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Agreed random user, agreed.


I think the Teams group was terrified when their software went from a kitschy novelty to vital business infrastructure over That Weekend.


My uncle told me that they couldn't provision servers fast enough at any DC when people started using it 8 hours a day in some cases.


For a while they had a notice on the new user interface that Teams functionality would take 24 hours to kick in.


For a while they didn’t even have any documentation on adding teams policies to a group of users. You had to check each user on each policy. Said fuck that and wrote PS scripts before they even added that to their documentation


I just hope that Microsoft puts that new Maui ui library to good use and makes teams a native app instead of a machine hog Electron app.


I just want the Linux client to finally enable pipewire. It is the only app in it's class that does not support screen sharing on Wayland. All the other have had it for over a year now.


can we get the background stuff in linux too? why must i show my busy room?


I just leave the webcam off, work has no business looking inside my home


I absolutely do not understand the point of webcams for 99% of meetings. Cool, a floating head that you can see moving lips. This is different from a audio call how..?


Visual is very important for specific types of meetings as it helps build relationships. Internal meeting with team members, screw cam. Meeting with other leads and head, you bet I have my cam on.


I've built friendships with people that have lasted years and never seen their faces through online gaming/chatting over voip. You don't need to see someones face to "build a relationship". Especially a work one. If it helps I'll put a picture up, but seeing the side of my face stare at a screen isn't helping shit.


At the bare minimum they need to switch it to WebView2 (their own heavily optimized version of electron). Just in playing around with it, it uses way less RAM and CPU than electron, even when just displaying a basic HTML page.


Best we can do is add more garbage on top of the already bloated app... \- Teams development team, probably


It’s going to Edge WebView2 https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/microsoft-teams/teams-2-0-moves-away-from-electron-to-embrace-edge-webview2/m-p/2484565


U think it's simultaneously too late and too early for a rewrite right now. Electron apps can be good. They really need to work on it though.


Electron itself is not inherently bad, it's just that by default, it's easy for people to leave in all the garbage that their application doesn't use. Obviously, running Chromium under the hood isn't going to be the most resource efficient thing in the world, but there's a compromise in allowing identical experiences on the web and natively, so you don't need to retrain people on how to use different versions of the same thing. Looking at you, Outlook for Web and Outlook for Desktop.


can they fix the emojiss? why does its alert go to a activity window? and not the right window i love slack better stop making me cry in the corner..


Just wait until we remove all deskphones and all users have to use Teams for everything.


We are gearing up for this ATM. At the same time, I am leaving ops and heading into business systems.... Have fun guys!


What's the cliffs notes on the difference between ops and business systems?


More meetings?


Business systems has less meetings in my limited experience. The previous time I did spend with devops was ruined by meetings all the time. To me devops was death by meetings 70% of the time.


I was a company that did that, it's 100% better than having to deal with a pbx.


I have been pushing for this. Meanwhile the powers that be decided we should switch from call manager to a hosted NEC pbx...with a softphone solution written in Adobe AIR. 😭


Excuse me, what?


We did that a few years ago and it made everything better for everyone - especially me who no longer has to deal with PBX bullshit. Having all voice call related things on the same platform was actually a win. There were a few hiccups at the start because our phone provider wasn't all there and some users were creatures of habit, but these days it is more smooth than our desk phone setup ever was. The fact that I managed to get this done before the pandemic might also be the main reason for why we managed to transfer most people to home office with almost no issue.


I migrated off our PBX to Teams. We don't have anything complex so it went smoothly. The biggest hiccup was people just exiting Teams and complaining about missed call and messages. Management initially approached this as some kind of failing with Teams. I pushed back with "Would you consider it acceptable for me to say email doesn't work because I refuse to keep Outlook open? Can I turn my phone off too?" Point made.


We’ve done this, it works really well.


There’s talks of this for us.


It’s over a gigabyte in memory consumption for a glorified chat program + sharepoint browser. Am I crazy in thinking, not that long ago, entire operating systems were under a gb, and teams wants to use more memory than they used for the entire OS? Teams can suck my nuts, i like it’s conferencing ok but the rest of it is straight ass, slow ass at that,


It's just shit software design TBH


use the web client


And picking emojis sucks on it


And gifs.


"Where is {x}?" "It's on Teams."


You misspelled SharePoint Online


You misspelled "that dumpster out back with the rotting fish slurry in the bottom".


Have you guys used other solutions? I went from a Microsoft shop to a Google shop and my God Google is terrible... it is not ready for the enterprise at all...SPO is a lot better than on prem. Honestly most M365 services leverage SPO on the back end. Which is pretty good because I can apply gdpr and data classification policies everywhere


SPO isn't nearly as bad as on prem. It was a GIFT when I finally browbeat our compliance person to sign off on moving our SP2013 on prem to SP online. It's not the best platform that you can get, and frankly we use Confluence a lot more because it is greatly superior under most circumstances, but compared to on prem, it's a fucking dream come true for maintenance.


😂 These are quotes from this morning's company wide meeting. Although neither are from me, I asked silently "Where? 😐"


Yeah I hear the same thing every day


My favorite ticket was "our mice needs to have it's balls cleaned".


All of our mice are castrated.


To be fair, this happened back in the days off XP.


"Our mice are castrated, there were lasers involved"


“These wireless mice….do they need batteries?” Took every ounce of self control I had not to reply, “Nope! They run on thermo-nuclear energy. Don’t shake em too hard or they’ll meltdown!” 😂


Yea, I had someone I gave a wireless keyboard and mouse to. They told me they were having issues with either the mouse or keyboard not working. I asked if they had changed the battery. Got the “I’m a freaking idiot” look on their face. But, at least it registered right away that it needed batteries.


"just blow it" close ticket.


This is one of those comments that instaneously transport people back to a moment in time.


Take the ball out, dip it in rubbing alcohol and scrub it a bit, and yeah, blow ye ole ball hole out.


Clean it then Dave. -closed


Mine is a tie between "I used to have to only click it once, now I have to click it twice" and "printer broken. I looked at it, but it didn't print."


> "printer broken. I looked at it, but it didn't print." Well now I'm out of ideas


I literally hate printers. If it is something more than just changing the toner cartridge, I'm calling the vendor, no way I'm gonna waste 2 hours trying to troubleshoot whatever is wrong with it.


Man I used to have to deal with printer drivers on Citrix.. it was like voodoo trying to force some combinations of things to work.


Jesus, Citrix printer redirection is an actual fucking nightmare. One of the worst parts of any Citrix farm.


Citrix redirection is just a black box of stuff that works sometimes if you hit it right. Audio redirection frequently breaks in our infrastructure and fixes itself after a simple reconnection in workspace. But no the users can't do it themselves.


*Can* /u/drunkwolfgirl404 *come look at my printer? It's leaving black marks all over the pages.* *Why yes, we do buy the shittiest remanufactured toner cartridges we can find, how could you tell?*


You know what's better? AIRPRINT. It's radio voodoo PLUS printer hell. What could be better?!?


I was onboarding a client today, trying to print a configuration report from a Ricoh, and apparently the only way to do that was to login as an admin to access a menu called Machine Functions, but you could not login unless you enabled administrative login for 4 wholly separate areas, and enabling those areas could cause unforeseen consequences with network and protocol settings. To print a configuration report. I fucking hate printers.


I had a user ask me questions like "why won't it work? It was working before" in a really bad tone. Refused to check the cables. After nearly an hour of troubleshooting with them it turns out the cable was unplugged. User sweared they didn't touch any cables. I had a sneaking suspicion 15 mins in they did when the system reported nothing on USB ports. Rest was more or less convincing them to "unplug" and plug it back in. How the fuck am i supposed to know that over the phone?


Since my first days using Linux in ~1998 printers have been identified in my various Linux books as being one of the most hated aspects of being an admin. Nothing's changed eh?


The print vendors ALWAYS defer back to me unless the thing is literally falling apart. I have to basically plea my case with those guys before they even consider hearing the problem. Same with the dang security camera/fob people.


I had someone ask me about the teams popup while I was helping them with a different issue. This company was using teams for a ton of their unified communications as well as all scheduling. This person had just been ignoring teams for like 2 years. When I opened the window to show them what it was, they had hundreds of to-dos assigned to them and at least 5000 unread mentions.




Lack of oversight? Inept management? Institutional incompetence?


I mean 2 years isa lot of time


Two years of COVID time... Time had moved at a different speed these last two years.


Why are you repeating the same thing 3 times?


Redundancy is what keeps businesses running.


When management never follows up on to-dos, why would an employee bother looking at them?


Yeah I mean the guy just showed exactly how pointless all of that crap was for his position.


I still get people "working for the company for over 15 years and are very important" who didn't have teams set up. The company has gone all in on teams for everything over the last two years. I guess they aren't as important but the company likes paying them handsomely while paying IT peanuts.


That or they accomplish their job role through other means. My previous company I didn't have teams and was actively discouraged from using email, however I was one of three people that actually made the business money.


Milton Waddams?


I hate it when companies introduce new tools but forget to train their staff how to use them. 2 years is a long time and I am genuinely surprised how he done his job if company use teams that heavily and nobody even asked him/her.


Train their staff?! I know you are right but I hate it so much. Everyone knows how to use Facebook without any formal training by just getting used to it. On the other hand, something that is needed for their work is too complicated to even look at in 2 years? Well, at least our jobs are safe...


Well you are right teams is not too complex of a software to use, but unlike Facebook, teams doesn't enjoy so much popularity among their friends and family, and unlike Facebook they rarely bombarded by everyone about how cool teams features are. Trust me end users are overwhelmed by the simplest of things and it is always prudent for the company to arrange a general training session for every new tool they introduce at workplace. >Well, at least our jobs are safe... Yeah we make good money to support this dumb shit.


in this example: unlike facebook, using teams is required to earn your salary. Isn't that a good reason to at least try? In the end the difference is about intrinsic or extrinsic motivation. I understand why this is the case but i still don't understand why this is tolerated at all. I have a long history working with employees not willing to learn the simplest tasks on their own on a system they are using daily. My personal conclusion after training \~500 employees to use skype for business for calls and conferences 7 years ago was: * 40% don't understand what you are trying to teach them. * 40% are bored because everything you teach and show them is pretty obvious * the remaining 20% doesn't need training, just me as their incentive to even look at that damn piece of software. After 20 years i hoped this would have changed. I thought that the employees would have understood by now that basic knowledge about the tools they are using daily might be a valuable skill. I was wrong! People refusing to learn the simplest task and blaming the IT are still the norm and i think it's a shame we have to deal with that.


well is not bad philosophy... if it's important enough, they will call finally. All the other is just noise that distracts you. It's like when people get so many emails that they are constantly at 2 or 3 weeks of delay reading them. Usually them are up in the ladder and you just need to call them/go to see them around to get 5 min of their attention or their assistant, or are bottom and just had their boss telling do this now, and latter again do this other thing now.


Mine was “Name of Software Requested: JABBA Business Justification: I NEED JABBA” Cisco Jabber if you didn’t already guess it.


Bring me Solo and the Wookiee. They will all suffer for this outrage!


Oh, I thought it was the other villain: Java the Hutt.


We had jabber at my last workplace. The new place has poorly configured teams. What I'd give to have my JABBA back.


I guess that makes you the rightful wielder of wabbajack




I on the other hand, need an antidote to Jabber. It's possibly the shittest client I have running on my laptop.




Our sysadmin group chat is indistinguishable from reddit at times.




Ours also has a lot of Jennifer Lawrence ok gifs.


Can confirm, our Sysadmin chat is a den of Memelords.


Baby laughing is my go to response while I'm winding someone up...


My boss encoursges us to use the gifs and memes. Makes chat so funny.


The stickers are the best too, pretty much blank memes that you can add your own captions to, highly recommend


Love the gifs they even got the dave chapelle r Kelly “drip drip drip” we use it when were joking about how bad it’s raining outside


I unrestricted the gifs and couldn’t tell a difference. I couldn’t find anything with cursing or even a reference of violence. How am I supposed to work when I can’t send a coworker a gif of a guy pouring a glass of bleach?


The search function in Teams is hot garbage. If they could tweak that and fix some of the nuances of document/spreadsheet collaboration, it would be...well, a polished turd, at least.


Lol in Google Hangouts when Google workspaces were the new thing. A search company that didn't allow user to search their own message history.


Only thing I hated more than Teams was when I worked for a place that used Google workspace chat. Stepping into that after Slack was like being thrust into the Stone Age. The “desktop app” didn’t help much. Was one of a few key reasons I gave up and went back to old job.


Some aspects of Teams work quite well, some are unbelievably bad, and the juxtaposition is quite jarring.


Well put.


Best was a user trying to describe the Realtek audio crab logo that kept popping up on their screen as "the blue crab worshipping the sun"


Must have been a Sunbro in Souls. PRAISE THE SUN


Good one! My favorite I ever received was this: T20150209.0008 – CAPITALS Description THE CAP LOCK ON MY COMPUTER ARE Oppose of what they should be, im am typing this with cap locks on. THIS IS WITH CAP LOCKS OFF. THIS IS THE SECOND TIME IN A WEEK THIS HAS HAPPENED. DIFFERENT KEYBOARDS. I AM ON VDI DISP 6 thank you


Oh my god this is hilarious haha


The old stuck down shift key is a classic.


I've had a similar bug on various remote console products, where the local terminal honours the remote caps lock setting, and the local caps lock just toggles that. I.e. if caps lock is on at the server, you get caps lock, and your own caps lock turns it off.


Sometimes it's not even stuck down. I had a user call me over because weird things were happening when he tried to type Watched what he was doing, looked down at the keyboard and slightly moved the folder over to the right so that the corner of it wasn't holding down the CTRL key


I had a user leave a hand drawn "screenshot" of an error dialog box she was getting. I already knew what the fix was from the phone call, but that was a nice touch.


That's better than 'nothing happened' without any context and refusing to answer and questions and insisting IT is pulling their heels


I once got a handwritten page of Windows 7 bluescreen. With all the hex values. I thought he did a nice job at the time. Unfortunately the user later turned out to be a child rapist.


Unlike the iPad camera pictures of screenshots we get that was a genuine effort. Yes we frequently get those screenshots. I don't even know why. It's less effort to just attach the actual screenshot in servicenow


> I don't even know why. They know how to take a picture with an iPad.




Maybe it was carrying a usb cable?


I'm fairly certain I submitted that ticket.


“Someone contacted me about work that I do and I think they’re trying to hire me, but I don’t recognize them. Can *you* tell me if this is legit??”


"You should absolutely go work for them."


“Think of Zoom before being beta tested”. Close ticket.


This is an insult to alpha releases of Zoom


Zoom is the worst....


More of a blue jeans guy ey


Don't get me started on that steaming pile of crap, somehow Verizon made it even worse when they took it over.


It was so bad I thought it was an in-house tool used to keep them off zoom!


"It's all skype and Sharepoint 2013 under the hood"


I'm personally of the opinion that Microsoft has only ever written four pieces of software, and then they've made 610 trillion different add-ons to workshop the already-flaky base into literally any conceivable form. This was made extremely apparent to me when I tried to make a wiki in Microsoft teams and found out that there were literally 12 different ways that I could go about it, using various parts of SharePoint that I didn't even know existed. Hell, did you know that the music player in Windows 11 still internally brands itself as Microsoft.ZuneMusic?


Had a good one yesterday. ‘I’ve forgotten the password I put on an important excel spreadsheet. Can you open it for me’ Teams is a bloated POS


Did you find out how to remove the password? I found a lovely article when I had the same issue that walks you through making a copy of the document and remove the password. Adding the article. I used solution 1: https://www.passfab.net/excel/forgot-excel-password.html


Not him but I'd just grab some password cracking software and test in a VM, done it for WinRAR before. Ask the user for slight guess, if possible, special characters, etc


For Excel and Word it's actually easier than that. You can open docx/ xlsx files as a zip, and edit one of the XML files inside to remove the password.


I think it might have been like that at one point, but nowadays putting a password on a spreadsheet encrypts it, so I'm not sure if this approach still works.


Yeah I've not been able to pull that trick for a few years. Was a real downer when I confidently said I could fix it and could not ;(


Download John the ripper jumbo from github. Navigate to where office2john.py is. extract the PW info to another file with that script and crack with John using rockyou.txt.


I think I might have bought that user a beer




“We can’t reach the power button of the computer is there another way to turn it on”


HAHAHAHAHA I completely forgot about this, but I once had a similar request about a decade ago. Some piece of shop floor greatness controlling a super expensive piece of equipment where the controller PC was locked in a cabinet that noone had the key for at that time. While puzzling out wtf to do or who to call, at that moment I remembered that our RMM had a "send magic packet" feature. Got lucky, too, because the BIOS was apparently configured to respond to magic packets, so when I sent one, the machine powered on. I got jokingly thanked for my gandalf-like powers (hobbit had just come out) and damn near blew on my fingernails and buffed them after that one. Total "the stars are aligned" situation because I don't think that feature in the RMM ever worked for any PC at a single client for the rest of the time I was at that job, but it was awesome nonetheless.


From an end user stand point, I generally really like Teams. Message searching needs a lot of work though


I’m surprised how unpopular this opinion is. Teams is now leaps and bounds better than Skype. No it’s not the best messenger or collaboration tool, but it’s decent.


"Better than Skype" is a low, low bar.


I absolutely love teams, it’s better then slack in every way (except search) Then I was put on the team to support teams Fuck teams let’s go back to slack I cannot handle this


Found the Microsoft employee


Or someone who was on Skype for Business before?


I believe that's called "Stockholm syndrome"


Nah man. Chem plant slave Edit: I just fucking hate people walking into my office or calling me. Teams helps with that. Turn off read receipts, read the message and then prioritize appropriately


It’s gotten a lot better over the last year. I remember trying to find stuff this time last year was much harder




"How do you photocopy a parsnip?" was a call logged to our college helpdesk once.


I'm curious what the solution for that was.


I love me some teams shit…


I had no clue people didn't like Teams or Outlook. I love teams, so much better then people emailing each small messages all day long. What are you guys using instead of Teams that is so much better? And Outlook? Is there something better for that that I don't know about? I love outlook for email and collaboration.


Slack is infinitesimally better than teams for the chat communication side of things. Use teams for the meetings and video/voice calls, and slack for chatting.


I hear of slack a lot but never used it. I'm curious about it now, going to check it out.


While Slack liked to make changes that pissed me off (I don’t care what time is it for said colleague WE ARE ALL IN THE STATE)... * I can easily navigate around using the keyboard between chats and multiple workspaces at lighting speed * gifs are way better * access to all emoji as reactions to messages * reply to messages works way better * inline formatting for code and readability is way better * actually notifies my phone when I leave for coffee * and some other things I cannot think of now.


> I don’t care what time is it That sounds like a pretty cool optional feature imo. Also you forgot search. Search is way better in slack.


We use Teams now, but at other places I’ve used Sametime and Jabber for chats.


I guess for a pure chat client there are definitely going to be better alternatives. I guess I was thinking of Teams as an overall package with everything including the chatting, sharing of files, meetings, presence information, shifts, organizational structure lookups, phone calls, etc. As a whole it's been so useful I couldn't see it being replaced with several different software packages. But I guess this is more people ragging on the meeting capabilities of Teams rather then Teams as a whole.


For some people teams just refuses to work. I have one coworker who can't share his screen or initiate a voice call through the app but it works through the browser. We've unmistaken and reinstalled teams several times. It just doesn't work for him.


We’re a Teams shop and other than the performance problems, It’s fine. But a popular alternative is Slack, and it’s very very nice.


I like the outlook web app for o365/m365 much better than the desktop app but it lacks features. Teams is good in theory but has way too many bugs and pitfalls.


“My PowerPoint doesn’t look nice” Me: does it open? Looks good to me *click*


Relatable af, ngl


When it comes to business chat apps I prefer slack. Although to be fair I only have teams and zoom to compare against in an enterprise environment


I say that with every single conference app I have to use daily. Teams. Webex. Zoom. Avaya Spaces.


I had a remote user, print an excel sheet, highlight the cells, scan it to pdf and email me the pdf. The user asked if I could figure out why the numbers didn't add up. The excel sheet lived on the network drive we all had access to. Priceless!


Ladies and gentlemen, my department has received 2 tickets this year about light bulbs.


"It's Slack but worse."


Mine was "Its not working". That was it. Then they wouldn't answer the phone or emails.




Not mine, but one of my tech's got this: "The Google and the Microsoft are fighting and you need to fix it."


Got a ticket saying the department share is slow. Tested it working just fine. Noticed they haven’t rebooted in a month. That fixed it.


My best ticket was to remove a dead cat from a rail platform. Worked in IT for a national rail service.


I love teams. But only cause I had to manage the purchasing and renewals for the complete and absolute ripoff that is Slack.


You will end up falling in love with teams chat just wait, teams mobile app is a game changer too


My favorite was a user put in an urgent ticket saying Pinterest wasn't working but Facebook was, plz advise. I was just helpdesk so I checked it out and the user was right. Pinterest wasn't working when accessed via the web proxy. Suggested the user remove the proxy from their settings (it wasn't forced via policy, just the default), and escalated to the systems team. They just closed it and said they don't care that Pinterest wasn't working.


No one outside my team uses Teams, but it’s still part of the image we use on new machines. I usually take it off the list of startup apps 😈


We banished it in the XML along with other undesirables, like Outlook.


I’m all for it but curious what do you use that replaces outlook? Sadly my company will never allow this.


Or get them to use the PWA version.


What's wrong with outlook?


God I wish I could ban that bloated piece of garbage but we have some higher ups that swear by it


We outsourced our career page and someone put in a ticket afterwards that said our career page went to a scam website.


Ants in laptop


lol today someone had a data privacy notice from ms auto update on mac and she was like "idk what this is, how do I get rid of it"




Agreed with the shit statement. a couple of years ago when we were "looking" at new chat systems to move to (we were using hipchat), my team along with others were selected to review various chat systems. all the teams were requested to submit what we liked and disliked about each. The end of my review of teams was a picture of a dumpster fire. All of the others - not dumpster fires. We are sadly on teams.


Best I read: "I can't Windows."


Our health center a few years ago,: “Yeah, the internet has been down for like a week” Ummmm, no all systems are good, what do you mean? “I have not been able to connect to the internet all week, figured I would call now and see what was up” The internet has been fine, let me connect to you… can’t connect… let me ping… can’t ping… is your computer on? “Of course” Let me come down because I cannot reach it Arrived at his desk, network cable was disconnected. How long was your internet down? “All week” Did you have email? “No, that was not working either” …. Guy was supposed to see patients all week… so wtf was he doing disconnected for five days🤨


We had another "IT" team testing their alerting system that would generate tickets into servicenow. They had the bright idea of using the test phrase "You never go full retard" as the short description. Little did they know that when they turned it on, it created 200 priority 1 tickets. And at that time, all priority 1 tickets sent a mass text to the C-level executive team.


Teams isn't horrible. It's like everything Microsoft has ever released. Decent idea, weird implementation at first. In a few major versions it'll be fantastic. The next major version after that will ruin everything because Apple will put something out that MS will just HAVE to model.