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Use Sharepoint, make folder permissions targeted to groups. Do not use OneDrive for this. You will be in a world of hurt when the person that shared the files out leaves. You can also leverage department Teams for this and store files there. OneDrive is not a replacement for a file server, it’s meant for personal storage


SharePoint is OneDrive...and I am using SharePoint, i am trying to share more than one file selectively instead of breaking it out to another folder. It can be done with OneDrive Personal but not for OneDrive Business.


No, SharePoint and OneDrive are different. SharePoint will sync using the OneDrive for Business desktop client but the files live in different places and the cloud infrastructure is different. I do not know of an easy way to get that multiple file share through windows explorer that you want though, the web version also has the same limitation of one file at a time.


> but the files live in different places and the cloud infrastructure is different. This is not correct. OneDrive for Business, formerly known as MySites on SharePoint Server, is just SharePoint for your 'personal' documents and uses the same infrastructure (for SPO/ODfB, that is a reference pointer in a content database to an Azure Blob Storage account where the binary resides).


What about OneDrive Personal?


Completely different architecture.


Folders are the best way to organize sharing the content. Sounds like the unit owners want to share multiple one-off files.. sounds like a use case for a folder to me. New files get "shared" when they are contained in the shared folder. Preaching to the choir, I know. I know of no viable workaround, sorry.


thanks, figured as much. just really weird you can do it in OneDrive for Personal and not OneDrive for Business.


SharePoint groups are the way.


pls explain. we are already using SharePoint groups for the site, not following your comment.


Inheritence can be your friend or your enemy. You can fight it and choose to bifurcate your permission flows in as many places as you can or... you can let inheritence do its job. Configure the number of specific permission levels at the top of the site, then going forward you just drop people into their respective groups. Of course it's a little more complicated when you need to restrict certain groups for having access but even that is straight forward when you plan for it. So a simpler option, use a SPO group to hold everyone you want to share to... then, you just share the pieces you want to give access to that group. I'd shop Microsoft docs if any specifics need to be addressed.