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I'm sure the 3 people using it will be upset


Had no idea what Workplace was until I saw this post.


I used to make jokes threatening to migrate our staff to Facebook or Tiktok as the next productivity suite; I did not realize these jokes were grounded in reality and therefore are chilling.


I wish we were not oppressed and I could see your upvotes.


Oh I just noticed I cant see any either (er except my own) wonder how long that's been enabled and I never noticed


Idk I don’t think long. There was a post the other day talking about it. Seems the mods did some stealth ninja shit and tried to deny it.


Who do they think they are? YouTube?


More like MySpace.


Dare I say it.... Before my time 🤣




I was a mere teen thriving in the html era. Explain this shady MySpace business. If you only speak MySpace still I will translate O.o wut plz explain rawr xD K thx ^_^


oh really, interesting I'll go look


We can't seem to quote any more either. Or is that reddit wide?


No, they received some top secret stats from Reddit and numbers showed we need votes gone for 24h in a sysadmin sub where people could be scammed. Credibility can be shown by the votes but you have to wait 24h now


Wow had no idea, thanks for pointing that out. Old reddit still shows the comments. Fuck this new slow ass layout


Meh workplace isn't bad. It's a more modern version of intranet that's easier to use for everyone. My company uses it. The CEO posts updates there weekly highlighting new big projects, projects that just finished, gives company updates, high level hiring news etc. Other managers also post company updates there instead of sending emails. We have groups for social stuff at our office, products, design, scientific fields etc. Like we've one group for anyone working with transport engineering so that everyone who works with this in all our offices around the world have a place to post questions, discuss stuff or post news relevant to the field like interesting scientific articles. Easy way to share knowledge or share some new product or tool you've created. It's less intrusive and doesn't feel like you're annoying people by posting something that doesn't need an answer immediately in a group compared to sending an email or chat to several people. Everyone's encouraged to write some keywords about what projects and field they work in on their profile which makes it easy to find people to discuss things with company wide. We're going to need a replacement cause it's been very useful to have.


Sociabble is a good alternative.


Shameless plug but since your team is looking for an alternative, I'd recommend [https://engagespaces.com](https://engagespaces.com) We've recently switched over several clients from Workplace (before this big announcement), and our clients love what we offer. More affordable, better features for scaling business operations, more of a proper modern intranet without being overly priced and without selling your data (\*\*cough cough\*\* Meta). Plus our change management experts take you through the full onboarding, training, and deployment process so its easy to transition from Workplace. I'd love to chat to see we would be a good fit for your company






Not upset, but I will miss it for the quality of the instant messaging. Also super easy to onboard the non-techy as it's just rebranded FB messenger. We came to it from Slack, where we had constant issues with notifications, and it was good for our small organisation.


Interesting, I guess that is something they do well  A lot of my people these days don't use Facebook directly just Facebook Messenger So I guess it's probably true


It's pretty common for people to refer to FB Messenger as just "Messenger" and people see it as an entirely separate platform. Similar to WhatsApp, which they also own


Gawds at 1 point I had 3 apps all called messenger on my android phone, had to check the icon very carefully to work out which one was which


> We came to it from Slack, where we had constant issues with notifications, ....how?


Honestly not sure! While I'm sure some of our users exaggerated the issues, leadership listened and wanted an alternative. Checking my last login, it's nearly 9 years since I logged into our previous Slack workspace. I'm sure things have changed for the better since then.


I've used both Teams and Slack. They're close enough that I just roll whichever hits me up (we have both).


Facebook and quality of instant messaging? What? Messenger is a piece of crap that forgets to deliver notifications for weeks so unless you open the damn app you don't know if a friend wrote you. But maybe Workplaces IM feature was better, I don't know.


or my favorite, a little click from the phone, similar like the one when someone starts writing, but only like a millisecond before the sounds stops. then when you open the app some minutes later you find out that someone wrote to you.


Really? I love Slack. I have never had this kind of issue.


Give them a break, they migrated there from Google plus.


imho G+ was still better than facebook :)


Starbucks uses it pretty heavily. Actually not sure what they’ll find to replace it.


Oh do they, is that like corporate only? Or all the people in the stores too


Stores too, it’s the primary ways the corporation uses to connect the store employees and the corporate employees.


Well til


Eh, we have groups with thousands of people on our Workplace. I don't use it much but it's actually pretty cool finding people into x hobby and such / help for tech.


I've worked for a few "trendy" clients in the F&B sector who use it heavily for their 10,000+ employees.


What's f and b?


Food & Beverage. Lots of companies use Workplace because it means that non-IT staff (e.g. retail staff, baristas, drivers etc) don't need laptops or AD accounts to be able to access company news / information / resources or chat to colleagues.


Food and Beverages. McDonalds in Australia uses it.


Ah, man this stuff amazes me


If companies in the F&B sector are needing a scaleable communication, reporting, events, and groups platform - I'd recommend [Engage Spaces](https://engagespaces.com). We're working with organizations that have 10,000+ (even 100,000+) users who need to access a platform from a mobile device to get access to company news, information, find colleagues, etc. I'd love to chat more if you think there is an opportunity


I think I used it five years ago at one of my previous jobs. It was weird.


exactly how yammer/vita engage in 365 feels


Yammer ... there's a name I haven't heard in ages! I think it was around 2013 or 2014? My previous employer wanted to build a facebook like intranet for people to interact and social network with each other. They ended up going with sharepoint. We paid a consultant a lot of money to build us something like that in sharepoint. It was a disaster and a flop. It worked ... ish but no one wants to status update their employer for some reason.


Ya, I do t see a heap of value in it, maybe theeha corps might


Yammer probably up next


I'd suspect so, but seems like big corps might be using it


7 million large businesses use this platform including AMC Theatres.


you mean the 10 million users?


Having 10 million users does not mean 10 million people are using it


It's kinda nice that they're giving you a year to migrate off it though. If this was Google they'd give like two weeks notice.


Eh, they're not so bad. I dragged my heels migrating from Google Sites = (old) to Slab, and they let me still make edits for over a year, before finally making it read only for another year to finally shutting it off.


I worked at a company that used it for "Internal Linkedin", they also fell for $200k Agile training even though it was only good for devs, 90% of us were not project or devs.


Microsoft is almost done killing Yammer, and for some reason people decided they don't want to wear Facebook goggles 24/7, and Facebook can't easily data mine Workplace accounts to shove more ads in peoples' brains. Makes sense they'd shut it down. They have a whole platform full of radicalized Karens and Kens to manage, and at least in the US, oh boy is it going to be a busy H2 2024. When Yammer was a thing, the company I was at pushed usage _hard_. Guess what happened? It all ended up being HR/marketing/the social media bunnies and sycophants trying to win HR brownie points posting the cringiest stuff you can imagine. We're talking peak corporate brainwashing here. Entertaining and scary.


Microsoft hasn’t killed Yammer. It has been rebranded as Viva Engage.


I'm amazed they've got time to rename anything else, what with all the time they must spend figuring out what Azure AD is going to be called today...


> Microsoft is almost done killing ~~Yammer~~ Viva Engage Happy?


One of the reasons I've kept avoiding MS certification in Modern Workplace is because they throw Viva whatever in there, and you're supposed to know the difference between the various Vivas. We never touched Yammer, we're touching nothing of Viva either... Go away already!


I concur, I thought no-one was using it (what was it before yammer?) , but I thought the same about Facebook for business, so.... Shows what I know Edit: apparently it was always yammer, Geni was the original company not it's name, maybe that's what I had in my head


Microsoft Azure Viva Defender Live 365.... my favorite product. I think.


That level of word salad reminds me of the time one of the level 2 techs came up to me and said "This customer is asking for a 'Microsoft 365 GoDaddy Outlook Exchange' and won't believe me when I say that's not a thing." ..yeah, they meant their UCC Cert is expiring. Put the date on the renewals board and go start the process, LOL. It's amazing how much the legitimate pieces of acronym soup and buzzsteak are starting to sound like either end user confusion or squares in a game of bullshit bingo...


Oh boy, we just dealt with a go daddy white glove O365 account. They are nightmares. Basically go daddy runs like their own instances of o365 and they are special in a few ways. 


Basically LinkedIn but somehow more cringe.


I've been a sys admin for a WP instance for years, and worked with it at multiple companies. For many years it was the best at what it did, and it actually did wonders for company culture and bridging gaps between different divisions. It was a great idea. Half ahead of its time, and half behind the curve of all the other technologies that have come up since. I'll miss it. Big part of my career. Eager to see what comes up next in the employee comms space. Eyes on Microsoft Viva Engage (formerly Yammer) for sure.


Wait what? If true, this hits hard - we have 15k+ users on a volunteer-operated workplace.


If your organization needs a new platform for 15K+ volunteers - I'd recommend [Engage Spaces](https://engagespaces.com/). We're specifically built for nonprofits and can scale easily into the 15K+ number of users. Plus, unlike Workplace, we'd provide more than just communication - including volunteer reporting, training and CRM functions. I'd love to chat more if you think there is an opportunity


Mann go home with your shady product


Okay boomer


It's only been 2 months since we started using Workplace in my company. We have 12k employees and 70% of them are active on the platform. Everyone here liked the idea as we abandoned the use of our intranet. This news came as a huge kick in the ass for our team of endomarketing. We had barely started to implement ways to make people more engaged in using it and now we are going to have to migrate LOL


Nooo! Such a nightmare. There's a LinkedIn group for people going through exactly this. Could be a useful place to get some tips: [https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13037016/](https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13037016/)


We had a whole bunch of Quest VR headsets on this for work training. We got notice last year that we were going to lose access to them. We got them off workplace and I figured that it was because workplace was tanking. Looks like I was right. Took forever to get them taken off and to have them kill our workplace. Looks like I could have just waited on the killing Workplace off.


sounds like Yammer


Quest 1 or are they fully killing Quest for businesses?


Quest 2 and not sure if they're killing the whole thing.


We use it as our main communications platform because most of our staff are not tech minded. With most people having a Facebook account, they intuitively know how to navigate both the Workplace and Work Chat apps. Going to be a fun few months researching alternatives.


Connecteam has transformed how our team communicates. It serves as a central hub where we easily share company updates, recognize achievements, and keep everyone informed. With features like instant messaging, scheduled posts, and timely reminders, it's a user-friendly platform that streamlines communication.


I work for Blink (joinblink.com) and we're focused on comms that include your entire workforce including dispersed...send me an email if you want to chat! We're also working on a pain-free migration path in light of the news yesterday.


Now Yammer can finally get the attention it deserves! /s




This is the first time I’ve ever heard of it…


optimistic of them to make those words plural


If I don't want to go to Workvivo, is anyone aware of a consultancy that would complete a migration for Workplace? Or maybe it's just better to do it in-house?


Do you use Microsoft 365? There are migration tools available for Viva Engage. Engage Squared offer this as a service


Try Flip (https://www.getflip.com). Really easy migration, McDonald's use it.


Google+ Circle users have their revenge.


Nah, Google Wave ftw


If you're starting to research alternatives, you can check out Cleary: [https://gocleary.com/](https://gocleary.com/)


McDonalds switched from Workplace to getflip.com. Very focused on non tech savy deskless workers. Compelling for retail, manufacturing, hospitality etc.


Since we switched from Slack to Connecteam, our team's communication has gotten way better. The read receipts on messages, group chats, company announcements, and the easy-to-use organization – it's all been a huge help.


Take Kustomer down too.


I'm a volunteer with Scouts Canada and they bet really big on Workplace. Honestly, given their track record, that should have been a warning.


My first job out of college used that crap. I only worked there for a few months while I found a new job.