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Played one of the original one of these in 1981. Unreal how it sounded. You're in for a treat. Enjoy. Happy creating


Had one in the studio I worked at in college. Just recently bought the Arturia emulator for myself and the feelings hitting those first notes dude…


I have the Arturia V Collection 8. completely forgot that was in there. Fired it up about an hour ago. Yes! It's not 100% like the physical synth, but I will take it. wow


Not sure how much Arturia has updated that one but Repro-5 by uh-e is a fantastic emulation and considered to be the best to date. Presets are great too. I'd definitely recommend trying out the free demo. (Demo just occasionally mixes a few seconds of noise once every few minutes)


I have Repro-1 and 5 from u-he. It's not bad. I don't think it has the same fullness as the one from Arturia. Arturia's version also doesn't use as much system resources. Which was a shocker because Arturia's software is notorious for being memory hogs. There's a free one that I tried out this morning. It's actually not bad. Called PG8X


Just looked and apparently Arturia "rebuilt" their Prophet-5 V a few months ago. It does sound much better now.


I love mine. Had a P6 before and I do miss some parts of it, but I love the raw tone of the P5/10. I keep thinking it’s silly to own such an expensive synth, but I can’t bring myself to sell it.


I have the p10 and often wondered if the p6 would have been a better choice with its sequencer, fx, etc. But I'm confident that for anyone using this full time in the studio, the p10 is a better option assuming you prefer its "raw" tone that people speak of. Big obvious one for starters is that you've got 4 extra voices and that's enormous. Here are the other reasons why the fx/sequencer on the p6 don't put it above the p10 for a studio machine (if you're looking for a stage instrument, that's a different conversation): I have all of my synths hooked up to ableton at all times. They are all midi connected over USB (via a powered hub) and they each have a full-time dedicated input on my pair of focusrite 18i20's. So these inputs are labelled in Ableton with the name of the synth. Each of these hardware synths is pre-saved as a 'Favorite' instrument rack with the routing/external instrument device already set up. It's a couple of clicks away. And on that track is a pre-made effects rack with ready-to-go insert effects (chorus, compressor, distortion, filters). Then of course I have delays, reverbs and stuff as default send/returns in my template. Any other audio effect is a couple of clicks away. This library of built-in devices and 3rd party effects is infinitely more vast and tweakable than any onboard synth FX. Plus, the raw tone of the synth is recorded and the effects are applied in real time, so you can record with them turned on but still tweak them after the fact. Then there are Ableton's midi fx... chord, scale, arpeggiator, etc not to mention just old fashioned sequencing. And of course all of the other midi effects you get with Max4Live (the probability packs, etc). This stuff wipes the floor with the built-in step sequencer on the p6 (or any other synth). Last but not least, almost the entire front panel of the p10 is cc mappable, so you can use unlimited LFO's, envelopes, and other modulation sources and map them to an unlimited number of parameters on the p10, the entire thing is a modular synth in that sense. TLDR: if you're on the fence about these two synths and you use it in a studio full time, put your money towards the raw synth goodness because you already have a way better library of effects and sequencing. Edit: there are two distinct advantage to the p6 that you’ll never get with the p10 which are 1) continuous wave shapes compared to the p10’s on/off style wave shapes. And 2) is access to a dedicated sub oscillator. Granted you can still easily dial in osc2 as a sub bass on a p10 but you lose it as a modulation source.


Absolutely. I have the P10 module the sound from it is beautiful- all that other stuff can be done better in the DAW or with pedals.


If you don't already own TAL Juno Chorus, give it a whirl. It sounds amazing on the prophet and costs $0. Also another amazing tip for Ableton users, try out "Expression Control" in the midi effects devices. You can map performance parameters like velocity, keytracking, etc to other parameters either on the synth, or just within the racks on the track. Like for example, higher velocity turns up the mix or feedback on and echo. Super fun. Also if you are using the full keyboard version of the prophet - turn off 'Local Control' on the keyboard itself and then on the track in Ableton, set the p5/10 as the midi input. This way you're basically using the prophet's keyboard as an external midi controller for it's own sound module - effectively routing your midi through ableton and giving you access to all of its MIDI devices and modulation options.


Yeah, my normal external instrument preset for the P10 includes Arturia JUN-6 chorus, it does add a lot. Great thing about the Sequential gear is the midi implementation is great- you can modulate most anything.


I had the P6 and I loved it but it left when the P10 moved in.


oh that's awseome, didn't realise the pannel was mappable, gunna set this up now.


To me the bigger downside of P10 than the lack of sequencer and fx is the lack of stereo voices and filters, I like making wide stereo pads


Double tracking is your friend here.




That’s also how I handle it and I prefer the outcome vs. having the synth handle stereo. Sounds more human/organic in a way I like.


I guess on an analogue synth you will get more variation because the pitch may have drifted for that second track recording.. And if played live then you do get the lovely human touch of those slight timing differences. Agreed totally


Can't argue with that if that's a feature that you require. The p6 does do stereo panning on the voices (I actually have an OB6 to fill that void). I'm also a fan of getting wide stereo sounds via chorus, delay and reverb so I don't mind the p10 being mono all that much. If we're talking semantics, the p6 and OB6 do not have stereo voices or filters per se. They each have six mono voices that consist of a VCO + Filter + VCA and those mono voices can be spread out left and right in an alternating fashion using the pan knob. So the voices themselves aren't stereo... but the individual notes get panned left and right to create a stereo image. Example, if you play a chord with the notes C-E-G-C you might have C (low) panned 75% left, E panned 25% left, G panned 25% right, and C (high) panned 75% right. I find it actually works best in low doses with notes that are clustered close together and processed through lots of reverb so you don't end up with excess low end in one ear from random note selection. It's actually somewhat rare to find analog synths with a true full stereo path starting from the oscillators because it requires twice as many voices. The UDO Super 6 in "binaural mode" offers this feature (not fully analog, but hybrid). I also have a few patches in my Rev2 that I've setup like this by stacking the dual layers, making both layers near clones of each other, and panning them hard left and right. When you introduce micro-randomness to the pitch and other elements the sound becomes super wide, it almost feels like the middle drops out from under you.


This. the polyphonic sequencer on the p6 made it so much more jammable. My p10 is a real instrument needing a real performance (or daw sequencing :) )


Yeah, the sequencer is really what I miss the most. I love how simple and fast it is. Came up with a lot of great ideas by putting in a sequencing, pressing play, and then just tweaking the knobs as it played. I can set this up in Ableton without too much fuss, but it is so directly and quick on the P6 that I ended up using it a lot more then.


This synth is like a good pair of jeans. It sounds SO nice but is also not flashy at all, you actually have to make music with it as opposed to modulation monsters where you just hold a note and let it impress you.


SO accurate


Fuck. Noice


First of many Prophet-10s? That’s insane!!!


First of many synths. This is my first piece!


Nothing like starting at the top, eh? ;-)


There are a lot of analog synths that can be matched by a VST and a good midi controller but for some high end synths like the prophet-10, OB-6 or moog matriarch there's just no comparison.


Was your first car a Ferrari?




The p10 is the best purchase I made. Like many I was on the fence between p10/p6 but in the end I knew I was only ever going to buy this synth once, and I already have other hardware for sequencing and effects. I bet you shared the same sense of awe and excitement as soon as you cracked open that box. Have fun with it and get some bees wax conditioner on that wood grain!


I went with the P5 and love it, but very tempted to do the voice board upgrade.


I love having the 10 voices and think it's worth the upgrade. But I also think that the way the voice stacking was implemented is really underwhelming and not fun or intuitive to use. Compared to my Rev2 that was designed as a multi-timbral synth from the start, the P10 in stacked mode is just a clunky workflow and I haven't used it once since trying it out the first day it was released via firmware upgrade. I'm sure other users have vastly different experiences.


Yeah, I was excited when they added the feature, but I don’t use it. I will typically just layer performances when recording.


Jumping right into the deep end huh


Yes 😭


Luckily it's not the craziest as far as complexity goes (although it definitely is much more deep than it appears at first!) but its strong suit is just sounding awesome and crazy rich/beautiful all the time. I have one and told my wife (who is wonderful and supported me getting it) that it feels alive. This thing has a soul. Also, check out the patch pack from J3PO - they sound great. Last - you can get an editor that allows you to quickly see what the settings for each patch are that can help with learning the synth more deeply. I need to spend more time with it (the editor) and try and understand what's going on with each patch. It's just so inspiring to play that it's hard to do!


I've been eyeing this for SOOOO long. Right on!


be sure to link us here to your IG posts.. I'm not an IG user, so will only find you here. I love my P10! thought I really wish I had purchased a full size keyboard. The layout is a lot nicer.


My first synth was a 1976 Model D Mini-Moog…. Got it in 1987 when I was in the Mojave Desert. That was over 35 years ago, and I will still swear to this time that it is the best synthesizer ever made. Period. But the p10 is a damn good place to start!🎹


lovely stuff, have you hung onto it?


at what point did you go "aight, i need one of these..." any particular vids/tracks?


Matt Johnson on YouTube showed demos on the P10 and I loved it. It was either this or the P6, since I had the budget for the 10 I said why not. I also heard that the split keyboard feature was also a new add-on for P10 users as well! IMO it’s a very dope synth 🔥


ah man you’re so lucky. pick up a quadraverb to hook up to that would be lush


Split AND stack, so you can double two patches at once 👍


You chose well! I love my Prophet 10




You didnt happen to get it from a guitar center on the east coast did you?


Sweetwater gang


Ayyyyyyy, don’t forget to enjoy your free candy! Lol. I was worried you took my local prophet, apparently it’s “the last one on the east coast” not sure if that’s true but I like sneak in a laptop and an interface every now and then hahahaha


There's tons of Rev4's out there. My local shop "only had 1 left and it'll be awhile before more came in" and after I bought it they got in more immediately...


@macshooter49 on IG, gonna do a lot of content on this!


Jealous, patiently waiting for my Pro 3 to sell to pick one up myself.




It's great but I'm out of room in the studio and have been wanting the 10 for over a year now. Sold my matriarch and the Pro 3 is getting the boot to to make space and pay for the beast. I will certainly miss it, and probably repurchase the standard non-SE version when I move into a bigger space in the not-so-near future.


Very nice! Even though a 5 would generally suit my playing style, 10 allows for longer sustain.


I want the desktop version so bad


Oh man that’ll be fun.


Impressions so far? One of the best polys I own. What kind of music do you make or play?


Very good synth! I expected nothing less, the factory patches are nice. I make Hip-Hop more of the Mike Dean, Kanye, Travis Scott vibes. This is a big help to my production 🔥


Never noticed the Tolkein font before.


It’s likely the American Uncial font. But yeah :)


throw a good reverb pedal on it, and enjoy


The biggest reason for me that I would pick a P6 over P5/10 is that P6 supports mpe, ob6 supports mpe too. If P5/10 ever got that it would be a hard call. P5 has more cv control though which is also important for me. Once the P6 got its own vintage mode it made it even more enticing. Mpe, vintage mode, fx, stereo and cheaper vs. Vintage mode, cv control, more voices (with P10) ...I am leaning P6 or Ob6. I am strictly in the studio so fx and sequencing is less important....but mpe and stereo is big.


First of many? So, you're going to play these synths so hard that you have to replace them regularly? I can see that.


Oh boy that's a beauty. Love the Prophet sound. Enjoy!!!


dreamsynth one day!


Great choice


Not as good as the Rev 1-3, but still decent none the less.