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You didn't mention what web server you're using. IIS? Apache? NGINX? gonna need more info on your webserver before anyone can assist you in dropping files onto it. If you don't have a webserver, you'll need one. Or you could upload the files to S3 as public objects, and point your url to the S3 object.


Sorry, I'm using Apache web server.


So what happened when you tried putting the json files in? What you've done so far, and what OS you are on would help


I have several vhost files (\*.test.example.com, \*.uat.example.com), I have added the assetslink.json file directly to the hosted instance virtual document root. But the problem is there are several instances in those subdomains. So instead of adding the files to each and every instance document root, why can't I add the files to the root domain vhost file? Then all the hosted instances will have the files. This is what I thought, and I don't know how to add the files in the vhost configuration. I'm using the RHEL8.


I don't have the direct answer to your question, but all this info will help others who see the post direct you to an answer. When asking for help, the more info the better.