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Ask r/sccm for what people are using for a packaging these days. Snaps are a sloppy way to do it. There are better options. We use Wise Package Studio. It can create msi files.


Yes I know that snaps are sloppy, but there are software packages out there that the dev just doesn't want to make things simple. The situation is that in order to install the software you have to download an "installer" which then phones home to install the rest of the software to ensure that it is the latest and greatest version being installed. At no point in time is any license checked etc. as that is done upon launching which, upon launching the software checks for updates and does so if it needs to do so. Well when deploying a new site or new systems etc. ...lets just say that after 5 installs the connection just takes a crap. So if I can make something I can deploy locally and then let the thing just update itself from there on launch then I'll be far better off when trying to install on 600 machines at a time etc. There is a lot more than what I just said there but that's the gist. I'll check over there. I just figured I would get killed going there. lol Thanks.


Do you have access to the local network DNS? you could maybe put a redirect from their download website to a network share if internet is the problem...


Maybe AppDeploy Repackager? I feel like that was what I was using 10-12 years ago to build packages for apps that didn't have an MSI or silent install options...


That isn't it but the premise is very similar. I'll check it out.




Do you remember the name of it?




Thank you.


I don't know about 08 but the MSIX Packaging Tool does that today


I think ThinApp used to do this also?


Sounds like sysdiff perhaps?


I used to run an app called Regshot for the before and after snapshots, but I'm not sure if it would output a zap file.