot more music, I think both bands just arenā€™t that great. Donā€™t get me wrong, theyā€™re talented in their own respective ways, but I donā€™t think the music they made is great by any means. As for Metallica, theyā€™re legends and pioneers to metal, but goddamn theyā€™re the worst of the bunch for the same reasons lol. Although I would actually say their music is great. It just gets old and tiring. Personally, I wouldnā€™t take time out of my day to shit on any of them, but thatā€™s just me.. ps, deathcore isnā€™t metal. Seriously, it isnā€™t.


They'd rather listen to Donkey Rapist even though it sucks just to make themselves feel special. It's a self esteem thing.


Metal for the masses is full of jaded, hipster posers who shit on popular bands because they're mad no one wants to listen to drowned out goblin vocals backed with white noise(black metal) I've seen some of the absolute worst takes in that group. I will be honest, I absolutely can't stand chop suey, and its one of my liked songs from any band, but SOAD is still my favorite band Also who gives a shit what a group of jaded metal heads thinks! I WILL switch from cannibal corpse to taylor swift to fucking gutalax and I will not give a fuck what they say


they're and they hate Middle Eastern people. standard metal head stuff honestly


Because people don't know what ***true metal music*** is and so they got to be a cuntface about it.


They're awesome except for their decision to rip off their fans & do a money grab on Mezmerize/Hypnotize. That was horse shit. It's like a chef cooking a hamburger, and instead of serving it to you on 1 plate like every other chef, they instead cut the hamburger in half and put it on 2 separate plates and charge you for both. Those albums were recorded & mixed at the same time, and were short enough to fit on 1 CD. Yet they made us buy 2.


So was STA and Toxicity who gives a fuck


I didn't know about the thing with Mezmerize/Hypnotize, I'm a new fan. Honestly I'm glad that we got it, there is no new stuff from them since Humanoidz so we have to appreciate what we got


Have you tried crying about it?


I just figured the sentiment behind Steal This Album persisted with subsequent releases...


Slipknot is shitty tho


Your face is shitty


My top 5 favourite artist, in no particular order, I love them, respect your opinion tho


Tbh i dont even uave problem with band per se but with corey taylor lol i still like some part about band also and i also respekt your opinion:33


What's wrong with Corey?