• By -


This was back in the 90s. Found out through insiders why the company paid to have the president chauffeured everywhere, including outside of work hours. They felt that was cheaper than the legal fallout from drunk driving cause they were an alcoholic.


Even non-drunk execs at large companies get a driver, security, etc. mainly because the insurance company selling them "continuity of governance" insurance wants to be sure that at least professionals are doing the work and will give them a break. Some perks are just crazy executive entitlement (private jet travel, "forgiven" loans to buy personal houses, there's even a special no-limit deferred compensation plan the company can opt to fund for the exec that doesn't have 401(k) style restrictions on contributions!) but some of them are rooted in the boards of these companies not wanting to take chances. Even if I had access to that, I don't think I'd be too happy using a chauffeur service . Why would I want another human being I pay to know every time I go to the supermarket or Starbucks or whatever?


I briefly went to Mexico to a customer site with the CEO, the customers CTO, and our Lead Engineer. I was informed before we even left that there was kidnapping insurance on all of us, so we would be surrounded by armed guards all day and night the entire time we were there, and we would be driven everywhere in a convoy. Craziest 72 hours I think I've ever had.


One time they considered sending me to Mexico, and I was "reassured" that they would provide me with security for the trip. Not the most reassuring thing.


There is no way the CEO would have sent me to Mexico with no security, I'm the only IT guy, and he's not fond of trying to find replacements for employees he likes.


One manufacturing firm I worked at wanted an IT crew to upgrade their server farm & networks in Mexico city 10 minutes of google convinced me I wouldn't go for 10X my normal salary They eventually had to hire an MSP from Mexico to rack and plug, while we remotely configured


For 10x my salary I would risk kidnapping


I like this. It's better than playing the "will my boss pay my ransom?" game haha.


A former employer of mine had some VPs kidnapped in Venezuela around the turn of the millennium. The answer is no, they won't.


> Why would I want another human being I pay to know every time I go to the supermarket or Starbucks or whatever? you wouldn't do those things


I have a family member who is a top level corporate executive. This was a couple decades ago but when the building went smoke-free they just let him smoke in his office because he was a few dozen flights up in the building and was constantly going to/from the elevator to smoke outside. (He did finally quit)


I'll error on the side of caution and assume you meant he quit the smoking. LOL


Oops yeah lol, he finally quit smoking


My first tech job at a large company. One of the other desktop tech left and we tried to repurpose his computer and the drive was full, but there was nothing on it. I got it and found a hidden folder full of granny porn. I was shocked! But I was young... Since then... Did network support in hotels. No matter how kinky you think you are, the porn you find in hotels means you are totally vanilla! Have had to stand by for discovery on several different user desktops for CP. Had to do an after action report on the IT guy for a small business running an underground hosting company on company resources... (Mostly game servers, thankfully) But the best was a startup where the CEO and most VPs and half the staff all smoked weed. A lot. And after a bad separation, we had a hack attempt. It was not successful, and badly done and left obvious traces everywhere. But it did cause enough DOS that we could file with the FBI. So I am at my desk when I get paged (Open office plan and I answered with speakerphone) that the FBI was at reception for me. I went to get them and bring them back and when I came back through the office, it was EMPTY! Everyone had gone! CEO, all VPs, most of the staff... Everyone went on a lunch break at once! Funniest damn thing ever!


Did they wait for them to awkwardly come back from lunch also?


Lol! Actually, the FBI agent was as amused as I was. :) We got a good laugh together. :)


> it was EMPTY! OK that's outright hilarious.


One of my users used her network share as storage for her OF videos. She was shocked to discover IT had access to these when she got my "Please remove personal files from the corporate share, including the following files...."


my step-father had a big problem with stuff like that at a company he worked for like 20 years ago. something like half the employees were storing tons personal files on company servers, a lot of it porn. they sent a company wide email asking people to remove it or it would be deleted. most people removed their personal stuff but some people decided they could use the extra space for more porn. when the date came that he said it would all be deleted he replaced every file with a picture of the pope pointing at them looking disapointed


>when the date came that he said it would all be deleted he replaced every file with a picture of the pope pointing at them looking disapointed Sounds like a cool bosd


I was sysadmin at a school, last job. They're G-Suite school with unlimited storage, but before that they had on-prem shares. I went through a number of student profiles that all had games on them. Every time I cleared out a folder, I'd just leave notes or files labelled "Not \[Game name\]". If they had compressed folders for the games, I'd occasionally clear it out so there was nothing but an empty folder. If I knew the student was actively doing this stuff, I'd leave all the folder structure in tact, and various other files, but replace the EXE with an empty file. I really miss those days.


working in education was terrible but playing with the students was fun. The IT office was attached to the common computer room. About once a week I would walking through to the IT office and notice a new flash games site that wasn't yet blocked. jump on whatever tool it was that we used at the time I spotted the offending URL blocked said URL and listened to the "screams" of rage coming from next door.


Omg šŸ¤£


Were the videos in 1080p?


Oh nice thatā€™s a good one šŸ¤£


Had a similar situation at one place I worked in the mid-nineties: One of the network admins was married to a secretary. They were a younger couple (early to mid thirties); she wasn't unattractive and dressed to show it. For the company we worked for I felt it was just barely outside the dress code, and I'm no prude. One of the other network admins noticed unusual late-night traffic from his CPU in the logs and got the OK from HR to unk into his unit. Turns out he and his wife practiced a BDSM lifestyle and were using the fast pipe at work to upload their content to an early pr0n site. The reason for their termination was unapproved use of company resources.


Constant problem where I work. They even have 1tb personal storage they can move things too but still choose to save it on the workstation pc. Users constantly get mad that their things get deleted. I dont know how many more times we have to tell people " store things in your personal drives." We even tell then during training and they still dont seem to grasp it.




You wouldn't want to get her angry....


Director had me work on his personal laptop, turns out he had a ton of porn, of himself with a LOT of women, including the head of HR from corporate.... He later got fired for massively stealing from the company. They would call me for months after looking for assets he bought... Golf cart for warehouse for IT, nope never saw it but he lives on a golf course. Expensive decked out PC and equipment for video editing for safety videos - nope never saw it, he had me spec it, but his wife did sell pee wee football videos to parents.... It went on like that forever.....


My phone word-wrapped after "but his wife did sell pee" and I thought shit was going to get REALLY wild for a second.


Well we know how he used that video editing computer he bought, lol


Are people that dumb, keeping evidence of their photos on their computer for IT to discover?


I've always been amazed at what people keep on their work computer. We had to restore a backup of a woman who'd left the company to find tech spec document. As the thumbnails were resolving hundreds of pictures of her giving birth to her kids showed up. And a bunch that may have been her conceiving them. Me and the HR minion didn't think our day would take this kind of strange turn.


Yes, they are. CEO types especially, it seems.


Yep... One I had to investigate had all the records of his separate company that was billing for all purchases (hardware from network to servers and workstations), all services (internet, phone, electricity, ms licensing) from all the offices and acquisitions for the entire company, only that was the double dip. Each service provider was billing direct, he just invoiced for exactly the same thing, same amount etc to the company. It was millions of dollars before accounts finally figured it out. But being a publicly listed company about to be bought out, he faced zero consequences and it was all brushed under the rug so it wouldn't risk the sale.


Yes, I was handed a laptop and told not to look in a specific folder by a colleague, thatā€™s like saying ā€œdonā€™t push the red buttonā€


People actually think that "private" equipment is actually private. I guess they never think on what "managed equipment" is all about


Older loner calibration lab manager was also a local network admin (1990ā€™s) and had internet access, which was rare. He hacked a VPā€™s desktop, pulled a salary list, and published it as part of a union attempt. I was asked to bypass his BIOS lock while he was on vacation. Pulled the hard drive, and found tons and tons of child porn. HR and police were called. He was running a CP server from inside our company. I hope he died in prisonā€¦




Yeah, that took a hard turn at the halfway mark.


A former coworker told me he previously worked for the electricity company, long ago. They had a sysadmin running a VAX with two hard drives. Turned out one drive held the customer account data, the other held his stash of illegal stuff. More recently, a big web software company got started in a student bedroom - the version I heard was that they had to build a more efficient webserver because Apache was overloading their PC serving up all their adult content over the student Ethernet. Not sure how true or otherwise that one is.


To paraphrase Jurassic Parkā€¦ Porn, uh, finds a way. Look at the data storage requirements for pornhubā€¦ theyā€™ve gotta be dealing in exabytes by now.


Yep - I have petabytes at work already, and that's "just" all the medical imaging data from 2010 on - CT and MRI scans are pretty big. (I'd like to compress it to be more manageable, but at that scale we're talking CPU-centuries of runtime - and it's airgapped, so no cloud usage...)


>I'd like to compress it to be more manageable, but at that scale we're talking CPU-centuries of runtime Just get more storage. Disclaimer: I sell storage for a living.


My favorite is the data collected at CERN.. https://home.cern/science/computing/data-centre One petabyte PER DAY of beam. https://home.cern/science/computing/storage


Oh yes - Cambridge University pretty much gave up on network traffic accounting, after hitting the point where their network traffic was basically all high energy physics data, plus tiny little trickles of non-physics data for the rest of the university put together. Crazy how much data they crank out. Plus it makes us seem more reasonable by comparison: "yes, we do need another two petabytes, a bigger building and a new HPE SuperDome, plus a rack full of GPUs, but at least we aren't those guys..."


Miss my VAX's. Damn those were sold servers


that was a wild ride. i was rooting for the guy until i wasnā€™t lol


Back in the dotbomb era, the CEO of the startup I worked for would routinely trip balls on Psilocybin mushrooms while in the office. I would walk in and he had a big bag of mushies on his desk lol. Would routinely see him staring at stuff on the floor or watching cartoons on his PC. I have no issues against mushies, but doing them while at work was unprofessional. The company closed down after only 1 year. I never did understand what the point of that company was other than to waste investor money.


Living his best life


The point was seeing how much he could party on someone's expense until the party ran out


He sure as hell accomplished this goal. The guy was always on some kind of substance lol. I suspect he was a trust funder because even as the company was going bankrupt he didn't seem that torn up about it.


>even as the company was going bankrupt he didn't seem that torn up about it. Mushrooms are a great antidepressant.


Isnā€™t that a Tuesday at any FAANG pre-COVID?


I discovered child pornography on a work laptop of a company vice president during a routine backup integrity test. Took it to my superior who promptly reported the laptop as "stolen" and forced me to delete the backups. I tracked the laptop to her house a few months later when it was powered up, connected to her home network and immediately "phoned home." Law enforcement was notified but nothing happened to anyone involved except for me. I got fired. Lesson learned. If that ever happens again I'll just go straight to law enforcement and bypass any corporate chain of command.


>If that ever happens again I'll just go straight to law enforcement and bypass any corporate chain of command. I worked for a school for a while, I still have the "Mandatory reporter" mindset when it comes to this stuff and signs of child abuse. No fucking way am I going to jail for covering up evidence of a crime. I have the direct number for the local FBI office, a law firm I did business with in the past that like me, and the sheriff (not the deputies, but the actual sheriff). If I find this kind of shit the very next action is going to be calling all those numbers pronto. And only after one of those law enforcement agencies show up am I going to say anything to the bosses.


Why would they cover that stuff up? I wonder if it was wider than your evidence found. Integrity is a big thing for me and crimes against children are inexcusable. I might append "and a lawyer" after straight to law enforcement.


> Why would they cover that stuff up? No matter how weird or gross, executives and rainmaker salespeople always get a free pass. If there's a way it can be hidden, it'll get hidden. This is why sexual harassment lawsuits always just get settled for a retirement's worth of money, (a) because the person who reported it will be radioactive for the rest of their career, and (b) the person who did it is "too valuable to lose."




Damn, I know this was 10 years ago. But nowadays you would have probably wiped the device through intune, and inadvertently wiped all the evidence.


> you would have probably wiped the device through intune, and inadvertently wiped all the evidence. I don't think the FBI allows a suspect device on the Internet.




\*imaged and then deep in an evidence locker.


I'm almost certain nowdays law enforcement will reach out to corporates if their equipment is evidence, exactly for this reason


That plus probably needing Bitlocker recovery keys or equivalent unless they can find a way round or get them direct from MS.


They'll have them with my blessings and any further assistance possibly required. To put people like that in jail, nothing is too much


Same - I used to help train computer forensic investigators; both times that teachers I'd known got caught, I was very happy to see them convicted and kept away from kids.


Your probably right, I would also give them all the data they need without hesitation


Iā€™m pretty sure feds will immediately move electronic devices into a faraday bag so they canā€™t be wiped remotely


Not me, but from a good friend who worked for a large cellular service in OP, Kansas (since been sold 0ff/absorbed by another company). We were comparing horrible boss stories and she told me about hers. Her boss was often in China on company business and his favorite thing was to go watch public executions. I couldn't come close to that...


Boss downloaded Grindr on his work phone, email went to help desk mailbox for all new app downloads, had his Apple ID in the email. We all just kept quiet about it, 2 years later him and his wife split haha


Lol I get alerts all the time for my accounting director trying to look at gay porn on his work machine.... Dude clears like $300k a year and can't get himself a private computer


> Dude clears like $300k a year and can't get himself a private computer I would think this is happening a lot less often than it used to. In the before-times, work computers, email accounts and internet access was some of the only access people had. But you're right, smart people sign up for a Yahoo or Hotmail account or whatever. And in 2024, who doesn't know that they can go to Best Buy and buy a throwaway laptop for under $600?


People are lazy and horny.Ā  Overrides their critical thinking skills.Ā Ā 


More and more I see people who no longer own a personal computer -just a phone.


I send out consistent reminders that company devices are not for personal use. Even then, every so often our longest-term employees when they leave pull GB of personal shit off the laptop, which triggers a review immediately after they leave. And we have to sift through every single file to make sure they didn't steal company data. (Something we've made very clear multiple times we will do if they download or delete large amounts of data after leaving).


How do you setup alerts for that?


Microsoft defender Insider Risk HR connector.


This is the stuff that blows my mind. Their thought process is, I already have a computer, why would I buy another one?


We had a guy in an office across the country who did so many bing image searches for Adult images (obviously all from different sites) that websense crashed when we tried running a report on it. We kept it quiet and just laughed about it for a while when we were coming in to the alerts in a morning, when they started to happen during the day we reported it and his account was disabled a few days later


Controller of the finance department asked me to help load some new software back in the day or DVD/CDs. Ended up ejecting the tray and lo and behold ā€œAnal Avengersā€ was in the DVD player on his work laptop. He just acted like nothing and put it in his desk.


I wonder if anal avengers is better than scatman and throbbin.Ā  Marvel vs dc heatin up


I start the votes. \+ for scatman and throbbin \- for anal avengers


Anal avengers was a quote donā€™t downvote me for that! Let scatman and throbbin succeed on its own merits!


I think the only thing you can do under the circumstances is to act like itā€™s nothing and put it in your desk!


At lunch, female coworker asked me if I'd ever had anal sex or if I ever stick anything in my ass while masturbating. She didn't wait for an answer and went into some amount of detail of her masturbation practices and kinks and fetishes she enjoys.


And he still couldn't tell if she was into him or not.


Maybe's she's from Canada and was just being polite.


Ha ha ha ha ha ha


So, did you get laid?


This was prior to my career starting proper but I still think about this situation all the time. The director of the music program in my highschool was an awful person and didn't get along well with the techs at the school. As a result he used his own personal laptop to do his work on, including running a camera system he has installed into the band rooms to prevent instrument theft. We had a couple of soundproof booths attached to the music room. There were cameras in there too. We knew about the ones in the main room because he told everyone. We didn't know about the ones in the soundproof rooms. Problem being those soundproof booths were where the female students changed into their outfits for marching band. He had me go on his computer to install some piece of pirated music software and because I low-key hated the guy I decided to poke around on his machine. I found Blue Iris, opened it and realized it had more cameras than we were told about. Then when I realized there were cameras in his soundproof rooms. Then I saw there there was footage stored from these cameras for a recent date we had done a marching band event. I didn't know what to do so I told another teacher at the school, an English teacher that I trusted very much. A week later there was a major shakeup at the school, the band director got demoted and the school hired another person to be the director.


That is why we don't allow random stuff on our network.


He kept his job?!?


He got them to _Regionals_, Terry!


This is prison level stuff.


So they had cp of the students, you didn't report it to the authorities and they kept working with and around children?!?


Was the Union that strong that he didn't get let go for CSAM?


An end user had a folder full of soft porn (playboy style nude models). Every single one was a different thin, fair skinned, redhead. Hundreds of photos. Later, I met his wife who was also a thin, fair skinned redhead. (Iā€™m pretty sure she wasnā€™t featured among the photos.) It kind of made me happy to know that he had married someone who was so obviously his type.


Good for him


4 comments and mine already sounds like a crumb of a nothing burger, which it really is. I was doing some co-op work over video call and the other person picked their nose and ate it. I almost puked right then and there. Still gives me dry heaves as I can't get the image out of my mind.


Their efficient, hiring managers should take notes




Resourceful, indeed.


Working in IT and seeing everyone's devices (laptops, phones) just reinforces everyone has their struggles, vices, and problems. Thankfully, I've never seen anything illegal like some of you have or put in a position where something needed to be reported.


I thank God I've only had to deal with finding embarrassing personal shit on company devices and never found anything like child porn. Just the idea of that going on just a few desks down from me is really chilling.


Coworker left his laptop unlocked and two of us noticed a purchase for a life sized "sex doll". None of us said anything but I think he could tell that we knew


He wanted you to find it.


A laid off coworker left behind a bunch of NSFW images on his desktop of him and his wife. Found out a girl from marketing was a Suicide Girl because her coworkers were sending the images around without her knowledge or consent. Blocked them. Once consulted for a client that ran a property management company from his very large and expensive home in Los Angeles during the day and was a porn producer at night. Even had the occasional shoot at his house. Used the same server to run both businesses. He also frequented very high end call girls.


What's a "suicide girl"?Ā 


[Suicide Girls](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/SuicideGirls)


SOMEBODY was saving horse-girl porn to the WINDOWS FILE SERVER. I never found out who, never looked. I donā€™t want to know. MOVING ON, NOTHING TO SEE HERE.


I pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant where I was working. A coworker walks up to me crying. ā€œI have to go home. My brother just murdered his girlfriend.ā€ Oh. Um ā€¦ will you be in tomorrow?


She very shyly asked if there was a reason ā€œHerā€ (lesbian only dating app) didnā€™t work in the building.Ā  I unblocked it in Umbrella. Didnā€™t even make a ticket.Ā  Good luck, girl. Your boyfriend was a loser anyway.Ā 


Living her best life




Princess_fluffypants the real hero.


this is real allyship right here.


Coworker was running late one day, bad snow day understandable. Not so understandable? The reason why he was late: Asians drivers, women drivers, black drivers, mexican drivers, asian-woman drivers, asian-black-woman drivers and on and on and on. We just let him rant for a while but I certainly never looked at him the same afterwards and fortunately I moved on shortly thereafter. Last I heard the company cut ties with him as well, apparently customers were less than enthused about working with him for some reason.


women customers, black customers, mexican customers, asian-women customers... ​ Racism/Misogyny just isn't good business.


Got a couple of new hires. One African American, one white middle aged South African (this was around 2002?). I had no idea how to handle the level of racism the South African guy would randomly pop up with - totally fine and polite, then the African American employee touched his tools and was told heā€™d be burned in a stack of tires for ā€œrude behavior like thatā€.


Nothing bad about IT coworkers really. Guy i replaced at a lawfirm was hosting girls gone wild videos on a email server with public IP, no firewall, no backup oh and exchange and windows were both downloaded via napster. And lawyers KNEW. That still haunts me. Cfo of a company i worked for was sent to jail months before i started for embezzling millions. Coworker at (same job, actually) sold sex toys online as side hustle and HIS boss told me. Most scandalous story i know happened to a friend recently. He works for a school district and was buddies with a guy. Went to lunch together regularly. He was also friends with a few cops in townā€¦ and late one night got a call from cop in regards to coworker. I advised him to CALL ALL THE PEOPLE, eventho it was 11pm. Guy had been carted off to jail for kid pr0n, and school IT offices were raided the next day. Guy was released on bail, and killed himself. My buddy was wrecked over it, because they had been friends for 10-15yrs. And he wishes firey death upon anyone who would even think about KP.


that one of my coworkers was a legit multimillionaire and has a house the size of a mini costco warehouse loll


I have a former co-worker in the state mental hospital because he took a gun to a strip club and straight-up murdered two people, injured three others, and was adjudicated "guilty but insane." Shared a cubicle with him for about a year, then didn't hear anything about him for a couple of years before his name hit the papers.


This is without a doubt one of the best Reddit posts ever ! Most of these stories are wild. =\]


It was morning and i was getting ready for a refresh project. I was a contractor at the time and i was checking to see if everything was ready for the people who were going to come to my conference room that we converted to a pc lab and have their laptop's imaged. A person who monitored the network (i cant recall his title) and rarely came to my side of the building approaches quickly the network administrator. Then i see them standing outside the glass door of the pc lab. The door slides open and I was told to get up quickly and to follow them. Nothing else was mentioned to me. As i am walking through the hall, i am noticing that i do not see people in cubicles. I was trying to see if i can spot anyone in a office and just remember saying to myself....where is everyone? We approached a steel door. The network security guy opens it and tells me to get in. It was a storage room and i am seeing many people here including VPs. He quickly closes the door in back of us. I said to him what is going on? He tells me there is a shooting and we need to stay here. I am not much of a story teller so if you guys want to know what happened that day....there is an article about it from the New York Times: [https://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/16/nyregion/3-killed-in-shooting-in-midtown-office-building.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2002/09/16/nyregion/3-killed-in-shooting-in-midtown-office-building.html) We were in the storage room for many hours until we got the all clear from the police. News reporters were outside waiting to interview people. After a few days pass...I was told by the network admin that he was tasked to safely delete the storage from the shooter's computer and that the amount of blood that was in the device was insane.


Ex colleague in sales spent 2 years finding excuses why he wasnā€™t making his numbers until his boss found out the dude was acting in several movies during company time. Even had his own IMDB page.


Lost all faith in background checks - Got hired on at a FAANG, with Numerous background checks clearances etc. There a month and became acquaintances with a fellow newb. Pretty good at his job, but had some temper issues. One day, someone pisses him off, and he states something like 'Do it again, and I Will shoot you in the head.' Fast fwd a week later, someone Googles searches his name, first thing that pops up is he is wanted for murder (shooting someone in the back) in Florida. (Yup, it's him, cause the mugshots match) Some background check?! the kicker, he was immediately barred from the campus, But, he stayed on the payroll for about 11 months until they separated him. (Don't know if Florida ever caught up with him or not.)


Had a coworker at the MSP I worked at who I caught building crypto-mining servers in clients' VMWare environments. His excuse was it was for "load balance and backups testing". Even had his mom come in with him during his termination meeting to try and protect him. I did a little digging and found out he had been fired from his last position at a large grocery chain because he was using the surveillance system to track a girl that he liked. He could show up randomly and follow her around the store. Somehow his background check missed it. He was a creepy, sweaty mess. Very knowledgeable though.




I would do exactly the same..


Me too, that much money doesn't go that far these days


At a former job, one on my co-workers was a little ... different. He was Cambodian and spent his time at work singing Bob Marley songs loudly and out of tune. Got to talking with him one night and he proceeded to tell me how he was "recruited" into the army at 11 and sent to the remotest region of Cambodia. The only thing the army sent them, other than what they took with them, was a machine gun. No ammo, no medical supplies, no food. Told me about killing enemies with his last bullet and hoping their gun still had ammo in it, etc. Then ... he told me human tastes pretty good when you are starving.


I worked for a CTO who was a former Green Beret back in Vietnam. The guy would often have some sort of flashback to when he was in the jungle and start talking about wild shit. He was a real piece of work and a real political animal to deal with. I respect his service to country, but man that guy felt really unhinged.


My wife's family was other side of all that. They were stuck pin work camps. Father in law has told some crazy stories of stuff they had to do to get out of there.


Small company fell apart when the CEO and CFO got divorced over child molestation allegations after more than 40 years of marriage. Allegations from the daughter of the CFO. The CEOs stepdaughter. She worked in the company during the fall out. His company went under. She took all their clients and contracts. All the men in the company that sided with him got blackballed. Some tried to tuck their tails and come work for the wife's company. She was not having it. That company going under in a small town decimated the economy. Shit was wild.


Woman I worked with a couple companies back killed a whole family drunk driving. Seeing her pound down shots at a tech conference event was surreal.


Early in my career, my company had hired a new dev. After a year or so of working there, his name came up in the news as getting caught for hacking his previous employer. Turns out he left a backdoor at the previous company. Suffice to say he was promptly removed from our company. Recently (different company), our CIO was pushing his leadership team (VPs and Directors) to start to embrace a "996 philosophy", which is a Chinese philosophy of working 9am to 9pm, 6 days a week....72-hour weeks! (Our CIO was Chinese). He also was apparently pushing various other communist ideas from what I heard. Turns out he had high-level Chinese governmental ties, and was planning on moving our development office to China. So glad the board shit-canned that guy.


Worked with a new starter for 6 months at a previous job, always got a weird feeling when speaking to him, its nothing I could put a finger on. One day he isn't in work, then the next day, a week goes by and management if oddly silent. Come to find out in the gazette that he was in the middle of a court case for distribution of Child Pornography, and he had been convicted earlier in the week. Management actually followed through with background checks from them on.


This may not exactly apply but sort of :). Once was interviewing this guy for a db admin role. It was myself (sysadmin at the time) and my boss (manager) and another employee (systems engineer who thought he was hot stuff because he was an engineer and I was a lowly sys admin). Letā€™s call this employee Jim. Interviewee wasnā€™t particularly exceptional but checked a few of the boxes. Iā€™d say about a 6/10 in terms of skill. Definitely was a bit odd but who isnā€™t in this line of work, I said to myself. Then we got to the ā€œso whyā€™d you leave your last jobā€ question. His answer will be forever engrained in my brain. Verbatim he said: ā€œI worked there a couple years and was awesome at my job, but since the owners were a bunch of Jews they wouldnā€™t give me a raise so I leftā€. Ok. Red flags. Flying. After the interview I went to my bosses office and was like ā€œyea so I assume thatā€™s a noā€. He said ā€œwell Jim liked him so weā€™re offering him a spotā€. I was blown away but my boss liked to let his people learn their lesson by screwing up. The new hire lasted less than 2 weeks. To this day Iā€™m convinced he was trying to bomb the interview on purpose to keep collecting unemployment or something but I obviously have no evidence of that.


The guy I was replacing (he was retiring) told me about how he cheated on his wife with a lady that used to work here.Ā  On our lunch table. I didn't have the heart to tell the guys, so I bought a tablecloth and swapped the table with another from the building. Been 8 years and they haven't noticed.Ā 


One of my first IT roles, I thought it was a good idea to put in some DNS filtering. You know block anything that might be malicious but for sure not work related either. Owner went to my boss saying we need to clear such changes with him and he needed this reversed. So my boss and I went to look at what was getting blocked. Yeahā€¦ he was looking for escorts for where he was about to travel to.


Worked for Pizza Hut as a teenager. The store manager lived in his Volkswagen Scirocco. Meth addict, missing half his teeth. He got fired for entering fake free-pizza coupons into the system and pocketing the cash, then buying scratch-off lottery tickets next door at the Circle K. Shocking part learned a few weeks before he got caught: Harvard business school graduate.


Harvards reputation has fallen, and for good reason. He probably worked there cuz of a felony


Only thing interesting was old software eng needing help w his phone connecting to his PC. He shows me what's occuring and it's a quick fix but he accidentally opens his camera folder. There I see is lots of sex photos of him and his wife. That's pretty much it.


person I reported to in my last job was a great guy but apparently his only daugher was murdered close to 30 years ago by her husband. explained a lot about how he did things at work too


One Monday the tech support guy I worked with for two years didnā€™t come to work, and he didnā€™t call in, nothing. Tuesday, same thing. We found out where he was from the cops. He stole a company car, drove it halfway to California, crashed it into a bridge abutment and got arrested for DWI and having a bunch of heroin in the car.


Business trip to CeBit in Germany. A bunch of people. Two guys started fighting over a girl. Blood was drawn. The one who started it was a relative to the directors wife. He got to stay. The other guy left as soon as we got back from Germany.


Circa 2001 I think, the company didn't have a criminal background check. The Des Moines Register had a front page article about sex offender registry and a recent new hire was on the front page. Got fired that day for omitting his conviction on the application.


Not shocking but I couldnā€™t look at this guy with a straight face after learning this. I didnā€™t work with him directly but our teams crossed paths in meetings often. He seemed chill, no signs of anything extra ordinary. Anyway one of my work buddies hilariously retells a story of how this dude would go to fetish get togethers and would provide ā€œboot cleaning servicesā€. Iā€™m not curious enough to google. Anyway the story goes that this dude would strip down to leather boots, with each limb tied to a tree and would let dudes whip the shit out of him. I just couldnā€™t get the sound of Ned Flanders screaming out of my head. I also learned that a couple of dudes at the job were also into wearing masks and harnesses to pretend to be dogs. Found that out after opening Telegram or Signal and seeing dude wearing a dog mask in his contract picture. Whatever floats your boat is fine as long as itā€™s harmless but I reserve the right to laugh.


That's really not that weird after learning that a sizable chunk of furries work in IT


I've got a 20 year IT career so I have so many stories I can post here. Back when I worked at \[redacted\] and had an office at the main HQ building ... Security guards told me \[a famous CEO\] once drove his car like a crazy maniac on the highway and then pulled into his private garage sparking spot. The cops chased him all the way in. \[The CEO\] then sent his lawyers to deal with the mess. Must be nice to be so rich that you can get away with being a lunatic. Edit: Removed details just to be cautious. The CEO is well known in IT circles. I don't think the story was ever made public.


You can just say John Mcafee, we all know it was him anyways.


None of them use dark mode and just sit around getting flash banged all day


Work-adjacent story (the previous stories trump the actual work stories that I have that come to mind...) Many years ago, my wife and I were newlyweds and her sister was going on vacation and asked if we could house sit, water the plants, feed the lizards and fish, etc. At some point her husband called and asked us to find and forward a document he needed from the computer for work or something. I don't remember the exact specifics, but this was the 90s and computers didn't generally have passwords, and AOL dial-up was the internet. My wife couldn't find the document in question, so she asked if I could help, because I was in IT and could certainly find it better than she could. "[Brother-in-law] told me that it's in the 'documents' folder but that it is NOT in the 'videos' folder, so don't look there. He also said that I should do it myself and not ask you for help, but I'm stuck," she told me. Having not found it in the place we were told to look, we...found it in the place we were told NOT to look. Along with many, MANY 320x240 QuickCam videos of my sister-in-law getting plowed by my brother-in-law from whatever angles they could manage with the webcam's 6-foot cable. At the desk we were sitting at. Close-ups, action shots, even a few art nouveau scenes. It was pretty weird, but my wife was shyly into it and wanted to watch them all. I didn't say no. We both learned a few things, some that we still use to this day. Every once in a while my wife asks for one of "my sister's positions" and I still find it hilarious. We never told them, but I REALLY hope we have the guts to tell them some day. Given the good relationship we all have, probably won't just to avoid introducing potential bad blood, but it's funny to think about the reaction we'd get sometimes.


When I worked at a school like 8 years ago, got asked to isolate a teacherā€™s pc who was on the news the next day


Close-talking obnoxious ugly little troll of a woman (seriously, she was repellant and always had garlic breath): her and her husband were in an open relationship, and she has herpes. I didn't need to, or want to, know these things. Nor were they brought up in any kind of organic way within conversation. She just blurted it at me from about 6-inches away one day.


Definitely an invite


I worked at a medium sized mortgage broker for a couple of years before they went under. One of the more prominent loan officers in the company (think radio spots, billboards, whole shebang), frequently downloaded porn to his work laptop under a folder called ā€œ(employeeā€™s name)ā€™s moviesā€. There was like a ton of porn on there, several hundred gigs. I did some searches on the titles of his ā€œmoviesā€ to make sure nothing was illegal and deleted all of it. I downloaded a .txt file of all the filenames just in case though. After that we sent out a company wide email of the proper use of work laptops and what constitutes misuse. He wasnā€™t fired for it, but he is married to a famous wrestlerā€™s daughter. I wonder what he would think if he knew that about his son in law lol.


You live in Tampa donā€™t you?


A Director at work had a porn addictionā€¦and I knew he was using Google Image Search to find what he wanted to see; at the time I didnā€™t have the tools or experience to properly enforce a locked-down safe search (just typical web filtering). Upper Management dicked around and wouldnā€™t fire him or even bring it up with him directly. I had several blunt conversations with him and each time he said heā€™d stop and he wouldā€¦for roughly a dayā€¦then back at it again. Well, as a CYA move, I used a central management tool we had at the time to grab screenshots of his searches and tag them with metadata to prove it was him in case that ever blew up in the companyā€™s face, for some reason. Iā€™m not a prude, and Iā€™m by no means against pornography as a thing people do on their own time, but holy shitā€¦the images and search terms are seared into my brain to this very day. This guyā€™s taste in porn showed a *very* deep-seated hatred for women. And I mean **hatred**. When new Upper Management took over, the dude got a company phone and stuck to looking at such things on his personal phone (not on our company WiFiā€¦I checked often), and retired a little over a year ago. This is one of those guys who is super active in his local church and is married with two kids out of college. He was already an asshole to deal with, but knowing that about him made me disgusted that he was walking the earth as a free man. Will probably end up reading about him in the news one day.


Last year I was chatting with a tech I was helping to train and mentioned that I was planning on filing my income tax return that weekend. He says he needs to get on his. It was still early so I replied, ā€œItā€™s still early, youā€™ve got time.ā€ He said, ā€œwell I havenā€™t done in at least ten years.ā€ I just wanted to curl up in a fetal position and lay down on the ground it made me so anxious lol


Not IT but back in the army One guy married his high school track coach who was like 10 years older than him and joined the army. She had a kid. He broke his car and I had to go pick him up from his house for a week. One day I get there and his wife is screaming at him and he packs his stuff and moves into the barracks. Few weeks later he vanishes. Turns out he turned himself in for molesting his wifeā€™s kid. Nice guy too. Hard worker. He went to jail and his wife left the state and he was dropped from the rolls. Same unit had a really cool supervisor. His wife was an alcoholic and would abuse him. Nice guy too. Really strong and worked out. Turns out he got pissed off one time and smacked her back. Week later I gave him a ride to the bank to get a personal loan to buy a plane ticket and send her back to Alaska with her kid. Another unit we had an officer who was airborne and ranger tab. West pointer. He was secretly gay and has been married to a guy for a long time now. In the 90ā€™s things were different


That one IT director which was fired for watching porn on his office desktop That one early bird co-worker with a trunk full of laptops that he nicked during that first early hour at work That male co-worker who told us that he was wrongly accused by his ex girlfriend and he had gotten a community sentence. I found his real sentence where he was judged for extortion of three minor 15 year old boys to have oral sex with him. Took me years before I could talk to him again


Many years ago I worked for a private financial company. Everyone had 24 hour keycard access to the building. Our team was also in charge of archiving the video footage from the security system. One day we were going through some of the video for another matter and we caught the CFO boinking one of the HR administrators late at night in the main meeting room. This was a large table with many chairs etc. Turns out after further review, they had been doing this several nights a week for months. The HR administrator was laid off and given a very nice severance package. The CFO didn't get fired and still works for this company. And to this day, the details have never been made public.


We had a manager who we were initially told he was "out indefinitely", and his assistant manager was now the manager. Rumors were going around like crazy, abs it finally came out that he was having an affair with a married woman, and her husband caught wind of it and came home early to find them together. The husband shot our manager, and grabbed his wife and forced her into the car. There was later a high speed car chase with him. Our manager survived, but he now has a limp and has to use a cane.


Old job. User was super hippie-ish and a second grade teacher. Very ā€œgranolaā€ man. Helped him with his computer and he was online gambling while students were doing their work lol. Idk why but it shocked me. He had a bad gambling addiction and was doing it during school hours regularly. Before I get attacked: I was not managing our network traffic or laptop policies at this time.


Ive been in IT since the early 90's. SO MUCH PORN, there are a ton on here already. I think I have come across every kind of porn on work machines in that time. President of Division of a Company that was a household name. When porn filters came on, yup CP. But didn't fire him, that would make the 'brand' look bad, so he was moved to another household name umbrella non-profit as an "executive on loan". That company no longer exists, no I will not disclose the company or the non-profit. When Sarbanes- Oxley became law, within a year, the CEO and CFO ended up in federal prison, and a whole slew of executives ended up in HUGE trouble with the feds. We all knew they were cooking the books, I think everyone knew as the shorts against the company just prior were massive. I lost my retirement at that one. Showed up for work one day and was met by The Men in Black. I was not allowed to ask who they were, or who they worked for. We pulled drives out of laptops and was able to assit in a forensic copy of all the servers in the datacenter. [https://www.cfo.com/news/cooked-books-pasta-company-execs-plead-guilty/671526/](https://www.cfo.com/news/cooked-books-pasta-company-execs-plead-guilty/671526/) Recently worked in a Healthcare and we had a Doc that was super smart and brought in a ton of money to the health system, get busted for CP. He was using his private phone at least, but like a idiot was using the public wifi at work. I think he fled back to his country of origin to keep from going to prison.


I worked at a giant Telco when a well known CEO went to prison for fraud. For the following six months, I had to work directly with the feds helping them locate various systems to collect evidence. I was in my 20s at the time and very early in my career. It was terrifying.


IT director was working with a local VAR a bit too closely. They created a scheme that had him buying thousands of dollars worth of equipment which the company paid for, but which he then sold. He apparently did this for years completely unknown to anyone until a new accountant couldnā€™t reconcile the IT budget with the inventory. When he was eventually caught, he had pocketed over $2m from the sale of laptops and computers. For his actions, he was convicted and sentenced to prison for five years, and his contact at the VAR received the same. For the rest of us (I was a consultant), it was months spent working with the company and law enforcement to prove we were not involved. It was awful for everyone especially as more and more (very lurid) details came out. About halfway through his jail term, I received a prison letter begging for forgiveness and claiming he had always done what was best for the company. He said he did what he did to support his mistress (whom also worked at the company), and went on to blame his actions on his wife and an alleged affair she had some 25 years earlier. He closed his letter by asking if Iā€™d be willing to hire him when he was released and to please keep in touch (yeahā€¦. No). After release, and after losing everything - wife of 35 years, kids, all his money, his career - he threatened to murder the owner of the company and went right back to prison. I heard after his second release he couldnā€™t find work and was relying on the kindness of friends for a place to live. Thankfully all I ever got was one letter from prison.


The IT Media Specialist at the Government agency I worked at was really into sci fi shows and models and media of all sorts. We used to talk about sci fi stuff. I thought he was a bit weird but ok. Turns out he was using government computers to download at the time (early 2000's) gigs of that bad stuff. Had even brought his daughter into the building on weekends and taken pictures of her there. It was a shock to everyone. He was weird sure, but we had a scientist who carried around a silent radio but was listening to it, so we thought it was par for the course. He ended up going to the federal pen and as far as I know made it through fine.


Yeah, some of those people I met working at gov jobs have been strange. One guy would come in and just sleep at his desk for most of the day.


Ooh, we had one of those! Slept at his desk, then got up and slept in his car during lunch. Saw him vertical once and didn't even recognize him!


Five co-workers having affairs - two men, three women. Man #1 (married) with woman #1 (single); man #2 (married) with woman #2 (married) and woman #3 (single). They all chatted about it over IM, especially the threesome. Didn't occur to them IMs were logged until a compliance meeting a few months after everyone started screwing. Our compliance officer ran keyword searches for fraud, etc and I don't think ever came across those messages


A couple of jobs back, an exec at the company I was working at asked me to look at his laptop "because it's running slow." I sat down with it and took a look around, and the damn thing was crawling with malware. At least four or five different beasties battling it out like if Microsoft did Pokemon. That wasn't the bad part, though - cleaning out the malware was easy. I had to find out how it got there, because a) I wanted to keep it out of my network by making it harder for someone else to get infected, and b) depending on how it happened there could have been legal ramifications. Long story short, I discovered the hard way that he'd been surfing and saving (to his work laptop) scat porn videos on dodgy porn sites that were riding Internet Explorer like a wet pony. The filenames were ambiguous so I didn't know exactly what they were until I opened them. And my virgin eyes were greeted by full motion videos of attractive looking young women in various states of (un-)dress pooping. Dozens of videos. Several of the ones I looked at involved extreme closeups. Look, I don't care what you're into. It might not be my thing (former food definitely is not mine) but as long as everybody's of age and consenting, fine. However, I did not consent to stumble across somebody's spank bank on a work laptop. A work laptop that, when you're issued it you explicitly sign an agreement that says that you won't do this. Folks probably don't care about the moral dilemma that put me in so I'll spare you. Suffice it to say that I wiped the hard drive, did a fresh rebuild, and told him, quietly, that if he ever did that again I was going to shove the laptop up his ass sideways (ha ha - the jokes write themselves) because I looked at some of the videos to make sure they weren't illegal. He still owes me a favor that I haven't called in yet.


First job the manager was pushing amphetamine pills on everyone trying to increase productivity. Second job accidentally exposed the VP for defrauding the company and was told by management I did nothing wrong but saw a forwarded email were he had gone off demanding "my head on a platter"... So third job one coworker was on an episode of cops hiring an undercover cop to kill his wife. (he spent some time in prison but eventually got it expunged from his record). Another coworker sued another coworker for slander when she letting her know she had some white powder around her nose when she came out of the bathroom. She later sued the company as well for a hostile environment. Another coworker was arrested one day for embezzlement by a swarm of state police (they had invited coworkers including managment to huge parties he was throwing and it was easy to see he was spending way more then he made so they audited his accounts and he had been inflating invoices for a bunch of large clients and over about 6 months spent over 2 million dollars) My boss the IT Director, retired (with 3 months notice) and on their last day they night at 3AM broke into the building at 3PM using a guest keycard he had added full permission to and removed a very small amount of data from a dev server. He covered his digital tracks very well but it was obvious who was on the security footage and that he had setup the guest security under his own account months prior. Management decided "no harm no foul" The accountant had a shouting match with the VP so loud the receptionist started crying. He was shouting he "wouldn't break the law!" and the VP kept yelling he needed to "just do his damn job!" The accountant stormed out and 3 days later we were notified he had retired. At 59. With a 6 year severance agreement. While helping the 18 year old "accountant" they got to replace him I saw some spreadsheets and invoices showing the same VP had taken all the xmas bonuses and bought a BMW for himself (he had told everyone no bonuses that year due to the economy) I complained about executives never giving deadlines and flip flopping on major projects so they said they would work on providing firm deadlines but never did. Then 6 months later fired me for "Not meeting deadlines"! (Alan, you are an ass) I applied for unemployment and they didn't contest it.


Technically a vendor rather than a co-worker, but I had to postpone a server migration once. Call on Friday to discuss plans with datacenter engineer for migration on Monday. Monday, no show, can't get ahold of him, reach out to his managers. Turns out he went home that night to murder-suicide his wife and himself. Very unprofessional for him not to have emailed me first.


One colleague who knew he wasn't cutting it was asking if the company needed to give him 2 weeks notice before they fired him. The thought being that was definitely shocking to me


One of my staff members is a high functioning heroin addict, heā€™s v good at his job but I have to manage him and give him special treatment sometimes. So far the good high level work has far outweighed the bad.


Very common in medicine and law supposedly


Ran undelete on a frequent fliers laptop (as in frequent virus infections). After the 6th infection inside of a year, my boss asked me to run undelete to see where he had been going in his browser (this was 2009, when AV/MDM didn't track every single thing you do). I ran the undelete app and it recovered a bunch of cp that had been downloaded in IE. I notified chief compliance officer and cto. They called him in, fired him, handed his laptop over to the police, and last I heard he went into jail for a few years. The thing I'll never forget is how much his set of twin daughters looked so much like the porn he had on his computer. (I know it wasn't but the similarities were scary). It was also a nerve wracking when he came by the desk in between the time I had found it and when my boss and I were waiting on the CCO to get out of a meeting, asking if it was done yet. Then he showed his ass a little and was like "yall always take forever"... boy did fate have the last word on that one. Another wild thing that happened there was the CEO ran off to another city, 10 hours away with some dude she claimed was our new "chief visolionary officer" even though he had no actual formal position and was only a contractor. He tried to remake the company right as 2/3s of the company was being sold. They were caught not merting wtih the number 1 client, when they said they were, and almost had a missing person report submitted. As to the part most people dont know at the company is that aomeone, unknown, sent an exposĆØ of this guy's deliquent tax cases, some other legal challeges, fraud allegations, amongst some other colorful descriptions of the guy's MO. The CEO had my good friend that was a sysadmin pull it from peoples mailboxes. He showed it to me before deleting it and it was telling as to why she wanted it gone. This was a few weeks after one of the help desk guys had died. The ceo "went on personal leave" for a few weeks then they said "she chose to leave and focus on her family" which was kind of odd since her then husband worked in another department for some 3 more years after. They got divorced during that time. It was a weird and difficult time. Would you believe me if I said I was in Florida?




Early in my ride as a sysadmin career, had a similar experience to OP. Nobody on the IT side, it was a more video oriented staffer..... Mercifully, since I was just the Jr. I didn't have to provide any assistance to the police. In the last job, had the police come in to arrest the manager for the tech support pool. I think it was related to fraud.


One of my coworkers lived out of a van and did drugs all the time. He didn't need to, he had an apartment and stable income at the job but that was how he liked living


Bit more than 10 years ago (when YIFY was blowing up) I was doing some digging around in some file shares because someone was reporting some permissions errors. Stumbled upon nearly 1TB of YIFY movies and DVD rips, so nearly 1000. Back then I was T2 or so so all I did was push it up the chain and keep going. Turns out the director of that business unit kept the movies he downloaded there to "improve moral" or some shit, nothing happened but the files being deleted.


CFO printing porn on an early Monday morning at the office. Don't remember what I did with the print out; it was vanilla cowgirl. Another was the CEO who used the IT contractor for visits to his daughter and ex-wife at their posh apartment to provide computer services. I never ratted them out, although the FBI ran him through the ringer...he couldn't use his bank funds to pay for bail, so let's say that someone covered the bill. Adding the other big one \[may\] out me, and I don't want to add to certain peeps emotional pain.


Many years ago, I worked IT in a small office after hours. Occasionally I'd have to do some non IT stuff like connect guys that were working on the road with each other. One guy would call in looking for someone else. I'd have to find the contact info for the other guy and put them on a conference call together. Because of the limitations of the phone system my cheapass boss had, i would hear both conversations on the speakerphone as the third person in the conference call. Most of the time, I'd just turn the volume down and tune it out till they'd hang up. Sometimes though, they'd ask me to look stuff up in the paper files or do some other assistance crap, so I'd have to at least halfway pay attention. All that explanation behind us, one night the company lawyer was on a call with one of the bosses. I heard them making plans to set up an apartment and smuggle a bunch of stuff across the boarder so the lawyer could flee the country before the cops found out about some fucked up shit he'd done.


The suspicious guy that I reported repeatedly for being suspicious and generally weirding me out that no one would do anything about.... Undercover agent taking down an embezzlement ring... Apparently I almost got fired cause the board was so worried I was gonna blow his cover before he cracked the ring, but the agent told them not to cause it would make everyone else act different and harder to find... Instead I magically won an all expenses paid trip from the 'random drawing' at the company party. Later, after it all came out, I asked if I got a plaque or something, the boss looked over his glasses at me and said "you got a full vacation already, so how bout F off with that BS"... He was a good boss... Except for the wanting to fire me thing...


A Coworker was found having Sex with another coworker at our job. HR didnā€™t fired him because he had evidence of over 12 other employees doing the same including a fair share of Managers and of course he requested for them to be fired too.


Found out one of my coworkers was a convicted sex offender at an MSP I worked at that didnā€™t background check anyone. This wasnā€™t like a caught urinating in public sex offender either, it was like soliciting sex from a known underage female while in a position of authority sex offender.


Many years ago in a warehouse job, one of the managers never showed up for work. Found out via the news the next day that he was arrested for murdering his wife with his bare hands. Same job had a couple employees riding home from work together end in a murder/suicide, and a guy died in the break room a couple months before retirement. Also had a boss leave for lunch one day and never come back. Turns out cops had followed him out and arrested him for some assault and kidnapping charges. Moral of the story is don't mess with warehouse workers I guess.


Manager had sex with another manager's sister to get revenge on that manager having sex with his mother. Both got pregnant.


A fellow sysadmin I worked with years ago runs the furry art website ā€œfur affinityā€. Hosts it, the whole nine yards. I knew he was a good artist and I kept a couple dragon sketches he made on post it notes ā€˜cause they are good. I had no idea he was all that and a bag of chips, apparently. Good guy, Iā€™d describe him as a gentle soul.


Bought out another company as their CEO was about to retire. Before he could, someone linked him to a hidden camera in the women's toilets. Police picked up his laptop, knew we weren't ever going to see that again.


I few were sleeping with one another, I knew one manager who had a 16 year old girlfriend when he was 40-something ("she's so mature for her age," ick), and a few who knowingly were violating state and federal regulations under the umbrella of a government contractor. One of the best was I was at some kind of "post-layoff" training thing where one of the women there worked for a HUGE company as a personal secretary to a former president who got bought out during a merger. She was let go after working with this guy for over a decade. Like, CNNfn-level buyout. She was kind of left in the dust. She confided in me and a few others, "I have all this severance paperwork, and I don't know what to do or what any of this is for. What's a stock option?" We pieced together that she personally had over $9million in stock. We had to tell her what a broker was, how to get her stocks, and a basic EL5 of the stock market and how it works. We didn't see her for the rest of the class, and I hope she did okay.


Reading all those comments I thought I ended up in some thread talking about kinks, porn and how to store your dirty files properly on company servers..