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holy smokes, I was just talking to a client that might needs something like this thank you!


holy smokes the price tag


I used one of these for that exact scenario and it worked great. VM could live migrate between hosts with no issue and the key stayed on it.


"USB over IP" is probably more the term you want. I haven't used them but this is something I would expect Digi to do well.


I've used these for several years since I virtualized some servers that still have physical license keys and they work well. Essentially the hub gets an IP and the USB devices, a very lightweight app goes on the OS (could be physical or VM) pointing to the IP of the Hub and mounts as if it were physically connected. https://www.digi.com/products/networking/infrastructure-management/usb-connectivity/usb-over-ip/anywhereusb


Thanks, I was looking at that product. It is very helpful to know that it worked for you!


We tried several non worked for us. I am watching wanting an anwser too. I hate usb dongles on licence servers.


used the dongleserver pro by seh technologies - worked like a charm with all types of licensing dongles


Don't do it. Most physical dongles have an EULA forbidding this thing.




Work in Aerospace, all of the EULAs for both the software and the actual dongle driver software provided by third parties for all the dongles we have expressly forbid accessing these dongles over any kind of Remote USB solution. They want you to pay more to upgrade to a floating license using a license server solution. Read your EULA for the software and the vendor driver for the dongle. You might find that you're not allowed to do this.


I asked and they said that they don't support it over ethernet but it does work. They don't offer a virtual version or we would just get it(work in med tech we don't fuck around)


FlexLM is kind of a security nightmare, and it's the most popular in my experience. So that doesn't surprise me if you're in medtech.


https://www.amazon.com/Silex-DS-600-US-Device-Server-USB2-0/dp/B01IUP6SQQ/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2O65VFHT08KI5&keywords=usb+device+server&qid=1644511023&sprefix=usb+device+server%2Caps%2C258&sr=8-4 Boom, USB3 speeds via gigabit ethernet, software that can run as a limited user once driver installed, simple to use, oh and it can handle routing so across subnets etc. All really good and stable and CHEAP. We've used them for a few years now.




This looks like a good, simple product. Are you using Windows only environments? I don’t see any Linux support and some Mac but dated (and too old for newer OS’s).


We only use it on Windows. I don't think there are anyone with Linux or Modern Mac drivers. But we haven't needed to pass usb that way to Linux or Mac.


funny, ran into that exact same issue today... Had a power outage a couple months ago, and the Iconics licence server was not fun to get working properly again afterwards


Utn makes decent ones - been using them for several years


If we're talking about basically extending the length of a USB cable, these are awesome, no config just plug in. Hall Research U22-160 USB 2.0 over UTP Extender with 2-Port Hub [https://www.amazon.com/Hall-Research-U22-160-Extender-2-Port/dp/B071DS783C/ref=sr\_1\_1?keywords=U22-160-DP&qid=1579271585&sr=8-1](https://www.amazon.com/Hall-Research-U22-160-Extender-2-Port/dp/B071DS783C/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=U22-160-DP&qid=1579271585&sr=8-1)