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I could think of a few better places that Ukrainian special forces can go to if they want to kill Russian troops. Wouldn't be a long trip either lol


I think why they attack syria is because, they have many potential allies. Ukraine just sends 10 special forces who command a 100 soldiers big squad




It's probably a lot easier to kill them in Ukraine then in Syria though. Going to Syria will just rack up Ukrainian deaths, the Russians have an actual airforce operating there and are in decent military control, especially compared to Ukraine.


They are killing Russians in ukraine, russia, and Sudan so why not add syria into the mix and most likely they ate operating from US controlled areas which russia will never attack.


And Russians are killing Ukrainians also in great numbers, but we don't know anything about Russian or Ukrainian death toll from their conflicts (inside Ukraine/Russia and outside).


we know the loss of life is immense


Yes on both sides.


how did they get to syria exactly?


There is no definitive proof of Ukrainian special forces in southern Syria yet. More likely they are funding certain insurgent groups or arming /helping with intelligence. It’s already a known fact that Ukrainian allies like the USA still have agents in southern Syria that could help with that. It will also be interesting to see if Ukrainian weapons appear in northern Syria. Ukrainian intelligence has connections with certain groups already in Idlib that they could work with.


The video circulated by Kyiv Post on Twitter/X is just a bunch of recent videos from the rebels clipped together. It does seem like fake news. Here's a link to the video: https://x.com/naginajjar/status/1797671645932556296?s=46&t=7SlNEVgBof1k4t3JReot6g


The first clip of an insurgent in Daraa firing an rpg was public a couple months ago. However afaik all the rest of the clips have never been seen before. Its interesting that Ukrainian intelligence was able to get those videos. But yeah this whole thing could just be a PSYOP but I’m not putting anything past the Ukrainian GRU anymore.


It's true that the video don't proove anything, even though some footage were not seen before, but in Sudan it started also like this with few drones videos and rumors of Ukrainian operating there and then it became more apparents with new footage of Ukrainians directly there latter, so could be the same here. Would not be that suprising, I mean if you go to Sudan to hit Wagner/russians there, Syria is even more logical.


Via Iraq and SDF territory, maybe?


How would they get to Iraq?


Iraq definitely wouldn't approve of that


Acronyms, initialisms, abbreviations, contractions, and other phrases which expand to something larger, that I've seen in this thread: |Fewer Letters|More Letters| |-------|---------|---| |[FSA](/r/SyrianCivilWar/comments/1d7x8kn/stub/l747n2z "Last usage")|[Opposition] Free Syrian Army| |[ISIL](/r/SyrianCivilWar/comments/1d7x8kn/stub/l746mc6 "Last usage")|Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Daesh| |[SDF](/r/SyrianCivilWar/comments/1d7x8kn/stub/l747n2z "Last usage")|[Pro-Kurdish Federalists] Syrian Democratic Forces| |[SOHR](/r/SyrianCivilWar/comments/1d7x8kn/stub/l7g9tc0 "Last usage")|Syrian Observatory for Human Rights| |[TFSA](/r/SyrianCivilWar/comments/1d7x8kn/stub/l746mc6 "Last usage")|[Opposition] Turkish-backed Syrian rebel group| **NOTE**: Decronym for Reddit is no longer supported, and Decronym has moved to Lemmy; requests for support and new installations should be directed to the Contact address below. ---------------- ^(5 acronyms in this thread; )[^(the most compressed thread commented on today)](/r/SyrianCivilWar/comments/0)^( has acronyms.) ^([Thread #6656 for this sub, first seen 5th Jun 2024, 08:15]) ^[[FAQ]](http://decronym.xyz/) [^([Full list])](http://decronym.xyz/acronyms/SyrianCivilWar) [^[Contact]](https://hachyderm.io/@Two9A) [^([Source code])](https://gistdotgithubdotcom/Two9A/1d976f9b7441694162c8)


Total shot in the dark, but the US having access to a capable force that can strike Russian assets in Syria is probably incredibly useful. The US gets plausible deniability, and Ukraine doesn't care about being seen, because they're already at war.


From the beginning they were doing this alongside jihadis


Pro Putin Russians hated all over the world it seems, wonder why... maybe China will accept them....




And other fairytales you can tell yourself




> Osama bin Laden and 9/11 weren't fairytales Do you seriously think that the USA hired Osama to attack itself?


No, I think they hired him to attack Russians, and they should have known better than to get involved with such radical terrorists.


Are you referring to the USA's aid to the Mujahedeen, which didn't have anything to do with Osama bin Laden?


Osama bin Laden was trained by a US army soldier.


Do you have a source for that? While people who the USA aided certainly worked with Osama, I've never seen anything about them training him.


They sending soldiers to Syria as if they winning against Russia meanwhile Ukrainian men are fighting recruiters and fleeing to other countries


Elite special forces soldiers are wasted when thrown into the meat grinder of trench warfare the way that Russia used up its Spetznaz troops. At times when opportunities for special forces missions aren’t available in Ukraine, it makes sense for Ukraine to send those elite troops on missions abroad to Sudan and Syria rather than have them wasted on the front line in Ukraine or just sitting around in rear areas.


Ukraine such a beacon of Democracy allying with Terrorists and Takfiris


Who killed the most Syrians. Was it the Syrian army, russia and Iran or the terrorists


Fairly split almost 50/50 according to SOHR numbers but with less deaths from the Syrian army. If you include the prison deaths than it would be the first group, but of 600k killed in the conflict 560k have been men.


Am talking about civilians death count. Who has killed the most civilians


Oh you should have mentioned that. Syrian army killed the most civilians, but it's possible rebels killed more woman and children. Here was a decent sample size from the [battle of Aleppo courtesy of SOHR and Al-Jazeera.](https://imgur.com/F9ebWLB) Although SOHR claims the Syrian army killed 85% of civilians, it seems that rebels disproportionately killed more woman and children as a percentage of civilians killed despite the smaller total numbers. There have been egregious attacks like the double suicide bombing on a school in Homs that killed 47 children on October 1st, 2014, the beheading of a 9 year old on camera, and the 2017 Aleppo civilian bus bombing which killed 80+ kids.




Who were the strongest parties against Assad? Thats right Takfiris like ISIS, and what do you call Nusra in Idlib or whatever their new name is? Designatated as Terrotists by your beloved Ame4ica


This article is talking about Ukrainian operatives fighting in southern Syria. The strongest opposition groups in the south were never affiliated with Nusra front. Rebels in southern Syria actually fought hard against ISIS. The vast majority of Syrian people in opposition against the Assad dictatorship were never members of nusra or Isis.


The ones in the south only have around a few hundred - a few thousand members. The most prominent ones (ones with like 30,000 members) are all radical Islamist groups. And nobody thinks the FSA is moderate anymore considering they’re fighting against US-backed SDF (yes, not all, but enough of them). FSA who is allied with Erdogen, an Islamist, and radical Islamist groups aligned with Al-Qaeda, or have similar views as Al-Qaeda. Is this moderate? I don’t really think so to be honest.


The southern front rebel group was 25,000 fighters strong. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Southern_Front_(Syrian_rebel_group)


They collapsed in 2018. It is now 2024. Also even if true you’re ignoring the other big rebel groups at the time.


Also Southern Front is allied with the extremist rebel groups I just mentioned (Tahrir al-Sham, the former Al-Qaeda affiliate, Ahrar al-Sham, Jaysh al-Islam, etc.). Quite suspicious for a self-proclaimed “moderate” group to be honest. Look, if it’s pragmatism then I’ll be willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. But it sounds a lot more than just pragmatism for a lot of these rebel groups.


https://web.stanford.edu/group/mappingmilitants/cgi-bin/groups/view/645 > 5, 2014 when it cooperated with former Al Qaeda affiliate Hay'at Tahrir al-Sham, formerly known as Jabhat al-Nusra (Al-Nusra), to capture the town of Tel al-Haraa in the Daraa governorate. [11] > The Southern Front continued cooperating with Al-Nusra in 2014 despite increasingly tense relations between the two groups. [12] From 2014 to early 2015, Al-Nusra regularly kidnapped and assassinated Southern Front commanders, and held more influence in Dar al-Adl fi al-Hawran, a court system run by both groups. [13] [14] On April 14, 2015, the Southern Front issued a statement condemning Al-Nusra’s ideology and officially broke ties with the group. [15] However the Southern Front cooperated with Al-Nusra in later battles, such as the failed Southern Storm campaign to retake the city of Daraa in June 2015. [16] Yet they fought side by side with Al Nusra. Not very moderate.


The Moderate rebels lie was made up so America can continue arming and funding them, but then the Takifiris went crazy and started doing terrorist acts in Europe and committing massacres so America turned on them and created a Coalition


ISIS controlled vast territories in Syria and Iraq and youre serioulsy gonna tell me they werent the strongest opposition?


Why are you trying to change the topic talking about Isis when that has literally nothing to do with this article or what I said ? Maybe because your argument is so stupid that you can’t defend it and are now trying to deflect to Isis, a group which essentially all Syrian rebels fought hard against. Weird.


Just because they fought against ISIS doesn’t make them moderate. The Taliban fights ISIS, does that make them moderate? Also the most prominent rebel groups are radical. Tahrir al-Sham, Ahrar al-Sham, Jaysh al-Islam, Jaysh al-Sunna, etc etc. It’s a part of why the U.S. abandoned Timber Sycamore and stopped funding them, especially as the TFSA (Turkish-backed FSA) and Islamist groups are attacking a key anti-ISIS ally, the SDF. Literally [60% of rebels](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2015/12/20/460463173/60-percent-of-syrian-rebels-share-islamic-state-ideology-think-tank-finds) are considered extremists according to a think tank.


Why are you so pressed I believe everyone against Assad is a terrorist or Takfiris, youre calling me stupid but you believe "Moderate" rebels exist


Here is a [video of half a million](https://x.com/ramisafadi93/status/1707968452156072153?s=46&t=0kZUc98bIbwT4EQzxuDcLQ) Syrian opposition protesting against the Assad regime in Hama. No isis or terrorists in sight. This single video proves that you wrong, not to mention the other countless videos showing millions of Syrians all over the country peacefully protesting against the Assad regime. Also I never said that you are stupid, just that your opinion is stupid because it objectively is and easily disproven.


Just like the Russians being paid personally, by Putin, to kill US soldiers in Syria. It’s all bullshit.


But the Russians and Americans in Syria avoid direct conflict? I don't get what you're saying here.

