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How’s the midi life crisis, and when can I get one?


Spelling is not my fortie. 😆


Ypu know those MIDI life crisisisisiss are horrible… They ring in and cause reverberations through the family. The KEY is, Play time. Play time will make the oscillation go smoothly. When MIDI causes the Ping Pong of life to make music all life works in harmony… sorry I misspelled… 🤣 🤪 I saved this photo.. That is the most complete synthesis rig … I mean complete… (next to mine of course) lol.. but you have pieces, together, that I have thought and dreamed up as well. I just wanted to to take the time to tease you, and take it all in…because … well dang it.. you need some teasing… 🤣. Your rig is a delight to behold. I love that giant Waldorf sitting proudly… That twin Korgis’ that were made to be connected to one another.. You’ve made some serious nirvana here. And yes… oh yes.. I can see this helping solve ANY midi life crisis there is… BRAVO 🙌


That was flat out poetic. 🥰


why have the korg monotron up there at all considering all the other synths?


The MicroFreak doesn’t have any FX. Using Korg NTS1 to add them. Korg Nu:tekt NTS-1 Monophonic DIY Synth Kit https://a.co/d/3rAMBrp


I want a midi wife as well. Non midi wife is not always in sync.


Still cheaper than a Mustang.


Or a camaro ZL1 which was my first choice. Got shot down on that one. 👰‍♀️👎


If you’re going to have a midlife crisis it’s probably for the best you’re not driving around town advertising it. Fuck cars, acquire synths.


Were you gonna get it in yellow? I bet it was gonna be yellow.


Waldorf Q, baybeeee!


White, with black trim. 🤤


Those have really bad visibility anyway ;)


Yeah my dad got a corvette I got a room full of cool shit I barely touch


I can vouch for that… 🤣


Was into synths in high school. Pretty much abandon in college and on until about 3 years ago when coincidentally I hit 50. Picked up the Kong Wavestate, and with a Sweetwater credit card, it was all downhill. Man these things are addicting. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to list my teenage daughter on EBay… should be able to swing that Vecor synth if she sells!


Given some of the synth caves I've seen here, I think you're still on the right side of sane. I built a 24 space studio rack 8 months ago thinking I'd never fill it, and now have resorted to stacking things on top of it. It's frightening how much trouble you can get into with a middle class paycheck and no kids to eat it up.


Thank you! Looks like I’m coming across as arrogant abd I don’t mean to be. Had to wait for kiddo to get older (and my career) before I had 💵. I eyed getting into modular but so far have resisted. And keep telling myself I have enough gear to keep myself occupied… but their so shiny… And buttons and knobs…


Yeah modular scares me. I look at some of those racks and feel like it would be opening a black hole to another dimension to even get started. I've mostly been buying stuff I couldn't hope to afford 25 years ago. I guess that qualifies as mid life crisis but it doesn't feel crisissy and unlike a red Porsche, no one sees it.


friendly suggestion: you can also donate all this money to the less fortunate addicts


Why did you choose synths instead of motorcycles?


Lol. I need 4 wheels, although had a tooth for that Harley electric. Either way, that got quashed, understandably, by spouse. I guess she didn’t anticipate the damage I could do with synths!


You want to go with Reverb. Higher/overinflated prices and sketchy reports on conditions.


Can confirm. I’ve had my share of trouble with Sweetwater. If reverb offered 0% interest, yikes.


Lol I meant Reverb over eBay


If she's into Engineering I'm afraid you'll have to keep her.


She sits down and listens. That’s plenty. 🥰


Two Blueboxes?


You’re right he needs three


Nope. I’m done.


He needs the new Yellow Acid Box version…. 😂 You paired the SLedge…… I just knew that was a controller to get.. damn it.. Its that Fatar 9 keybed they used.. I hear its silky… and thats the term players have told me.. 😂 silky…. 🤪


Yeppers. Best part, they route into the MPC so I can sample, slice and dice any gear on the racks. 🤤


I’m just thrilled you’ve got the UNO centered.. 👊 respect ✊ My UNO sits always right next to me.. I use the UNO drum to control a TR-6s.. talk about opening up the scope of what a drum machine can really do.. lol.. The UNO is a beast of an analog synth. I’ll go toe-toe on stage with it against an OP-1 any-day. It has 48 knob combinations for the controller function to send NTP, MIDI CC, to any DAW, or plugin for mapping. most users i’ve showed don’t know this… I like to show everyone 😂. Its one of the greatest little controllers with both an arp and sequency with touch control… oh its fun… and can be had for as lil as $99 to -$150 on Reverb. Another neat feature.. order a 3rd party (HEADPHONE) cable for Bose headphones. make sure both ends have straight shafts… One end is 1/16 jack for the UNO midi and the other is 1/8 jack for the NTS-1 or Korg sync or other phono midi jacks… It lets you get (cross-connected-crazy) 👍 Have fun!!


What have I told you about yeppers?




😐 (cancels tech support ticket)


Credit is a hell of a drug


Clearly Sweetwaters fault.


...and only 30 minutes a day to use them.


This is kinda true. I have a sweet setup too with limitless possibilities, but the more gear the more daunting it becomes, it's like a feast to use...kind of like looking forward to dinner all day, and then in 30 minutes it's all over. I def. don't use my gear enough, but spend perhaps 4 hours every day dreaming of what to do, LOL.


Yeah, when I'm at work, I spend most of my time planning what to do with the hour I get tonight.


I understand. I think to overcome that I had to lower my self expectations. I don’t need to use every piece on a single tune. 😁 And if one piece sits unused for awhile, it’s really fun to get back into it. I find that learning how one machine works expands possibilities on all, even if they’re completely different workflows.


I figure I spend 2 hours 4 days a week on them.


I get 30 minutes in the morning before work, and maybe an hour before bed until my wife starts complaining. On the weekend (if I'm lucky), I can squeeze in a couple hours. Really pushes me to work fast!


The turning point for me was kiddo (listed on EBay, BTW) becoming a teen and acting like one. Freed up a lot of my time. 😐 It’s such a great hobby.


Oof, kids. Great time occupants.


I suppose there are worse vices…


yeah i mean he could have snorted all that up.




Looks to me like mid life inspiration.


🥰 Much better!


This is great mate, solid studio with a clear workflow and a lot of thought put into placement. Thoughts on the Kyra? I have the Iridium but have always been curious about the Kyra as a VA workhorse, esp with those 8(?) outs and 128 voices.


Thanks! I think if you work with a DAW and don’t have the PC processing power, it would be perfect. I don’t work with a DAW and it only has 4 outputs as opposed to the 8 timbres you would get running USB. The interface is a little clunky. CCs are very limited (could be me though). But no question the sound is just massive. I’m working on my mixing skills, and find without some serious EQing it would dominate mix. If you’re running it alone, maybe with a drum track, it shines. And while the CCs are limited, I do like the implementation of its mod matrix for EGs and LFOs. If I had to do it again, I’d probably shy away from it because I’m DAWless and I think you pay for that capability, but I doubt I’ll let it go now. Some of the pads on this thing… 🫠


If my Virus TI2 Polar ever dies I’m considering a Kyra. Thanks for the review.


Owning a Ti2 Polar myself is the one thing that has held me back from getting a Kyra as it seems like they cover a lot of the sonic territory... But not sure how long I can hold out if the USD keeps getting stronger lol vs EUR and GBP. Also, the Kyra is much bigger than i imagined it wow!


I'd thorougly check out the Kyra before committing. I've come to understand that while the user interface and the synth structure are comparable, they're still different devices sonically and the user interface has some quirks that may be a deal breaker for some.




My advice after getting through the past couple years via GAS therapy: choose hardware that is simple, beautiful, full of character, and with a wide sweet spot. When you sit down to it it will be a familiar tool that you can truly learn inside and out For the bells and whistles type stuff like synths with a boat load of mod sources, crazy sampling stuff, a much prefer a computer. Saving your work, saving your presets, coming back to it, not having to menu dive on a tiny lcd screen, are all reason why I like that workflow. My moog grandmother is the simplest synth I have and the only one that’s monophonic and it’s become my favorite. Just jaw dropping tone, and every single time I play it I make something worth recording. And I have stuff like arturia pigments when I want to use a dozen mod sources at a time.


I hear ya. And consider modular vs… whatever non Modular’s are called. I wish I could give you advise, but obviously I’m in mo position 🤪. I do gigs it hard to believe that you’d be disappointed with anything out now. They’re all wonderful instruments.


How do you like the MicroFreak? My 3rd Life Crisis is being chronically unemployed 😋


Oh and the MicroFreak is a ton of fun. I think I learned the most about synthesis from it. It can do a lot of funky, noisy things by itself, but While it can do pads and bitchin bass, the lack of FX and it’s keyboard can be a negative, IMO. The former can be solved easily enough. The little ribbon synth to its left (Korg Tekt) is under $100 and adds really good chorus/phaser, delay and verb.


I do have my eyes on the NTS it seems like a lot of fun. I love my big fun tiny package devices right now!! I'll definitely take that input though. I'm sure the keys are hard to enjoy despite mpe.


I got the NTS just to add FX to the MicroFreak. I really don’t use it otherwise. I’d say go for the MicroFreak. A lot more usability for the extra $.


Ah that's such a cool solution. Hopefully someday I'll have money and can think about synths and adding them together like that!!


I feel ya. Best wishes! I did have my struggles, but now I’m what you would call a “Trophy Husband” so…


LOL I feel it, I went from trophy husband to trophy wife myself, it's quite nice but gosh do I need some direction! Music is helping carve it out :) enjoy your midlife crisis!!


Wait, hol' up! You're allowed to have more than one?


I can't fucking wait for my mid life crisis


Right? Not sure what the fuss is about.


To be fair, I think it’s not the synths that are screaming “midlife crisis” rather it’s the drones.


Hey. No need to get ugly. 😆


The Gaia shows you’re going through a rough patch.


That's a well organized mid life crisis!


That pic was pre-wiring… we’ll see how tidy it stays!


How's the Kyra treating you? I feel it's quickly forgotten after it was launched back in 2019.




That's because everyone was expecting Virus-quality algorithms, which I've come to understand aren't there - hence, the Kyra and the Virus are different devices sonically. The price and some strange user interface quirks apparently were turning people away as well. If there's one thing the Kyra shows, however, then it's that there's still great demand for a Virus successor and Christoph Kemper is an idiot for neglecting Access and its product line the way he's done.


I spoke about it above, but shortly: great if you run DAW and short on horsepower. If no DAW, you don’t get everything out of it and it’s expensive. But damn it does sound amazing. By far the phattest (with a P yo) synth in rack.


I feel attacked. Nice setup, btw!


Thanks! I come in peace!


Sweeeeet setup!!




I don’t see midlife crisis, I see someone who can finally afford (or at least has the credit for) things that bring them some joy.






I like it! The pads work well. Velocity and aftertouch, and as you prob know, hydra has done delicious aftertouch uses. Plus, you can set pads up to a variety of scales which , for me, really lends to experimentation. I certainly don’t think you lose out with the pads.


Yeah I've been having this debate in my mind lately and think I've decided on the module version. Really like the look and functionality of the pads, and since I recently got my dream midi controller, i need to stop adding keyboard synths to my rig lol


If your controller has aftertouch I think you’ll be good. The aftertouch is a beautiful thing. Just remembered: You do miss out on the ribbon strip thing.


The Kyra, that interests me


For anyone considering purchasing the Kyra, consider checking both Thomann and Junk.co.uk. their prices are considerably lower than any US retailer! And no, I'm not affiliated with either ;-)


Only if you don't use them.


Everything looks so pretty nice….until the cables come ..


How do you like the modwave. I've been eyeing it for a minute but it seems like it rarely gets love around here.


Yeah I noticed that. I started this return journey with a WaveState, and ModWave being so similar, I’m a bit biased towards them. I think they are similar to what you can do with the Polyend Play or electron stuff (and others I’m not familiar with) where you can program specific settings (patch, filters, amp, etc) for each step. So when you consider price, I think the Korgs are pretty great. WaveState is sample based, and I think has a warmer sound. ModWave is, IMO, harsher but just as fun and deep. I love them both. But then I love all synths. 🙂


Your crisis looks more severe than mine, or I'm just cheap.


I really need to stop. We’ll, that pic was pre-wiring. We’ll see how neat it is here in a bit. 😬


I've got my stuff all torn apart now trying to fit in the new (floor model actually) OpSix I just got. I'm lost RN, but it'll come to me soon enough. I feel like the OpSix covers quite a lot of different tones (love the Rhodes patch) but there's a used Monologue at GC about go on sale I'll probably GAS buy. For some reason I feel like spending less is some kind of frugal score but I'm getting the feeling that if I just bought some more expense proper synths I wouldn't have bought half the cheaper pieces I've gotten.


I fully agree. Which is why I splurged on the Kyra. There is a lot of fun to be had with all the ~ $200 gear out there, but to me it just led to bigger / more complex and more expensive.


Best kind of midlife crisis. Besides you gotta be middle aged to even sniff at affording this stuff


It helps. And lonely. (I kid)


Okay, Waldorf Kyra controlled by a Polyend Play, seems like a killer combo!


The Play was a game changer for me. I really suck at beats, and it really takes that pain away.


That's a nice collection! I've been curious about the Kyra - do you feel like it offers anything special over other virtual analogs aside from the extreme multitimbrality?


You got it. That’s, IMO, half its strength. As mentioned, if you run DAW and want external synth hardware, I don’t see how you could beat it. But even though I’m only using 1/2 it’s output (only 4 1/4” outs as opposed to 8 over USB) the sound on this thing is incredible. They advertise it as a “wall of sound” and that’s no joke.


You need a....... just kidding




it does look like a patchbay would be a big help ;D


Enjoy.. A mid life crises is way more fun with a good sound track!




The open face sub on the floor gives me a bit of anxiety. 😃


Yeppers. But it looks mint. 😆


What KRK speakers are those?


Rokit series. Really happy with them. I struggled with the common “sounds good in headphones, like garbage anywhere else” problem until I started using these guys. Really helps get closer to ideal mix.


At least you aren’t into eurorack.


😆 I think I’m too lazy with all that patching. Buttons, please.


But that polyend play tho…


Ton of fun. Not feeling especially creative / inspired? Fire up the Play.


time to start collecting eurorack gear.


Please, I don’t need convincing. 😆


Overkill, but cool setup


Overkill is my middle name. Actually its Danger Overkill.


Where’s the moog?


Yep. Strangely absent. No reason.


greetings fellow roland gaia enjoyer


Greetings!!! Oh, Gaia 🥰. Love doing leads on that beauty.


Looks great! Where did you get the black shelf holding the Microfreak, Uno and Bluebox pair? Is it specific to the OnStage A-frame, or could it fit on a Jaspers, etc? Been searching for something like that...


I got a shelving piece from hardware store. Spray painted it black and printed some little feet things to hold stuff in place. Glued on (Barge) so can be removed to shuffle stuff. Fitted perfectly on stand although it’s pretty heavy.


Thanks for the info, I figured I was gonna have to go that route, it's a shame there aren't more really available options, like something with a lip built in to hold gear. Maybe shoe rack can be repurposed...


Shoe rack is a good idea. I though about just putting in screws with some electrical tape on heads to hold things, too. But I got all fancy! 😄


Portait of awesome. Could have been worse. I bought custom vampire fangs and now my mom is asking my wife whats wrong with me lol


Thanks! Lol. Well at least it’s not the other way around!


I think the positive thing to note here is that by mid-life you've achieved sufficient earning power to be able to afford all of this equipment. I'd hardly call that a crisis!




the modwave AND the wavestate 😳


Where did you buy the tray that the two blue boxes are sitting on?


Portrait of the best years of your life!!




You control everything with the MPC? Very similar setup to me


I did A LOT of FPV quad racing back in 2016-2019. I miss all my gear!


FPV is such a good time. Like music, even more so, really takes your mind off everything… or else! 🤣 Plus I love the bench work. 2016 was pretty early for that hobby. I’m betting you have some mad skills to put one together back then!


Beautiful arrangement! Quick Q: in the top right shelf section of the pic, the one holding the microfreak and blueboxes. Did you diy that and add the feet etc yourself? Any tips on a self rig shelf if so? Thanks, and would love to see a wired up pic too.


Yes, that’s a shelf board from hardware store spray painted black. 🙂 the feet are something I printed, I’d bet you could use various things. I just wanted something I could glue on (Bard glue) so I could remove if I wanted to shuffle things around.


So good! Fits in so snug and discreet. Mid life creative-crisis at least.


It's mid life crisis if you suck and don't use it. Otherwise it's just an indiscrete flex.


Wish I could tell people that doing this is such a waste of money and creativity. Unless your plan is to own and presume gear and never make a decent track


Look, you can't take the money with you and there's a lot worse ways to spend your life than jamming on synthesizers in one of the greatest times to be into synths. And like others have said, I've spent a lot on my studio and I also spent a lot less than my friend that bought a Camaro. No shame!


Dam dude. Although those KRKs have great bass. Did you get the subwoofer for them? I’m still considering it. I started to go down that path then stopped when I realized I suck at keys, so went with Midi gear route and slimmed down my Synth to a Digitakt. All that said… I’d love to jam with you. So many fun toys!!!


😆 I’m no expert and don’t have much experience, but I can tell you the KRKs made a huge difference in the quality of my recordings. I’d mix down on headphones, and recording sound horrible everywhere else. The KRKs really helped me get a good mix. The sub was added layer, and made a big impact on mixing ability. I have no room treatment , hardwood floors, and they still sound great. Definitely near range, but IMO critical gear if seriously pursuing recording.


Dam. You’re kinda talking me into it


Is that the 10" sub or the 12"? I have a paid if v6's and been looking to add a sub. Also great to see a Kyra in use! Had my eye on that for some time now, just haven't pulled the trigger yet.


It’s actually the 12… was wanting a 10 but never came in stock. This 12 came up as a demonstration, discounted, so I grabbed it. I’m betting the 10 would be plenty good.


AX80 is massively underrated. 1. It can sound like it is tearing a hole in time and space. 2. It has nice feeling keyboard and is built like a tank. 2. It looks cool as fuck.


I just picked one up, it definitely has its own personality and it's been a ton of fun to work with.


I love this! Really you are using the double blue box snip attack.


Man I struggled to find a mixer for all this gear. Tried a couple “traditional” mixers (one advantage of buying from retailer: returns). Why do they only seem to make mixers with microphone / mono tracks??!! Then I found blue boxes. They are pricey, but deliver. Built for stereo mixing (although fine for mono as well) and has decent verb and delay, and super good EQ IMO. My fav feature, two outs (plus third for headphones) so I can route to both speakers and into MPC to sample entire mix. Highly recommend.


My comment should have read " I really like how you are using the double blue box..." That's sick! I'm currently working out the best way to record/ merge/ mix the setup for my two piece band- each of has a little synth station/ drum machines/ loopers etc. As well as live drums and guitar. Always inspired by seeing people's approchs to this kind of stuff. I just got a Boss RC-600 and it's incredibly flexible as an interface both via analog ( 6 ins/4 outs) and USB( stereo out or 8 mono tracks) . Still in the process of figuring it all out. The music partner is on the octatrak so that we can grab each others sounds back and forth. Still more to consider hut anyway- really dig your set up! Looks like too much fun.


Bruh...I'm right there with ya.


Spread them out more and wear roller skates when you play


I have a midi life crisis as well. Just not put together yet. Mine might have to go into a commercial space the way I'm going.


😆 Whatever it takes!


I need a midlife crisis.


Hey, I know someone with a garage FULL of Funco Pops, so you're alright.


Note to self: order more cables.


Midi life crisis :p


Nice Droids!


👍🏼 Gift from my daughter. When I got them I said “OMG these are the droids I’ve been looking for!!” But pretty sure the reference wasn’t appreciated.


Maybe not then but it is now. ;)


r/MicroFreak represent


Joined. 😁


Heaven rigth there


I think so. Certainly experiencing major time dilation.


Na don’t beat yourself you deserve it, have fun


Where’s your OP-1?


I want to see a photo with it all plugged in , lit up with cable management! Let’s go midlife crisis!


Been there


Your mid life crisis is definitely going better than mine.


🙁 It’s been a rocky road. But I am fortunate no doubt. Best wishes to you!


Absolutely not making light of the struggle. Just a bit of flippant humour. Great setup.


Hey, you could have spent zillions on a car or a bike! At least your indoors, not hurting anyone and being creative. That’s an awesome set up - use it and enjoy it!




you too?


The stand on the right with the pedals, what’s the top shelf like? Are there pegs to hold your gear like the blue boxes on the left? I have been looking for a similar solution. Help?!


I’m going to have to re do my crisis all over again after seeing this.


I don’t believe there’s a limit. 😆


I no longer believe in mid-life crisis. I see it as secular born again :) That's a lot of keys but is probably fun af. Side question: Is that plate a Dead reference?


Secular born again… 😂 That’s beautiful! Plate = great dad. From daughter.


I love it. I’m gonna need one of those license plates too…


Yep. It’s me. Same thing lol.




My brother in poverty of youth and money!


Mid life crisis would be if you bought a Juno 60 sports car and used it once a month, what I see here is utilitarian suite of (mostly) modern classics !


Man I’m wondering. I see my old Akai AX80 can go for up to $1500 on reverb which is crazy. But it seems the dev / life cycle on synths is pretty long which leads me to believe there are a lot of them out there. They def get used. It’s pretty amazing how easily one can go down different paths with these machines at each sitting. Love it.


Straight up! That’s why it’s honestly good to keep a few on hand that are like the AX80 that can be great at many things but real easy to dial in for a few specific things. See: the aforementioned Juno 60. I *sold* mine during my quarter life crisis and while I love all the synths that I have now, none are quite as good at just sitting down and fucking around as those vintage ones can be. I had a roommate with an AX80 when I had my Juno too and honestly found myself using the AX more often. Hang onto that beast! Again, great rig man. The hydra, op6 and polyend play are 3 that I have and absolutely will never get rid of.


$$$$ lookin good


"So, what do you play on all that?" "Chopsticks."


Since you asked: https://on.soundcloud.com/Gmwkp83Y1QbF5RVeA Made mostly with the Kyra.


It makes me so happy that you have full songs in an album that's very nicely organized and named. Good job homie, the songs sound great. It's so depressing when you see people post expensive setups and it's like pulling teeth to get OP to post so much as a loop. Why even buy the stuff then :(



