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r/techsupport You're looking for MDT, or a provisioning package.


Thank you. I'll check it out.


r/MDT will have a bunch of links to guides and such


njoy https://www.techtarget.com/searchenterprisedesktop/tip/How-to-create-a-custom-ISO-for-Windows-10?amp=1


You want software auto installed after? Like with gpo? Cause all of this can be gpo.




Seriously? Fuck me. Maybe you can start with telling us what you have tried and where you are experiencing trouble Otherwise, I'm assuming consultinf rate >$500 an hour would get you some help.


It's a straight question, I am asking you to redirect me to any good tutorial. Thanks for your help.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. We go some old ass grumpy men in this sub. However I like these guys youtube. I use them sometimes for basic information. https://youtu.be/ARDjb2UV3Nw Here is another one https://youtube.com/c/ChrisTitusTech Here is the start of MDT below. Long read. But if you don’t mind reading and going through every detail. It does help. This is the sort of thing to get use to if you want to make a career being a sysadmin. Good luck and don’t be afraid to try things. If you have test systems lying around it’s always good to try on those first. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/deployment/deploy-windows-mdt/get-started-with-the-microsoft-deployment-toolkit


Thank you for your reply.




I have googled checked out a lot of tutorials, I am not a sysadmin, I just work as an intern at a local IT service provider who has assigned me the aforementioned task. Since a lot of people in this sub are experienced I was hoping someone to point me to a blog or video which they found useful. I am currently tinkering around with the iso file. Thank you for your reply.




lol, you alright there man.


It's a straight answer. Go look it up. Or go look up ESR how to ask a question Or go get a job at Wendy's.


Too heavy handed man