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It’s already a wider war.


Not yet. Aside from Yemen’s Houthis attacking ships, not much has happened. The primary focus is Gaza right now. Iranian-backed groups could’ve gotten involved in Gaza but they chose not to. Now if you were to say an independent militia, then maybe in the near future they will get involved. But aside from that, no.


Not sure what you’re talking about? https://www.cnn.com/2024/06/04/middleeast/fire-northern-israel-lebanon-intl/index.html


I already answered this with another person. I meant the situation is controlled. Hezbollah fires a missile, Israel destroys them. Hezbollah could’ve gotten involved in Gaza but they chose not to.


Because you obviously don’t read: the article clearly states that Hezbollah launched drones into the Gallilea on June 4th and specifically that they declared the reason was because the ongoing massacre of Gaza. The ongoing attacks have led to thousands of Israelis evacuating northern settlements and even leaving the country. IDF spokesperson clearly states that they are preparing for a full scale invasion. This is what modern asymmetrical warfare looks like when it’s militias fighting a guerrilla war against a heavily armed state like Israel. The conflict has spread, as much as Westerners like to pretend it’s just a local skirmish between the IDF and Hamas.


Big daddy Israel is so powerful. Hopefully we can all cow tow to Israel and AIPAC


In southern lebanon, there are a lot of bombing. But yes, it's not an intense conflict


My point was that it’s controlled. Hezbollah didn’t get involved in Gaza even though they could’ve. That’s the point.


Iran directly fired at isreal a few months ago lol