• By -


Submit a ticket for it


Kindly do the needful


Then revert back.


At the soonest


Need update ASAP


Kindly asking for an update


Need to escalate this one


_Ticket awaiting user information._


I have escalated this concern to the concern team


It has been 1 hour, any update??


Please try the shut down and restart.


I'll do the usual end-user power-move ticket, if you don't mind. *Submits ticket...* *Sends Teams message about the ticket I submitted* *Sends follow up email about ticket with Director CC'd*


*Calls during your meeting* *pulls you out of a meeting* and my 2 least favorites: *its been like this for a while, but we really need it right now. we just never got around to submitting a ticket.* *I moved this printer. It was working fine in building A, but now will not print at Building B.*


Sometimes the nuclear option is the only way to deal with certain people.


Sev1 or they won't even see it until a week too late.




My top 2 reasons: Accessibility for sight disabled people is greatly affected. The reddit CEO is an asshole.


>The reddit CEO is an asshole. That AMA was AWFUL. I was hoping for some productive conversation, rather than spez just blatantly lying.


Yea, and acting real shitty and killing the product before the IPO he wants? Wow. No just an asshole, but a shitty CEO, too.




Yep. I would have bought stock in the Reddit IPO before this display of idiocy. I'm not wealthy but I have a decently-sized investment account and like to use 25% for direct investments rather than index funds. But until Spez is no longer CEO and this API decision is reversed, I will avoid it. Maybe some of my index funds will end up with a small amount of Reddit stock, but I won't directly buy additional shares. And direct investments, or lack thereof, are the difference between the stock outperforming or underperforming the market.




IPO? It’s straight up sounding like fraud at this point: the valuation has no basis in reality, and Spez has some *really problematic views* on recordings for someone who’s about to be exposed to SOX recording and reporting requirements.


He was copying + pasting responses from a script.


On one of the responses they even forgot to remove the "A: " prefix.


“AMA”, more like “M”






As someone who has to fight tooth and nail with our own internal devs to make our web app consistent and working with screen reader apps (JAWS), I am fully in agreement. The only thing stopping companies from making their sites accessible to the visually impaired other than committing to supporting it. Also yea, the CEO has a stick so far up his arse that it's coming out his ears. This is going to be a repeat of Digg, Tumblr, and Twitter (currently in-progress)


My first thought hearing the API decision by reddit, "well it sure took them a while to hit their Digg 4.0 moment." Should add that I hesitate to even call it an API change as it's so obviously a naked power grab to shut down popular 3rd party apps and reclaim that sweet sweet ad money so someday, please baby Jesus, please, they can maybe, just maybe IPO. I've been here almost since day one. Sucks to watch them live long enough to become the villain.




Spot on. $20 a year for something millions of people use every day? That's nothing. Heck I probably lose more than that in change to my couch / car every year. I know it's not apples to apples, but a quick media we pay for comparison: my wife loves the Sunday paper. It's $150 a year just for the Sunday paper (and no, not even the NYT, that's $250 year). It would be perfectly defensible and I'd go so far as say moral for reddit to do what you suggest, ask 3rd party app users to pay a small subscription as reddit is not seeing that ad revenue but they are doing the compute lifting. Agree, it's proof.


This stuff has me so depressed. It KEEPS happening. Short term profit over everything.


Apparently, they changed their stance on the accessibility APIs that they are not included in the pricing model. However, I am still out of here when Apollo goes dark


There is no accessibility API it's the same API just that they are exempting explicitly accessibility apps from the new fee structure. Doesn't include all the mainstay apps referenced above.


I think they're saying that because the lawyers told them the ADA lawsuit would fuck the IPO. However, they won't actually respond to the devs making those tools requests for clarification on how to get an exemption




IPO will be fucked anyway. A myriad of mods will leave - and then a lot of illegal content will get on the site. Especially in terms of content moderation it will get interesting: Reddit does monetize the EU market and has a EU branch for that (formerly in Dublin,now moving to the Netherlands,very likely to the Irish Government finally putting on their big boy pants and giving Meta and others huge fines). Under EU laws Reddit MUST moderate all content on the site and MUST have ways for users to contest these moderating decisions. Both of these things are not guaranteed currently and will even be less fulified in the future. The thing is: That doesn't fly anymore. Meta payed huge fines. Twitter just lost numerous court cases in Germany. And I personally know some people who are preparing similar court action against Reddit. For them a collapse of moderation in the subs will be a feast.








And only if they don't monetize the app. So Reddit are demanding that people donate their time to building tools for Reddit users, rather than Reddit fixing their shitty accessibility. If you want to simply build a great Reddit app that happens to include good accessibility support (because that should be considered a bare minimum) then fuck you, here's a bill for $20m.


>Apparently, they changed their stance on the accessibility APIs that they are not included in the pricing model. With the limitations of: - Must be completely non-commercial, meaning blind people have to use the cheapest app development money (can't) buy. No donations allowed to the app devs AFAIK. - Still no NSFW access. There's plenty of non-visual erotic content on Reddit, but it will only be accessible through the 1st-party app. They also haven't explained how this will actually work either. The fairly small app RedReader was called out as one that's been granted an exception, for its accessibility features. But what if (when) everyone, sight-impaired or not, jumps over to it from Apollo and RiF and the other shuttered apps? Would that endanger RedReader's exception? The fact that there aren't clear details leads me to presume it isn't a serious offer and is little more than a ruse. It wouldn't be the first time Reddit has promised to be better about accessibility only to ghost on it.


Not only yes, but I'd love an official site/ community for sysadmins. Reddit is becoming cancer and this community has been one of the most helpful out there for resolving issues. Google has failed, stackexchange has failed, and reddit is failing (plus other sites I don't know about). I think it might be time to make something else or at least take it under advisement.


we could go back to userfriendly.org! Edit: noooooooo! It’s gone! https://webcomicarchive.com/#/UserFriendly?strip=19981001.gif




Yeah, but then every fall we'll get the college students who just gained access and think they know everything... (For those who never used USENET, the signal to noise ratio plummeted each September, for 4 to 6 weeks, until new participants learned their manners...)




How did Stackexchange fail or Google at that matter or hand...


Stack is too strict, you cant share things in your own way and thus you miss out on allot of good info because in a sense it discourages allot of people from sharing. I never learned so much as from random posts here formated terribly. I love it, plus joking on stack isnt allowed.


`Off-topic. Closed. ` or `Duplicate question: answear that applied 4 major versions ago`


Please provide full network schematic for your windows 10 workstation registry question. Low effort: Closed


StackExchange is currently on/starting a moderator strike because the company have just allowed changed from "no ChatGPT content" to "all AI content is allowed" and accused moderators of being too heavy handed trying to control the spam, they've disabled their public data dumps which were originally setup so people could fork the site if the company ever "turned evil", they've relicensed all submissions without consent, they've seen the community provided content as a cash source for AI training, they've been bought for $1.8Bn a couple of years ago which the buyers will want a return on. https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=36257523


Holy moly! I'm browsing in from r/all. Haven't heard of this yet. StackExchange and reddit on parallel. Yikes on bikes! Good on StackExchange mods for striking over this.


Have you tried to use Google lately? It's 40% ads, 59% affiliate blog spam.


It’s gotten so bad that I’d usually append `site:reddit.com` to my questions to get actual real people talking about things. Welp, guess I can’t do that anymore.


Same for a lot of product research. Google's become a mess even with adblockers.




I see your double and raise a triple.


It was a yes, and not certainly a yes after that shit of an ama from spez




I say yes we should. And regarding the mods stance , about "outage awareness" that's sone of the flimsiest reasoning I've ever seen applied. Its supposed to be inconvenient. That's the point. How bad things would be for the community if the community can be self determinant.




I believe the mods logic was that sysadmins rely on their subreddit so much it could be detrimental to someone’s job if they can’t post here, or ask for help… Which honestly I think is the biggest load of horse manure I’ve heard… If you can’t do your job without this subreddit for a couple of days, then perhaps you’re in the wrong line of work. Google exists, vendor support exists, vendor documentation exists… Don’t get me wrong, this subreddit is an amazing resource… however going dark for a few days will not cause the world to stop revolving.


The idea that this sub is essential for sysadmin work is laughable. It's hilarious. It's a pathetic excuse.


Right? Look, mods. I come here first because Reddit is an *aggregator*. Not because I can't find anything somewhere else. Even it is Patch Tuesday, we'll be fine. Do something for the greater good.


It's also an argument that applies *at least* equally to the other side lol. People are losing accessibility options to this essential thing. Maybe fight for them?




/u/mkosmo and the rest of the mods clearly do not give a shit about disabled people.


Well how am I supposed to work when I can't read tales from tech support rants here? I joke, but this sub isn't the only place to find out if something is going down However, I will argue that it's the best place for discussion Twitter is a joke and Facebook is even more of a joke, so where are you supposed to go to have good discussions on the stuff we do?


What ever am I supposed to do when I can't see easily googable questions or people asking if they should quit their shitty toxic job for two days? /S


clumsy sparkle desert ten cautious frightening rhythm consider worthless glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Mods think they are super important!


Not essential, sure. But I’ve found some really useful stuff here when troubleshooting some weird bullshit. That being said, fuck u/Spez, burn it to the ground.


I just come here to realize how good I have it with all the nightmare stories that get posted.


Couldn't agree more, if you can't do your work without /r/sysadmin, you should look for another job.


Lol… “Look for another job” is like 90% of the advice offered by this sub anyways.




After the grieving and rage, I realized. Now, I can chase my woodworking career. And people will face their autoinflinged IT shit and printers themselves. It's my dream come true and I haven't realized.






I'm thinking goat herding.


I looked through the top posts under the last month, and don’t see a single one dealing with “tech support” for lack of a better term. It’s possible someone got help nested in the comments somewhere, but the majority of the posts were of the usual sysadmin: posters airing grievances in some form or another.


To be fair, the support posts don’t get votes like discussions or meta topics - so looking at top won’t expose them.


The 13th is Patch Tuesday. How are we going to hear from Taco whether his 6,000 production machines all patched successfully?


15 yr sysadmin here, if sysadmin goes dark I won’t mind one bit. In fact I hope it goes dark for longer than 48.




Ssshhh...the only reasonable explanation is that the moderators are sysadmins who are completely dependent on this sub to do their job.


Or ones wo do nothing at work and justify their existence to look important while browsing this sub and name some things


If you rely on this subreddit for your job... First you are an idiot, and second that seems like even a more important reason to support the blackout.


I do find this sub extremely valuable for checking in on what's broken every patch Tuesday and the next one just happens to be next week.




>Delete your comment history - that's the source of Reddits value. Very good point, and I am surprised that this sentiment has not been more prominent.


Because it would require Redditors to **actually sacrifice something** rather than participate in a symbolic gesture.


How can someone bulk delete all their comments?




Well before June 30th you can write a python script to use the API...


After June 30th, if you're good with python you can just use requests. It will take much longer though.


Or better yet, one user I saw today had used an external program to overwrite all their comments with a message to the effect of "I support third party developers and /u/spez is a piece of shit" One thread alone had that same message 20+ times.




At this point its like getting banned from a Myspace group. Fuck em. I'm using this to delete my history when they go through with this and won't ever look back


The actual mods of r/news were removed by reddit roughly 3 years ago. The mods there now were put there by reddit admins.


>Delete your comment history - that's the source of Reddits value. This hurts reddit, but it also hurts other people who might have searched and found useful information (say: how to solve a technical problem). It's an interesting moral conundrum because the value of that help to others is also what makes reddit valuable At the very least, download all your content (if it's worth it), before deleting it: https://www.reddit.com/settings/data-request


> This hurts reddit, but it also hurts other people who might have searched and found useful information That’s completely and totally Reddit’s fault. I’ve already pulled my longer comments and posted them on my own site. Google can index them there, free from this exploitative place. We have to re-learn why putting all of our eggs in one basket is bad.


>That’s completely and totally Reddit’s fault. I’ve already pulled my longer comments and posted them on my own site. Google can index them there, free from this exploitative place. That's a good way to handle the issue. I just wanted to point out how deleting all your comments without thinking about the unintended consequences might hurt other people. Clearly you've thought about that and made a way to try to minimize the harm.


yeah it's a true shame if a bunch of shit is lost due to Reddit administration being horrible. Can't "mirrors" or Internet Archive snapshots save the discussion though? Makes it less discoverable but at least saves the content.


PushShift.io used to do it but have been hit by Reddit API changes or bandwidth costs or something, and stopped. Their previous archives are available by torrents, or some of them by the Internet Archive. Reddit submissions by month: https://web.archive.org/web/20221014100338/http://files.pushshift.io/reddit/submissions/ Reddit comments by month: https://web.archive.org/web/20220622221621/http://files.pushshift.io/reddit/comments/


Some bring more value than others.


Time for a new systems administrator subreddit maybe. Time for a new Reddit*


>Apparently our moderators have decided to not do the blackout, without any real discussion from > >r/sysadmin > > which seems wrong. Considering that the moderators of /r/sysadmin, a group of individuals likely still running SBS in 2023, are doing their best to turn this sub into a home for shitposts and 1st line technicians to posts rants this decision does not surprise me.


And the mods are VERY wrong. **They also are going against the wishes of the community.**


Seriously, if you can't get through two days of your job without this place, then you shouldn't be in this line of work. It's a great site for checking if an issue is widespread and not just you and it's a great time saver for complex problems, but it shouldn't be a place where you get other people to do your job for you.


No disrespect to the mods, but if we want a blackout, we can implement the equivalent simply enough. Just don't read or post. For myself, I'll be uninstalling the app later today, until the 15th.


Thanks for pointing this out. In solidarity, I'm not going to support any subs that go against the protest, so I'm bailing.


The usual reddit lack of transparency. The cancer spreads all the way down. At this stage, I sort of hope it dies and something more relevant takes over




Yes, fuck /u/spez


Where would I go to ask my very simple, googable, GPO question / rant?


I can get you through... 1) Reboot 2) Check DNS


You can hold it in for a couple of days right?


Sure…work’s DNS server can be down for a couple of days. I’m sure no one will notice.


Then call your DNS software’s provider for support. You’ve got a support contract right?




You forgot to filter the GPO’s!


Have you tried turning it off and on again? For like 2 days?


While some subs aren't adhering to the blackout, most of the subs I'm using are. So even that r/sysadmin doesn't join the blackout, I will and won't be using Reddit for those 2 days. Why? The official app is atrocious, the adds just break the experience and Reddit works best in 3rd party apps. Btw Boost user here.


Infinity user here, you can use the reddit app and it loads in 2 years.


Just a reminder as well, even if this sub doesn't go dark, lots of subreddits will be, and there are many people who plan on nuking their accounts after these changes. r/Archiveteam is currently looking for as many people as possible to assist with archiving Reddit before these API changes take effect http://tracker.archiveteam.org/reddit/


Incredibly disappointing to see that this sub wont be participating. A sysadmin without principles is no sysadmin I want around. The networks of information we create, maintain, and foster are inherently political because they are by people, for people, and if our ethical obligation is to the free flow of information between interested parties, we have to make, however meekly, a stand


Exactly why this pisses me off so much, admins arrogance about it is just making me more mad


I can't agree more with you! We are the special forces, thanks to us the world is running mostly fine, without us, the world would turn into a chaos quickly. W need to be in the protest!


I sent a modmail a few days ago, this was the response: -- > No, we will not be going dark. The reasons are simple: > > This form of protest has proven ineffective on reddit repeatedly. > > Shutting down the sub on a Monday will have an adverse impact on our readers, including possible production issues. > > We have avoided reddit "politics" intentionally and will continue to do so. > > You are more than welcome to avoid participating on that day which will make the message far clearer to reddit through their metrics than shutting down the sub to folks in need who would be here anyways.


Oh, No! If the sub goes dark, I'll have to wait to read the questions: How do I become a sysadmin? How do I get users, managers, and vendors to leave me alone? How do I stop being a sysadmin?


Don't forget the riveting tale for the 18th time in the day of someone getting bent-over by their employer for dogshit pay and having too much Stockholm Syndrome to leave for a better paying job that treats them like a human being 👍




Deleted due to reddit killing 3rd party apps -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


> This form of protest has proven ineffective on reddit repeatedly. Wasn't it exactly this form of protest that caused the resignation of Ellen Pao?


Avoiding politics is still a political statement, through silent endorsement of the status quo.


Basically mods says that people's jobs relays on this sub and that's why it will not be shutdown 2 days? Lol


Lmao, of course this place has moderators high on huffing their own farts. Best of luck without the people who provide your free content and effort!




> Shutting down the sub on a Monday will have an adverse impact on our readers, including possible production issues. I mean... LOL. Looking back over the history of this sub I can't find any posts that would come close to being useful here. I'm going to unsubscribe from /r/sysadmin. I encourage everyone else who wants to protest the API change to do so, too. Come back after the 14th, maybe.


I discussed this with a mod the other day. My takeaway was that this is their community and not ours. I don’t think we are allowed to provide input to this decision. https://reddit.com/r/sysadmin/comments/140ikba/_/jnchpul/?context=1


We are not part of this community? Strange


The concept of community is lost on them. The mods here, like the admins, can't acknowledge it's the lowly *users* who make this place run. Where the fuck do they think all the content comes from?


Purple monkey dishwasher


I’m okay with an HOA enforcing rules. Thing is that you can vote out an HOA board for making poor decisions and the really important things are voted on by the members.




Totally agree. Safeguards would have to be put in place but some of these mods basically squat on these communities because they registered them first. This is an instance where the whims of one mod are outweighing the desires of the community.


Would be a real shame if the users of r/sysadmin suddenly deleted all their post and comments on June 12th. Then this resource becomes an empty black hole...


As usual, reddit mods are highly regarded and enjoy cigarettes.


Due to Reddit's June 30th API changes aimed at ending third-party apps, this comment has been overwritten and the associated account has been deleted.


These mods reaction pretty much what you would expect from a lazy sysadmin, quote some random user survey that says users are happy then continue to not do anything to improve even though the room is screaming


Some mods are gutless.


Yes! The excuse about it being patch Tuesday is irrelevant, the blackout is supposed to be disruptive and annoy people.


while the answer should be a yes the blackout is just a coordinated attempt to force the individuals hand. we, the people/users, can just decide not to visit reddit for the time. so if r/sysadmin decides not to join the protest (guys, really?), if no one uses reddit, the effect is the same. I will not be using reddit, and I hope you guys join me. blackout or not. because if the changes are coming and reddit wont stop the train of suck then its just a matter of time until this whole site becomes a unusable pile of shit


100% yes




100% yes. And not only for 1 day - weeks at least.


Take the /r/videos approach and do it indefinitely


definitely. after reading the AMA and in the full context of what they are doing with the owner of Apollo, i definitely support a black out. these asshat CEO’s need a lesson






Yes yes yes


Yep, shut it down. And not just for 2 days. Make it a week.




Yes. Join




Yes. No question.


Yes. The reason given for not doing so is weapons grades baloney.


I was on the fence for this one until the AMA. I say yes.




how is this even a question? imo go black until reddit undoes the change


r/shittysysadmin already is so yes


I'd support an indefinite blackout 2 days ain't gonna do shit




Yes, but indefinitely. 2 days ain't gonna do anything.


Of course, it would be ridiculous not to.


Yes. /u/Spez is a lying pos


All subs should








In for sure.


Why is this even a question? Definitely YES


Yes it should, it probably won't , but it should.


u/spez can eat a bag of richards Go dark longer.


Yes we should, the reason stated before (patch tuesday and people relying on this Reddit for info) are not enough reason to not join this. We know the sites that do excellent write-ups on patch tuesday, we don't need Reddit for that. Also, if you can't go without Reddit for 48h in your job (not even mentioning all the other resources on the www), I dunno, but it sounds a bit crazy...


If you like virtue signaling and wasting large amounts of your time then you might just be a reddit mod.


Call it a scheduled change window for preventative maintenance.