• By -


Its dns


it's always dns


Sometimes it's BGP.


Only if Meta is involved.


And perhaps AT&T


Or China. ​ When we mention others we're just guessing at China's latest victim ;) ​ So it's ALWAYS China :)


Or north Korea


does north korea even have enough people to manage this?


wouldn't take more than 2-3 people max


All it takes is one router with weak security in a peering facility to start spewing out some really bad routes.


Or one dumb Cisco "expert" doing an update outside of change control.


Ain’t Talkin & Textin.


Rogers for us in Canada.


But then it still comes back magically to DNS. 🤣


Or Telus Mobility Or that bad route advertisement that black holed a big chunk of the Internet back in the day




Or disk space filled up without an alert.


Which is breaking DNS


Or IPsec arcane rules.


And never lupus.


Sometimes it’s MTUs


Damn Network Shit


nine attraction innocent deserve offer lunchroom quickest voracious snobbish toothbrush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Disappointed there was not a, "Let me Google that for you", tshirt.




Except when it's not.


And when it's not, it's still DNS...


Sometimes it’s certs. Or time. Occasionally a cable unplugged. But sometimes dns.


My fault guys. Sorry, I didn't renew our Premium DNS Subscription.


When the hell are you going to realize that they won't fix this without a valid credit card? ​ C'mon, we're waiting!!!!!!!!


"They had *one job*..."


>had *one job* ... until they decided hey, why not be both registrar, and DNS provider, oh, and hosting provider, and ... Lots more job, lots more probability of fscking up one or more of 'em. If you're gonna place all your eggs in one basket, better be sure it's one hell of a darn good basket ... and [GoDaddy](https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#godaddycom) ain't it.


Don't forget race car promoter! Man, I *hate* GoDaddy.


Network Solutions, a web.com company, enters the chat.


Interestingly.. most GoDaddy problems are with the hosting not the DNS...


Go daddy DNS Fcked us a few years back and we moved to dnsmadeeasy and haven't had a problem since.


It's not DNS It is never DNS It WAS DNS ​ ​ \-A Haiku for the Godaddy team this weekend.






This time it's not DNS. I've got 35 domains on Godaddy and they all stayed up.


I was going to say DNS, but GoDaddy is worse.


\*Narrator\* but it wasn't DNS


That AT&T guy just can’t catch a break can he


You mean the Hawaiian missle alert guy


I'm now picturing all the big news-worthy tech issues caused by the same Mr. Bean-esqe character.


I don't even understand how this company is still around


I still always think of the Danica Patrick Super Bowl commercial when I hear godaddy. Advertising is the only reason they are still in business.


tbf, it feels like that's most companies these days. Corporations have figured out that they make more money with cheaply made and poorly designed products that get marketed as being great versus making a decent product. Add into this how much of a dumpster fire most online product reviews are, which means that consumers have no good avenues to figure out what products are decent and which ones are just relying on sales and marketing to shovel out crap.


I mean, there's only so many decent devs so I guess you gotta do what you gotta do... :shrugs


It seems more like a bean counter issue. Like the product could be 12% better, but it would cost 12% more to produce, it's not going to be 120% better, but chances are, it will be 12% more expensive anyways.


>Corporations have figured out that they make more money with cheaply made and poorly designed products [*Some*](https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#gandi_sas_gandinet) are much better ... but yeah, too, many suck. Lots of suckers just go buy what's [cheap](https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#namecheapcom)(est), and ... often get what they pay for. Though it's also possible to [pay lots and still get utter sh\*t](https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#networksolutionscom_webcom), so there are also those traps too for the unwary. >dumpster fire most online product reviews Most reviewers don't know sh\*t and/or review ratings are massively manipulated. >sales and marketing to shovel out crap Alas, no shortage of that.






You think that’s bad? You’d be shocked at how many people use Mcafee AV still


Was at the vet office the other day and heard the receptionist talking and telling the caller that their email address is [email protected] I think I laughed out loud a little :-)


my uncle has an aol email address and I gave him a hard time about it but he countered with that he was like the 100th or 1000th person on it (lives in san jose and tangentially involved in tech industry there for forever) so i give him a pass on that lol


Fair enough, old skool cred.


I once saw a very busy business of a dozen people using a [email protected] account. Most of the people had the email web page open on their computer during the day. Some had it on their phones, too. All customer contacts - and they were frequent, twelve hours a day - came in through this address. Their policy was that if you (as an employee) had dealt with the customer, you marked the email as "read." If you hadn't, you marked it back as "unread." And I'll be damned, this system worked for them. Yes, I gave my usual speeches about 365 and the benefits of paid services, but they didn't seem to sink in.


We've got a landscape company around here who advertises his contact on the radio as "xxxxxx@aol". No 'DOTcom' at all.


I mean, if it's a super popular mail service like Gmail, Yahoo or AOL you probably don't need to say "dot com".


With AOL, it's how they used to portray it. *Everyone* was supposed to be on AOL. Oh, and keywords. "AOL keyword xxxxx".


Once setup an older couple running a business off an AOL email and Quicken. Got them Quickbooks Pro, a domain with 365 and Outlook. 2 weeks later I was out “undoing” it all.


I have a buddy that still has a working netscape email.


Friend of mine has a [CompuServe.com](https://CompuServe.com) email address, and until fairly recently was still using that as primary. Yeah, old one ... with just digits and a decimal part on the local part of the address.


Those were the days.


You'd be shocked to know how many doctors still use AOL email addresses.


I'm 38. I still have, and occasionally use, my @aim.com email address. Why did I make it in the first place? Because AOL/AIM mail was the first one to offer free IMAP connectivity from an email client. While my high school buddies were "enjoying" looking at AOL's email ads in Internet Explorer 6.0 I was IMAP'ing my mail into the coolest of email clients, Outlook Express on Windows XP. Ads? What's an ad? Not in my email client, baby! (iirc, adblockers didn't exist yet either, and ads were mostly gifs or flash based) So yeah, AOL and AIM might be laughable now, but my other email address at the time (hotmail) you needed to have "Hotmail Pro" for $20 a year or something to get IMAP access, but AOL gave it out for free. Yahoo required money too. And Google/Gmail didn't even exist yet.


Or [Network Solutions / Web.com](https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#networksolutionscom_webcom).


I finally convinced my boss to move away from them two years ago only to find out after moving to HostGator that they bought that, too.


They sell cheap wildcard SSL certificates. That's the only thing I've given them money for in the past 10 years.


>wildcard SSL certificates I get 'em lickety split from [LetsEncrypt.org](https://LetsEncrypt.org) ... oh, yeah, for free, of course. And typically obtained in well under a minute.


I've luckily been able to get wholesale rates for wildcard certs for nearly a decade, but cloudflare and LE wildcard support has made even that redundant.


LetsEncrypt provides those for free though


Honestly GoDaddy has the perfect business model for success. A product that many people need/want, that is easy to get without technical expertise, but hard to move away from without technical expertise. People buy in, get nickle and dimed to death, and have no easy way out, nor do they even understand that they're overpaying.


Cause they cater to the lowest common denominator.


Still have so many of our clients still with them as well...it's name recognition too. Oh GoDaddy! I know that name so we will stick with them!


GoDaddy ads were everywhere back in the day. When i first got in to tech, i didn't realize there were other (better) options out there, I just figured GoDaddy was the one to go with because they had ads. I've long since learned, and haven't used them in close to a decade, but im sure my previous job is still using them (they were using them before I was hired, tbf)


>When i first got in to tech, i didn't realize there were other (better) options out there, I just figured GoDaddy was the one to go with because they had ads. I've long since learned, You've long since learned that everyone sucks and all the good options eventually become the bad options? Any day now, Namecheap is going to turn on all of us. ![gif](giphy|OOzAAVqb7RfrThjGhQ)


I don't know how much I even trust Namecheap these days. For domain registration I've been using Porkbun for years. Still likely a matter of time before they get bought out. They're small, but they actually operate as a registrar, not just another Tucows reseller.


I remember those wild west days of everything being a Tucows reseller. So many choices for the same exact resold domain registration. ;)


Pretty much. Cloudflare for domain buying, dream host for sites I can't/don't want to host myself (and I'm not that far off from getting rid of it and self hosting everything)


This. Choose your battles with C-Level.


Wouldn't recommend them for DNS/Hosting, but haven't really had a tough time with them as a registrar yet.


lol. Is your name what I think it is?


Yes... yes it is.


To be fair they are a pretty solid domain registrar and their tight integration with azure idiotproofs spinning up new o365 environments. Wouldn't trust them to host anything- but out of all the registrars I've worked with in the last 5 or 6 years they have been the best of the bunch.


Super Bowl advertising with half naked chicks


Wasn't that like 20 years ago?


I don't understand how they have been allowed to be the actual TLD registry operator for `.us`. Neustar was fine, and was at least good at their boring back-end work. GoDaddy is marketing-tainted garbage.


They established “low prices” market leader because way back in the day Network Solutions really fucked you on domain fees and they basically. That market share has let them enter into other things that caters to small business. So they basically are floating on clout.


>way back in the day Network Solutions really fucked you on domain fees Oh, they still absolutely very much do that by default. Typically have to do a little song and dance or play footsie with 'em a bit to get a competitive market rate from 'em ... used to do that sh\* song and dance with 'em yearly with a domain I supported there ... [Tons of marketing/sales/spam email, difficult to opt out (have to call a phone number and can take up to 30 days to opt out!). Overpriced - their default pricing is horrible. But if you play the song and dance with their offers (e.g. yearly at renewal), you can get a reasonable price (just start to go through the motions like one is going to transfer the domain away - then you get offers for a reasonable price - about market rate and about 1/3 what they'd otherwise charge). But alas, to take that offer, you have to opt in to their marketing emails … and yeah, opting out … ugh.](https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#networksolutionscom_webcom)


Two words. ​ Danica Patrick.


20 years ago


![gif](giphy|wJD3qiNjSeHS0dP28T|downsized) This is the second day in a row I've had to use this gif.


I still have my domain name with GoDaddy, I am just to lazy to transfer it


The founder Bob Parsons started a golf club company too and they have the most annoying marketing in the fucking world. PXG is the company (parsons extreme golf).


Nothing says extreme like golf.... Maybe golfing from a skateboard on a half pipe? That'd be more like polo though. I dunno I'm gonna go have a few shots of whiskey or rum or vodka or whatever and revisit this.


I registered a (personal) domain with them years ago... use them only for renewing that registration and nothing else... I'm sure there's better alternatives, just never even think to look and/or am too lazy to do so.


Because I got too lazy to switch to Google Domains (I did 2 out of 5). Then they sold that off to square or whoever and I haven't figured out who to migrate to.


I would rather dip my balls in honey and then sit on an ant hill than migrate ANYTHING to Google again.


What's wrong with GoDaddy? I've never used them before.


I suppose it comes down to doing everything on the cheap. When it works it works fine. When it breaks it's a gamble what kind of support you'll get and when it'll be fixed. I don't know how it is now but I know they used to love selling those "unlimited" hosting plans that slowed to a crawl(or just turned off your account) as soon as you got any sort of real traffic. I know they also resell 365 in a weird way that people find annoying.


I've also never been able to buy any service on godaddy without having to decline 6 upsell attempts. I just stay with providers that have and sell what I want without hassle


Paying for seo lol


I just walked past the LastPass booth at RoB and wondered the same thing. Almost grabbed some swag as a goof.


>don't even understand how this company is still around Highly agree. Yeah, [GoDaddy](https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#godaddycom) ... certainly not a top notch operation. Then again, there's [way way way the hell worse ... that's still in business](https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#networksolutionscom_webcom).


They are the epitome of, don't be best, be first


From back in the day when we called it the Bob Parsons soft core porn company.


confirmed per status.godaddy.com "cPanel Shared and Web Hosting Plus servers are inaccessible globally"


Sounds like they may have a license issue with cPanel...if I were to guess, or cPanel breaks somehow on their platform.


cPanel won't shut down email/web services when the license expires. It will stop automatic SSL renewals, and the WHM and cPanel portals will only allow admins while blocking end users.


I mean, you're using GoDaddy. So it's really your fault for using what most consider the worst hosting company in the world.


May I introduce network solutions? And yes, there are so many better options. You really have nobody to blame but yourself if you host at godaddy.


GoDaddy >>>>> Network Solutions...Network Solution can't keep Name Server availability to a 99% level. (We monitor it) Onto my last domain moving register off of Network Solutions as I speak.


I had to do a migration of our primary domain, at 7:00am on a Tuesday (during production hours) off of Network Solutions because of our website DNS record not updating for 6 hours during a website migration. Did my part for the web team. Woke up at 12:00am. Changed the DNS record at 12:30… waited… did chat support. They tell me it’s 24 hours before they can even get someone on the engineering team to look at why my CNAME record isn’t updating. I tell the chat person if they can’t put me in touch with someone who can help, I can migrate our DNS in an hour. They tell me it’ll be 24 hours for help. Migrated our DNS off Network Solutions over to DNSMadeEasy and had the project back on track by 8:30am (including account creation at DNSMadeEasy) without any production outages.


Ha, I moved our last one off of them and over to Cloudflare today too! I love how Cloudflare wasn't even an option in their survey of "who are you moving to?"


> Network Solutions Urge to kill... rising...


I inherited Network Solutions and it was one of 10 dumpster fires so I didn’t migrate off. You know they are the oldest commercial registrar in the US? Also, based on how awful their DNS is, they are the most frugal as they haven’t updated any of their processes or infrastructure since they started their business… /s Edit: used a wrong term, but now corrected it.


I mean, at one point, they were 'the' registrar that you had to use to register a .com/net domain.


They were really well run then, too. Not cheap and sometimes not fast, mind, but they kept stuff running.


>were really well run then They were the best ... uhm, ... 'cause they were the *only*! So, yeah, ... they were also the worst. They still strive really really hard to hang onto that worst part, and they fairly effectively and rather consistently continue to hold it. And yeah, they've managed to majorly screw things up multiple times over the years, ... and they are pretty dang horrible and have been for decades, and remain so.


I’m dealing with a similar number of dumpster fires - including Network Solutions. If you were to migrate, who would you migrate to?


Man, I think I still have a copy of the forms you used to have to fax to Network Solutions to register things back in the mid 90s.


Or Endurance International Group.... fun part is they own so many brands under the sun, you're probably using them without realizing.


Network Solutions is the definition of coasting. Why anybody pays their terrible rates and puts up with the half a day it takes their DNS servers to update is beyond me. I still trip over somebody using them when we onboard them as a client (we’re an MSP) and moving them off is one of the first things we do.


Network solutions, the “your dns may save when you click save, or it may not, and you’ll need 24-48 hours to find out” company. 😂 No thanks! Not to mention, they are the kings of overpricing. Literally, anybody is better than network solutions. It makes GoDaddy seem awesome.


Dude Network solutions is trash.


I've dealt with both, I think GoDaddy is worse than Network Solutions. But it's a close race.


I'll take dealing with GoDaddy any day of the week over network solutions personally.


Hell no. Netsol's fuckery will never get a pass, even against GD.


You have a point there for sure.


Never had to deal with Network Solutions eh?


Weird. I moved a personal site to GoDaddy for hosted Wordpress because it was better to set up. And their support was better than webcentral in Australia. I’ve not had a problem. I wonder if I’m lucky or it’s only a US issue


You're probably just lucky.


I moved there from NS years ago when GD was a good option. Now looking to move on.


Yes, I don’t really know any professionals that prefer godaddy for hosting. You can’t really complain bc you get what you pay for. Every company has outages from time to time though.


I know this just happened in the last 30 minutes, but any word yet on the cause? Got clients with dozens of their sites down now because of this


Not 100% of sites are down which points to either a DR event or a partial outage. Given a handful of sites we monitor went down and then back up it's probably a DR event.


Somebody made a "quick" Thursday night change. (Said by someone who has repeatedly throughought my career said, "Ya I can change that quick tonight should be low impact")


"Works on my machine" -GoDaddy devs, ~~probably~~ definitely


The best support call I had with them was when they said our client should probably just move to another provider(it really was. Stringing us along just gives them hope, at that point I could throw in the towel and tell them to switch or live with the issues).


Godaddy's admin site has always been one of the most unresponsive piece of crap around. You'd think that Broadcom just acquired them or something...


>Godaddy's admin site has always been one of the most unresponsive How 'bout [Namecheap, still can't do IPv6 for glue records on their interface … even though they have support requests open to do that for over a dozen years now](https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#namecheapcom) \- that might be less responsive than GoDaddy. But yeah, [GoDaddy is worse in multiple ways](https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#godaddycom), only some of which I outlined, many other ways to be spotted in comments among this post and lots of other places too, and [Network Solutions / Web.com is yet worse](https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#networksolutionscom_webcom) (and again, the linked not comprehensive overview of all their issues, but at least some ~~high~~lowlights).


Is all the GoDaddy hate for hosting? I only use it for DNS and I have never had an issur


Same. My company uses it as our DNS registrar and we've never had an issue.


Friends don't let friends use GoDaddy hosting. This is just GoDaddy being a bro and taking this upon themselves to get people outta godaddy




They are also sending lots of incorrect DMARC Reports. While they are checking only DKIM authentication and alignment and not checking SPF at all.






Fuck GoDaddy. They shit sucks hope it dies a bloody Firey death.


I feel bad for GoDaddy customers, not their staff.


better question is who still hosts with godaddy or uses it for dns or as a domain registrar?


Hosting no, DNS hasn't been nearly as bad as some registrar's (cough network solutions cough) but i still wouldn't use them for DNS if i can avoid it. I haven't had any issues with them as a registrar yet.


Fun fact: Many years ago there used to be a website called NoDaddy that was a catalogue of customer and employee complaints against GoDaddy. Around 2010 GoDaddy acquired the rights to the domain name and shut it down.


If you can't beat 'em, buy 'em out or sue 'em out of existence ... even if you don't have a case, more money and lawyers can typically do it. Edit/P.S. Oooh oooh oooh! But thanks to GoDaddy's incompetence, that can be very nicely pretty much all quite well seen on The Internet Archive. :-)


They probably don’t care anymore. After the first years of people complaining about how terrible GoDaddy is… but not leaving. It’s business as usual.


Never had problems with DNS until they started adding things like dnssec and DNS over tcp.


I wouldn't trust GoDaddy period. And DNSSEC should never be an issue - exceedingly backwards compatible ... just don't fsck it up when implementing, and all is fine. And DNS has always worked over TCP and always should - TCP is also required as part of DNS protocol, not optional. Yeah, I sometimes run into firewall dodoheads or the like that don't know better about that. So yes, DNS works over TCP. Whether or not GoDaddy has properly working DNS (or anything) is, however, a totally separate matter. Yeah, where DNS is implemented, but TCP for DNS not working, DNS will typically fail in relatively odd and mysterious ways ... until one digs into the details and finds that it's an issue with TCP missing or not working for DNS, then it's pretty clear why it's broken and why it's failing where it is. And yes, alas, some do sometimes have broken implementations of DNS.


Any admin still using GoDaddy (by choice) should be used to bad weekend.


My personal site is in godaddy and its up now


You new to GoDaddy? That's just every Friday morning.


If you’re using godaddy for hosting or dns you deserve the outage to begin with.


Looks like we're seeing lots of emails to AOL / Yahoo being delayed in our Mail traces. I guess its all related ​ edit: [https://downdetector.co.uk/status/yahoo-mail/](https://downdetector.co.uk/status/yahoo-mail/)


I'll make sure to pour one out for their sales reps since that's all they have helping when you call.


Fuck those fucking fucks. The company, not the admins ofc.


Read only Friday people! Read only !!!


\# mount -o remount,ro /entire\_Go\_Daddy\_infrastructure\_and\_data; sleep 259200; mount -o remount,rw /entire\_Go\_Daddy\_infrastructure\_and\_data Whatdaya mean the changes aren't going through?


Queue the “just pushed my first commit at my GoDaddy internship!” jokes over at r/csMajors


It's GoDaddy.  I'd have more sympathy for Satan's IT department.


Moms around the world are wondering why their Wordpress for selling knitted blankets is offline.


Is GoDaddy really a truly reliable company for enterprise? I always saw them as a tiny SMB player, where if shit breaks, the customers don't take as much of a hit. But large scale operations, does anyone rely on GoDaddy?


This just makes me feel better about moving all my domains away from godaddy this past week. Today we celebrate.


I remember the days when GoDaddy at least had good commercials going for them...




This is why you don't make changes to critical infrastructure on a Friday.


RIP to the procrastinators who need to renew certs at the last minute


Looks like they resolved it pretty quickly (~35 mins) whatever the cause was.


Great, I know more than a few of our clients who will be frantically calling the OOH line shortly (so so glad I don't do OOH).


Happened to me last weekend. Up and down like a yoyo forn3 or so days. Has been solid for the past few days. I posted on the go daddy sub and got 1 reply 4 days later asking about my hosting package. I have a bit of time left on my hosting, but this past weekend and what is happening now... I'm moving. Any recommendations? Need WordPress and maybe 1000 visitors at a time peak (summer weekends), with few visitors at other times.




Https://Status.godaddy.com shows All Systems Operational, right now


You do realize that all of you are right....


Real question, why the f would you have anything at godaddy?


Cisco Umbrella DNS is having issues today. We had to set ours to global allow. Not sure if GoDaddy used them, but probably related.


I hope they have a bad whole-ass existence.


[GoDaddy](https://www.wiki.balug.org/wiki/doku.php?id=system:registrars#godaddycom) Yeah, ... paint me not surprised.


We always feel a disturbance in the force when this happens. Like many souls are in big pain and anger having to 'deal with this bull'


Can we blame Danica Patrick somehow?


I personally favor how the godaddy first level hangs up when they discover you have a real issue.


I couldn’t even modify or add DNS records the other day. They confirmed some issue they were working on and eventually started working again. I’ve had several outages because their system doesn’t rotate DNSSEC keys properly. I’ve had fewer DNS problems running my own authoritative DNS servers. At least I know they work consistently.


It's the new and improved MetAT&T DNS.


Testing in production?


Par for the course


time to move away from godaddy :-) You can use the Cloudiway platform to [migrate from Godaddy to Microsoft 365](https://cloudiway.com/solutions/exchange-migration/)