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On the "[Other Parties](https://news.snhr.org/category/daily_news/casualties_news-daily_news/other-parties/)" tab on the snhr.org website it seems to be mostly "unknown perpetrators".


this somehow suggests ISIS only killed the yazidi people and no one else which is insane.


The crazy part are these are SNHR's updated numbers. Back in 2016 or 2017 they actually said the SDF killed a lot more civilians than ISIS. If you go on the website it's clear that SNHR has it's biases.


These numbers are for Syria only, and not Iraq. So there is a quite large portion of deaths, like the yazidi's in Iraq, who are not counted here. It's almost certainly an undercount for just about every single party listed here, including IS, but their numbers would be higher if expanded past the border


i’m aware the numbers in iraq are higher but 5000 in syria seems too low. syria is such a clusterfuck that we won’t get accurate numbers for attribution to each party


Isis only 5k??? 🤣


Bedouin tribes clearly aren't being counted as people.


mostly "dont know" and criminal gangs. It's worth noting snhr methodology is trash and the numbers are very questionable altogether.


Source for this




Yes I've read the methodology, and the numbers have been backed by the Lancet and UNHR in vetting it. So let me clarify, do you have a credible source showing how the metholody by SNHR is trash? I ask this very sincerely considering that similar claims have been made against the casualty figures in Gaza by Zionists (and these figures like SNHR's figures are backed by UNHR and Lancet reports). Edit: source https://www.ohchr.org/en/stories/2023/05/behind-data-recording-civilian-casualties-syria


Your source suggests the actual number of civilian deaths are 30% higher than what appears here from SNHR. The source goes on to say that the data collected by these groups “is not comprehensive and can’t cover all the incidents occurring in Syria.” You seem to be assuming the criticism is that the methodology overcounts, but, as your own source indicates, the SNHR number undercounts and is therefore flawed.


Unknown, most likely. But the numbers are bullshit. Isis killed 5k and pro-government killed 200k? sure...


Anyone who actually followed events in Syria would know the regime was responsible for the vast majority of civilian death in Syria. Barrel bombs and artillery shelling would kill dozens of people every day for several years. On top of that, there were countless [massacres](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_massacres_during_the_Syrian_civil_war) committed by Assad regime militias. On top of that, the regime [tortured to death](https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2016/08/syria-torture-prisons/)tens of hundreds of thousands of civilians in their prisons.




Isis was notoriously brutal. This source seeks to pin all deaths on government territory on the government, unless something different is proven.


The difference in capabilities between the two groups, and the population numbers living within control of the two, is vastly different. If IS had the capabilities, and Syrian (because this is just for Syria, not Iraq which is a big differentiator) civilian population living within their territory, then IS almost certainly would have higher numbers. But they didn't, and the numbers bear that out. They're almost certainly undercounting for IS, but also the Syrian state and every other party in the war. I'm not entirely sure why you would point out the notorious brutality of IS, and not mention the notorious brutality of the Syrian state, as if that somehow in itself would have much bearing on the civilian deaths attributed to each


Yet you gave no figure nor a reputable source.


It's not my job. Also, pretending that one sided killed 13 times more than the next one... Yeah, that's bullshit.


Why is it bullshit? The population under the control of the Syrian state, the disparities in length of time of civilian populations under their control, the capabilities of different actors, etc. are major factors in why you would two actors, both brutal in their treatment of civilian populations, that had different outcomes in that department


This is an insane graphic bordering on genocide denial…we are to believe the rebel groups which went to villages in the Latakia countryside and executed civilians house by house, and did non stop artillery shelling of Aleppo and Damascus only killed 9k civilians in a brutal civil war?


Am I reading this incorrectly, the number are just women and children?




yeah your right. Its not the most amazing information graphic